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2ND SEMESTER, AY 2019-2020

ESSAY. Answer the following questions as directed. (10 points each)

1. Compare and contrast the definition of religiosity and spirituality. Give your own
situational example to explain each concept.

• For me, Religiosity is being obedient on what has been said by the Church, it is
being able to perform services in the church and living the teachings or orders of
the church. It is believing the beliefs and doing the practices of the religion a
person belongs to, that means, religiosity is a responsibility of an individual to the
organization that was created by another person. For example, Jean’s family is
very religious, her parents serve in church. So, Jean then becomes a religious
person because, her parents said so. She now serves and obeys what she hears and
learn from their church. Meanwhile, Spirituality is found in ourselves. It is us,
finding and searching our purpose in life, discovering our worth and value, in
other words, it emphasizes the individuality of a person. It is our choice to
develop such spiritual values we have in ourselves, empower our minds to think
the right approach to a certain situation. Spirituality is not based on the institution
(religion) we belong to, it is a decision for the betterment of ourselves and others.
For example, Rocky found himself dissatisfied with his life and becomes so
stressed with the little things happening around him. One day, he decided to take a
meditation to relieve his stress. Not so long, he has found the teachings and
learned on it about life for that, the meditation center gave him new perception
about life and one day he found himself being satisfied, contented, and focused on
what he has. Though both religiosity and spirituality are different things, one of
their similarities is that both believe in the existence of the higher being and the
center of our life.

2. In which religion do you belong? Tell something about the history, beliefs, customs and
practices of your religion.

• I am a Roman Catholic which is a part of Christianity. It was established in the

apostolic times in Rome at ancient times. Billions of people all over the world
belong in this religion. We believe in the Holy trinity, which means that 3
Personas in one is God, they are: God the Father or the creator, God the Son
which is Jesus Christ the Savior, and God the Holy Spirit or the Sustainer.
Catholic, has the sources or the reference of faith, called the Holy Bible, which is
divided into two, the Old Testament and New Testament, one of the differences of
the two is that in Old Testament, Jesus Christ is hidden while in New Testament,
Christ has revealed. In Catholicism, the 7 Holy Sacraments are part of our
customs and practices, it is performed in different age levels of a person, the first
sacrament is Baptism, it is usually done in infancy. The Second one is the
Confirmation, it is for kids. Then, the sacrament of Holy Eucharist, followed by
Reconciliation or the penance, Anointing of the Sick, the Sacrament of Holy
orders and lastly, Matrimony or the Sacrament of Marriage, it is done when a man
and a woman decided to tie each other as one. In the Philippines, same-sex
marriage is forbidden. Other customs and practices a Catholic Church have are
the two main celebrations: The Christmas, which is celebrated during December
25, as a tribute to the birth of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection Sunday or the rise of
Jesus Christ from death is also celebrated, it is between March or April.

3. Many political leaders in the world have publically spoken about their faith. Should
world leaders mix their political stance with religion? Defend your answer.

• Yes, political stance should be mixed with religion because, words of God will be
the guide of a leader in leading his people well. Religion will be the guidance of
the politics in order to do what is right to their country. It is to avoid wrong and
unfair doings in the society. Political movement should be based on the wants of
the higher being. God is the most perfect being that exists, he knows all. God
should be the center of every individual and so every country. We all need God
for guidance and he will definitely lead us to the right direction through our faith.
A religious leader is reasonable, considerate and surely have a heart for the poor
and needy people, for he follows all the words of God. In conclusion, A
government without God is nothing.

4. Enumerate the different Filipino values and traits and give your own realistic example for

• Hospitality. Filipinos are known for being hospitable all over the world, we
warmly welcome foreign people in our country by all means. For example, when
we encounter a foreigner in our place, we welcome them like a family member,
and also, we give way and speak in English for them to understand us and vice
• Respectful to Elders. Filipinos have words of respect to elders such as; “Po” and
“Opo” in a conversation. We also greet elderly people especially our relatives
through “Pagmamano” and sometimes we kiss their hands and say “Mano Po”.
• Family-oriented. Filipinos are so close with their families and prone to home
sickness when they are living far from their families. For example, even though
the children are old enough to stand or live in their own, and they already have
families, most of the Filipinos is still living with their parents in one house. We
are also a fan of family reunions which is commonly celebrated during summer
vacation, and Christmas/ Holiday seasons.
• Cheerful. Filipinos are always smiling despite of the negative happenings around
them for it is the only way for them to fight the struggles and challenges they are
facing and win over it. For example, with the COVID-19 Pandemic we are facing
this year, I am seeing Filipinos who are still maintaining the smile on their faces
despite of what’s happening in our country today.
• Willing to sacrifice himself. Filipinos are also selfless, they don’t think of
themselves, they always think of their loved ones for that, they are always willing
to sacrifice and put themselves in danger for them to sustain the needs of their
family or for the betterment of their families. For example, Filipinos are willing to
go other countries to work for their families, that’s why OFWs are said to be the
modern heroes of the Philippines.
• “Bayanihan”. It is the spirit of unity among Filipino people. Filipinos since then
are very cooperative to each other and one of the witnesses is the “bayanihan”
they have within themselves as a Filipino. For example, during calamities and
crisis Philippines is facing, Filipinos show the bayanihan by helping each other to
survive the situation.
• The “Bahala Na” Attitude. Filipinos have the “bahala na” trait also, it basically
means that they are giving the situation to God’s hands. For example, Harley will
be having a final exam right now but she didn’t review for the said exam, so she
just hand to God everything that will happen so she says, “bahala na”.
• Colonial Mentality. Filipinos are so “sunod sa uso”, that means that whenever
there is a new product, most of them buy it when sometimes it is not a necessity,
that usually happens to foreign or imported products and also, we tend to look like
a foreigner. For example, K-Pop is being known all over the world and many-
teens and millennials are idolizing them of course as a fan, they want to have all
and buy all what their idols have.
• The “Manana” Habit. From the Filipino term “Mamaya na”, it means
procrastination. For example, Filipinos are used to saying “I will do it later” even
if they have so much time to do it right know, it is a result of laziness, which is
actually a negative trait.
• “Ningas Kugon”. A Filipino trait which is having the eagerness to do something
but will definitely lose it easily. For example, doing what really not interest you.
• Pride. Most of the Filipinos have a high pride, it is when two people are mad with
each other and it is so hard for them to say sorry or apologize that results to
unfixed businesses between the two parties.
• Crab Mentality. It is a Filipino trait that is purely toxic, it is an attitude which is
when someone achieves something, you do something that is really bad just
because you can’t accept it. For example, your friend became the top student of
your class, then you spread false rumor about her because you are insecure to her
and you think she doesn’t deserve what she got.
• Filipino Time. It is a Filipino term for late-coming. This trait is commonly present
among Filipinos, it7 is arriving late to the scheduled commitment or meetings. It
is being not punctual. For example, you will be meeting your friend on a
restaurant at 2pm and since you are a Filipino and it’s a friend you’ll be meeting,
you’ll arrive at 3pm.

5. Make an acrostic which will describe you in relationship to your being a Filipino.

F - finds peace
I - in crisis, we still show
L - love for each other
I - imagining all is fine for the
P - people we care for and
I - in crisis and calamities
N - nationalism of every Filipino is
O - on

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