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A Reflection to Filipino Values…..

What makes me a Filipino? the question was quite easy to answer. If we talk about what
makes me a Filipino, there are a lot of factors to consider. I may discuss my citizenship, where I
was born, the language I spoke, my thoughts, the society I belong to, how I behave, and the
beliefs I once held. But, as I was exploring for our lesson, I was thinking about and attempting to
answer the question, "What makes me a Filipino? "Then I was able to know and understand who
I am and what constitutes me as a Filipino. And as Filipinos, we have our own unique values,
values that serve as a mirror of our culture, our identity, our principles, and our personality. 

We, as Filipinos, have the best good and bad traits in the world. Why does it include the
bad? Simply because we Filipinos are not flawless, we aren’t a perfect living creature, it is also
impossible to have a perfect one in this world. We Filipinos consist of both positive and negative
traits, like the Yin and Yang of Chinese people, a little of white and a of little black on each side.
Although Filipino values are considered blended as they are sometimes inherited or influenced
by other cultures, they are still unique and should be highly appreciated. Especially, in terms of
how we give importance to our family we everything to achieve its unity and for it be in well
safety and security. We value and prioritize our family above anything else. Our parents work all
day and do everything they can to feed and provide for their family. Just like my mother, who is
regarded as one of the new heroes due to her status as an OFW. A mother who makes the
sacrifice of being away from her family and in a place where she does not belong. Another virtue
we share as Filipinos is the utang na loob, or obligation of gratitude. It's really unpleasant and
unsettling when we run across someone who previously helped us and realize that we didn't do
anything in return. We feel as if we owe something to that particular individual. It should be
noted that it is not obligatory, but in order to have peace inside ourselves, it makes us believe that
we must return the favor to the person, especially if they provided a significant benefit to us. It's
great that we recognize when we need to be appreciative, but it's not so great when it influences
how we make decisions or act in front of others.
Respect is also one thing we always uphold. In my opinion, as of now, respect goes far
beyond its definition. Respect can be an act of descending love by being polite and kind with
actions and words, and it can also be a matter of having peace. Just as if you demonstrate
respect toward others, then others will respect you and listen to your opinions. No matter what
it is, respect is esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. These are things in
life I believe we need to hold on to. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for
property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their
religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in our life.

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