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Assignment on Unit I and II

Q(1) What is AI?

Q(2) What was the history behind the development of Artificial Intelligence?

Q(3) What are the characteristics of an AI problems?

Q(4) Describe Tic- Tac-Toe problem in detail. Compare various strategies to solve this problem.

Q(5) What is a production System? Describe Water-Jug Problem in detail.

Q(6) Discuss the role of AI in various fields.

Q(7) Differentiate between Uninformed Search (Blind search) and Informed Search (Heuristic
Search) strategies.

Q(8) Define Best-first-search in detail with suitable example.

Q(9) Define Depth First Search in detail with suitable example.

Q(10) What is heuristic function?

Q(11) Discuss 8-puzzle problem in detail.

Q(!2) Describe Best First Search in detail with suitable example.

Q(13) Describe various hill climbing search strategies.

Q(14) Define the following terms in hill climbing :

(i) Local Maxima

(ii) Global Maxima

(iii) Plateau

(iv) Ridge

how are these problems resolved in AI?

Q(15) Explain the importance of Search Strategies in AI.

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