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Branch: Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 4th sem

Subject: Artificial Intelligence


1) How would you describe Artificial Intelligence? Illustrate the significance and
importance of AI in brief.
2) Describe the following in details:
i) Model-based agent ii) Learning agent.
3) Explain real time applications of Artificial Intelligence with examples.
4) Classify different types of environments in Artificial Intelligence in detail.
5) Discuss the Nature of AI problems with examples.
6) Define AI organized into four categories, Explain one of them in brief
7) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of AI.
8) Explain the Turing test. Also tell the negative and positive features of this test.
9) "Describe the following in details:
i) Simple reflex agents ii) Goal-based agents."
10) Draw and Explain in detail Utility-based agents in AI.
11) State and explain the history of Artificial Intelligence.
12) What is Artificial Intelligence? Explain in brief?
13) Explain the following term: a) Agent b) Computer Agent c) Rational Agent d) Human
14) Explain in brief about the foundation of Artificial Intelligence.
15) State and explain the-state-of-Art of Artificial Intelligence.
16) What are PEAS? Define PEAS for an Automated Taxi, Medical diagnosis system and
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17) What are different agent types and explain the learning agent in detail.
Unit -2
1) State and Explain different steps of problem-solving algorithms in AI.
2) What is a production system? Explain in detail.
3) Illustrate the water-jug problem and its solution in view of implementation of AI
4) Discuss the Nature of AI problems with examples.
5) Explain in brief about problem solving activities in AI.
6) What are the salient features of the production system?
7) Write a short note on various examples of AI problems.
8) What is the feature of a good representation problem in AI?
9) What are the different characteristics of the production system in AI?
10) State and explain four parts of representation of the AI problem.
11) Describe the Tic-Tac-Toe problem and data structure used in implementation.
12) Illustrate the 8-Puzzle problem and its solution in view of implementation of AI
13) Describe the Traveling Salesperson Problem in AI.
14) State and explain Tower of Hanoi and Monkey Banana problem in detail with state
15) What is a Decomposable problem? Explain with examples.
16) Define State finding problems with examples in detail.
17) Explain various types of AI Problems. Determine whether goal driven or data driven
search would be preferable for solving each of the following problems. Justify your answer:
a. diagnosing mechanical problems in an automobile.
b. A theorem prover for geometrical applications.


1) Differentiate between problem formulation and goal Formulation. Give Example

2) Explain five Components by which a problem can be defined.
3) Explain the Following Terms a) Initial State b)Goal State c)Path cost d)Solution
4) Describe a Toy Problem with a diagram in detail.
5) State how to evaluate an algorithm's performance by four ways?
6) Describe and explain Breadth-first search with an example
7) Describe and explain Depth-first search with an example
8) Differentiate between Depth first search and Iterative deepening depth first search.
9) Discuss Bidirectional Search in brief. Give a schematic view of Bidirectional search.
10).State and explain comparison of uninformed search strategies in detail
11).Explain Backtracking Search. Why backtracking search is called as variant of depth first
12).Describe the concept of problem solving agents by searching..
13).Explain why problem formulation must follow goal formulation?
14).Define the following terms: State, State Space, Search Tree, Search
node, Goal, Action, Transition model, and Branching factor.
15).Define the following terms:Completeness,Time complexity,Space complexity.
16.)State and explain any example of Graph Search Algorithm.
17).Discuss Depth Limited Search. Give an example.


1).Explain the difference between the blind search and heuristic search techniques.
2).Explain when does blind search becomes better than heuristic search.
3).Describe the situation termed as combinatorial explosion in search techniques.
4).State and explain designing of heuristic functions with examples.
5).Describe types of Heuristic search techniques in brief.
6).What is meant by Hill climbing search technique?What are the various problems encountered in it?
7).Explain Generate and test approach to find solution of problem.Give algorithm.
8).Compare between optimal search and A* algorithm.
9).State and Explain the concept of Problem reduction in search technique.
10).Discuss the properties of Heuristic Search Algorithms
11).What is meant by overestimation and underestimation of Heuristic function
12).State and explain limitations of hill-climbing search
13).Explain the following terms a)Unary constraint b)Binary constraint
14)..State and explain Mean end analysis.Give example
15).State and explain various types of constraints.
16)..Explain the following terms a)Branch and Bound Search b)Memory Bounded Heuristic Search
17).Explain how AND-OR graphs are useful in problem reduction in searching?
Unit 5

1. Discuss in detail the concept of game theory. Illustrate relevant examples for the
2. What is Game Theory? How is Game Theory connected to Artificial Intelligence?
3. Discuss and describe the algorithms for optimal decision making in game theory.
4. Explain Minimax search algorithm in detail. Also quote an example.
5. What is Alpha Beta Pruning? Use a suitable example to illustrate the concept.
6. Differentiate left-to-right and right-to-left Alpha Beta Pruning.
7. What are Stochastic Games? Explain in detail with examples.
8. What is a minimax search algorithm? List down the advantages and limitations of minimax
search algorithm.
9. Explain in detail the concept of left-to-right and right-to-left Alpha Beta Pruning.
10. Describe the key features of Partially Observable Games. Quote relevant examples.
11. Compare and contrast Partially Observable Games with stochastic games.
12. List down the advantages and limitations of game search algorithms.
13. How is a leaf node determined in Monte Carlo Tree Search during the "selection" phase?
14. How important is the speed of the pseudo random number generator (PRNG) in the
Monte-Carlo Tree Search method in the context of AI?
15. Summarize the limitations of the game search algorithms.
16. Define Monte Carlo Tree Search in detail. Discuss with suitable example.

Unit 6

1. Recite the importance of knowledge in making human beings intelligent. Explain

the importance of knowledge in day to day life.
2. Categorize various types of knowledge. Describe them giving examples of each.
3. What is meant by knowledge acquisition? Discuss various sources from where
knowledge can be gathered.
4. Explain the process of knowledge organization and management with the help of
suitable diagrams.
5. What is Knowledge engineering? Explain in details.
6. List out important knowledge products that are currently being marketed like
other commodities.
7. What are some new knowledge products likely to come in future.
8. Compare declarative knowledge with relational knowledge.
9. Illustrate the Knowledge engineering methodologies in details
a. CommonKADS
10. Differentiate between tacit knowledge and uncertain knowledge.
11. Extract the issues related to knowledge acquisition.
12. Paraphrase the requirements for knowledge acquisition techniques.
13. Discuss the uses of knowledge acquisition techniques.
14. Describe MOKA, a knowledge engineering methodology.
15. Summarize the following topics related to basic concept of knowledge
a. Knowledge engineering Techniques
b. Knowledge engineering Principles
c. Views of Knowledge engineering
d. Knowledge engineering Methodologies
16. Illustrate each with example
a. Inheritable Knowledge
b. Relational Knowledge
c. Heuristic Knowledge
d. Explicit Knowledge

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