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The following questions may be asked for 5,7,8 or 2 MARKS depending on the

section it is asked.

1. Discuss the Application of AI.
2. Explain Best first Search and write the algorithm for the same.
3. Write and explain A* Algorithm. Give example
4. Write and explain AO* Algorithm. Give example
5. Explain Means Ends Analysis with algorithm and example.
6. Write MINMAX algorithm and example.
7. Discuss Alpha –beta pruning with example.
8. Explain Heuristic search techniques.

UNIT-II (Knowledge Representation)

1. Explain the different types of knowledge.

2. Explain the different approaches in knowledge Representation.
3. Write a shot note on Fuzzy logic.
4. Write a short note on Frames.
5. Explain concept of Semantic Nets with an example.
6. Write and Explain the concept of script with an example.
7. Discuss structured knowledge representation.
8. Write the script of hospital and explain.
9. Give a brief account of conceptual dependency.
10. Discuss various approaches and issues in knowledge representation.
11. Explain the role of quantifiers in predicative calculus.
12. Write a script of shopping mall.
13. Discuss Truth Maintenance system or (write a short note on Truth Maintenance system)
14. Discuss IS-A hierarchy and frame notation.
1. Explain the actions of block world problem.

2. List out STRIPS style operators.

3. Write the steps of goal stack algorithm and give example.

4. Explain Hierarchical planning.

5. Write a short note on a least –Commitment strategy.

6. Discuss the Robot architectures in detail.

7. Write Non-Linear Planning Algorithm.(Explain Sussman Anomaly)

8. Write a short note Concept Learning.

9. What is Perception? Discuss how vision, texture and images are perceived in representing and

recognizing scenes.


1. Explain different types of learning.

2. Explain in detail GENERAL Learning MODEL. or Explain general learning model with a neat

3. Explain different categories of learning.

4. What is neural network. Explain Neural Network Architectures.

5. Write and Explain Match algorithm.

6. Explain perceptron in detail.

7. What is neural network? Explain the role of neural network.

8. Explain in detail supervised and unsupervised learning.

9. What is neural network. Write any two applications.

UNIT-V (Natural Language Processing)

1. Explain different levels of Knowledge used in Language Understanding.

2. Explain different types of grammar.

3. Explain Transition Network.

4. Write a short note on ATN (Augmented Transition Network)

and RTN (Recursive Transition Network)

5. Write the general characteristics of an expert system.

6. Explain in detail the architecture of an expert system.

7. Explain steps in Natural Language processing or process of Natural Language processing.

8. Explain MYCIN expert system or write a short notes on MYCIN and DENDRAL.

9. Explain different parsing techniques used in Natural Language Processing.

10.Explain different levels of knowledge used in Language understanding.

11. Differentiate forward and backward chaining.

12.Write the rules and draw and parse tree for “Bangalore is a green city”.

13.Explain basic parsing techniques. or differentiate between top down and bottom up parsing.

14.Draw a transition network for a sentence consisting of a determiner, a noun and a verb.

15.Define syntactic analysis.

16.Define Artificial neural network.

Note: IN UNIT-II Any Predicate Logic representation can be asked

UNIT Wise Marks Distribution(According to Model Question paper)

Model paper UNIT-1 UNIT-2 UNIT-3 UNIT-4 UNIT-5

1 36/35 28/36 27/32 29/30 11/15

35/36-→Marks covered is 35 or 36.

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