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BSAC 2 CFE 103 1928

Some Christian missionaries are called to preach and plant churches. They travel the
world creating disciples and building churches in areas where Christian education is lacking.
Others are sent to use their skills to teach children in underdeveloped countries, or some are
even called to teach in needier areas of their own countries. Some Christian missionaries show
God by doing things that aren't seen as overly religious but do more to show God's love in
tangible ways these are just some of the missions they do. As we saw the film Silence, their
mission is not just to do such thing, thus they intend to learn the culture, understand one’s role,
and adjust to the environment while they focus on their assignment and most especially as they
also live close to the Lord. Mission for them is very important because during 16th century,
Christian missionaries believed that all followers of Jesus are called to be actively involved in
spreading the gospel to all people in the world, therefor in the film the church take its place as a
mission church, sending missionaries to all the corner of our nation and other parts of the world
and We must not be content with living for ourselves. The mission work is tasking and full of
danger but it might end well and it will be a satisfaction on the part of the missionaries.

“To be human is to be missionary”, in the film, we see many acts of courage and fear
which Fr. Rodrigues perceives as ‘God’s Silence’ amidst Christian suffering, despite warnings of
dangers and isolation that await them, Rodrigues is motivated by his sincere faith and desire to
minister to their sufferings. Silence is primarily a film about the struggles inherent to Christianity.
As an apostate, Rodrigues does not achieve the glorious martyrdom he sought. Throughout
human history, believers have given their lives for their beliefs, whether Christians or Muslims or
Jews or whatever their affiliation. They are dying still in today’s world. As human, as Christians,
we are called both to stand up for our faith and to do whatever possible to ease suffering.

Born in a place and at a time blessed with the freedom of religion I am indeed glad, but
as I have watched the film, there’s a lot of what if’s and why’s, but what I have understand is
that being a missionary at that time is a test of Faith and patience, and for me it is the worst
torture that might happen to a person. Let’s say that a missionary is prayerful but when a test or
suffering will come, will his Faith still exist? In this case, I realized that being a missionary is like
a quest, entering into a cruel, unfamiliar world you might be lose or win, live or die means, we
don’t know what circumstances will come unto us.

Silent as God always seems to be, I believe that he is with us if we keep a close
relationship with him through prayer. Now as I reflect I decided on a more prayerful life. And with
that I will always remember the ones who have sacrificed their lives for their faith as well as
those who have renounced their faith by force.

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