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Shoot Six Plan

Based on my previous research, for this shoot I want to look at the moments after
hanging out washing, and to do research into whether the photographs of a washing
basket are recognisable and whether women are more likely to recognise what it is
of due to them potentially working more in the domestic. I am going to photograph
outside in my garden, looking at photographing the washing basket itself as an
abstract subject, using shadows and leading lines to help reinforce this. I am hoping
for good weather, so the details within the washing basked are clearer. And if it was
raining, it would make no sense for washing to be outside. Instead of using a digital
camera I will be using my phone to take it, meaning I can get closer to the washing
basket, and hopefully getting photographs that seem to reflect a typical routine, as I
think a digital camera often makes the photographs look very professional, and the
moments after a routine is a subject that isn’t professional or high quality, it has more
of a natural portrayal. I will be looking at techniques such as leading lines, as the
subject of the photograph is quite abstract, and also continuing with trying to improve
my use of depth of field. Keith Arnatt has partly influenced me, although I am not
influenced by his images, I am influenced by the meaning his work creates, and the
thoughts and ideas it has led me to look at and think about.

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