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GAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications

Volume 8, Number 3, 2019 Review

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2018.0070

Nutrition Education and Dietary Behavior Change Games:

A Scoping Review

Tom Baranowski, PhD,1 Courtney Ryan, MS, RD,1 Andrés Hoyos-Cespedes,2

and Amy Shirong Lu, PhD3,4


Games provide an attractive venue for engaging participants and increasing nutrition-related knowledge
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and dietary behavior change, but no review has appeared devoted to this literature. A scoping review
of nutrition education and dietary behavior change videogames or interactive games was conducted. A
systematic search was made of PubMed, Agricola, and Google Scholar. Information was abstracted from 22
publications. To be included, the publication had to include a videogame or interactive experience involving
games (a videogame alone, minigames inserted into a larger multimedia experience, or game as part of a
human-delivered intervention); game’s design objective was to influence dietary behavior, a psychosocial
determinant of a dietary behavior, or nutrition knowledge (hereinafter referred to as diet-related); must have
been reported in English and must have appeared in a professional publication, including some report
of outcomes or results (thereby passing some peer review). This review was restricted to the diet-related
information in the selected games. Diversity in targeted dietary knowledge and intake behaviors, targeted
populations/audiences, game mechanics, behavioral theories, research designs, and findings was revealed.
The diversity and quality of the research in general was poor, precluding a meta-analysis or systematic
review. All but one of the studies reported some positive outcome from playing the game(s). One reported
that a web-based education program resulted in more change than the game-based intervention. Studies of
games may have been missed; a number of dietary/nutrition games are known for which no evaluation is known;
and the data presented on the games and research were limited and inconsistent. Conclusions and Implications: A
firmer research base is needed to establish the efficacy and effectiveness of nutrition education and dietary
behavior change games.

Keywords: Games, Nutrition education, Dietary behavior change, Scoping

Introduction behavior change programs are needed that appeal to large

numbers and diverse types of people who could benefit from

D ietary intake has been related to heart disease, dia-

betes, several cancers, stroke, and perhaps adiposity.1
Dietary behavior change programs have been shown to
the educational/behavior change procedures. Innovative
approaches to dietary change are needed to engage partic-
ipants in enjoyable experiences to reach the largest number
change diet, but the mediating variables are not clear.2,3 of participants.
Nutrition knowledge change programs (usually called nu- Electronic media are an increasingly popular channel
trition education) by themselves have been shown to be for health promotion, meeting the needs and interests of
inadequate to change behavior,4 but some knowledge is a modern populations.6–8 At least six types of electronic
likely precondition of effective behavior change.5 Dietary media for health promotion have been identified: web-based

Department of Pediatrics, USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.
Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Health Technology Lab, Department of Communication Studies, College of Arts, Media & Design, Bouvé College of Health Sciences,
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Department of Health Sciences, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.


educational/therapeutic programs; tailored motivational mes- Eligibility criteria

saging systems; data collection and feedback systems; active To be included in this review, the publication had to in-
videogames (also called exergames); diverse interactive mul- clude a videogame or interactive experience involving games
timedia; and diverse games.7 This review concerns games or (i.e., the intervention was a videogame alone, minigames
interactive media incorporating games. A recent review of were inserted into a larger multimedia experience, or a game
school nutrition education resources identified 14 of 32 was part of a human-delivered intervention); the game’s de-
curricula as incorporating games of one type or another to sign objective was to influence dietary behavior, a psycho-
enhance learning, but provided no identification or analysis social variable believed to be a determinant of a dietary
of the games.9 This suggests that games are increasingly behavior, or some aspect of nutrition knowledge (hereinafter
recognized as an important learning tool, but the role and referred to as diet-related); must have been reported in En-
effectiveness of the games need to be analyzed. There has glish and must have appeared in a professional publication,
been recent interest in the use of ‘‘gamification,’’ which in- including some report of outcomes or results (thereby pass-
corporates aspects of games into the design of media inter- ing some peer review). No additional exclusionary criteria
ventions.10 Gamification most often has employed rewards,10 were employed. This review was restricted to the diet-related
thereby not including some of the most interesting aspects of information in the selected games.
games, for example, repeated losing under the rules of the
game to learn a new principle without real-world conse-
Information sources
quences, and are most appropriately reviewed when con-
sidering those behavior change procedures,11,12 not when Following the guidelines for a scoping review,30 this re-
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reviewing the effects of games. view included two search cycles. Both searches of the lit-
No consistent, commonly accepted concept exists for what erature were conducted using PubMed, Agricola (the
constitutes a game. Games generally have rules that govern agricultural database, since the U.S. Department of Agri-
actions within the game with the possibility of winning and, culture appeared to fund much of the early work on nutrition
importantly, losing based on the rules; feedback on play games), and Google Scholar, using the search terms (Nutri-
within the game (often points assigned); and a story or nar- tion AND Games) and (Diet AND Games).
rative (or an associated back story), among many other
possible game elements.13 Games can provide attractive Search
learning and behavior change media since they can be de-
signed to provide fun, enjoyment, or engagement (thereby One author conducted the initial systematic search of the
providing intrinsic motivation to play)14; a multisensory databases through December 31, 2016, while the first author
experience to facilitate different learning styles15; safe op- culled the articles for whether a game was involved in the
portunities for drill and practice with feedback; training for identified articles. A second cycle was performed during
higher-order skills, such as critical thinking, problem solv- September 2017, including only the articles produced from
ing, team work, strategic thinking, and planning16; role January 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017.
playing for constructivist learning17; experimentation with
new identities; development of social skills18; modeling of Study selection
behaviors19; training in self-regulation19; and/or immersion Since the method of game delivery varied by time, there
of players in a storyline into which behavior change proce- was an initial interest in the historical development of games
dures can be built.20 for nutrition education. An intensive effort was made to
While several systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses identify any article that concerned a game involving nutrition
have appeared on games for health,6,21–24 and even in- or diet. This preliminary, broad, exploratory search revealed
cluded a few nutrition education games as a subcomponent, articles on a substantial variety of games involving nutrition
no review has appeared devoted to the consideration of education, including card, board, video, and other delivery
games for nutrition education or dietary behavior change channels. One hundred eighty-five abstracts of articles were
alone. Some reviews have indicated that research on few analyzed; duplicates were removed. Since many of these
nutrition games have appeared25; one found only four articles were not research-based (i.e., no evaluation of ef-
games26; a review of digital interventions included only one fects), the investigators narrowed the focus to include articles
nutrition education game,27 and another included only meeting the eligibility criteria uncovered through the initial
six.28 This scoping review of the diet-related video or in- ad hoc search. Two coders reviewed the abstracts of these
teractive games literature attempts to describe the current articles; duplicate entries were removed; and selected articles
state of the art in a substantial number of studies involving were retrieved and abstracted. In the search process, a
nutrition education games and identify limitations in the number of intervention articles were identified that used one
research, which need to be remedied to advance this im- or more multimedia formats, but did not include games,31–39
portant intervention medium. and thereby were not included in this review.

Methods Data collection process

A protocol for this analysis was not preregistered due to To ensure inter-rater reliability and to authenticate data ex-
the long idea-incubation period and a lack of clarity about traction and interpretation quality, two independent reviewers
what we might find in our literature search. The structure and systematically analyzed the abstracts. Final selection was based
sequence of this review follows the PRISMA guidelines, as on a 92% agreement between reviewers. Data abstraction was
possible.29 started after both reviewers received coding training and

performed a coding of 10% of the articles as a pilot for testing Risk of bias within studies
reliability. Differences were resolved by multiple, internal, in- The quality or research bias of individual trials was poor,
depth discussions. Following training, each coder reviewed and and is summarized in Table 3. Eleven of the 22 articles (50%)
extracted data from the 22 articles separately. The first author were randomized clinical trials (RCTs), and 3 (14%) were
provided the final determination for all variables. group cluster RCTs. Four (18%) were single-group pre-post
designs; two (9%) were not randomized control designs, one
Data items
was a cross-over trial, and one was an A-B–A-B reversal de-
Each row in Tables 1–3 concerns a different study. The sign. The method of randomization, concealment of randomi-
studies were summarized in regard to first author, year, zation at baseline, and trial preregistration was reported by none
country, game name, the key goals and hypotheses, whether of these trials (Table 3). Five (23%) reported statistical power
a story/narrative was included, game elements or mechanics, calculations before the conduct of the trial. While blinding of
behavior change procedures and theories employed, setting, participants is not possible in behavior change trials, blinding of
target group, method of delivery, research design, sample assessors is possible and was reported in only one trial.
size, outcome measures (specifically subjectively reported Completeness of follow-up (withdrawals, dropouts) was
and objective measures), and diet-related outcomes. Story, reported in 12 trials (55%). Selection bias (sample repre-
often considered a key game element,6 was coded as present sentativeness and participation rates) were reported by five
when there were characters other than the player, a logically trials (23%). Validity and/or reliability of the measures was
sequenced set of events (storyline or arc), with the story reported by 14 trials (64%). Accounting for possible con-
ending and the outcome depending on game play. Game founders of outcomes was reported by nine trials (41%).
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elements or mechanisms were abstracted as possible from the Whether the investigators reported analyses of all the pre-
reports provided. specified outcomes could not be assessed since none of the
research protocols were preregistered.
Risk of bias in individual studies
Quality of study or research bias items from the Cochrane Results of studies
Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool (CCRBT) and the Effective Only one of the games reported no changes from playing
Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool the game on behavior or its determinants,41 but only 27.6%
(EPHPP)40 were applied to all studies. Table 3 reports on the of the students in that study played the game. All the other
risk of bias/quality of research characteristics of each study, studies reported some positive outcomes from game play, but
including whether the method of randomization was reported; few studies identified a primary outcome, and none identified
randomization was concealed at baseline; prior power calcu- what percentages of all possible or expected outcomes the
lations were conducted; assessors were blinded; completeness games impacted. Another study revealed that a web-based
of follow-up reported; selection bias reported; validity or education program was more effective than the game-based
reliability of the measures reported; possible confounding education.42 Most changes were relatively small, but few
variables were accounted for in the analyses; and the trial effect sizes were reported.
protocol was preregistered.
Synthesis of results
Synthesis of results
Thirteen of these games (59%) targeted children at school,
Many of the included studies were pilot, feasibility or
three (14%) targeted children at home, three (14%) in a
proof-of-concept studies with small samples, weak designs,
laboratory, one any place, and only two (5%) targeted adults.
and inconsistent and inadequate assessment, thereby pre-
The sample sizes varied from 1876 to 20. There were 14
cluding a meta-analysis or systematic review. Thus, the
(64%) individual or group randomized clinical trials. The
major value of this scoping review is to report the breadth of
games were developed and tested largely in the United States
target groups, objectives and game mechanics, and identify
(n = 13; 59%), Europe (n = 8; 36%), or Asia (n = 1).
specific research enhancements necessary to document the
A story (or narrative) was specifically included in 15
value of the gaming approach to diet-related change.
games (68%). The other game elements or game mechanics
varied enormously. A number of well-known popular exist-
ing game formats/mechanics should have been well known
Study selection to the target audience (thereby minimizing the need to learn
new game rules), for example, the concentration memory
One hundred eighty-five articles were identified in the
game, and adapted these game elements to achieve education
preliminary search: 61 from Agricola and 124 from PubMed.
purposes or influence behavior.
An additional 50 articles were identified in the second cycle.
Five of these games (23%) could be categorized more as
Twenty-two articles were identified on nutrition education or
primarily targeting some aspect of nutrition knowledge,
dietary change video or interactive games, hereinafter re-
while nine other games (41%) could be categorized more as
ferred to as game.
targeting dietary behavior change, and eight (36%) as pri-
marily targeting some combination of dietary psychosocial
Study characteristics
variables and behavior. A diverse variety of educational and/
The first game article identified was published in 2001, or behavioral change theories with attendant diversity in the
with the number per year steadily increasing to eight in corresponding knowledge or behavior change procedures
2015–2017. were identified as providing the conceptual foundation and
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Table 1. Author, Year, Country, Game Name, Study Goals, Hypotheses, Story/Narrative,
Game Mechanics, Behavior Change Procedures, Theories
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
1 Turnin86 Evaluate primary school  Story: Yes Nutrition knowledge None mentioned
2001, France, children’s acquisition of  Store: Classify foods into change
Alimentary My Dear Joe nutritional knowledge and categories
(4): Store, Guess Who, improvement of eating habits  Guess Who: Children guess
Granny Smith, The from playing four serious name of food after it being
Restaurant games described
H1: Children who play the  Granny Smith: Children select
four games would increase breakfast and snack food items
their nutritional knowledge by correcting Granny’s errors
and eat healthier  The Restaurant: Catch foods
jumping out of fridge and
place them to ‘‘balance’’ a
2 Baranowski67 Test the impact of a nutrition  Story: Player enters training to  FV knowledge change Social cognitive theory
2003, USA, Squire’s education multimedia program be Squire and help King fight  Establish meal FV
Quest! with games on servings of off Slimes and Mogs schemas

fruit, 100% juice, and  Not specified  Progressively more
vegetables among fourth- challenging goal setting
grade students
H1: Children who play
Squire’s Quest! will increase
their intake of fruit, 100%
juice, and vegetables
3 Serrano87 Test a multimedia package  Story: Yes Food Good Pyramid, Theory of intrinsically
2004, USA, Super including two games on  Super Sorter: Categorize knowledge change motivating instruction
Sorter More or Less fourth/fifth-grade students’ foods that appear into food
diet-related knowledge, skills, pyramid categories;
self-efficacy, attitude and progressively faster with each
intention round
H1: Children who play the  More or Less: Evaluate meals
games as a part of the Food and menus to include foods
Pyramid Games package will from all five groups
increase their nutrition related
knowledge and psychosocial

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
4 Silk42 Examine the effectiveness of  Story: No Nutrition knowledge Media uses and
2008, USA, The three modalities for delivery  Fantastic Food Challenge (4 change gratification and flow
Fantastic Food of nutrition education: game, games): theories
Challenge (FFC) web, or pamphlet, on nutrition (1) Categorize falling foods
knowledge and likeability (2) Estimate ‘‘cost
H1: Participants will report effectiveness’’ based on size,
greater liking of the numbers of servings, and cost
interactive game; H2:
Participants will have higher
nutrition literacy scores with
information media (pamphlet,
website) than from game; H3:
Participants receiving
information media (pamphlet,

website) will retain more
nutrition knowledge than from
5 Peng88 Teach about nutrition and weight  Story: Yes  Tailored healthy eating Health belief model,
2009, USA, RightWay management knowledge and  Role playing similar to The information (kcal, wt, theory of reasoned
Café increase people’s self-efficacy Sims personal food pyramid) action, and social
and perceived benefits of  Game player is star in a TV  Positive feedback and cognitive theory
healthy eating, as well as their show ‘‘Star of Healthy rewarding points for
intention to be on a healthy Lifestyle’’ choosing healthy food
diet  Player who manages daily diet  Dialogues set
H1: Participants who played to reach optimal weight wins descriptive norms
RightWay Café would increase  Create personal avatar  Information on
their healthy nutrition,  Weekly simulated weight immediate benefits from
knowledge, self-efficacy, change in avatar based on food a healthy diet
perceived benefits, and selections  Game presented change
intentions goals

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
6 Dias43 Test impact of healthy and  Story: Yes Nutrition knowledge Food exposure theory
2011, Portugal, Healthy nonhealthy advergames on  Child character grabs a change (Birch)
Advergame Less children’s immediate food snack—if healthy, gains 5
Healthy Advergame choices, liking, and nutritional points
knowledge  Bomb and bullets need to
H1: Children’s spontaneous evade
snack selection will reflect the  2 levels: character can fly
food content of the advergame
they play; H2: Children’s food
liking will reflect the food
content of the advergame they
play: (a) The group who
played the healthy version will
like healthy food more than
the other group; (b) the group
who played the nonhealthy
version will like nonhealthy
food more than the other

group; H3: Children who
played the healthy version will
exhibit greater nutritional
knowledge, compared with
children who played a less
healthy version of the same
7 Baranowski66 Evaluate the effect of playing  Story: Yes  Mastery learning of Social cognitive and self-
2011, USA, Escape two serious videogames on  Action-adventure story/ energy balance for determination theories
from Diab, and children’s diet, physical narrative knowledge change and elaboration
Nanoswarm: Invasion activity, screen media use, and  Games not specified  Modeling of behaviors likelihood model
from Inner Space adiposity and coping
H1: Children who play the two action and coping
serious games will increase implementation
their fruit and vegetable and intentions
water intake, and physical  Behavioral inoculation
activity, and decrease their  Tailored value-based
screen time and BMI messaging

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
8 Baños Evaluate the efficacy and  Story: Yes Energy balance knowledge None specified
2013, Spain, ETIOBE acceptability of ETIOBE  The Healthy Plate: Categorize enhancement
Mates Mates on children’s nutritional foods in food pyramid
knowledge compared to a categories
traditional paper–pencil mode  The Memory Game:
of information delivery Concentration type game to
H1: Children playing ETIOBE find pair-wise matches of
Mates will improve their foods and then answer
nutritional knowledge; and questions about food—easy,
ETIOBE Mates will be medium, and difficult levels
acceptable and playable  Super ETIOBE: Player helps
(medium to high scores) detective solve cases of
children having imbalanced
diet and PA
9 Schneider90 Test the acceptability of an  Story: No None stated None stated

2012, USA, Fitter online videogame for  Players responsible for the
Critters improving healthy diet and health of a Critter
activity in elementary school  17 quests
students  Meters for Critter’s health and
H1: Children who play the diet
game will find it highly  Food to feed Critter: Should
acceptable and increase their not exceed fat, sugar, calories
nutrition and activity allotments
knowledge, attitudes, and self-  Cooking: To feed Critter
efficacy  Work: Critter can earn money
at work; healthier Critter earns
more money
 Sick days: When Critter is
sick, cannot earn money
 Decorations: Critter’s earnings
used to decorate house

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
10 Folkvord Examine the effect of  Story: No Exposure to brand names Cue reactivity theory
2013, Netherlands, advergames that promote  Concentration type memory (concentration type
Advergames energy-dense snacks or fruit game attempting to match memory game)
on children’s ad libitum snack pair-wise images of foods
and fruit consumption and  The healthy or unhealthy
examine whether this brands appeared on the
consumption differed backsides of the cards to be
according to brand and turned over
product type (energy-dense  Digital timer and time bar to
snacks and fruit) supply urgency
H1: Playing advergames that  Pleasant sound when child
promote food increases made a matched pair;
general caloric intake; H2: unpleasant sound for
Playing an advergame that nonmatching pairs
promotes food increases
product type–related food
intake; H3: Increased food

intake after playing an
advergame is not specific to a
certain brand but will also
enhance the intake of a brand
promoting products in the
same product category
11 Majumdar91 Evaluate the efficacy of playing  Story: Yes  Autonomy supportive Social cognitive and self-
2013, USA, Creature Creature-101 at promoting  Players created own avatars environment determination theories
101 energy balance-related and worlds  Learned competence
behaviors (EBRBs)  Between-player  Diet-related knowledge
H1: Adolescents who played communication of goals and change
Creature-101 would accomplishments  Goal setting for personal
significantly increase their FV  Story/narrative: Murphy in behavior change
and water intake and PA; and Tween, characters in Tween
decrease intake of processed became addicted to foods and
snacks (e.g., chips, candy), activities brought from Earth
SB, and recreational screen  Player learned healthfulness of
time behaviors when helping
creatures change

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
12 Folkvord92 Examine the moderating role of  Story: No Exposure to brand names Cue reactivity theory
2014, Netherlands, impulsivity on the effect of  Concentration type memory
various advergames advergames that promote game attempting to match
energy-dense snacks on pair-wise images of foods
children’s snack intake  The healthy or unhealthy
H1: Playing advergames brands appeared on the
promoting energy-dense backsides of the cards to be
snacks increases caloric turned over
intake; H2a: Stimulating  Digital timer and time bar to
response inhibition by supply urgency
rewarding refraining from  Pleasant sound when child
eating decreases caloric made a matched pair;
intake; H2b: Children unpleasant sound for
rewarded for refraining from nonmatching pairs
eating have a lower caloric
intake when they play a
nonfood advergame than when
they play a food advergame;
H3: Impulsive children eat
more; H4: Rewarding

refraining will have less
influence on high impulsive
children, especially when
playing a food advergame
13 Johnson-Glenberg93 Assess the feasibility and  Story: Yes Healthy diet knowledge Embodiment theory
2014, USA, Alien efficacy of game on nutrition  Story: Find alien under your change
Health knowledge among an older bed
group of children  Level 1: Student pairs need to
H1: Playing Alien Health will discuss and choose between
be feasible and result in healthy and unhealthy foods
increased nutrition knowledge within 10 seconds
 Kinect sensed child selection
and changed to next choice
 Children engaged in PA
between choices
 Level 2: Focused attention on
nutrient informational bars to
make food selection
 Level 3: Drag foods onto
MyPlate icon to make a
balanced lunch for the Alien

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
14 Jones94 Develop an intervention  Story: Yes Reward of goal attainment Social and operant
2014, USA, The FIT designed to increase FV  Story: Help FITs capture the (set by teachers) learning theories
Game consumption while villainous VATs
minimizing material and labor  New script each day read by
costs to the school teacher
H1: Children who played the  Daily goal to eat 60% or
game would increase their higher of yesterday’s school
consumption or targeted FV fruit or vegetable intake
 Competition for best school in
3 elimination rounds
 Won game currency for
everyday school exceeded
 Students selected school
equipment to purchase with
game currency
15 Rosi95 Evaluate an IT-based  Story: No  Healthy diet knowledge None specified
2015, Italy, Menu intervention on children’s fruit  Menu Composer: Choose fruit change
Composer, and Jump and vegetable intake and vegetables based on  Reward with PA

Mania H1: Children who played correspondence to 5 rules of a
these games as part of a larger healthy diet and drag to a dish
educational program would with colored spaces
eat more fruit and vegetables  Children with higher Menu
scores received more time on
Jump Mania game for which
children were expected to
match sequence patterns with
16 Sharma96 Evaluate the feasibility,  Story: Yes  Healthy diet knowledge Social cognitive theory
2015, USA, Quest to acceptability, and effects of  Action adventure story/ enhancement and theory of reasoned
Lava Mountain the Quest to Lava Mountain narrative: Not  Subjective norms action
computer game on dietary  Make healthy food choices to
behaviors, physical activity progress through game and
behaviors, and psychosocial win
factors among ethnically  Mazes, interactive activities,
diverse children simulations of nutrition
H1: Children who play Quest concepts
to Lava Mountain will  Increasing challenges across
experience better dietary and levels of game
physical activity behaviors

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
17 Thompson45 Test the efficacy of active versus  Story: Yes  FV knowledge change Social cognitive, self-
2015, USA, Squire’s coping implementation  Action adventure story/  Action and/or coping determination,
Quest! II intentions on the dietary narrative: King Brocwell and implementation behavioral inoculation,
intake of healthy children Queen Nutrition are defending intentions and maintenance
H1: One of the forms the Kingdom of Fivealot from  Badges awarded for theories and the
(unspecified) of the Mog goal attainment elaboration likelihood
implementation intentions will  Player wants to become knight  Create personal schema model
result in greater change in to help the King and Queen; for FV at meals
intake of fruit and vegetables has to become a Squire  Behavioral inoculation
at immediate post and 3-  Squire has to face challenges  FV recipe preparation
month post-assessments (eat more FV) to build  Parent engagement
strength through newsletter and
 FV knowledge games: Diverse website
game mechanics (10)
18 Spook41 Evaluate the effects of Balance It  Story: No  Goal setting/action and Intervention mapping, goal
2016, Netherlands, on students’ dietary intake,  Obtain cards by changing diet passive implementation setting, self-monitoring,
Balance It PA, and the psychosocial  Use cards to build a tower intentions feedback

determinants  Want tallest tower, but need to  Barrier identification
H1: Students who played ‘‘balance it’’  Feedback on goal
Balance It would have  Competition with other attainment
healthier dietary intake and players  Peer support from
physical activity player forum
19 Shiyko97 Evaluate game play patterns of  Story: No  Goal setting Self-determination and
2016, USA, SpaPlay SpaPlay and its impact on  Need to develop a spa resort  Self monitoring stages of change
BMI and nutritional  Healthy eating earns points to  Social interaction/ theories
knowledge among women build spa support
H1: Progress in the SpaPlay  Self-created avatar
game will lead to increased  Minigames
nutrition knowledge and  Quests: Setting and attaining a
decreased BMI health behavior goal to attain
in coming week
 Sparks: Single-time health
 Chef game: Create healthy

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Table 1. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Behavior change
ID name of game Key goals and hypotheses Story/narrative/game mechanics procedures Theories named
20 Fraticelli98 Test the improvement of  Story: Yes  Foal feedback Transtheoretical model of
2016, Italy, Gustavo in knowledge about healthy  Story: Gustavo and his cat  Reward change, social cognitive
Gnam’s Planet nutrition and enjoyment in escape to unknown planet,  Punishment theory, self-
adolescents cannot return unless live  Shaping determination theory,
H1: Playing the web game healthy, player needs to help  Instructions and elaboration
Gustavo in Gnam’s Planet in  3 levels likelihood model
comparison with a leisure web
game will improve knowledge
about healthy nutrition and
enjoyment in adolescents
21 Joyner99 Test the efficacy of the FIT  Story: Yes Reward of goal attainment Not clearly specified
2017, USA, FIT Game 3 Game to increase vegetable  Story/narrative: Help FITs (set by teachers)
intake capture the villainous VATs
H1: Presenting the FIT Game  New script each day read by
materials in comic book teacher
format on the school cafeteria  Daily goal to eat 60% or
wall would significantly higher of yesterday’s school
increase vegetable fruit or vegetable intake

consumption  Competition for best school in
3 elimination rounds
 Won game currency for every
day school exceeded goal
 Students selected school
equipment to purchase with
game currency
22 Wang100 Evaluate the effect of playing a  Story: Yes  Mastery learning of Social cognitive, self-
2017, Hong Kong, health videogame designed for  Action-adventure story/ energy balance for determination, and
Escape from Diab Western children on diet and narrative knowledge change elaboration likelihood
PA-related psychosocial  Games not specified  Modeling of behaviors theories
variables and behaviors and coping action and
among Chinese children coping implementation
H1: Playing Escape from Diab intentions
will enhance diet and PA  Behavioral inoculation
psychosocial variables and  Tailored value-based
increased story immersion will messaging
result in larger effects
BMI, body mass index; FV, fruit and vegetables; PA, physical activity.
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Table 2. Author, Year, Country, Game Name, Settings, Target Groups, Design, Sample Size, Measures, Results and Conclusions
Reference; year, country, Setting/target group;
ID name of game design/sample size Subjective (self-reported) Objective Results and conclusions
1 Turnin School/healthy 7–12-year-old Diet record at home, with help from None Children in the games group had
2001, France, children the parents, covering 3 significantly higher knowledge
Alimentary My Dear Joe Part of teacher presented consecutive days including one and better balanced diet; more
(4): Store, Guess Who, intervention weekend (variables: kcal, carbohydrate, less fat, less
Granny Smith, The GRT, 2 groups, post only/ macronutrients, saccharose, protein, less saccharose, more
Restaurant n = 1876 calcium, fiber); nutrition calcium, and more fiber. The
knowledge questionnaire games group had a better snack at
(variables: global nutrition 10 a.m., a less copious lunch and
knowledge and 8 knowledge less nibbling
subscales), eating habits
questionnaire (variables: whether
meals and snacks were
2 Baranowski67 School/4th grade, 8–12 years old Measured fruit and veggie intake None Children participating in Squire’s
2003, USA, Squire’s Games inserted in multimedia using Food Intake Recording Quest! increased their FJV
Quest! story with behavior change Software System (FIRSSt) consumption by 1.0 serving per
procedures day more than the children not

GRT, 2 groups, pre, post/ receiving the program
n = 1578
3 Serrano87 School/Latino 4th–5th graders, Measured nutrition knowledge, None Children playing these games
2004, USA, Super 10–13 years old skills, self-efficacy, attitude, significantly increased nutrition
Sorter More or Less Games part of larger intention knowledge and skills, but not
multimedia program self-efficacy, attitude or intention
RCT, 2 groups, E: pre, post, C:
post only/n = 115
4 Silk42 State extension office, other Measured nutrition literacy, liking None Website participants had
2008, USA, The agencies, home/low-income of, attention to the game, consistently highest knowledge/
Fantastic Food mothers Games alone understanding the message, and literacy, attention, ease of
Challenge (FFC) RCT, 3 groups, post1, post2/ intention to use the game in the understanding, and intention to
n = 155 future use in the future
5 Peng88 Research lab/young adults Measured in regard to eating a None Short-term effects of RightWay
2009, USA, RightWay Game alone RCT, 2 groups, healthy diet: self-efficacy, Café included increased nutrition
Café pre, post1, post2/n = 40 perceived benefits and barriers, knowledge, self-efficacy and
intention; EFNEP knowledge perceived benefits of healthy
questionnaire and game eating; 1-month follow-up
likeability showed maintenance of effect
only for self-efficacy

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Table 2. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Setting/target group;
ID name of game design/sample size Subjective (self-reported) Objective Results and conclusions
6 Dias School/Piaget’s concrete Measured: healthy versus not food None Children who played the Healthy
2011, Portugal, Healthy operational stage, 7–8 years selection task, liking of each food Advergame chose more healthy
Advergame, Less old Game alone presented, knowledge of healthy snacks immediately after game
Healthy Advergame RCT, 2 groups, post only/ foods play while those playing the Less
n = 231 Healthy Advergame chose less
healthy snacks; children who
played the Less Healthy
Advergame liked the less healthy
snacks more that those playing
the Healthy Advergame, but those
playing the Healthy Advergame
did not like the healthier snacks
7 Baranowski66 Home/10–12 years old Measured three 24-hour dietary BMI, waist circumference, Playing Diab and Nano increased
2011, USA, Escape Games within a story-driven recalls at each assessment point triceps skinfold fruit and vegetable consumption
from Diab, and multimedia production for fruit, vegetables, water, and by about 0.67 servings per day,
Nanoswarm: Invasion RCT, 2 groups, pre, mid, total energy; Social Desirability but not water intake nor body
from Inner Space post1, post2/n = 153 of Response scale composition
8 Baños89 Home/3rd–6th grades, 7–11 Nutritional Knowledge Calibrated electronic Playing ETIOBE Mates
2012, Spain, ETIOBE years old Game as part of a Questionnaire, Game stadiometer (height and significantly increased nutrition

Mates larger clinical intervention Acceptability–Playability weight for BMI) knowledge; *50% of
RCT, 2 groups, pre, post/ Questionnaire, Game Playing participants liked the game
n = 228 Habits Questionnaire
9 Schneider90 School/5th grade, 8–12 years old Nutrition and physical activity None Playing Fitter Critters significantly
2012, USA, Fitter Game alone knowledge, healthy eating increased diet self-efficacy and
Critters 1 group, pre, post/n = 97 attitude, diet self-efficacy, and positive attitudes toward healthy
videogame acceptability foods; but no change in diet
10 Folkvord44 Lab/3rd–4th grades, x = 8.9 years Hunger before and at end; Weighed food intake at Playing an advergame containing
2013, Netherlands, Game alone recognition of brand and product snack over 5 minutes, food cues increased general
Advergames RCT, 4 groups, post only/ in game BMI energy intake, regardless of the
n = 270 advertised brand or product type
(energy-dense snacks or fruit);
this activity particularly increased
the intake of energy-dense snack
foods; playing the fruit version of
the advergame did not
significantly increase fruit intake
11 Majumdar91 School/6th–7th grades, 11–13 Measure of frequency and amount None Students who played Creature 101
2013, USA, Creature years old of beverage and snack items reported significant decreases in
101 Game alone frequency and amount of sweet
GRT, 2 groups, pre, post/ beverages and frequency and
n = 341 amount of processed snack intake

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Table 2. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Setting/target group;
ID name of game design/sample size Subjective (self-reported) Objective Results and conclusions
12 Folkvord92 Lab/3rd–4th grades Pre-experimental hunger and Weighed snack calorie Playing an advergame with food
2014, Netherlands, Game alone fullness; attitude toward brands intake, BMI cues increased caloric intake;
various advergames RCT, 4 groups, post only/ and foods shown in game; and rewarding children to refrain
n = 261 impulsivity: door opening task from eating calories worked;
rewarding children to refrain
from eating worked more among
low impulsive children, and those
who played the nonfood cue
13 Johnson-Glenberg93 Research lab/6th–7th grades Nutrition knowledge and food None Knowledge increased more in the
2014, USA, Alien Game alone, but played in choice test control group at immediate post,
Health pairs in front of classroom but reversed at post 2 to favor the
2 groups, pre, post1, post2/ experimental group
n = 20
14 Jones94 School/1st–5th grades None Measure food weights Playing The FIT Game significantly
2014, USA, The FIT Game in context of school consumed at school increased fruit and vegetable
Game lunchroom and competition using weight scales consumption following baseline;
with another school with no significant increase in
1 group, targeted versus nontargeted fruit or vegetable

nontargeted FV/n = 180 consumption
15 Rosi95 School/3rd–5th grades, 8–11 5-a-day food diary to measure fruit None Playing these games increased
2015, Italy, Menu years old and vegetable intake vegetable intake by 27.8%, but
Composer, and Jump Game as part of curriculum not fruit or juices
Mania delivered by teachers
1 group, pre, post/n = 76
16 Sharma96 School/4th–5th grades Two random 24-hour dietary recalls Height and weight for BMI Playing Quest to Lava Mountain
2015, USA, Quest to Game alone for kcal, macronutrients, fruit, significantly decreased sugar
Lava Mountain RCT, 2 groups, pre, post/ vegetables, fiber, sugars, total fat intake pre- to post-intervention,
n = 94 and calcium; and number of days and significantly improved
breakfast Nutrition Attitude Scale
17 Thompson45 Home/4th–5th grades, 9–11 Three unannounced 24-hour dietary None Playing Squire’s Quest! II
2015, USA, Squire’s years old recalls at each data collection significantly increased fruit and
Quest! II Games integrated into story- period using the Nutrient Data vegetable intake only in the
driven multimedia experience System for Research (NDSR- Action Implementation Intentions
RCT, 4 groups, pre, post1, 2009) conducted directly with the group at both post1 and post2
post2/n = 400 child; two weekday and one
weekend day recalls; fruit and
vegetable preference

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Table 2. (Continued)
Reference; year, country, Setting/target group;
ID name of game design/sample size Subjective (self-reported) Objective Results and conclusions
18 Spook41 Any place/secondary, vocational Food frequency questionnaire for None Only 27.6% of students used
2016, Netherlands, students, 16–21 years old fruit, vegetable, snack, and soft Balance It; no significant
Balance It Game alone played drink intakes; and attitude, self- between-group differences were
individually or competitively efficacy and intention to eat detected for behavior or
RCT, 2 groups, pre, post1, healthy foods determinants
post2/n = 231
19 Shiyko97 Home/women dietary change Self-reported height and weight for Telemetry time-stamped Participation varied substantially;
2016, USA, SpaPlay contemplators Game alone BMI; General Nutrition game play actions self-reported BMI was lower and
1 group, pre, post1, post2, Knowledge questionnaire for nutrition knowledge was higher
post3/n = 47 adults; Readiness to Change among those who spent more
Questionnaire for nutrition and time playing SpaPlay
sweetened beverages
20 Fraticelli98 School/17–21 years old Healthy food knowledge None Mean diet knowledge increased
2016, Italy, Gustavo in Game alone questionnaire and game level of significantly after playing
Gnam’s Planet Cross-over, pre, post1, post2/ fun Gustavo in Gnam’s Planet, with
n = 65 no difference in the ‘‘fun’’ of
playing Gustavo versus a

commercial game
21 Joyner99 School/K–5th grades None Plate waste method using During phase B1, vegetable
2017, USA, FIT Game 3 Game in context of a school weight scales measured: consumption increased by an
classroom and competing with vegetables served, average of 15.1 g per child per
another school waste, and unserved, day (69%); during phase B2,
A-B–A-B reversal/n = 572 leaving intake vegetable intake increased by
37 g per child per day (18%);
fruit consumption, not targeted
for improvement, did not
significantly increase;
maintenance of effect beyond the
game is problematic
22 Wang100 School/8–12 years old Game immersion; in regard to fruit, None At post1, playing Escape from Diab
2017, Hong Kong, Game alone vegetable and water intake: significantly increased intrinsic
Escape from Diab 2 groups, pre, post1, post2/ intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, motivation for fruit and for water;
n = 179 and preferences; and social change in immersion was not
desirability of response significantly related to changes of
other diet measures; a game
designed for children in western
audiences can be used with
English-speaking students
GRT, general randomized trial; RCT, randomized clinical trial.
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Table 3. Risk of Bias, Quality of Research Indicators for Each Study

Selection Accounting
Method Prior power Blinding Completeness bias Validity/reliability for possible
Reference; year, of randomizing Randomization calculations of assessors of follow-up reported of measure confounders Preregistered
ID country, name of game reported (Y/N) at baseline (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) reported (Y/N) reported (Y/N) trial (Y/N)
1 Turnin86 N N N N Y N N N N
2001, France,
Alimentary My Dear Joe
(4): Store, Guess Who,
Granny Smith, The
2 Baranowski67 N N Y N Y N Y Y N
2003, USA, Squire’s
3 Serrano87 N N N N Y N Y N N
2004, USA, Super
Sorter More or Less
4 Silk42 N N N N Y N Y Y N
2008, USA, The
Fantastic Food
Challenge (FFC)
5 Peng88 N N N N Y N Y N N

2009, USA, RightWay
6 Dias43 N N N N Y N N N N
2011, Portugal, Healthy
Advergame, Less
Healthy Advergame
7 Baranowski66 N N Y N N N Y Y N
2011, USA, Escape
from Diab, and
Nanoswarm: Invasion
from Inner Space
8 Baños89 N N N N N Y Y N N
2013, Spain, ETIOBE
9 Schneider90 NA NA N N N N Y N N
2012, USA, Fitter
10 Folkvord44 N N N N NA N Y Y N
2013, Netherlands,

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Table 3. (Continued)
Selection Accounting
Method Prior power Blinding Completeness bias Validity/reliability for possible
Reference; year, of randomizing Randomization calculations of assessors of follow-up reported of measure confounders Preregistered
ID country, name of game reported (Y/N) at baseline (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) reported (Y/N) reported (Y/N) trial (Y/N)
11 Majumdar91 N N N N N Y Y Y N
2013, USA, Creature
12 Folkvord92 N N N N NA N Y N N
2014, Netherlands,
various advergames
13 Johnson-Glenberg93 NA NA N N N N N N N
2014, USA, Alien
14 Jones94 NA NA N N NA N N NA N
2014, USA, The FIT
15 Rosi95 NA NA N N N N N N N
2015, Italy, Menu
Composer, and Jump
16 Sharma96 N N N N Y Y N Y N

2015, USA, Quest to
Lava Mountain
17 Thompson45 N Y Y Y Y N N Y N
2015, USA, Squire’s
Quest! II
18 Spook41 N N Y N Y N Y N N
2016, Netherlands,
Balance It
19 Shiyko97 NA NA N N Y N Y Y N
2016, USA, SpaPlay
20 Fraticelli98 NA NA N N Y N Y N N
2016, Italy, Gustavo in
Gnam’s Planet
21 Joyner99 NA NA N N NA Y N NA N
2017, USA, FIT Game 3
22 Wang100 NA NA Y N Y Y Y Y N
2017, Hong Kong,
Escape from Diab
N, no, did not meet that indicator; NA, indicator not applicable; Y, yes, met that indicator.

operationalization of the theory constructs for the game. So- model to specify the conceptual framework for the design of
cial cognitive theory appears to have been the most commonly health behavior change interventions that are likely to be
stated theory, and nutrition knowledge change was the most effective.48 Several conceptual models have been advanced
commonly mentioned behavior change procedure. to account for how games may influence diet-related out-
The measures used to assess outcomes were perhaps even comes.49–51 Some of these models interrelate game elements
more diverse wherein different measures were often em- and behavior change principles,50,51 while others emphasize
ployed to assess the same knowledge or behavior construct the relevance of food cues and individual predisposing fac-
across studies. Five studies (23%) reported more objective tors (e.g., impulsivity).49 Little research, however, has tested
methods of dietary intake assessment (e.g., weighed plate aspects of these models with games. Much of the effort in
waste): three of these as part of laboratory-based tests of the diet-related games has been to design, develop, and test a
effects of diet-related advergames, and two as part of a test of game or interactive experience including game(s) to influ-
game play in a school lunchroom/cafeteria. ence outcomes, rather than test principles of game mechanics
Three articles studied the effects of food advergames43,44 or behavior-mediating variables within games. Research is
and showed that exposure to only 5 minutes of game play urgently needed that systematically varies aspects of game
influenced the child’s dietary intake immediately following mechanics or behavior change procedures within games to
the game. This suggests the possible strong (at least short- optimize their effects on game engagement,52 maintenance
term) behavioral impacts of dietary game play. of interest, psychosocial mediators of change, and behavior
One game systematically varied two forms of a behavior change (shorter or longer terms). Thompson et al. system-
change procedure, action and coping implementation inten- atically varied four types of goal setting/implementation
Downloaded by from at 04/06/20. For personal use only.

tions, and tested impact on fruit and vegetable intake within a intentions within Squire’s Quest! and demonstrated that ac-
four-group RCT.45 Since the programming keeps all other tion implementation intention was the only procedure to
aspects of game play comparable, this is an ideal method for maintain changes 3 months after the end of the game.45 This
conducting tests of behavior change procedures for use in research provides an important model for making future
videogames, and perhaps outside of games. contributions to an understanding of how game mechanics
can influence change in behavior.
Discussion No commonly accepted compendium or taxonomy of el-
ements in games exists. The ‘‘game lenses’’ identified by
Summary of the evidence
Schell13; the ‘‘playful experience cards’’ of Bjork and Ho-
While all but one of the articles reported some positive lopainen53; and/or Lucero et al.’s playful experiences list54
outcomes from playing the game(s), the quality of much (but preliminarily enumerate items for consideration. Without a
not all) of the research reported left much to be desired, commonly accepted compendium, consistencies in game
making it difficult to determine the extent to which games mechanics across games may have been missed since dif-
had the intended, and reported, effects. The research on diet- ferent words may have been used to specify an essentially
related change games diverged in regard to target popula- common underlying mechanic or set of mechanics. Devel-
tions, dietary behavior targets (e.g., fruit, vegetables, general oping and obtaining consensus for such a taxonomic com-
nutrition information, Mediterranean diet), theories (social- pendium should be a high priority to permit the identification
cognitive, persuasion, health belief model, attachment, socio- and comparison of game elements in future systematic re-
constructivist, or even none), game elements/mechanics, views and meta-analyses and also to identify mechanics that
behavior change procedures, research designs, and measures. are most engaging. Such taxonomic compendia would also
As a result, a meaningful meta-analysis or systematic review facilitate the conduct of process evaluations,55 which relate
was not possible across all these studies at this time. participation in game elements to outcomes.
A compendium of behavior change procedures has been
Comparisons to other reviews proposed,56 although challenges have been reported in
classifying procedures into the proposed categories.57 Such a
A recent review of advergames alone indicated a small
common taxonomy should also be used in games research to
effect increasing unhealthy food intake.46 While that was not
clearly specify what procedures were employed. Of course
the primary focus of the current review, it does indicate that
the same procedure (e.g., goal setting) could be implemented
games can influence dietary intake to some extent under
in a variety of ways in the context of a game,58 with each
some circumstances. The review, including six games for
variant possibly affecting outcome in a different way, indi-
health, noted the generally positive effects on nutrition
cating specific details of the intervention design need to be
knowledge, but the diversity in delivery, poor measurement
presented in the reported outcome or process evaluations.
of process variables and engagement, and thereby the in-
Fifteen games (68%) incorporated a story or narrative in
ability to draw conclusions about effects.28 We noted similar
one form or another. Given the potential for story immersion
patterns, but in a larger number of nutrition education game
to influence attention to change procedures (especially be-
studies, and provided a more detailed assessment of the
havior change messaging),20 developing and incorporating
limitations in the research methods.
stories into nutrition education games may be a way to en-
hance effectiveness. Alternatively, the incorporation of a
Future directions/needed research
story into a game may distract the player from active game
Conceptual frameworks exist to guide the development of play, thereby reducing player game enjoyment.59 Several
sophisticated G4H (Games for Health).47 Research from stories have been tested and demonstrated to change be-
three large behavior change trials (not using games) used havior without a game.36,60 A study that designs and com-
mediating variable analyses to validate a multi-theoretical pares separate story and game elements with their integration

would be an important contribution to our knowledge of could be developed, tested, and incorporated into larger be-
nutrition education games (and games in general). havior change programs.
There seems to be an implicit assumption that simply There has been substantial concern about the quality of
providing a diet-related change program in a game format research, also called risk of bias, in general69–74 and how to
will automatically make the activity fun, or engaging, and incorporate issues of quality into systematic reviews.75,76
thereby motivate the player to substantially increase the The general quality of the evidence in support of games on
knowledge or change the behavior at substantial levels. Al- nutrition knowledge or behavior change outcomes77 was low
ternatively, one of the studies revealed that a web-based and needs further enhancement. This has been pointed out
education program was more effective that a game-based elsewhere.78,79 Only five of these nutrition education game
program.42 Unfortunately, the relative quality of these two studies used objective measures of dietary intake to assess
programs cannot be meaningfully assessed from the pub- dietary change outcomes. Subjective measures tend to be
lished information, and thus it is not clear if primarily the subject to bias (i.e., low validity or accuracy) and unreli-
medium (web-based or game-based) or qualities of the pro- ability (or imprecision).80 Both active and passive methods
grams influenced this outcome. The modest changes in of more objective dietary intake assessment81 are being de-
knowledge and behavior that have been reported in these veloped and refined for use in uncontrolled community set-
studies suggest the assumption of game dominance is not tings and should be considered for future use as measures of
well supported. The role of ‘‘fun’’ in games and game play outcome of games for nutrition education. G4H researchers
has not been well specified; the definition and measurement need to expend substantially more effort to enhance the
of fun or enjoyment has not been clearly delineated61; story quality of this research if for no other reason than self-
Downloaded by from at 04/06/20. For personal use only.

or narrative may contribute to the fun of games, but this has interest, that is, to increase the likelihood of obtaining
not been clearly assessed.62 If fun in games was better un- funding for future research.82
derstood, games might be designed to enhance the fun as- Many of the studies identified a substantial number of
pects to, in turn, enhance the dietary change. behavioral, psychosocial, and/or anthropometric or physio-
Many of these games targeted nutrition knowledge, often logical outcomes, without specifying a primary outcome.
as the primary or only target. Each set of authors appears to This approach to evaluation runs a high risk of type 1 sta-
have created their own measure of nutrition knowledge with tistical error (i.e., obtaining a statistically significant effect
unknown psychometric properties. While knowledge for purely by chance).83,84 Diet-related game research should
academic purposes (e.g., types of dietary fats; how sodium, specify a primary outcome upon which power calculations
potassium, and magnesium interact to influence blood pres- are conducted, with prespecified hypotheses or models of the
sure) can be valuable, all these games were targeted in one way in which game play is expected to influence the out-
way or another to positively impact health, often through come.85 In this way, tests can be made of whether the game
dietary behavior change. The field would benefit from a li- influenced the targeted variable(s) as designed. The stronger
brary of nutrition knowledge items that tapped information our knowledge base about how games result in change, the
that were preconditions for behavior change (e.g., how to more effective ensuing games can be if designed based on
make a salad) and could be incorporated into computer what has been learned.
adaptive testing63 to provide brief measures of outcomes
comparable across studies. Limitations
Developing a diet-related intervention that can be expected
One or more game studies may have been missed. A
to impact body mass index (perhaps the most prevalent
number of diet-related games have been available for pur-
nutrition-related health problem) for obesity prevention re-
chase, but about which nothing has been published. (At least
quires that the game impact the necessary relevant knowledge
one game developer has been overheard saying ‘‘I have all
and psychosocial variable(s) (e.g., knowledge, self-efficacy,
the evaluation I want or need. My games sell.’’) A recent
intrinsic motivation) to change the targeted behavior(s) (e.g.,
systematic review of G4H identified a total of 1743 games
diet, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and/or sleep) for a
produced between 1983 and 2016, of which 99 (6.4%) were
long enough time to change body composition.64 There are
about nutrition education and eating disorders.8 The number
few examples of such large games. The time to develop and
of academic publications that evaluated the efficacies of
evaluate them can take years,65,66 and the cost for their de-
those games is far less than the games produced. This review
velopment can be staggering (millions of dollars). It seems
was based on reports of games in publications that tended to
unlikely that this level of funding will become generally
provide minimal details, which could have resulted in mis-
available for game development anytime soon. Rather than
characterizing the games or studies. On one hand, we may
creating a single integrated multimedia experience that in-
miss existing games that were effective but never evaluated.
corporates games to address dietary change, it may be ap-
On the other hand, actual play of the games might have
propriate to develop a comprehensive intervention structure
provided different characterizations and insights, but many
(including multimedia and face-to-face components) into
of the games no longer function on modern technology.
which a series of games could be developed and inserted to
achieve those outcomes for which games are most effective,
for example, knowledge enhancement, simulation of inter-
personal interactions, etc. Alternatively, dietary behavior To the best of our knowledge, this is the first English
change requires learning some new skills that could be learned review devoted to diet-related video or interactive games.
through games, for example, food preparation,67 menu plan- Although a variety of diet-related games have been reported,
ning, effective food parenting practices,68 and even taste the research base is inadequate to ascertain whether putting
testing. Games attempting to increase these skills or behaviors nutrition education or diet-related behavior change into a

game format consistently results in the desired outcomes, or 10. Sardi L, Idri A, Fernandez-Aleman JL. A systematic re-
what aspects of game elements or behavior change proce- view of gamification in e-Health. J Biomed Inform 2017;
dures appear to be most effective. Future diet-related game 71:31–48.
research should use randomized controlled designs; common 11. Corepal R, Tully MA, Kee F, et al. Behavioural incentive
validated outcome measures (preferably more objective interventions for health behaviour change in young people
measures); behavior change procedures as specified in recent (5–18 years old): A systematic review and meta-analysis.
taxonomic inventories; and be guided by conceptual models Prev Med 2018; 110:55–66.
that reflect the complexities of game design, user experience, 12. Lewis ZH, Swartz MC, Lyons EJ. What’s the point?: A
and their interactivity. A taxonomic inventory of game ele- review of reward systems implemented in gamification
ments needs to be developed to clearly specify game designs, interventions. Games Health J 2016; 5:93–99.
13. Schell J. The Art of Game Design, A Book of Lenses, 2nd
and facilitate game reporting and comparisons of outcomes.
ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2015.
Research is needed that systematically varies game elements
14. Mellecker R, Lyons EJ, Baranowski T. Disentangling fun
between different versions of the same game to test what and enjoyment in exergames using a expanded design,
game elements produce the most change. Different concepts play, experience framework: A narrative review. Games
of fun in game play need to be comparatively tested. Perhaps Health J 2013; 2:142–149.
we need a leaderboard of game researchers and their num- 15. Castelhano N, Silva F, Rezende M, et al. Ludic content in
bers of publications weighted by the quality of their contri- multisensory stimulation environments: An exploratory
butions to make a game of it. study about practice in Portugal. Occup Ther Int 2013; 20:
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Acknowledgments 16. Nouchi R, Taki Y, Takeuchi H, et al. Brain training game

boosts executive functions, working memory and proces-
This work is a publication of the U.S. Department of Agri-
sing speed in the young adults: A randomized controlled
culture (USDA/ARS) Children’s Nutrition Research Center,
trial. PLoS One 2013; 8:e55518.
Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Hous- 17. Levitt C, Adelman DS. Role-playing in nursing theory:
ton, Texas, and had been funded in part with federal funds from Engaging online students. J Nurs Educ 2010; 49:229–232.
the USDA/ARS under Cooperative Agreement No. 58-3092-5- 18. Granic I, Lobel A, Engels RC. The benefits of playing
001. The authors thank Harley Edge for helping with article video games. Am Psychol 2014; 69:66–78.
selection and coding process. 19. Baranowski T, Thompson D, Buday R, et al. Design of
video games for children’s diet and physical activity be-
Author Disclosure Statement havior change. Int J Comp Sci Sport 2010; 9:3–17.
No competing financial interests exist. 20. Lu AS, Baranowski T, Thompson D, et al. Story immer-
sion of videogames for youth health promotion: A review
of literature. Games Health J 2012; 1:199–204.
21. DeSmet A, Van Ryckeghem D, Compernolle S, et al. A
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III: Reducing the operating expenses of a game-based Baylor College of Medicine
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100. Wang JJ, Baranowski T, Lau PW, et al. Story immersion
may be effective in promoting diet and physical activity in
Chinese children. J Nutr Educ Behav 2017; 49:321–329 e1. E-mail:
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