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Crack Grade B 1

Detailed Evaluation Report of English Descriptive Mock Test 1

Essay:- Will India be able to double the farmer’s income by 2022?

“India ranks among the top countries in the world in production of rice, wheat,
sugarcane fruits and vegetables. Farmers are, and will remain the key drivers of
Agricultural sector. Since the development of farm mechanization in India is still
below the mark due to several factors like small land holdings, equipment cost and
poor credit availability. The role of famer in Agriculture holds crucial importance and
it is our imperative to ensure that farmer find Agriculture as a profitable economic
activity. In this background National Commission for Farmers was constituted in
2004, chaired by Prof. M.S.Swaminathan to suggest methods for faster and more
inclusive growth for farmers.”

These sentences are not at all required in the introduction part. You have to keep the
introduction extremely crisp. Not more than 50 words (3-4 lines) in a 300 words essay.

 The current Status mentioned by you had to be very brief and could have been
included in the introduction. It should not have been more than 1 line.
 The challenges part was meant to be written right after the introduction. It is only
after than can the solutions part will look logical.
 The suggestions and initiatives given by you are very comprehensive. Keep it up.
But, keep them short. There is no need to stretch them.

 The conclusion is also weak. The topic said will India be able to? You haven’t quite
addressed that. It should have ended on an optimistic note like:

“There is no denying that the challenges to agriculture are enormous. But, with the
recent measures taken by the government and an increasing thrust on mechanization
can ensure that India doubles its farmers’ income by 2022”

 You have breached the word limit by a HUGE margin. This is a big turn off in
these exams. Make sure you abide by that even if it means omitting some points.

Overall: It was a good attempt to start with. But, take care of all the above suggestions
and you shall do better. | | 9971687048

Crack Grade B 2

Word Errors: 4.5/6

Grammar and Punctuation: 5/6

Word Limit: 0.5/6

Flow/Presentation: 7/10

Content relevant to the topic: 5/12

Total: 22/40


 The title could have been a little more apt like: Doubling farmer’s income: Why and
 A little more elaboration was required on the “Why” part.
 Other than that, you have handled the Precis well. Good job.


Word Limit: 6/7.5

Word Error: 2/2.5

Title: 1.5/2.5

Flow/Presentation: 2/2.5

Use of own words: 4/5

Total: 15.5/20 | | 9971687048

Crack Grade B 3
Reading Comprehension:

1. Good. (You could have involved 1-2 examples in the sentences itself). [3/4]

2. Good. [3.5/4]

3. You could have started with; “The government aims to” [3/4]

4. Good. [3.5/4]

5. A mention of scarcity, environmental degradation, and climate change could have

been made. Rest is good. [3.5/4]

Overall: You have written crisply and to the point. Well done. The answers in RC can be
around 2-3 lines and say, 30-odd words. You can make use of it to highlight the overall
picture. (As suggested in question 3 and 5)

Total: 16.5/20


 Format seems good.

 In the subject: It should have been: Extension of “Date”. That would have been
more appropriate.
 I have “to join” instead of “Joining”.
 Spelling mistake in the name.

Word Error: 3.5/4

Grammar: 3.5/4

Flow and overall presentation: 3.5/4

Content: 3.5/4

Format: 3.5/4

Total: 17.5/20.

Overall marks: {71.5/100} | | 9971687048

Crack Grade B 4
Ending note:

1. The marks are just to give you a frame of reference and make you feel how you
fare in different parameters.
2. You have done well in the Precis, RC and the Letter part.
3. The essay was a quite off-track and you need to work on it to improve the final
4. It is possible that you might have taken more than the allotted time (90 minutes)
which is okay in the beginning. But, going forward, you must keep in mind the
time limit. Because no preparation is enough if we are not able to complete the
paper on time. 

All the very best. | | 9971687048

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