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Evan Kaz

3 Article Harkness

Level One Question: - Why do you think Huck decided to help Jack out
of enslavement or run away from enslavement?
- What can be defined as “racial injustice”? as an
example from the mistreatment of Jack in Huck
Finn due to enslavement.
- Is racial prejudice still a problem in today’s
Level Two Question: - As seen on Page 1 on the excerpt given named
“Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, we see the
main character, Huck, describe the feeling of him
and Jack going on the rafts and in the forest. What
is the author’s purpose of expressing his thoughts?
- Why do you think the author included his point of
view, or an African American lens, in “Down at the
Cross: Letter from a Region in My Mind”?
- What is the symbolism of the “American Negro”
as Baldwin explains it?
Level Three Question: - How have the opportunities of African Americans
changed from the 1900’s to now?
- Do we still have racial injustice today as we did in
the past?
- Is society today a solution or a problem to the
racial injustice that is occurring today?
Sentence Summary: - These three topics that involve excerpts of authors
who are telling a story of African Americans
fleeing away from their terror of slavery explains
the feelings, emotions, and sturggles they had to go
through during the time period of racial injustice.

Textual Analysis: - While reading all of these excerpts from the

articles and stories that explain and identify the
hardships and feelings that African Americans had
to go through during the time period when racial
injustice and racial prejudice was occurring during
the time period explained and researched in the
books, I felt like each story had to deal with the
point of view of African Americans but what they
thought during the time they were being mistreated
during enslavement and being a different race. Yet
we also see 2 different points of views and or
perspectives of each of the stories. For example,
from the excerpt of Huckleberry Finn, we read the
story through Huck, who Is a 12 year old white
boy. As depicted, we can see his point of view from
a white male’s perspective on how at a young age,
he sees what it is like for African Americans to be
treated through enslavement and also hear about
what they are going through from Jack, due to his
many stories and explanations of what happened to
Jack and why he escaped or tried to escape from
being a slave. So you could say that Huckleberry
Finn is an outside source or camera looking at the
topic or subject that is being treated unfairly. So, in
other words, we have a white male who sees what
is happening to African Americans during this time,
while we see an African American perspective
from James Baldwin in his two books and essays
given to us from the excerpts who is feeling what is
is like to be treated unfairly and be a slave because
of the color of his skin that he can not control. So,
because we have already explained and seen a
perspective from outside of what is happening to
African Americans, let us discuss the point of view
from James Baldwin and the “character” in his
story, which is just him growing up as an African
American man and explaining what it is like to be
mistreated. So, as we see from the two different
excerpts from James Baldwin, we hear and
visualize the different things that were said to him
and committed from him rather than a white
person’s perspective. Because of this, we see the
harsh actions made by others because they were
prejudice of the African American race during this
time, causing a historical upbringing that changed
society’s view of race forever. But as an African
American child, there was a big difference of
lifestyle that James Baldwin had gone through
rather than Huckleberry Finn had gone lived
through just because of the differences in the color
of one another’s skin. If you see these two different
types of views, not many comparisons in the way a
young child should live happened. There are a lot
of contrasts that were analyzed and read, as told
from the authors, but this is all because of the time
period’s type of society that was held and made
during that time. Instead of riding the bus like a
normal child, there was no bus for an African
American child. Yet growing up, it seemed like
circumstances seemed to be getting worse if you
were a race other than white.

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