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1. MATCHING EXERCISE. Match the names with the correct characters.

Phiona Mutesi Coach

Richard Mutesi Brother
Robert Katende Brother
Brian Mutesi Mother
Harriet Nakku Principal character

2. Phiona´s real life. Circle the correct answer.

a. Phiona´s father (die - died) of AIDS when she ( is – was ) 3 years old.

b. Phiona (drop - dropped) out of school at age 6 when her mother (can - could) not longer afford to send her.

c. The children and I would all (go - went) to sell maize.

d. Katende (realize – realized) that the kids he (was-were) working with (weren´t – wasn´t) all going to play
soccer because their parents couldn´t afford medical bills for injuries, so he (teach - taught) them chess.

e. Harriet (wanted - want) her children to go (help - helped) her to sell maize.

f. Phiona´s mother Harriet (heard- hear) that coach Robert Katende (was - were) part of an organization run by
white people, and she had been told that if Phiona´s kept going there to play, They would eventually take her
away. “ But I (could - can) not afford to feed her” says Harriet. What choice did I have?

3. True or false. Support false answers about Phiona´s life.

a. She lived in a beautiful place in Uganda

b. Coach Robert Katende realized Phiona was a prodigy and had a gift when she started to beat him
c. Phiona has the gift of seeing as many as eight moves ahead
d. She didn´t win the Uganda women's junior championship
e. Phiona believes that her talent as a chess player is a precious gift from God. She prays daily. Her coach,
Robert Katende, taught her about both God and chess.

From living in the streets in the slums of Katwe to learning chess in a Sports
Outreach Institute missionary program to becoming one of her nation’s top
chess players competing in international competitions, Phiona Mutesi has come a
long way from the 9-year old girl who came for a cup of porridge. The subject
of dozens of media stories and a book, “The Queen of Katwe,” which is soon to
be made into a Disney movie, Phiona is an inspiration to millions, and especially
to girls in a nation where girls are particularly marginalized. Phiona is
currently involved in a well-known secondary boarding school in Kampala,
she is in the equivalent of the 12th grade here in the US. Seven of her classmates are friends from the same slum
in Katwe as Phiona, two of which are her brothers Brian and Richard. Phiona’s goal in school is to become a
pediatrician. Phiona, Brian, and Richard plan to go back to Katwe after they finish school to build a home to
provide shelter, clinic care and education for the slum children. Most afternoons during the school term, Phiona
is enjoying her science classes the most and playing chess after school. She will either practice at school with
friends or go to the SOM Chess Academy in Katwe and help Coach Robert. Phiona has a real passion for teaching
the children chess and a special burden for the young girls. In 2013 Phiona was invited to the Women of the
World Summit in New York City. The purpose of the summit is to highlight women who have made positive
changes in various areas of life. Phiona was invited to share how she had overcome so many obstacles and
achieve her international level as a chess player. Every year the summit will honor a select few of the women as
Women of Impact, Phiona was one of the three for 2013. She was awarded a $25,000 grant to be used to help
promote chess and education among impoverished girls in Uganda. To date, Phiona has been faithful to use the
funds to speak at conferences, organizations, and churches. Phiona also held the first ever in Uganda girls only
chess clinic. Phiona had hoped to have at least 50 girls attend, over 400 girls showed up to two-day clinic. Coach
Robert and Phiona enlisted help from other female chess players and leaders from the community to help run
the clinic. The girls were not only taught chess but also encouraged by Phiona and invited professional women
to pursue education and to delay marriage and children until after they finish school and begin a career. Phiona
has attended and helped support chess tournaments and clinics in other slums and the war-ravaged regions in
Uganda. Recently, Phiona was recognized as the most influential athlete in Uganda during the “Queen’s Baton
Relay” in the Commonwealth Games, there is only one athlete from each country selected for this title.Despite
all of Phiona’s recognition and “success” as many call it, she has always kept her focus on God, family, and
friends. Phiona has said many times, she recognizes how blessed her life has become because of chess and how
she wants to open the doors of opportunity for other girls and women. It is amazing to see how Phiona has so
quickly progressed from student to teacher and child to mentor; she is a true example of hope in Uganda.

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