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THR the trend of increasing divorces.

Trend – fashion, a general direction in which something is developing or changing
Divorces - the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court
Marriage – a union between a men and women who are in

Status quo: There are increasing divorces among couples

Stakeholders: Child of divorced families, parents of divorced families, the society and the

Mechanism: There should be marriage counsellings. People should be more educated on

how to choose partner.

Point 1: Harms the society

 Intact family helps children develop strong moral character. Lacking such guidance,
children of divorce more likely to behave as social deviants
 Heritage Foundation reports that divorced parents’ children are more likely to commit
minor and serious crimes, run away from home, be suspended from school, smoke
cigarettes, abuse alcohol, carry weapons, engage in physical fighting and use drugs.
 Is this beneficial to society? No, in the pursuit of societal development, having
children who will be the adults and the main force in the society, they are already
doing crimes in young age.
 To sociologists, the family does more than unite people by marriage and blood or
adoption; it provides the educational, financial and emotional support its members
need to thrive socially. Without this support, divorced adults and their children are
mentally and physically weakened, becoming less productive social participants.

Point 2: Psychologically harms the children

 a child’s first reaction to divorce or separation is confusion, denial, and fear. Children
will subsequently experience anger, depression, or even panic attacks.
 For a child, divorce shatters this basic safety and belief concerning the parents’
abilities to care for them and to make decisions that truly consider their well-being.
Children have the strong belief that there is only one right family relationship, and
that is Mom and Dad being together. Any other relationship configuration presents a
conflict or betrayal of their basic understanding of life.
 According to World Psychiatry, research title “Parental divorce or separation and
children’s mental health”, research conducted by D’Onofrio B and published on
February 2019, Children from divorced families may experience more externalizing
problems, such as conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than kids
from two-parent families
 Psychologist Judith Wallerstein followed a group of children of divorce from the
1970s into the 1990s. Interviewing them at 18 months and then 5, 10, 15 and 25
years after the divorce, she expected to find that they had bounced back. But what
she found was dismaying: Even 25 years after the divorce, these children continued
to experience substantial expectations of failure, fear of loss, fear of change and fear
of conflict. Twenty-five years!!!!

Point 3: Marriage will bring harm to the country economy

 According to research by Marriage & Religion Research Institute, titled ‘The Divorce
Revolution Perpetually Reduces U.S. Economic Growth: Divorce Removes a Fourth
of Head-of-Household Productivity Growth’, the divorce revolution has undermined
growth in the U.S. economy. As this analysis proves, marriage is a stable, assured
causal agent of economy growth. Since marriage has this “remarkably large”
accruing effect on a worker’s productivity, divorce eliminates this agent for growth.
The divorce revolution more than tripled the rate of divorce for the most important
agent for economic growth and labour market activity: the working head-of-
household. Divorce reduced that head’s productivity increases by one fourth to one
third. Divorce, having become acculturated, perpetually inhibits growth of the
country’s economy.

Point 4: Divorce indicates a serious issue, people are not getting married based on matured
Rights to life their life the way they want
 Divorces in marriages are very common today. Divorce can occur due to many reasons
like – incompatibility of partners, insecurity, violence etc.
 Post a divorce, an individual has the right to live his/her life by marrying someone else
 A marriage can be seldom forced on an individual. This may lead to an unsuccessful
 A divorce could be traumatic for the individual. A new ray of hope could be a remarriage.
 Marriage is socially acceptable in Indian society. For any individual, especially women,
living alone can be socially traumatizing.

. Unfulfillment of the role of marital unions

To begin with, it is clear that the union that is marriage has certain roles it has to fulfill. Marriage is,
in its core, a union formed between two people, formed out of love, and with the goal to live, prosper
etc. together.
Marriage changes one's life drastically and is based on stability, understanding and compromise -
those are the prerequisites for a marital union to be functional and to last.

The role of marital unions is to bind two people and help them achieve all their goals, prosper, and
lead a stable and generally happy life.
As stated before, synergy is key to the stability of a marital union - should that synergy disappear,
the marital union cannot fulfill any of its roles; and it loses its reason of existence.

A few basics make lasting love possible in marriage. These include caring, long-term commitment,
integrity, togetherness and maintaining a positive focus. [1]

That being said, it is clear there are functional, as well as dysfunctional marriages. Divorce serves as
a solution to a situation where the marital union is dysfunctional, and, in the eyes of the couple,
beyond repair. When the couple reaches a point where they simply cannot function together, there is
no point in preserving the marriage - its dysfunctionality will prevent it from being of any use to

It is only natural that such a bond as marriage, which has a large impact on one's life, can be
dissolved. No one can predict what will happen concerning the relations between the two people in
the marital union, and for that reason, the right to divorce must be maintained.

Marriage isn't really about the two united against the world, but rather the two individuals in a world
full of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges and surprises. [...] When two people are
simply unable to sustain their love for each other and are unwilling to spend the remainder of their
life in what is left of their relationship, then divorce becomes a way to set each other free.  [2]

To grasp the necessity of divorce, one must understand that divorces aren't monsters waiting behind
the corner to destroy a couple's happiness and harmony. A divorce is the consequence of a pre-
existing problem which eliminated the functionality of the marriage and set it beyond repair. At that
point, the couple divorces, for they both realize their marriage is left hanging in a void; it is useless
and causes them suffering.
If it so, then what is the point of blindly insisting on preserving the marriage. What's the point and
what good does it bring? The answer is self-evident - none. That is, indeed, the reason that divorce is
legal and allowed in the status quo.

2. The necessary sacrifices that is expected in marriages

It is clear that every single human being strives for the highest possible quality of life. A person's
quality of life is incredibly important for the well-being of said person, and should be ameliorated and
augmented by all means. That much is logical and understandable.

A dysfunctional marriage hinders one's quality of life severely. As was already stated, marriage is a
grand decision that has a great impact on the life of the two individuals of which it consists. If that
impact is negative, why shouldn't the couple be allowed to divorce?

Who has the right to force two people to be unhappy? Who has the right to force them to uphold a
lifestyle they do not wish to uphold, to hinder their quality of life, to prolong their emotional distress?
And to what end?
Indeed, what end would not allowing divorce be a means to? What, exactly, is achieved and
preserved by not allowing divorce?

Allowing couples to divorce gives the two individuals a chance to restore happiness to their lives
should it be lost in the marriage. It ultimately preserves their right to living happily and freely. Forcing
them to stay in a union they would do anything to get out of is nothing more than a form of slavery.

If one were to look at the big picture, it is the right to divorce that indirectly helps preserve quality of
life. Both members of a certain marital union are aware that they have a way out, a way to restore
things to how they were in case they made a mistake. That right is an important part of modern
family life - for a reason, too.

I have proven throughout this exposition that the right to divorce ameliorates quality of life, forms
one of the pillars of modern family life and aids in ensuring that a dysfunctional union can be promply
On the other hand, huge questions rest over the case that supports not allowing divorce. Questions
to which one cannot offer a logical, humane answer.

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