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A map of the Sword Coast, where your adventure takes place:


(Quang - Is this just supposed to be used as notes? I just felt like recounting the story. Feel
free to edit this. This is from my memory and it was a few days ago.)

We have all grouped together to travel to Phandalin to deliver a cart of mining supplies. Eunoh
is driving the cart with Sindri on top while Mezashi walks along the side of the cart. The group
spots 2 dead horses in front of them on the path. Mezashi does not detect evil in the
immediate vicinity, but Sindri spots a gap in the trees to the north. Sir Dingle decides to examine
the corpses while Mezashi decides to follow behind. In an instant, 4 goblins ambush the party.
2 goblins attack the party members examining the horses while 2 other goblins attack from
covered positions from opposite sides. Sir Dingle takes a hit from both a melee goblin and an
arrow from one of the covered goblins. Mezashi’s armor has protected him from the 2 similar
attacks from the goblins. After the initial attack, Eunoh reacts by attacking the goblin closest to
Sir Dingle and kills the goblin. Mezashi strikes the golin in front of him with his morningstar and
kills it. Sindri runs in closer to the group and targets the north ranged goblin with a spell from
his satchel. He lobs the spell which lands near the goblin and ignites the goblin on fire. Sir
Dingle is able to conjure a firebolt to finish off the burning goblin. Just then, the remaining
goblin flees past the cart heading North towards the gap in the trees. Eunoh has decided to hold
his position while Sindri runs up to Sir Dingle to hand him a potion out of his satchel and
continues to run after the goblin. With nothing to lose, Sir Dingle drinks the potion and feels the
potion instantly rejuvenating him from his encounter with the goblins.Sindri examines the horses
and learns that they belong to the quest giver and his companion, while Sir Dingle externalizes
their frustration and conjures another firebolt to burn the evading goblin. Eunoh does something
out of the party’s eyesight, so you KNOW that guy had a good time. Meanwhile, Mezashi
catches up to the goblin and intimidatingly stands over with his morningstar. Sir Dingle wants to
interrogate and torture the injured remaining goblin. Sindri catches up with the goblin and
attempts to grapple him to the ground but is quickly thrown off. With this movement, Mezashi
reacts and smashes the goblin’s head, killing it. Sir Dingle does not agree with the killing of the
goblin and stays behind to loot the goblin of its meat.


After some time, Eunoh catches up with the group and decides that the group should follow the
path through the trees and that Mezashi should lead the way - he does this by convincing the
dragonkin that they’re apparently both part of the same obscure, but easy-to-fake faith. Eunoh
keeps an eye on the path ahead of the group and spots an odd patch of leaves. Mezashi
throws a stick at the pile and the trap springs up and is disarmed. Mezashi keeps a keen eye on
anything that may have set the trap while Eunoh is keeping an eye on more traps in the path.
Another trap is soon spotted in the distance and is disarmed. This trap is a deep pit and each
member has their own way to get across. Eunoh gracefully double flips over the pit, Mezashi is
able to use brute strength to jump across it, and Sindri barely makes it across due to his small

The party comes to an area with brush on both sides with a stream leading into a cave.

Lost Mines 3: Electric Boogaloo ​(7/18/2018) or “An Illustrated Guide to the Effective Use of

EUNOH ran a mental tally - he still owed the Gnome, and he still owed the Tiefling. The money
was nothing, at least right now, anyway - he had their gambling debts and more secreted away
in the clever little pockets sewn about his doublet - but the fact that he owed them anything was
a matter of professional pride. That, coupled with the fact that he hadn’t managed to do much
more on this job than hide the contents of the dead goblins’ coin purses (to wit: a handful of
coppers, some lint, and a colorful, if worthless, pebble) had him looking for anything that
qualified as an angle.

He looked up to notice that the Gnome - Singe? Singy? - and the Dragonborn were doing …
something. First, the little alchemist scrabbled up broad back and impossibly wide shoulders,
then came to stand astride the paladin like a mount - barking orders and pointing towards some
area in the tall grass that the improved position afforded him. They lurched in that direction like
some awkward, two-headed beast.

It wasn’t that Eunoh didn’t see the error, and it wasn’t that he wished either of them particular ill,
but the first rule of his own personal code was that you never gave for free anything that could
considered valuable; the second rule was the fewer open palms at the end of a job, the better.
He almost turned to offer a wager to the Tiefling - Dingle - but that had been the reason he
found himself in situation, so he stopped himself with a bit of salt beef. Something in the brush
shouted something in the jabbering, grating consonance of Goblin - didn’t need to speak it to
know it was surprise - followed quickly by sounds of drawn bows and crude arrows finding their
marks. The tiefling moved now, crashing through stream and brush with the same abandon as
the other two, and it was with a reluctant groan that Eunoh followed, timing his footfalls to the
wet slaps and crashing footfalls of Dingle’s advance.

When he came through the brush, it took a moment to make sense of what he saw: Mizashi
rocked on unsteady legs even as the head of his weapon lay in the shattered remains of what
must have been a gob’s skull; the gnome looked a little more steady, despite the lurch of the
Dragonborn below and the arrow jutting from the fleshy part of his arm. Another goblin, alive but
not looking happy about it, spun between Dingle and Singy - not knowing where the next attack
might come from, and racking its pea-sized brain in anticipation of the next blow. If it saw the
rogue, it certainly didn’t have the chance to factor this new presence into its consideration, and it
certainly didn’t have a chance to dodge the heavy pommel of the dagger that struck its’ temple.

AN HOUR LATER, EUNOH AND SINGY watched as the Goblin, now half-drowned and
completely terrified, ran down the long path back towards the cart. “That was my only rope,”
Singy said. Eunoh shrugged and headed back towards the cave mouth.

Mizashi, silent and stoic as ever, was doing whatever Dragonkin do in their spare time - Eunoh
imagined this had something to do with catching and devouring small rodents, but he at least
had the common sense not to voice this thought even as he scanned the paladin’s mouth for
some sign of a twitching foot or tail. Dingle, though, perhaps owing to the hot blood of his
people, practically lept towards them as they came up to the cave mouth.

“What did it say?” the Tiefling asked - then, not waiting for a response, looked to Singy “What
did it say?” The gnome shrugged - he didn’t speak Goblin.
Eunoh did - and he had informed the goblin of such at the start of their conversation - he had
also told the Goblin that Singy was a vicious killer who hated nothing more than the sound of
broken Common from goblin lips - so it was in his best interest to talk only to Eunoh.

[[DM’s note: the party enters the cave, and has a rather inspired (or lucky) murder spree (three
roasted wolves, one goblin-on-a-stick) up and into a cavern near a dam where they proceed to
kill a bunch of goblins who had just sat down for breakfast. The more literary log-keepers
sometimes fail to keep their deadlines…]]


Dungeons & Dragons with a Vengeance

That Gnome Singy
★★★★★ ​Sequels are usually horrible, but…
July 31, 2018

The third installment in this series is AWESOME! Before I explain why, I’m going to leave a
spoiler disclaimer right here, so skip over this review if you haven’t seen the session yet. Alright,
this picks up where the last one left off with Eunoh lurking in the shadows and pinning a goblin’s
penis into the ground with an arrow (wtf lol). With sheer panic and uncontrollable adrenaline,
Richard Bigge ran south for the stairs leaving his sausage behind. Eunoh, committed to the
attack, left the safety of his cover and pursued his prey. Sir Dingleberry also made his way up
the stairs to investigate. Mezashi, while behind the group, bum rushed forward with a strong
sense of justice attached to the end of his flail. Meanwhile, Singy admired the stonework and
ingenuity used to create a dam at the base of the waterfall.

As Bigge rushed into a cavernous supply / dining room to alert his friends, Eunoh and Sir
Dingleberry followed and caught them all off guard, practically ambushing two other goblins
having a dinner party around a romantic campfire. But wait, what’s that to the right!? In the
corner of his eye Eunoh spotted a probably not friendly wolf, but we’ll never know how friendly
he is because Eunoh ducked behind some supply crates and launched an arrow towards it’s
head. Slightly unlucky, he missed and struck it in the shoulder instead. Sir Dingleberry caught
wind of what was happening and quickly set it aflame with a firebolt for the ages. Seriously, this
is the best session so far!

From the depths behind the wolf loud wailing was heard. “Percivus! Percivus… nooo!” A large
bugbear entered the scene to mourn his probably not friendly pet, and then promptly ran away
jumping down a trash chute leaving a trail of tears behind. Quick on the draw, Sir Dingleberry
slung another firebolt, this time at Bigge, and ended him. Mezashi entered the fray swinging
justice but missed probably due to poor eyesight. Get some night vision, guy!

Finally, our hero Singy came into battle in epic fashion by sliding under Mezashi’s legs and
hurling a vial of explody juice at the group of goblins. It missed one but singed the other. Both
fire back in anger. One arrow missed and glanced off of Mizashi’s armor while the other landed
a hit on Singy. Taking the opportunity amid the chaos, Eunoh snuck around behind cover and
used the closest goblin as a quiver for one of his arrows. However, placing an arrow into him
was not agreeable with him and therefore he died.

Out of nowhere the remaining goblin got blindsided by a firebolt. Feeling fear and crispy, he ran
and hid behind a box. Mezashi took a swing but missed again. Singy tossed a vial of Goop™ by
Gwyneth Paltrow over the box. Sadly, Goop™ is pseudoscience and didn’t have much effect. It
stung him slightly but also made his wrinkles less visible. Feeling pain, yet beautiful, the goblin
surrendered. He was surrounded by a flail ready to swing, a nocked bow ready to fire, a gnome
ready to pounce, and an ambiguous arsonist demon. To break the final straw and shatter the
goblin, Sir Dingleberry casted the cantrip Megaphone and intimidated him with his booming
voice. This caused the goblin to pee himself.

Through interrogation they learned the goblin’s name was Slurry. He told them the bugbear’s
name was Klarg and he was sent there by the goblin king to replace their current leader
Yeemik. No one liked Klarg, especially Yeemik. They learned that Yeemik was demoted to a
desk job in the eating room to look over a human captive. Sadly, the dwarf Gundron Rockseeker
was in another castle. Yeemik is also surrounded by bodyguards.

While Slurry was being interrogated and enslaved, Eunoh and Singy looked through the
supplies for dwarves and gqoods. As lady luck would have it Singy was rewarded with a new
rope exactly 50 ft. long like the last one. Also with luck they both spotted a chest with a note on
it simply saying “Klarg’s stuff.” After opening it they found roughly 600 copper (because the DM
is a buzzkill) pieces and a small statue. Eunoh tried to pocket the statue but was spotted by
Singy and failed. He reluctantly handed it over so it could be examined later.

Singy looked closely at the branding on the boxes and through the trick of the dancing campfire
he thought they were real blue lions. Eunoh noticed Singy was startled and checked for himself.
“Those aren’t real lions.” While looting the room, the team planned to have Slurry work with
them to convince Yeemik to make a civil deal without anymore bloodshed to which he obliged.
Man, the session ended there. What a cliffhanger! I’m so looking forward to the next one!

You can see why I rated it highly. There’s action, romance, and LIONS. It’s got it all! 5 / 5 stars.
Would play again.

★★★★ ​Something missing
July 31, 2018

It’s aight, but yo, where dat badass dwarf at???

★ ​…
July 31, 2018


★★ ​Don’t make deals with adventurers

August 1, 2018

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