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Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

Brad’s Blog: What a weekend! On Saturday morning, I got up really early because I wanted to
drive to my friend’s house for lunch. It’s a 3-hour drive, so I left the house at nine o’clock. After
about an hour, I was stuck in traffic so I called my friend, Ronnie, and he told me another way
to his house. However, the country road was really bad and after a while, I got a flat tyre. I
didn’t know what to do. I walked for about twenty minutes, and then I found a house. A kind
man agreed to help me. I was really lucky because his brother was a mechanic and he came
quickly to fix my car. It was about three o’clock when he finished. I arrived at my friend’s
house at six o’clock. We had dinner and I decided to stay the night and leave the next morning. I
finally arrived home at three o’clock on Sunday. But guess what! I couldn’t find my house keys.
My friend called me and, yes, they were on his kitchen table. Luckily my brother has also got
keys to my house, so I didn’t drive all the way back there. What a weekend!

1. Brad called Ronnie because he got lost. ___

2. Brad found a mechanic to fix his car. ___

3. Brad arrived at Ronnie’s house on Sunday. ___

4. Brad drove back to Ronnie’s house to get his keys. ___


Write an email to a friend telling him/her what you did last weekend.

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