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1. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine.

The newspaper is in my bag, but I can’t

remember where I put the magazine.

2. I saw a accident this morning a car crashed into a three. The driver of the car wasn’t hurt, but the
car was badly damaged.

3. There are two cars parked outside a blue one and a grey one. The blue one belongs to my
neighbours; I don’t know who the owner of the grey one.

4. My friends live in a old house in a small village. There is a beautiful garden behind of the house. I
would like to have a garden like that.


1. This house is very nice. Has it got a garden?

2. It´s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in the garden.

3. I like living in this house, but it’s a shame that the garden is son small.

4. Can you recommend a good restaurant?

5. We had dinner in a very nice restaurant.

6. We had dinner in the best restaurant in town.

3a- She has a french name, but in facts she’s English, not French.

b. what’s the name of that man we met yesterday?

c. we stayed at a very nice hotel. I can’t remember the name now.

4a. These isn’t in airport near where I live the nearest airport is to miles away.

b. Our flight was delaged, we had to want at the airport for three hours.

c. Excuse me please. Can you tell we how to get to the airport?

5a_ Are you going away next week? No, in week after next.

b. I’m going away for the week in September.

c. Gary has a part in time job . He Works three mornings in week.

Complete the sentences. Use I/me/my/mine/you/yours and he/him/his

And in this photo you can see the bridge. San Francisco is famous for its bridge- the Golden Gate
Bridge. I’m lucky because my family live near the bridge. From our sitting room Windows we can
see it.It’s great-specially at night, my brother, Sam, lives with her wife, Laura, and his two kids
about two kilometres from us. Laura is from Uruguay, and her parents still live There.



Dear Ellie

Thank you for your card. It was good to hear from you and to know _____. Let ___ tell you my
news. In June, my sister, Isabel, is getting married to Joe. Do you remember? I met Joe ten year
ago, so he’s an old friend of you. They’re getting married in the afternoon and my parents are
having a big party for ____ in the evening. Isabel’s not been well recently, so ____’m really happy
for she, and for Joe too. After the wedding, they´re coming to stay with we because they haven´t got
an apartment yet. So we’ll be one big , happy family.

My good friend, Pete, is taking his final exams next month. After that, he wants to get a job in a
hospital. I think it’ll be difficult for he, but he really wants to be a doctor. Good luck to he!

Last week I met Jane and Tina Sarton. Do you remember they?

Their brother was at School with us. I gave Jane your telephone number and she gave me the hers.
Perhaps we can all meet sometime soon.

I must stop now. By the way, I found a silver pen in my room. It’s not mine, is it ____? I know
you’ve got a silver one. My parents send theirs love to you and yours parents.

Love, Liz

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