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Narrator Report
A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman
Date: 11/03/2019

Pierce J. Howard, PhD

Jane Mitchell Howard, MBA
©2019 Paradigm Personality Labs. All Rights Reserved
A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian



Some crises, emergencies, interruptions, and other potential stressors at work tend to make you feel stressed--
heart usually beats faster, stomach may churn, more perspiration than usual, and some difficulties in thinking
clearly. In such situations, you perform best when you are able to fall back on some kind of routine activity that
is second-nature to you. Once the stressor has passed, you can relax and begin thinking more like normal. This
level of reactivity results in your serving as a conscience for the organization--a barometer for improper
organizational behavior. On the other hand, there are many situations that are stressful for other associates that
do not stress you at all--you are as likely to remain calm as to feel stressed. In other words, your capacity for
feeling stressed is highly situational.

Your associates know you as someone who worries while awaiting the outcomes of plans, proposals,
requests, and so forth. Anticipating the outcome of a business proposal, for example, will typically find you less
able to think clearly and behave calmly. Such worrying can play a significant role in identifying and pursuing
follow-up activities that can positively affect the outcome.

Essentially, you rarely display temper, accepting disagreement or conflict rationally with a readiness to
enter problem-solving mode.

You tend to show a balance of optimism and pessimism, in that some situations bring out your more
pessimistic side, while others elicit your more optimistic side.


Once a setback or crisis is over, it takes you a moderate amount of time and effort to get beyond it. You
may need exercise, escape, or some other activity to get your mind off of it and to settle back to normal.


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

You have equal amounts of energy for engaging in either quiet or noisy activity. Too much of either will be
unsatisfying and unnatural for you. After excessive activity, excitement, or strong sensory stimulation, you will
typically feel the need to let your fuel tank fill back up for such extraverted activity, and you can do that by
'closing the door' somehow and taking quiet, private time. On the other hand, you do not care for excessive
quiet, requiring instead to be around the action from time to time.

With respect to how you relate to co-workers, you will typically show more warmth and enthusiasm (smiling,
laughter, and so forth) towards some associates than towards others.

You have a strong need to be affiliated with others, to feel accepted and valued as a member of a group. To
that degree, your allegiance to your various groups (family, work team, religious, sport, political) could dominate
over your need to take time for yourself for reading and other necessary solitary activity.


You move at a brisker pace that most other people, not feeling comfortable walking slowly or gesturing in
a languid manner. You are most at ease when physically active, not sitting or standing in one place for
long stretches.


Your sense of personal independence leaves you resisting leadership roles where you must take
responsibility for directing the work of others.


Your natural outlook is to trust that people will do what they say they will do, and this trusting outlook
typically leads to good working relationships with many associates.

Your associates are most likely to experience you as smooth in handling touchy situations, one who knows
how to disagree agreeably, and who can facilitate a discussion effectively.


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

You are likely regarded by those who know you as more progressive in some areas, and more conservative in
others. This makes it somewhat difficult for others to predict your stance on change.

While you are likely known as someone who is practical with both feet on the ground, when the situation calls for
it, you can use your imagination.

Your interests are spread over a wide variety of areas, such that you naturally read and converse with others
on most any topic. As such, you typically welcome the opportunity to work on complex problems that reach
across many specialties.

You normally prefer to work according to the plan, to do things the way they have been shown to work in the
past. Usually, you feel little if any need to rethink, re-engineer, or innovate, unless your accustomed ways
aren't working. You likely see yourself as a creature of habit in many areas.

Details are your steady diet. You are likely good at collecting evidence to support a position, as your mind is
unlikely to wander off the subject into irrelevant areas. Attention to detail and efficiency is likely soothing to
you, and a source of pride.


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

Your associates likely know you as someone who exhibits a balanced give-and-take in everyday work affairs,
inasmuch as you enjoy winning some of your arguments, but are also comfortable allowing others to win their
share also.


You have a strong sense that your priorities, your agenda, and your point of view are the correct ones.
Others' needs tend to be taken more seriously if they happen to coincide with your needs.

Your need to win is situational, in that you are more competitive in some situations, less competitive in others.

When credit and praise are handed out, you are as likely to be uncomfortable as comfortable. For some
situations you can readily take credit when appropriate, but for others you will show a humility and point to
others who deserve equal or more credit.

When you have strong feelings, you are more likely to keep them to yourself. On some occasions, you may feel
safe to express your opinions, but normally you tend to hold them back.


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

Your overall approach to work could be characterized as a balance between focusing on goals and multi-
tasking. While you can focus when necessary, you also can be distracted towards lesser or different priorities.
You also likely prefer a good balance between time spent at work and time spent on your private life, be it family
or outside interests.

As a general rule, you are comfortable with less than perfect results--you often embrace the 'good enough'
standard, and/or the 'wait till it's broken to fix it' approach.

Your associates are likely to know you as moderately organized, keeping things in their place more so
than some of your associates, while doing less so than others. You like to get organized before starting,
but to a lesser degree than about a third of your associates, yet more so than another third.

Your moderate level of ambition in your chosen field marks you as a person whose goals reflect a need
for balance in all areas of your life.

With respect to how you focus on the task of the moment, it really depends on the nature and priority of the task.
You appear to exhibit a balance between concentration and distractibility--focusing without interruption for some
periods of time, but then multi-tasking at others.

Finally, you are more methodical than the vast majority of the workforce, preferring to organize and stick to a
method or plan, rather than leaving yourself to be spontaneous in responding to the need, interest, or priority of
the moment.


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

"This section is divided into the following themes: career, emotional intelligence, independence,
leadership, personal characteristics, relationships, safety and health, values, and work habits.

Most of these interpretive comments are based on blends of traits (i.e. two or more traits that interact
to produce the behavior). However, some are based on single traits, but are placed in this section (and
not in Part One, with the other single trait interpretations) because they relate to a specific theme
presented here."

"Your midrange score on N suggests that you tend to be comfortable in careers involving moderate levels of
stress, such as teaching, counseling, art, and planning. Your ambiverted score indicates you would flourish in
careers involving a balance of quiet solitude and active stimulation, such as detective work, medicine,
consulting and academics. Your midrange score on O suggests you would generally flourish in careers that
entail moderate change, moderate complexity, and occasional creativity or innovation, such as many
management positions, journalism, stock brokerage, and elementary or high school teaching. Your midrange
score on A indicates that you tend to thrive in careers that are neither too aggressive nor too reticent, but rather
involve negotiation or arbitration, such as consulting, facilitation, office management, and supervision. Your
midrange score on C is associated with careers that permit a balance of work and personal demands, such as
human resources specialist, R & D, most jobs in large organizations, and most management positions."

Emotional Intelligence
"You show a balance of emotional response, both in the sense that you show both positive emotions (such as
joy, surprise, delight, love) and negative emotions (such as fear, anger, discouragement, disgust), and in the
sense that you are not as overtly emotional as a third of the workforce, and not as cool and detached as the
other extreme third. You tend to show good judgment in assessing other people's suitability for particular tasks.
Your midrange scores in all five traits means that you can identify equally with others who score both higher and
lower than you on any given trait. This means you do not tend to favor any one extreme. Persons who score
extreme on a trait tend to have a blind spot about persons at their opposite extreme, and, as a result of their
discomfort with their extreme opposite, not see their suitability for certain tasks or jobs."

"Your midrange score on N suggests you are more independent in some aspects of your life, while being more
dependent in others, depending on how emotionally reactive you are in different contexts. Your ambiverted
score indicates you are situational with respect to the need for independence, preferring to act independent of
structure in some situations but not in others. Your midrange score on O suggests you are somewhat situational
with respect to the independence of your thinking, being more exploratory and comfortable with the unknown in
some areas, less so in others. Your midrange score on A indicates that you are somewhat situational with
respect to your independence in relationships, deferring to others in some circumstances and being more
independent in others. Your mid range score on C suggests that you show independence in your decision
making in some situations and not others, with some decisions being dependent on how you relate to a goal,
and other decisions reflecting more independence of spirit."



A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

Need for Stability Leadership Characteristics

"In some crisis situations you will remain calm, but in others you are likely to feel the pressure and even show it.
On occasion, your level of reactivity will show subordinates that you are human. A tendency for worry, self-
consciousness, and/or temper tend to eat away at the confidence of subordinates. Learn the arts of meditation,
isometrics, deep breathing, and aerobic exercise. Deal aggressively with sources of stress."

Extraversion Leadership Characteristics

"Ambiverted leaders tend to experience an eternal struggle with balancing a personal need for solitude and
private office time, with the need of followers for communication through meetings, conferences, and
management by wandering around. You could likely excel in a workplace culture that is not strongly
extraverted. In other words, sales, training, and hospitality cultures could be problematic for you, by demanding
more sociability, enthusiasm, and activity from you than feels natural, unless you could offset demands on your
extraverted side at the workplace with a home/personal life that allows you to be more private and introverted."

Originality Leadership Characteristics

"Leadership more often than not requires vision, strategy, and a readiness to change. You tend to be equally
concerned with tactics and preserving the status quo, as with strategy and the needs of the future. You likely
are comfortable being focused either on the details or on the big picture, so long as neither predominates. You
should flourish in a management position that requires a balance of strategy and tactics, of visionary planning
for the future as well as paying attention to the details of accomplishing the job at hand."

Accommodation Leadership Characteristics

"As a leader, you tend to be situational with respect to dealing with dominance challenges: defer to others in
some situations, and stand up to others in other situations. Sometimes tough, sometimes tender; sometimes
proud, sometimes humble; sometimes competitive, sometimes submissive."

Consolidation Leadership Characteristics

"As a leader, you are situational in your drive and discipline. In some areas of the job/career, you are ambitious
and disciplined, while in other areas, you are more satisfied with current levels of achievement."

Other Leadership Themes

"Your attitudes toward various aspects of the workplace are based on your moderate curiosity and a negotiative
frame of mind. Your judgments are consistently neither tolerant nor dogmatic, independent nor following along,
but rather based on the unique features of each situation."


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

"Your midrange score on N suggests you are situational with regard to expressing your levels of anger, anxiety,
and sadness, as you are prone to hold your feelings back in some situations but let them vent in others. Your
ambiverted score indicates that you are situational in your need for solitude and being around other people and
typically prefer to allot roughly equal time for each. Your midrange score on O suggests that you are situational
with regard to your level-headedness in relationships- in some areas you may be a dreamer of wild schemes,
while in others you may have your feet firmly on the ground. Your midrange score on A indicates that you defer
to your partner in some situations while standing up to them in others. Overall, you will be comfortable
negotiating win-win outcomes with your various relations. Your midrange score on C suggests that you are
situational in your need for order and discipline, such that some of your relationships may be characterized by
spontaneity and others by focus, while some relationships may be a combination of areas of focus side-by-side
with areas of spontaneity, such as spontaneous in the kitchen while methodical in the garden. You need to get
clear with others in order to minimize misunderstandings."

Safety and Health

"Your midrange score on N suggests that you are situational with regard to health and safety risks as some
stressful situations will be more disruptive to your ability to focus and be rational than others. Your ambiverted
score indicates that you are situational with respect to behaviors that entail health and safety risks, as some
situations encourage your proneness for excitability and impulsivity while other situations do not. Your midrange
score on O suggests that you are more situational with respect to behaviors that entail health and safety risks,
as your curiosity and venturesomeness is more operative in some contexts than in others. Your midrange score
on A indicates that you are situational with respect to the kinds of behaviors that put health and safety at risk,
with some situations finding you more prone to follow the rules and be obedient, while other situations find you
more defiant and prone to ignore the rules. Your midrange score on C suggests that you are situational with
respect to behaviors that jeopardize health and safety, as you tend to be more organized, focused, and
methodical (i.e., less risky behaviors) in some situations and more spontaneous and distractible in others (i.e.,
more risky behaviors)."

Values that typically fit with your trait profile:

"Having nice things that are the envy of others sets the tone for someone who treasures shopping in the finer
venues, being seen as fashionable, and maximizing luxury in one’s environment. Tends to be valued by
persons who are moderately original and open to experience, moderately imaginative, moderately consolidated
and conscientious, perfectionist, ambitious, and moderately organized."

"Beauty reigns, in all of its forms: great painting, well-crafted writing, elegant dance, the rawness of unadorned
nature, profound classical music. The arts are dominant throughout one’s life, and museums of all kinds are
high on one’s priorities. Tends to be valued by persons who are more introverted, less warm and enthusiastic,
and moderately accommodating."


A Customized Report for: SM Moniruzzaman Workplace Big Five Profile™ 4.0
Date: November 03, 2019 Norm Group: Indian

"Being known as a person of faith and focusing on matters of the spirit tends to be associated with a prayerful,
meditative way of being and a minimal involvement with life’s more physical pleasures. Tends to be valued by
persons who are moderately original and open to experience, moderately imaginative, and moderately
comfortable with complexity."

"What is important is success in its many forms: being the best in class, coming in first, accomplishing goals,
being as perfect as possible, and accomplishing the most with every moment. This assumes a certain degree of
adherence to the prevailing norms and standards of one’s prevailing society or culture. Tends to be valued by
persons who take charge, are skeptical, moderately original and open to experience, moderately imaginative,
comfortable with change, challenging, competitive, moderately perfectionistic, moderately organized,
moderately ambitious, and moderately methodical"

"People who place a high value on having intimate, long-term, close relationships tend to place a lower value on
coming in first—i.e., high quality relationships are more important that winning. In addition, they also place a
higher value on getting a good night’s sleep, probably because 1) they enjoy spending maximum time with their
partner, and 2) they want to feel rested and at their best for the people whom they value. Tends to be valued by
persons who are not interested in taking or being in charge, are either highly imaginative or highly practical,
adaptable, conflict averse, and uninterested in being number one."

Work Habits
"You would appear to thrive in a work situation in which you can participate in a variety of work styles, each in
balance with the other--not too much of any one style: solitary, around other people, methodical, spontaneous--
each is appealing, but not too much of any one! You have a very flexible problem-solving style that looks at the
features of the situation before deciding how to approach it--sometimes exploratory, sometimes analytical,
sometimes, experimenting, and sometimes troubleshooting."


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