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Fear and loathing

English activity Felipe Ramírez Camero 10C

I dont feel frightend by things like insects or ghost. I feel frightend by two specific
things: death and the future. These two things are closely related and every time I
start thinking about them to much, for any reason, I feel anxious and a bit uneasy. I
try talking to other people about it and see what they think but soon they stop the
conversation with “Why think about it? We’re all going to die some day” or “Just
make sure you do what you like and everything will be fine”. It’s really spine-chilling
to know that when you die that’s it, it’s over, and, unless you do something really
extraordinary, you will be forgotten in a couple decades. What do we live for?
Religious people may say that this world is just a preparation for when we meet God
in the afterlife but I consider this a desperate attempt to give hope and meaning to
our existence. I’m scared to fail what I want to do in the future, to not be able to do
all I want to do, to not be able to visit all the places I want to visit, to not be able to
know all I want to know, to not be able to meet all the people I want to meet; I’m
scared to die before all that.

Fear is the start of wisdom – Miguel de Unamuno

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