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Sophia Anzalone

Block 2
Listening Activity

In elementary school music classes, students begin developing their listening skills. This
is often cultivated through listening to a piece of music and discussing their noticings after. This
project incorporates aspects of that, as well as the field of art. Ideally, this is intended for 1st
grade, but can be done with any grade level so as the song choices are appropriately chosen
regarding level of difficulty. This activity can be done every class period or every other.
Assessment is very informal, as it will be contingent on each students’ level of participation.

1. I can describe personal ideas and emotions evoked by music

● Give each student a clipboard, piece of paper, and several colored pencils or crayons to
share with those around them
● Reference guided questions on board for inspiration
○ “What did you notice?”
○ “What instruments did you hear?”
○ “What would the melody look like?”
○ “What language is this in?”
○ Etc.
● Explain to students that they should be drawing what they heard, not writing down an
answer to a question
○ Give examples of what to draw: Instruments, high/low or loud/soft sounds, etc.
● Play song of choosing for class
● Ask 5-10 students to hold up their drawing and explain what they heard based on their
● Discuss song, play certain parts to draw attention to a specific idea
○ Incorporate names of instruments and musical concepts when applicable

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