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Journal of
Meiotic Cell Cycle Arrest in
Mammalian Oocytes
Cell Physiology Laboratory, Biochemistry Unit, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Meiotic cell cycle in mammalian oocytes is a dynamic process that involves several stop/go channels. The cell cycle arrest in oocyte occurs
at various stages such as diplotene, metaphase-I (M-I), metaphase-II (M-II), and so called metaphase-like arrest (M-III). Leutinizing hormone
surge induces meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest in follicular microenvironment by overriding several factors responsible for the
maintenance of meiotic arrest. The inhibitory factors are synthesized in oocyte or in the associated follicular somatic cells and transferred
to the oocyte. The major factors include hypoxanthine, cyclic adenosine 30 , 50 -monophosphate, cyclic guanosine 30 , 50 -monophosphate,
reactive oxygen species, protein kinase A, and protein kinase C. In the presence of active protein kinases, epidermal-like growth factors
are produced that activate mitogen-activated protein kinase in cumulus granulosa cells. The maturation promoting factor, cytostatic
factors, and spindle assembly checkpoint proteins are also involved in the maintenance of arrest at various stages of meiotic cell cycle in
mammalian oocytes. In this review, we briefly summarize the role of these factors in the maintenance of meiotic cell cycle arrest in
mammalian oocytes.
J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 592–600, 2010. ß 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Meiotic cell cycle in mammalian oocytes starts during fetal life 2009). However, lack of specific inhibitors for the gap junction
and gets arrested at diplotene stage of first meiotic prophase at in the oocyte has complicated the efforts to clarify their possible
the time of birth. The diplotene arrest in oocyte may last for role in the maintenance of meiotic arrest (Mehlmann, 2005).
several months or years in follicular microenvironment Growing body of evidences suggest that the oocyte is capable of
depending on the mammalian species (Wassarman and generating sufficient amount of cAMP required for the
Albertini, 1994; Sirard, 2001; Trounson et al., 2001; Mehlmann, maintenance of meiotic arrest (Masciarelli et al., 2004; Vaccari
2005). Meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest is et al., 2008). The resumption of meiosis after the injection of
morphologically characterized by germinal vesicle breakdown G-stimulatory (Gs) inhibitory antibody into oocyte suggests the
(GVBD). After GVBD, the proper organization of metaphase involvement of Gs-adenylate cyclase mediated production of
spindle by activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cAMP within the oocyte (Mehlmann et al., 2002). The receptors
makes the first meiotic division to progress through coupled to Gs and adenylate cyclases have been reported in
metaphase-I (M-I) manifested by extrusion of first polar body, mammalian oocytes (Mehlmann et al., 2004; Hinckley et al.,
and then by cytostatic factor (CSF)-mediated maturation 2005; Ledent et al., 2005). The activation of G-protein coupled
promoting factor (MPF) stabilization, meiotic cell cycle gets receptors (GPCRs) in the oocyte plasma membrane that
further arrested at metaphase-II (M-II) until fertilization. stimulates Gs protein and subsequently adenylate cyclase is
However, in the absence of fertilization in some mammalian responsible for the generation of cAMP within the oocyte
species, postovulatory aging induces exit from M-II arrest, and (Masciarelli et al., 2004; DiLuigi et al., 2008). The expression of
eggs are further arrested at metaphase-III-like stage so called active adenylate cyclases such as adenylate cyclase 3 (ADCY3)
M-III arrest (Eppig et al., 2004; Mehlmann, 2005). The purpose and adenylate cyclase 9 (ADCY9) have been reported in mouse
of this review is to summarize data from several laboratories, and rat oocytes. Furthermore, ADCY3-deficient oocytes show
including ours, on the factors responsible for the maintenance precautious resumption of meiosis, suggesting that cAMP
of meiotic arrest. We hope that this review may provide accumulation within the oocyte is required for the maintenance
updated molecular mechanisms of meiotic cell cycle arrest in of meiotic arrest (Hornera et al., 2003).
mammalian oocytes. Another primary determinant of intraoocyte cAMP level
and thereby of meiotic arrest is the inactivation of major
cAMP–PDEs responsible for degradation of cAMP in oocyte by
Meiotic Cell Cycle Arrest at Diplotene Stage hydrolysis. This concept is strengthened by in vitro
It is well established that intraoocyte cyclic adenosine observations that the nonselective PDE inhibitors such as
30 ,50 -monophosphate (cAMP) plays an important role in the 3-isobutyl-1-methyl xanthine, papaverine, theophylline, and
maintenance of meiotic arrest at diplotene stage (Mehlmann, pentoxyfilline inhibit PDE activity and thereby meiotic
2005). One long-standing hypothesis is that the continuous resumption (Downs et al., 1989; Chaube, 2001, 2002; Chaube
transfer of cAMP from cumulus granulosa cells to the oocyte et al., 2001). The selective PDE3A inhibitors such as cilostamide
through gap junctions maintains meiotic arrest (Fig. 1a) (Dekel and milrinone maintain oocyte meiotic arrest in several
et al., 1981; Wassarman and Albertini, 1994; Chaube, 2002; mammalian species (Tsafrifri et al., 1996; Wiersma et al., 1998;
Webb et al., 2002). However, it has been recently reported that
intraoocyte cAMP level is essential for the maintenance of
meiotic arrest at diplotene stage in mouse oocyte (Fig. 1a)
(Vaccari et al., 2008). Furthermore, cyclic guanosine 30 ,50 - *Correspondence to: Shail K. Chaube, Cell Physiology Laboratory,
monophosphate (cGMP) also acts as an important inhibitory Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
signal and maintains meiotic arrest in mammalian oocyte. The 221005, India. E-mail:
cGMP passes from associated cumulus granulosa cells through Received 14 January 2010; Accepted 15 January 2010
gap junctions to the oocyte where it inhibits hydrolysis of cAMP Published online in Wiley InterScience
by phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A) (Fig. 1b). This inhibition (, 15 March 2010.
maintains a high concentration of intraoocyte cAMP and this DOI: 10.1002/jcp.22108
blocks meiotic progression (Norris et al., 2009b; Sun et al.,

ß 2 0 1 0 W I L E Y - L I S S , I N C .

Fig. 1. a: A diplotene-arrested rat oocyte showing the presence ofgerminal vesicle and nucleolus("). Original magnification, 400T. b: Aproposed
model for the maintenance of meiotic arrest at diplotene stage in preovulatory follicle. The cAMP and cGMP produced by cumulus granulosa cells
are transferred to the oocyte via gap junctions. The increased level of cGMP inactivates PDE3A and prevents hydrolysis of oocyte cAMP. The
increased level of oocyte cAMP increases PKA activity. The increased PKA activity inactivates Cdc25B phosphatase and activates Wee1/Myt1
kinase that results in posphorylation of CDK1 and inactivation of MPF. The increased NO level through iNOS-mediated pathway and inactivation of
MPF finally induces meiotic arrest at diplotene stage. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Mayes and Sirard, 2002; Lindbloom et al., 2008). More recently, maintenance of meiotic arrest at diplotene stage of mammalian
Vaccari et al. (2008) reported that oocytes deficient in PDE3A oocytes (Wassarman and Albertini, 1994).
do not hydrolyze cAMP, and thereby cAMP accumulates above MPF plays a key role in maintenance of diplotene arrest. MPF
the threshold level resulting in maintenance of meiotic arrest. is a serine–threonine kinase protein heterodimer composed of
Taken together, these studies suggest that GPCR3 and PDE3A a catalytic subunit, cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), and a
are primary determinants of cAMP levels required for the regulatory subunit, cyclin B (Fig. 1b). The activated form of MPF
maintenance of meiotic arrest (Fig. 1b). involves dephosphorylation at Thr14 and Tyr15 of CDK1 and
Follicular cumulus granulosa cells encircling oocyte are also its association with cyclin B (Clarke and Karsenti, 1991). In
responsible for the maintenance of meiotic arrest at diplotene addition to this, a change in the level of cyclin B by synthesis and
stage. The inhibitory factor(s) released from theca and degradation is of central importance for MPF activity (Ledan
granulosa cells are passed to the oocyte through gap junctions, et al., 2001). Cyclin B is accumulated in diplotene-arrested
which results in the maintenance of meiotic arrest (Sirard and oocytes due to the presence of early mitotic inhibitor1 (Emi1),
Bilodeau, 1990; Sirard et al., 1992; De Loos et al., 1994; Richard an inhibitor of anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/
and Sirard, 1996a,b). Furthermore, inhibitory factor produced C), which is responsible for the destruction of cyclin B
by the theca cells also has a short-term effect, but its continued (Marangos et al., 2007). The APC/C is a large assembly of
ability to maintain the oocytes in arrest of meiosis requires proteins that associate with one of at least two adopters, Cdc20
either replenishing every 4 h or continuous presence of theca and Cdh1, to direct polyubiquitylation of securine, cyclin B, and
cells (Richard and Sirard, 1996b). One of the active inhibitory other cell cycle regulators for subsequent degradation by the
factors that have been identified is hypoxanthine (Sirard and proteosome. In diplotene-arrested oocytes, high
First, 1988; Wassarman and Albertini, 1994). The inhibitory concentrations of cAMP activate protein kinase A (PKA), and
factor produced by the theca cells requires the cumulus cells to activated PKA phosphorylates two CDK1 regulators such as
be in direct contact with the oocyte as the cumulus cells play a Cdc25B phosphatase (Pirino et al., 2009) and Wee1/Myt1
key role in either transporting or processing the inhibitory kinase (Standford and Ruderman, 2005; Han and Conti, 2006).
factor (Richard and Sirard, 1996a). Incubation of cumulus The inactivation of Cdc25B and activation of Wee1/Myt1 kinase
oocyte complexes in the presence of theca cell monolayers and ultimately inactivate MPF leading to the maintenance of meiotic
PDE3A inhibitors produces higher rate of meiotic arrest than arrest in several mammalian species (Han and Conti, 2006;
those obtained by incubating the cumulus oocyte complexes in Potapova et al., 2009).
the presence of untreated theca cell monolayers. These findings Recent studies indicate the involvement of reactive nitrogen
suggest that the purines produced by theca cell monolayers act species (RNS), such as nitric oxide (NO), in the maintenance of
upstream from the site of action of PDE3A inhibition (Mayes meiotic arrest at diplotene stage (Nakamura et al., 2002; Sela-
and Sirard, 2002). Thus, purines released from theca cells Abramovich et al., 2008). This hypothesis has been supported
maintain meiotic arrest by inhibiting PDE3A activity and by by our recent findings that diplotene-arrested oocyte showed
increasing intracellular cAMP level (Eppig and Downs, 1984; highest inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression as
Mehlmann, 2005). The increased intraoocyte cAMP level compared to the oocytes arrested at M-I and M-II stages of
through discrete set of steps inactivates MPF resulting in the meiotic cell cycle (Chaube et al., 2009). Similarly, the highest



intracellular NO level is associated with diplotene-arrested cAMP level (Dekel, 1988; Zhang et al., 2009). The disruption of
oocyte as compared to M-I and M-II stages (Tripathi et al., gap junctions also reduces the transfer of cGMP from cumulus
2009). These findings indicate that oocyte is capable of granulosa cells to the oocyte (Fig. 2). Reduction in the level of
generating sufficient amount of NO through iNOS-mediated intraoocyte cGMP level results in the activation of PDE3A
pathway required for maintenance of meiotic arrested at activity that further reduces intraoocyte cAMP level. This
diplotene stage in mammalian oocyte (Fig. 1b). possibility is supported by the observation that cGMP maintains
Exit from diplotene-arrest (Fig. 2) is induced in response to meiotic arrest by inhibiting oocyte PDE3A activity to maintain
pituitary gonadotropins particularly luteinizing hormone (LH) cAMP level in the oocyte (Tornell et al., 1991; Wang et al.,
(Eppig et al., 2004; Mehlmann, 2005). Stimulation of meiotic 2008).
resumption by LH occurs indirectly via its action on the The net reduction of cAMP within the oocyte inactivates
surrounding granulosa cells rather than on the oocyte itself PKA since high cAMP level and PKA activation play a critical role
since oocyte lacks gonadotropin receptor (Amsterdam et al., in the maintenance of meiotic arrest (Han and Conti, 2006).
1975; Dekel, 1988; Zhang et al., 2009). LH binds to its receptor In the absence of active PKA, phosphatase such as Cdc25B is not
on mural granulosa cells and initiates signaling pathways phosphorylated and remains in its active form. Similarly, Wee1/
involving cAMP and cGMP as second messengers (Dekel et al., Myt1 kinases remain in dephosphorylated and inactive form
1984; Dekel, 1988; Eppig, 1989; Byskov et al., 1997; Liang et al., (Eppig et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2005; Han and Conti, 2006;
2005; Zhang et al., 2009). In response to LH surge, an increased Liang et al., 2007; Solc et al., 2008). Active Cdc25B
cAMP level induces PKA and PKC pathways to produce dephosphorylates CDK1 (a catalytic subunit of MPF) at Thr14
epidermal-like growth factors (EGF-like factors) such as and Tyr15 on the MPF complex that is maintained by Wee1B
amphiregulin and epiregulin in mural granulosa cells (Park et al., phosphorylation. As a result, CDK1 of MPF complex gets
2004; Mehlmann, 2005; Chen et al., 2008). These EGF-like activated, and meiosis is resumed from diplotene arrest
factors, via their receptors on cumulus granulosa cells, induce (Duckworth et al., 2002; Han and Conti, 2006). This possibility
MAPK activity (Gall et al., 2005; Mehlmann, 2005; Li et al., 2008). is further supported by the observations that oocytes from
Studies suggest that MAPK activation in cumulus granulosa cells, Cdc25B/ mice remain at GV stage if cultured in vitro and
but not in the oocyte, is indispensible for meiotic resumption, microinjection of wild-type Cdc25B mRNA triggers the
while intraoocyte MAPK activation cascade is required for resumption of meiosis (Lincoln et al., 2002). The cyclin B (a
postdiplotene event such as meiotic spindle organization (Fan regulatory subunit of MPF) is accumulated due to Emi1-
and Sun, 2004; Liang et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007; Xiong et al., dependent inhibition of APCcdh1 in diplotene-arrested oocytes
2008; Fan et al., 2009). The activated MAPK interrupts cell-to- (Fig. 2). During LH-induced meiotic resumption, Emi1
cell communication among cumulus granulosa cells and destruction is stimulated that results in resumption from
between cumulus granulosa cells and oocyte through diplotene-arrest (Marangos et al., 2007). An exit from
phosphorylation of connexion 43 at serine and threonine diplotene-arrest can also be achieved if preovulatory oocytes
residues resulting in the closure of gap junction (Sela- are removed from its follicular microenvironment that
Abramovich et al., 2005; Norris et al., 2009a; Sun et al., 2009). maintains meiotic arrest by synthesis and secretions of several
The disruption of gap junctions arrests the supply of cAMP from inhibitory factors and further cultured under in vitro conditions
somatic cells to the oocyte leading to decrease in intraoocyte (Wassarman and Albertini, 1994; Mehlmann, 2005).

Fig. 2. A proposed model for LH-induced meiotic resumption in follicular oocyte. LH binds to its receptor in mural granulosa cells and induces
production of cAMP through adenylate cyclse (AC) pathway. The increased level of cAMP then stimulates PKA/PKC activity and thereby the
production of EGF-like factors in cumulus granulosa cells. The EGF-like factors induce MAPK activity that disrupts gap junctions among cumulus
granulosa cells and between cumulus granulosa cells and oocyte. The interruption of communication between cumulus granulosa cells and oocyte
blocks the transfer of cAMP and cGMP. The reduced level of cGMP activates PDE3A that further reduces cAMP level by hydrolysis, which is
generated by oocyte itself through GPR3/AC pathway. The net reduction of oocyte cAMP reduces oocyte PKA activity. The reduced PKA activity
activates Cdc25B phosphatase and inactivates Wee1/Myt1 kinase that results in deposphorylation of CDK1 and activation of MPF. The active MPF
finally induces resumption of meiosis from diplotene arrest. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]



Meiotic Cell Cycle Arrest at M-I Stage by the observation that the depletion of Emi1 in GV-arrested
oocytes increases the cyclin B1 destruction, resulting in an
Meiotic cell cycle in mammalian oocytes remains arrested at M-I attenuation of MPF activation and a delay of entry into M-I stage
stage (Fig. 3a) until all sister chromatids have been properly (Marangos and Carroll, 2004; Marangos et al., 2007). Although
attached to the bipolar spindle and are aligned at the metaphase reduction in the level of Emi1 is required for the resumption of
plate (Wassmann et al., 2003). The spindle assembly checkpoint meiosis from diplotene-arrest, its low level is sufficient to
(SAC) proteins ensure the correct segregation of homologous accelerate entry into M-I stage, spindle formation, and
chromosomes and provoke a cell cycle arrest in metaphase if any progression through M-I (Marangos et al., 2007).
chromosome is not correctly attached to the bipolar spindle Activation of Mos/MAPK also plays a significant role in
(Niault et al., 2007). Functional SAC exists during M-I stage in microtubule reorganization and in positioning of metaphase
mouse oocytes and acts through their checkpoint proteins such spindle to the oocyte cortex, an essential event for metaphase
as Mad2, Bub1, and Bub3 (Fig. 3b) (Wassmann et al., 2003; Li et al., to anaphase transition (Zhou et al., 1991; Verlhac et al., 1994,
2009). The Mad2 is present at kinetochore during early M-I 1996; Choi et al., 1996a). In the absence of Mos/MAPK
(Hupalowska et al., 2008). Over-expression of Mad2 leads to cell activation, the extensive astral-like prophase microtubule
cycle arrest at M-I stage, but the expression of a dominant arrays appear to persist that may prevent proper association of
negative Mad2 protein interferes with the proper spindle the spindle with the inner surface of the oocyte cortex (Choi
checkpoint arrest (Wassmann et al., 2003). The SAC proteins do et al., 1996b). Therefore, metaphase spindle fails to properly
not control the timing of M-I but rather delay metaphase– translocate to the cell surface causing abnormal formation of
anaphase transition until the spindle microtubules are attached the first polar body, and oocyte remain arrested at M-I stage
to kinetochore and chromosomes are properly aligned on the (Choi et al., 1996a,b; Araki et al., 1996; Liang et al., 2007).
metaphase plate (Brunet and Maro, 2005). The APC/C is the only Growing body of evidences suggest that reactive oxygen
known target of the SAC proteins (Fig. 3b). species (ROS) may be involved in the maintenance of M-I arrest
The SAC proteins ensure accurate chromosome segregation in mammalian oocyte. This possibility is strengthened by the
by inhibiting APC/C and delaying anaphase onset (Brunet and observations that supplementation of exogenous H2O2 inhibits
Maro, 2005). The Mad2 directly interacts with APC/C adopter first polar body emission in rat and mice oocytes cultured in
Cdc20 and inhibits APC/C activation for correct separation of vitro (Chaube et al., 2005; Tamura et al., 2008). Recently,
homologous chromosome during first meiotic division (Fig. 3b). we have reported that the intracellular level of H2O2 in
(Wassmann et al., 2003). Similarly, Bub1 and Bub3 are also M-I-arrested oocyte is higher as compared to diplotene-
found to interact with Cdc20 of APC/C, but whether they arrested oocyte (Tripathi et al., 2009). The possibility exists
interact in the same complex as Mad2 or in a complex apart that the M-I-arrested oocytes generate H2O2 through
need to be clarified (Wassmann et al., 2003). Formation of mitochondrial pathway leading to increased intracellular H2O2
functional spindle correlates with the progressive increase in level and meiotic cell cycle arrest in oocytes (Goud et al., 2008).
MPF activity (Madgwick et al., 2004). The correct positioning of The possible mechanism by which ROS maintains meiotic arrest
spindle requires MPF activity, while spindle migration and APC/ is yet to be clarified.
C activation are initiated once MPF activity reaches higher level
(Brunet and Maro, 2005). The cyclin B levels through the Meiotic Cell Cycle Arrest at M-II Stage
regulation of MPF activity synchronize the different events of
spindle formation, spindle migration, and APC/C activation The stabilization of MPF activity and proper organization of
(Brunet and Maro, 2005). This possibility is further supported the spindle by specific mechanisms are required for the

Fig. 3. a: A M-I-arrested rat oocyte showing germinal vesicle breakdown. b: A proposed model for meiotic arrest at M-I stage in preovulatory
follicle. The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) proteins such as Mad2, Bub1, and Bub3 directly interact with APC/C adopter Cdc20 and inhibit
APC/C activity which then stabilizes MPF. Activation of Mos/MEK/MAPK/Rsk90 pathway also stabilizes MPF. The stabilization of MPF and
generation of ROS maintain meiotic arrest at M-I stage. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]



Fig. 4. a: M-II-arrested oocyte showing presence of first polar body (").Original magnification, 400T. b: A proposed model for maintenance of
meiotic arrest at M-II stage. The c-mos/MEK/MAPK pathway directly induces MPF stabilization, and indirectly this pathway recruits PP2A to
activate Emi2. The activated Emi2 then forms a complex with APC/C through its adopter Cdc20 leading to the stabilization of MPF. c: Mos/MEK/
MAPK pathway using two proteins such as MISS and DOC1R induces spindle stability, and cyclin B synthesis induces MPF stabilization. The spindle
stability and MPF stabilization induce maintenance of meiotic arrest at M-II stage. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available

maintenance of M-II arrest in the mammalian eggs (Fig. 4a). The The APC adopter such as Cdh1 is abundant in deplotene-
stabilization of MPF is maintained by CSF and by Mos-mediated arrested oocytes but declines sharply in M-II-arrested oocytes.
MAPK pathway (Shoji et al., 2006; Madgwick and Jones, 2007; On the other hand, Cdc20 whose protein level is low in
Perry and Verlhac, 2008). The CSF by definition does not deplotene-arrested oocytes increases in M-II-arrested oocytes
describe a single molecule or protein, but rather an activity (Shoji et al., 2006). Hence, Cdc20 plays a role as a sole abundant
found in the egg (Wu and Kornbluth, 2008). Members of the APC/C adopter in CSF-arrested oocytes (Shoji et al., 2006). For
novel Emi/Erp family of protein have been reported as the maintenance of M-II arrest, complex of Emi2 with APC/C
important components of CSF (Schmidt et al., 2006). The adopter Cdc20 is essential (Fig. 4b) (Liu et al., 2006). On the
Emi/Erp family comprises only two known members, that is, other hand, release of Cdc20 from Emi2 and its subsequent
Emi1 and Emi2 (Schmidt et al., 2006). Emi1 plays an important binding with APC/C results in its activation. This activation is
role in timing of the early stages of meiotic maturation before achieved either in the presence of fertilizing spermatozoa or by
handing over to SAC proteins in M-I. The arrest at M-II has been parthenogenetic agents that cause calcium release from internal
recently attributed to the Emi1 orthologue Emi2 (Hansen et al., stores. An increase in intracellular calcium level activates
2006; Shoji et al., 2006; Madgwick and Jones, 2007). The Emi2 calcium/calmodulin-dependent PK-II (CamKII) in the egg. The
CSF pathway ultimately inhibits an ubiquitin ligase called APC/C activated CamKII causes phosphorylation of Emi2. The
(Schmidt et al., 2006; Tang et al., 2008). phosphorylation of Emi2 is further potentiated by another



polo-like-kinase resulting in complete inactivation and the generation of H2O2 through mitochondrial pathway (Goud
degradation of Emi2 (Hansen et al., 2006, 2007; Madgwick and et al., 2008a) might be associated with the maintenance of M-II
Jones, 2007). The destruction of Emi2 results in the activation of arrest. Further studies are required to explore the possible
APC/C that leads to exit from M-II arrest (Masui and Markert mechanism underlying H2O2 generation and its involvement
1971; Masui, 2001; Runft et al., 2002; Hansen et al., 2006; Shoji during M-II arrest in mammalian oocyte.
et al., 2006; Madgwick and Jones, 2007).Another group of
proteins that include Mos (pp39 mos), MAPK kinase kinase Meiotic Cell Cycle Arrest at M-III-Like Stage
(MEK), and MAPK are involved in the maintenance but not in
the establishment of M-II arrest in mammalian oocytes (Ito et al., In most of the mammalian species, ovulated eggs are arrested at
2007; Madgwick and Jones, 2007). The c-mos, a protooncogene M-II stage of meiotic cell cycle with first polar body. Egg
from a family of kinases that functions as a signal transduction activation that includes exit from M-II arrest and extrusion of
molecule, has been reported to activate MEK. The MEK serves second polar body is generally associated with the transient
as the upstream activator of MAPK. The MAPK is an upstream increase of intracellular calcium ion [Ca2þ]i at the time of
activator of ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p90Rsk) that induces fertilization (Kline and Kline, 1992; Xu et al., 1997; Raz et al.,
SAC protein activation and thereby inhibition of APC/C (Maller 1998; Whitaker, 2006). In the absence of fertilization,
et al., 2002; Madgwick and Jones, 2007). Although p90Rsk and postovulatory aging mimics the action of fertilizing
SAC proteins play no essential role during CSF arrest in spermatozoa, increases [Ca2þ]i, and induces exit from M-II
mammalian eggs, the role of SAC proteins in coordination with arrest (Vincent et al., 1992; Xu et al., 1997; Raz et al., 1998).
microfilament dynamics and meiotic exit has been reported These partially activated eggs do not progress further and get
(Shoji et al., 2006). In non-mammalian vertebrates, Cdc2/cyclin arrested again in a new metaphase-like stage called metaphase-
B phosphorylates Emi2, weakens Emi2-APC/C interaction, III (M-III) in few mammalian species (Fig. 5a) such as mouse
promoting dissociation of APC/C that leads to exit from M-II (Vincent et al., 1992; Xu et al., 1997), hamster (Austin, 1956),
arrest. However, p90Rsk acts downstream to MAPK in Mos and rat (Zernika-Goetz, 1991; Raz et al., 1998; Ross et al., 2006;
pathway and recruits protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) to Emi2 Chaube et al., 2007; Galat et al., 2007; Tamura et al., 2008). The
causing dephosphorylation of Emi2. As a result, detail molecular mechanism(s) underlying M-III arrest is still ill
dephosphorylated Emi2 does not dissociate from APC/C understood. However, one of the important factors
complex and the CSF arrest is maintained (Wu and Kornbluth, responsible for M-III arrest in aged eggs might be the insufficient
2008). However, eggs collected from Rsk-knockout mouse still release of cytosolic calcium from internal stores like
maintain a CSF arrest suggesting the involvement of a redundant mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Due to insufficient
pathway that is responsible for Emi2 phosphorylation and PP2A calcium release, Cdc2 kinase activity is not fully re-established in
binding (Dumont et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2008; Wu and M-III-arrested eggs as compared to M-II-arrested eggs (Kubiak
Kornbluth, 2008). et al., 1992). In M-III-arrested eggs, sufficient CSF activity is still
For the maintenance of M-II arrest in the mammalian eggs, present to stabilize residual or newly formed MPF activity
proper organization of the spindle by specific mechanisms is resulting in M-III arrest in few mammalian species (Kubiak et al.,
required. The MAPK interacting and spindle stabilizing (MISS) 1992; Vincent et al., 1992). Due to the presence of CSF activity,
and DOC1R (deleted in oral cancer one related, a murine chromatids remain condensed and microtubular metaphase
homologue of a potential human tumor suppressor gene) are spindle reforms in M-III-arrested eggs (Kubiak et al., 1992;
two MAP kinase substrates associated with the spindle in Vincent et al., 1992). Two unknown proteins of 133- and 138-
M-II-arrested oocytes (Fig. 4c) (Lefebvre et al., 2002; Terret kDa are present in M-III-arrested eggs and their reduction may
et al., 2003). The DOC1R accumulates during meiotic induce parthenogenetic activation indicating the importance of
maturation, while MISS is present only during M-II. In the these two proteins in the maintenance of M-III arrest (Fig. 5b)
absence of these two proteins, the M-II spindle forms normally, (Liu et al., 1998).
but later become disorganized indicating a role for both Recently, a novel and unique role of H2O2 in the
proteins in the maintenance of the spindle structure during the enhancement of postovulatory aging has been reported (Goud
arrest (Brunet and Maro, 2005). MISS and DOC1R are et al., 2008). Similarly, depriving the oocytes of NO results in
regulated by multiple phosphorylations through the activity of the deterioration of oocyte quality postovulation (Goud et al.,
MAP kinase and MPF. Thus, cooperation between MPF and 2005). A possibility exists that the intracellular H2O2 which is
MAP kinase pathway (leading to CSF activity) is at play to generated through mitochondrial pathway (Goud et al., 2008)
maintain the spindle structure when the metaphase stage is might be involved in the maintenance of M-III arrest in
highly prolonged (Brunet and Maro, 2005). mammalian oocytes. However, the mechanism by which H2O2
The balanced synthesis and degradation of cyclin B also plays generation leads to M-III arrest remains to be elucidated.
a key role during M-II arrest (Kubiak et al., 1993). The In human, an ovarian stimulation protocol generates
equilibrium between these two processes is dependent upon predominantly M-II-arrested eggs with first polar body, but a
CSF that slows down degradation (Kubiak et al., 1993) and small proportion (10–15%) of oocytes are also obtained that
continuous synthesis of cyclin B that is maintained at the highest are arrested either at diplotene or at M-I stages of meiotic cell
level (Winston, 1997). Cyclin B degradation occurs once cycle (Bergere et al., 2001; Levran et al., 2002; Mrazek and Fulka,
spindle formation has been completed and the chromosome 2003). In some IVF patients, M-II stage oocytes were found to
aligned on the metaphase plate in M-II-arrested oocyte (Brunet contain two pronuclei without extrusion of second polar body.
and Maro, 2005). During CSF arrest, the SAC is inactive and In some other cases, extrusion of second polar body did not
neither Bub1 nor Mad2 is required for M-II arrest (Tsurumi occur, although multiple pronucelei were detected (Levran
et al., 2004; Dumont et al., 2005; Perry and Verlhac, 2008). et al., 2002; Miyara et al., 2003). In addition, in few mammalian
Thus, APC/C inhibitor responsible for the maintenance of species including rat and mice, ovulated eggs extrude second
higher level of MPF activity during the M-II arrest remains polar body and further arrested at M-III stage of meiotic cell
unidentified. cycle (Chaube et al., 2008; Tripathi et al., 2009). This is the
The role of ROS in the maintenance of M-II arrest in typical situation for the oocytes that are unable to complete
mammalian oocyte is ill understood. However, recent findings meiotic cell cycle and are arrested at various stages of meiotic
from our laboratory indicate that the intracellular level of H2O2 cell cycle which may be treated as pathological arrest. The
in M-II-arrested oocyte is higher as compared to diplotene- pathological arrest at various stages of meiotic cell cycle might
arrested oocyte (Tripathi et al., 2009). The possibility exists that be either due to the deficiency of one or other factor(s)



Fig. 5. a: The M-III-arrested oocyte showing degenerating first polar body and extrusion of second polar body ("). Original magnification, 400T.
b: A proposed model for the maintenance of meiotic arrest at M-III stage in egg. Postovulatory aging induces the release of insufficient cytosolic
calcium ion. The presence of insufficient calcium results in the incomplete destruction of CSF leading to MPF stabilization. Two unidentified
proteins of 133 and 138 kDa and ROS throughunknown pathway induce M-III arrest. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which isavailable

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