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you chose, give a possible title. It must be catchy!.................................................5

The Title you chose for your essay goes here......................................................................6



In technical terms, the scripture can be defined as the set of signs by means of which a
language achieves its graphic fixation, in a durable medium, in order to serve as a memory
or record to the speaker who uses it. writing is a skill that every human being can develop,
is continuous and permanent. Since we are children we began to have diverse contacts with
words written around us, in different things and places.
Writing is one of the great inventions of humanity, surely the greatest of all, since it has
made history possible. It covers many cultures, languages and practically all periods of
human development, transforming into signs the ideas and information of the most varied
disciplines, such as history, art, anthropology, medicine, theology, and literature.
Likewise, having achieved, during its evolution, such a precise and close way of recording
the different thoughts and messages conceived by the human being, writing is also an
excellent means of communication, since at the same time it is used to keep memory of the
idea, fact, concept or information, as well as to get other speakers to know the content of
these thoughts, even decades after having been written, facts that make the Scripture can be
considered in itself a cultural heritage of civilization human, it is precisely this system of
signs that have allowed men today can almost always read directly the thinking of their
ancestors, as well as the main facts and reasons, lived by the men of yesterday.
Consequently, writing is collective memory and possibility of being heard in the morning.

After seeing the dawn of a new day, in a certain way it is inevitable to see the calendar that
is hanging on the wall to realize that there is only one day of classes to go on vacation. It is
clear that time was like water between your fingers, but inside your mind there are so many
recorded memories that you will not be able to forget for a long time. In a certain way you
have just finished writing another chapter or part of the great story of your existence, just to
fulfill your academic obligations, there is only one day left, there is only one sunrise and
one nightfall for your heart to subtly place the cover the pen that has been working since
February, recording every moment so you do not forget. Writing in a small diary that does
not exist or that others simply can not see, every morning or evening browsing your
platform where you find people who are slowly disappearing from your memory and you
never communicate with them again. Only that day, a possible first day of classes...

Whenever we start a new path, we do it with a special predisposition, both for the
expectation of crossing it and for the achievement of the objectives to which it leads us. It is
natural and necessary that it be so.

At the end of the course and through the activities proposed here, I first learned that at the
beginning things do not always go as they want, that there must be a lot of effort and effort
to achieve results. I also discovered that it is essential to have good communication and
dialogue with the classmates who are in the course because they can help you and help you
when you need it. I could also see that you have to know how to distribute the time well in
order to complete the work of the classes, assignments and exams and also to complete the
final work.

Although every writing practice is a complex and recursive process, in which multiple
factors of different nature intervene: social, cultural, affective, motivational and cognitive
(de Lucía and Hocevar, 2003) there seems to be a dominant belief that links the writing of
"Consecrated writers" with the figure of "creative genius". This is evident, for example, in a
series of assumptions and prejudices that consolidate the figure of the "great writer "like
that of a being that thanks to his exceptional talent, and for a rapture of extraordinary or
supernatural inspiration, comes to produce his work.
Writing creates an object of what is initially an immaterial thought, and in this transforming
activity, it converts into object what is subject, and into product what is process.

The cognitive processes that come into play in writing must be explored. Following
Carlino's thinking, "writing gives shape to ideas but not as a mold external to content: when
writing, non-existent contents are created." (2009, p.9)

Writing should not be seen only as a space to answer questions, but also as a space for the
student to ask their own questions. Here is also crucial teacher intervention, which should
motivate the student to formulate their own questions instead of forcing him to answer the
questions posed by the teacher.

The teacher would go from being the recipient of a content reproduction text to having the
role of guide in the exploratory path of writing. This is another factor of great importance:
the accompaniment of the teacher in the task of writing. The action of writing is enriched
when it is part of a guided construction process, where the teacher accompanies the student
who has become the author. It can not be ignored that this form of writing is new for the
student, and therefore must incorporate the parameters to be taken into account in the
production of an academic text. The return of the written production by the teacher is
fundamental. An intrinsic interest on the part of the apprentice can be strengthened if,
instead of being based on a qualification, a positive feedback is established, which moves
away from a value judgment on the writing, and seeks positive stimulation for progress and
exploration (Bain, 2007).

In this challenge it is very important to include writing in a meaningful task, with clear and
explicit purposes and objectives. It must be a cognitive challenge, turning the writing
process into a process of problem solving, discovery and exploration.

That is, you must specify a task that exceeds the simple fact of dump ideas on a sheet, and
point to an analysis, questioning and transformation of thought. A critical and reflective
attitude should be encouraged as the student writes, both in the previous planning, as well
as in the act of writing itself and in the revision of the writing. Summarizing this position,
Irene Klein bases:
When writing ceases to be thought of as a kind of mold in which the various contents are
poured and is conceived as a tool that not only allows to develop the necessary
competences to produce academic texts but, above all, to organize what is known and think
about what is written about, it becomes an epistemic instrument that makes it possible to
apprehend and configure knowledge. (2007, p.14)

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