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A thesis submitted in conformity with the reqiurements

For the Degree of Doctor of Philosopliy
Etiward S. Rogers Sr. Deputment of Electricai and Cornputer Engineering
University of Toronto

@ Copyright by Slohamed Abdel-Rahman. '2001

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To the memonj of mg father
Mohamed Abdel-Rahman
Doctor of Philosophy, 2001
E d m r d S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Cornputer Engineering
University of Toronto

For the digital time-domain analysis of electromagrietic tr'ansients in an interco~ectetl

power system, the system is utificiûllÿ clivided into two sections: (i) the study zone.
in which the transient phenomenon occurs and where the component moclels must be
represented in cletail. inciucling physicd and mathematical n~nline~arities.and (ii) the
external system wtiich encompases the rest of the network. and due to its electrical
clistance to the location of the transient phenornenon. c m be representecl by a linear
network in the whole Frequency range of interest. This thesis develops a new methociolo~
to obtain a, Ercqirency clepentlent equivalerit for üri esternal uetwork,

The main motivation behincl clevelopment of an eqiuvalent for the externa1 system iç

to minimize computation resources. i.e., CPU tirne ancl tnemory. for the analysis of real-
istic size systems. The required compiitationd resources are the bot tleneck in real-tinie
simidation 'and application of off-line software packages for the anaiysis of high-freqiiency
elect romagnetic transients.

The salient featiue of the proposed approach. as compared Mth the other rnethods
for dedticing external network equimlent. is that it provicles a simpler mode1 (loiver-order
mat hematical model) wit h the required acciiracy. Furt hermore, the proposed met hodologq-
ensures positive-realneçs of the eqiiimlent.

The proposed e q u i d e n t is referred to as the hybrid eqtiident since it relies on a

combination of (i) simpiified distributed bne rnodels and (ü) Iiunpecl element moc[els. to
generate a. fiequency response eqiuvalent of the esternal system. This thesis also expsnck
the proposed approach to develop a rn~titi-portequivaient and to consider the impact of
sources (generators and harmonic sortrces) on the equivalent.

The proposed concept has been applied to tt ceahtic size interconnected 300 W stiidy
system to obtain a single-port and a two-port equitdent nith respect to pre-specified
observation points. The d i d i t y and iiccuracy of the proposed approach is verified b u e d
on cornparhg the simidation residts with those obtainetl from the simiilation of the original
system iising the ElectrohIagnetic Transients Program ( EhITP).

1 would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to both Professors A.

Sernlyen and M.R. Iravani for their guidance and support during the course of my work. I
would Like dso to earpressmy appreciation for the financial support I received from Prof.
M. R. Iramni and from Unitpersity of Toronto. I also thank Mr. X. LC'ilng for his help.

I would like to thank a,U the people who stood beside me during some difficult times I
went through during my work. Among the first I woulcl like to thank are h h c o Merkli
<andYancy Pedri. 1 thank Prof. &I. R. Iravani. Prof. Sernlyen and Mrs. Cherisn for their
support during those times.

1 want to say thanks to my friends Ahmed Abclel-KhaIek. Ahmecl S. El-clieb. Denis

Iioi~rossis,hIassoud Sharifie, and Hussein Nokhtari. I woukl like also to thank Ahmecl
Erraki. Finally I thank my mother, my brothers Mido and Iihaled. a n d m y wife R m h .

1 Introduction 1

1.1 introduction ... . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . ...... .. .... I

1.2 The Necessity of eqiiimlent Xetworks . . . . .. . . . .... .. . . . . . -


1.2.1 Time Domain Etlentification Xpproacii ... . . ....... . .. . -5

1.2.2 Freqiiency Domslin Idencification Approach . . . . . . . . . . .... -i

1.3 Thesis Objective , . . . . .... . ... . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 10

1.3 ThesisOutline.. . . . . . . . - . . . . . - - - . . - . . - .. - . . . . . . . 11

2 Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents 12

2.1 Introdiiction . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . - . . . . . . - - . . . . . - - . - . 12

2.2 Basic Concept of Hybritl Eqiüvalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - L3

2.3 Basic Steps for Obtaining a Hybrict-Equivdent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

23.1 sir face-Layer and Deep-Layer Convention . - - . . . . . - . . - . - Lf

2-32 Surface-Layer Appro-ximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - . 19


2.3.3 DeepLayer Appro-ximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.4.1 Ekample1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2 E-mple2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.4.3 Example 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:

2.4.4 Example 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.3 Mtrlti-Port Equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.1 Esample 2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.6 Concliisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :36

3 TweLayer Equivalent for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients 38

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2 The input .A dmittance and its Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -IO

3.3 Optimizerl Fitting ............................... -10

3.3.1 Cdctilation of .Jacobian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -11

3.3.2 Llnconstrained Leat Square Error llinimkation . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.3.3 Constr~neclOptimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.4 liulti-Port Equitxients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15

3.4.1 linconstrained Least Square hlinimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5

3 - 4 2 Constrained Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -17


3.5 SystemswïthGenerators ........................... 48

3.5.1 Active Esternai Equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3-52 Slulti-Port Networks and H m o n i c Soiuces . . . . . . . . . . . . . -19

3.6 E~amples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.6.1 Esample 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.6.2 Example 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.6.3 Emmple 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

3.6.4 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.7 Aigorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a2

3.8 Concliisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4 Application of Hybrid equivalent Approach to a Large System 65

-4.1 Introcluction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.2 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.3 Data Prepasation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.3.1 Data Prepxacion For Sitigle-Port con fi,^ation . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.3.2 Modal Decomposition for Single-Port con fi,^ation ......... Tl

4.4 Hybrid EqiiivaIent for Single-Po rt Configtiration .............. 73

4.4.1 Ground Mode Admittance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

44.2 Aend h,Iode -4dmittances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1


4.4.3 Impact of Frequen-Dornain Inacciuacy on Tirne-Domain Response r CI


4.5 Hybrid Equivalent for Two-Port Configirration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.5.1 Data Preparation for Two-Port Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.52 Grounct Motle Arlmittance . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .- - 73

-1.5.3 Aerid Mode Admit tances . . ...... ..... + .... + .... 78

4.5.- Time-DomainSirniilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 19

-1.6 Conclusions . . .......... . - - .. - - - .- .- . . ......... SU

5 Conclusions and Future Work 90

5 . Conclusions . ... ..... . ... . .- . . .- . . .... . . .- . . .-

+ 90

5.2 Fiitiire Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . - . . . . . 91

Bibliography 93

Appendices 97

A Parameters for Example 2-1 98

B Parameters for Example 2-2 99

B.1 Propagation Function Parameters for Esample 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 99

B.? Characteristic hpetlance Parameters for Example 2-1 . - . . . . . . . . . . 102

C Parameters for Example 2-3 103


C.1 Propagation F~mctionParameters for EIrample 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

C.2 Characteristic Impedance Parameters for Esample 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

C.3 DeepRegion Parameters for fiample 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

D Parameters For Example 2 4 104

E Parameters For Example 3-1 106

E.1 Propagation Ftiriction Parameters for Example 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

E.2 Chuacteristic Irnpeclance Paramcters for Example 3- 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 101

E.3 DeepRegion Parameters for Example 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L O I

F Parameters for Example 3-2 109

G Parameters for Example 3-3 111

H Data and Parameters for the Case Study 113

H.l Esact Pararneters for Transmission Line TL1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

H.2 Eqliim lent Paxaineters for Transmission Line TL 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

H.3 Esact Parameters for Transmission Line TL2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l 5

H.4 Equivalent Parameters for Transmission Line TL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

H.5 Parmeters for DeepRegion Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

1 TimeDornain Simulation for the Hybrid Equivdent 119


1.1 Tirne-Domain Simidation for the Hybrid Equident using EMTP . . . . . 119

1.2 Tirne-Domain Simidation for the Hybtirl Eqriivdent iising SDIULIBiI< . . . L-O
List of Figures

1.1 Electrical Xetwork partitionecf into il stircly zone and an esternal network . 3

1.2 n-Port Externid Setwork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1 System-1 in whicli t h externa1 system consists of a 210-km transmission

line terminatecl by an RL load ( 2 )of (500 + j~O.O02}R . .......... 15

'1.2 Input acitnittiirice of the esternal network of 5ystern.L . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 (a) Origind network. (b) eqiiimlent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.4 Esact and extracted deep region for Example 2.1

2.5 Esact ancl extracted deep region for Esample '7.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.6 Exact and estracted deep region for Esample 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '16

2.7 Esact and equivdent input scimittcmcefor Esample 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1

3.8 Radial muiti-tine external network. System.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1s

2.9 Equivalent circuit schernaticç correspon&g to the esterna[ network of Sltem-

,.. ........................................ 30

2.10 Real ancl imaginary parts of the esact loatl imd approsimated deep regîon
(left-over) admit tance of Fiogre 2.9.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

2.11 Real and imaginary parts of the =act load and approsimated deep region
(left-over) admittance of Figure 2.9 b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 32

2.12 Real and imagina- parts of the esact luicl hybrid eqiiivdent atlniittaiices
of System-2. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 33

2.13 Equivaient circuit schematics corresponding to the esternal network of System-

2 when the topology of the surface-layer is ignored. ............. 34

2-14 Red and imaginary parts of the esact loacl ancl approximated deep region
(left-over) aclmittance of Figure 2.13-b. . . . ... . . . . . .. .... .. . 35

2.15 Resistive 'ietwork for Escample2-5. ... .. ... . .... . .. .. . ... 36

3.1 The stucly zone and the ttwport external network. . . .... ... . ... -16

3.2 (a) Original system with generators. (b) Generator biis in detail. (c) Eqiiiv-
aient network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . ... . .. . 54

3.3 (a) Rcdial test system of esample 3-1 ancl (b) Eclriiviile~it.. . . . .
. . . . . cm
3.4 input admittance, example 3- 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 56

3 Deepregion, esaniple 3-1. ... , ..... .... ... . . ... .. . ... --


3.6 Test system of esample 3-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

3.7 Representation of element YLL

of input aclmittance matri.-.-. esample 3-2. . . 59

3.8 Representation of element of input admittance matLu. example 3-2 . . 60

3.9 Representation of element Yi2 of input acimittance matri.-.-.esample 3-2. . . 62

3.10 (a) Original system with generators. (b) The equitdent. example 3-3. . . . 62

(a) Short-circuit current at terminai Al. (b) and Short-circuit current at

terminda2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B<asicaigorithm for implementing the hybrid eqnivaIent approach. . . . . .

Schematic cliagrm of the stirdy system. ...................

(a) bternal-System as ri singIe-port nehvork. (b) Extemal-Systern as a

two-port network. ................................

(a)Red part of the o ~ g i n dancl the quivalent gound mode admittance.

(b) Irnagbiiry part of the original anci the eqtrivaient groirnd mode admit tance.

Hybrid eqiiivalent for the aerid mocle neti~orks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Real part of the originel antl the eqiUvalent aerial mode admit tance. (b)

imaginary part of the original and the equivalent x r i a l mode admittance. .

Hybrid eqtuvalerit for the aerid mode networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Real part of the original and the equivalent tienal mode admit tance. ( b )
Imagina- part of the original antl the eqtiident aerial mode admittance.

(a) Real part of the origind and the eqtrivalent aerial mode aclrnittance. (b)
Irnizginary part of the origind and the equitdent iierial mode admittance.

Energkation crment a t bus A for the a component 1,. . . . . . . . . . . .

-LI0 Ener,Pization current ai, btts -4 for the 3 component id. . . . . . . . . . . . 89

List of Tables

1.1 Parametric time-domain representations. where (X) means that the poly-
nomid appears in the expression and its parameters are to be eçtùnatetl
whereits ( 1) mems that the poiyriomial equals iinity. ............ G

A.1 Propagation fiiriction parameters for Example 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

B.1 Propagation frinction piirameters for Example 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

B.2 Characteristic irnpedance parameters for Example '2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

C.1 Propagation fiinction puameters for Example 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

C.2 Characteristic inipeclmce pxuneters for E-xample 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

C.3 Deepregion parameters for Esample 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

D.1 Transmission h e s irr System-2 and their length for E t m p l e 2 4. . . . . . 10-1

D.2 Loads parameters for Esample 2-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

E.1 Propagation lunction puameters for Esample 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

E.2 Chcmcteristic impedmce parCurietersfor Example 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 107


E.3 Propagation function piirameters €or E - m p l e 3-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10s

F.1 Transmission lines in Systern-2 and their Iengths for Exarnple 3.2 . . . . . . 109

F.2 Loads parameters for EsanlpIe 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

(2.1 Transmission lines in System-2 anci their lengths for Example 3.3 . . . . . . 111

G.2 Loads pararrieters for Esample 3-3-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11'1

G.3 Generator pmaineters for Esample 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

G.4 Yorton cm-rent soiirces for E-wrnple 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

H.l Resiclues of the shaping part of the propagation fiinction for TL1. . . . . . 113

H.2 Poles of the shaping part of the propagation function for TL1. . . . . . . . 11-1

H.3 Residues of the characteristic impedance for TL1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1

H.4 Poles of the ~Iiuacteristicimpedsnce for TL1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1

H.5 Poles and resirlues of the shapi~igpart of the propagation fiinction for TL1. 115

H.6 POIS and resiclries of ttie shaping part of ttie ciiaracteristic iniperlsnce for
TL1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L15

H.7 Residiies of the shaping part O€ the propagation fimction for TL2. . . . . . 113

H.S Poles of the shaping part of the propagation hmction for TL2. . . . . . . . 116

H.9 Residiies of the characteristic impedance for TL-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

H-IO PoIes of the characteristic impetlance for TL2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

HA1 Poles mri residires of the shaping part of the propagation fiinction for TL.2 . 117
H.12 Boles and residues of the chuacteristic impedance for T
L'. . . . . . . . . . 117

H.13 Poles and residues of the YLIelement of the deep-region inpiit admittance
rnatrivYn,,. . . . . - . . - . - . . . - - - . . . - - . . . - . . . . . . . . - . 118

H.14 Poles and residues of the k:?- element of the cleepregion inpiit admitt,uice
matrix kir,,. . . - . . . . . . - . - . . . . - - - . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . 115
Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Electromagnetic trsrisients take place in electrical power systems di~ringdaily operations.

They arise fiom faidts, resonmce! or czny change in either the ~ o p o l o mor the opersting
point of the system. These transienes can activate the control/protection sytemç. Lead to
porver interruptionsl o r c m even result in component fdures. Time-domain simdrition
is the only p n c t i c d approach available for the stucly m c i e d i i a t i o n of electromagnetic
transients of electrîc power transmission/&t~bution systems.

Tirne-clornain simidation is carriecl out \-ka two rnethods: (i) oE-line digital simiilation
prcigams Ue the Electroh~lagneticTrmients Progam (ENTP) Il] or (ii) red-time sitnii-
Cbapter 1: Introduction 2

lators.As a consequence of recent significant developments in cornputer technology, both

in hardware a d software, EbITP-type programs (EhITP?ATP. MICROTRAX.EAiTDC.
and NETOMAC) are well establishecl as reliable ruicl cost effective tools for the study
of electromagnetic transients. In fact. information t e c h n o l o ~era is still at the diirvn
and digitai time-domain simulation approaches are ~ ~ p e c t etodgain even more grouncl as
the prominent tools to stucly and analyze the behaviour of large and complex electricd

1.2 The Necessity of Equivalent Networks

Electrornagnetic transient studies require cletaileci modeling of complex. large networks.

However. detailed representation of a large cornplex systern is prohibitive. especially. For
the purposes of rea1 time sirnidation and statistical analysis. This stems boni the neeci
for excessive computational resources in tenns of CPU t h e ancl storage. as me11 as time
required to cievelop the required chta files.

A well-founded approach is to divicle the system into two parts: the stuc- zone. and
the remaincler which is represented by an eqiuvalent (pl ancl 131). This rernainder is
ca1IecI the esternal network. The stucly zone is that section of the network whkh is
çi,@ficantly affected anel bas the prima- impact on the behaviotir of the phenomenon.
Figure 1.1. Therefore. the stiidy zone. depenciing on the nature and characteristics of the
phenomenon. must be representecl by detailed component rnodels. including freqrienc-
dependency of the parameters ancl non-lineiities. The esternal network. Figure 1.1. is
the section whose inclividuai components have a secondcary impact on the phenomenon
and can be approxïmated by Linear component niodeIs. incliicling frequenc-dependency
of the parameters within the requirecl bcand-wicith. Xevertheless. the externai network ~IS

a whoie noticeab- affects the simulation result.

The study zone u s u d y contains a relative- smail section of an interconnectecl systern

\ . 1
, \
! ~ Study Zone
j \.
' ,. '
, ,
/ '

Figure 1-1: Electricd Yetwork partitioned into a stiidy zone m r l an e~ternalnetn-ork

and the extemal netnirk uicliicles the remiüning t z t portion of it. Linearity and size of the
externat netivork are the irnpetiis to replace it by an "approsimated artificial equivdent".
which mimics the estemal netwrks Frequency response nithin the reqiùred fiequency
band-rvirlt h, nith accepcabIe accuracy ancl [37- The reason behind this approach is that
kgh Fiequency (HF) transients do not propagate over Iong elect rical clistances w i t h the
network as thet- are subject to high at teniration. Hon~ver.t here is no K~IL-definecicriterion
or a systematic approach to define the border beta-een the stu- zone and the equident. It
Chapter 1: Introduction 4

is the experience-based jiidgment t hat specifies t his border. Recommenclations by CIGRE

pive some guidance in this regards but do not guarantee accuracy, especial1y €orclense
networlis that contain short transmission \ines. The factors that inffiience the decision on
how far back the frquency-dependent eqiiivalent is pIacerl from the clisti~rbancezotie are
[4 basecl on:

1. Ttie location of nocles and branches in the system where the analysis information is

2. The accuracy of the synt besizerl I'reqiiency dependerit system eqirivdent.

3. The accuracy to which the detailed mociel. iri the trririsient program. represerits the
components frequency responsc chuacteristics.

-1. Topology of the p o w r spterri.

5 . Sources and types of disturbances.

The more accurate the equiwlent is the closer to the disttirbance wiuce it can he put.
Le.. the size of the stittly zone cari be fiirther rerlucecl. However, the esteïnd system
rniist always remain Iinear and time invariant. if rion-liriet~ritiesin the esternal systetu
have pronoiinced impacts on che systern trmients. they should be exc1ucIecl from the
esternal systern and itichic1ecl in the study zone. Le.. the stitcly zone must be espanclerl
tu include stich cornponents. In concltision. to avoici escesive corriputationai resoiirces. a
cornples network is diticlecl into two parts: a detaileci s t u c - zone. mcl m eqtümlent rvhich
represents the esternal system.

The motivation of t t k thesis is to develop a systematic approach to obtain an riccrirate

and eEcient equitdent for the extemai syscem while (i) the size of the stricfy zone is
kept ta the minimiun and (ii) reliance on engineering judoment (items 1 to -5 above) ti
minimizect Generdly. there are chree steps to obtain a Frequency (rependent ec~riiwlent
[SI of an esternd system:
Chapter 1: Introduction

1. Calculation of the system response (impedance or admittance). which the eqi~ivnlent

miist mimic. This is achieved by either: (i) direct measiirement or (ii) Crquency-min
of the det ailed model of the system.

2. Synthesis of a freqiiency-dependent q u i d e n t . The problern of fincling an eqirim-

lent is a system identification problem. Electrical system models can be constriictetl
with the knowledge of the physical Iaws thut govern the system. This class of modeIs
is tenned white-box moclels. Ci'hite-box models can be clerivetl by tlecliiction only.
based on the iinderl_vingphysicd laws. Electrical systems generally lie in this cat-
ego- In contrast to the white-box approach. the black-box approach completely
ignores the internd composition of the systeni and focities on the input-output be-
havioiir of the system. The goal of a black-box approach is to finrl il mathematical
moclel that d i prodiice the same oiitpiit for the same inpiit.

Generaii- a black-box niodel is dividecl into two subcategories bsetl on the identi-
fication method: the first is time-domain identification. and the other is freqiienc--
cIomain iclentification. The foUowing two sribsections are cletlicatecf to a generd
description af each approach tvith the associated merits ancl limitations.

3. hplementation of the tieqiiency-clependent eqiiivalent in ii tr,uisients simulation


1.2.1 Time Domain Identification Approach

The ovewhelming computational efficiency of EMTP-type programs has established time-

domain simulation as the practicd tool for power system applications. Hence. components
and equivalents rnodeIs are iised in time-clornain simirlation. Yatiiral. this leacls to the
espectation that those rnodels are to be deveIoped itsing tirne-domiün approaches in the
6rst place. A generd form for a time clomizin model is [61t [Ïl
Chapter 1: Introduction

Input Madel) / / / I I
.4Ri41A4Y( Auto-Regressive Motring average X
,un'th Exogenous Input !\,IodeI)

Table 1.1: Pararnetric tirne-clornain representations. where (X) means that the polynornial
appears in the expression and its pararrleterç are to be estirriateci whereas ( 1 ) means that
the polynomial equals iuiity.

where -A(:). B(2).C(z).D(:) and F ( z )are polynomials in the shift operator z and y(k).u ( k )
and e ( k ) are the output. input and error or disturbance respective1 Table (1) shows var-
ioiis pararnetric time-domain representations.

The goal of a tirne-domain identification method is to find an estimate for the coefficients
of the polynomials A(;). B ( z ) ,C(z).D ( z ) mcl F(c). For an estemal electrical system. the
input u(k) is the voltage u ( k ) . and the output g ( k ) is the current i ( k ) ancl the error is
set to zero. Hence. an esperiment where ;m input signai ~ ( k that
) lias a ivicle band of
Frequencies is applied aatl an output i(k)is meastireci in time-domnin. is neeciecl. A least
sqtiare methocl or any other technique is rrsed to estimate the polynornial coefficients.
Efforts have been macle by severt researchers. encoiiraged by the adçxnces in time-domain
system identification techniques7to adopt time domain methods to End system equiwlents
[sl,[9].[10]? and [IL].

In Fact. the main motivation for a tirne-domain approach is to overcome the probIem of
hequency dependency of the modd transformation matrices For untransposeci t r ~ ~ i o n
Chapter I r Introduction 7

lines 'and cables. Consequently. the modal approach is avoiclerl and a direct phase clornain
approach is adopted instead. The r of this approach is that the model
n disul~antage
produced is dependent on the time step iised to implement it. Conseqiiently. a miilti-
step approach c m o t be used. and the moclel is very rigid in this respect. Efforts in
[la] to overcome t his problem, resiilted in the tlevelopment of L4RIi.A (Interpolation
Aiito-Regressive Sloving Average) technique. However. the problem associatecl with this
ctchniqiie is nunierical instability.

1.2.2 Fkequency Domain identification Approach

The other subcategol in the black-bos sytern identification rnethotls is the freqiiency-
doniain methods. X Fieqiiency tlomain mode1 has the f o m

where w is the fiequency. y(jG). K(ju). and ti(ju) are the outpiit. the transfer frrnction
and the input respectively. The objective hcre is to finci an estirnate of H ( j c ) . To estirniite
the polynominls' coefficients. a set of measilrements of both the input ruicl the otitpiit at
mriow frecpencies is needed [1'2]. [13j. iind 1141. This set of rneasiirements is obtained
either via an esperimental setup or a Ftequency scan of the cletailed model of the n-hole
system. Theoreticnlly. there is an infinite nrirnber of ftinctions that satisfies (1.2). The
rational hmction approximation is preferrecl as it rlirectly refiects the set of clifFerentia1
eqiiations that governs the system. StiIl. in a l e u t sqiiare serise. an infinite nimber of
soliitions e.sists thzlt satisfies thiç relation. XevertheLess. since (1.2) represents a physical
system. it miist have certain characteristics that reflect the nature of that system. Tt m u t
be stable. positive-real to reflect passivit? of the -tem. and minimiun-phase to s a t i s -
stability for both driving point impedance and aclmittance. The folloning section shecls
more light on the characteristics of the network firnction H f j u ) .
Chapter 1: Introduction

Network fûnctions

It is worthwhile to establish knowledgc of the characteristics of network hinctions since

ttiey are the main topic of this thesis. Figue 1.2 iiliistrates ü system for which the study
zone is connectecl to an txternal system throiigh n-ports.

The relationship between currents and voltages is

V (jw)= Z ( j r j )[(jw) (1.3)

where kT(ju) is the driving point admittuce matrk, and Z(jur) is the tiriving point
irnpedance rnatrk. Both Y(jw) imd Z ( j u ) mirst represent a stable and passive system.
Aence, the properties of both Y ( j w ) md Z ( j d ) csn be summarïzed in the f01lon;ing [ ~ 6 ] :
1. Network fiinctions of lumped. linex. time invariant nehorks are rational fiinctions.
Power systems are not only composed of lumped parcameters. biit they also include
clistributed parameter elements as well. i.e.. transmission lines. Therefore. ratiord
function representation is a simplification which neglects the existence of clistributed
parameter elements siicli as transmission l i e s .

'2. Since al1 the branches of a piusive network are necessarily stable. this implies that
each element of Y ( j w ) and Z ( j w ) rnmt be stable.

3. It is obviois that the poles of Y ( j w ) are the zeros of Z(jsl), thiis the poles and the
zeros must be in the left-hdf side of the complex plane.

-1- The exterual systern does not contain any active soiirces wliich nieans that the
system i d 1 absorb eriergy and will riever be able to cleiiver energy. i.e.. miwt he
positive clefini te, The condition for achieving positive-realness is

. External networks that contain generators or other active elements are treated in
section 3.5.

Conventional approach

The conventional approach to the problem of extemal network eqiiitdent is to match the
Gequency response of the original network clirectly with a multi-kranch. liimpetl parameter
(RLCG)netmrk. The main idea n-as introdimxl in 121. and WS
I siiccessfidIy used in a
number of apptications: [31.[171. and ilSI. Problems of stability mtl positive-reainess were
treated in f191. This idea is the concept of the Frequency Depenclent Yetwork Eqriivalent
(FDNE) program . mhich is inclucled as an a i ~ ~ l i a pr yr o p m nithin the DCG version of
the EJITP.

Other resewcliers rnanaged to directly fit the freqtiency response of a s l t e r n to rational

b c t i o n s [?O[. [217, [22], and ['231. Howevet, both approaches are the two hces for the
same coin. A rationd h c t i o n uppro?umation of an input iidmittance frequency response
associates every peak to two conjugate poles ancl every d e y to two conjiigate zeros.
For a lumpecl parameter network, a penk corresponrls to a series resonance ancl a valley
corresponds to a parallel resonance. Hence. it freqiiency response with mmy peaks mtl
valleys is appro.uimated by a rationd h c t i o n of high order. ancl consequently translates
into a complicatecl liimped parameter network with many branches. The niimber of poles
and zeros c m be in the order of hunclrecls.

Hence. by the nature of the approach itself. a wtcler freqiiency bmclwidth resiilts in ri

more sophisticatetl eqiiivalent. Wicle Frequency bandwidth moclels are neetled for the stiirly
of snitching phenomena and fast tmnsients thüt rnay take phce within a gas insiilaterl
switchgear or over il biisbar in a stibstation. These çtiidies need a bantlwidth of lOOkHz
iip to a0 M H z [Xi].
which is too demanding for ~ h conventionid
e approach. Furthermore.
acceptability of red-time sirriuiation. which is based on on-line calciilations. neciçsates
system models that crln reduce caIculation tirne.

Thesis Objective

From the previous discussions. there is a rieet1 to have a simpler alternative method to
6nd an eqiiivaient for 'an e..%ernd -stem. The objective of this theçis is to tievelop an
eqiuvaient that is:

1. Simple in structi~re.

2. Fast to prodiice.

3. Fast to sirnulate.

4. Stable. minimiun-phase. nncL positit-e-rd.

5. Able to handle uncertainties or lack of information about the stnict tire of the estemd
network. Hence. the concept of -black-boy representation is to be exploitecl as much
Chapter Ir Introcluction

as possible.

1.4 Thesis Outline

This thesis is siibdividecl into five chûpters, including this introductory chapter:

Chapter 2 represents the idea ;md the main concept introcIucec1 by this thesis. It
describes the sugestecl equimlent as a hybrid eq~uvalentcomposeci of sirnplified transmis-
sion iine models that represent the systern over the rvhole frequency range ancl lumpecl
paranieter coniponents that compensate for cliscrepancies over the lower frequency range.
It assesses the ferisibility of the approach m d its merits. The main iclea is elaboratetl over
a number of sample cases.

Chapter 3 formulates the idea as a too1 to represent a cxriety of systems. It clescribes

~ p t i ~ a t i possibilities
on and techniques. The optiniization process is penerally aimecl at
increasing the acciiracy of the equitalent . whiie keeping the necessary concütions of stability
and positive-realness. The rnodel is taken a step hirther by expanding it to include multi-
port networks. It also introduces the treatment of active sources that happen to be tvîthin
the esternal nettvork. It provides the necessa- steps to accotmt for generators or sources
oE harmonics \vit,hin the external netivork.

Chapter 4 cleals with the application of the proposecl concepts CO a large nehvork. An
interconnectecl. redistic. electrical rietwvork is ~ i s e r as
l ir;m exarnpIe that clenionstrates the
validity of the proposed ideas and concepts. This chapter takes the equivdent one more
step into the treatment of three-phase -tem.

Chapter 5 srunmarizes the concl~isionsand contributions of this thesis. It &O provicles

an agenda for the fiitiire work in continuation of thii t h a .
Chapter 2

Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents

2.1 Introduction

This chapter introdiices the basic concept of a netv Freq~iency-domainmethoct to represent

an electnc network for the ana1yis of electrornagnetic transients. In o w search for an
eqiuvalent that imitntes the beiiaviour of the extemai netivork imcler various scenarios.
we shoidd be m a r e that theoreticaIly there are an infinite n~unberof eqiumlents that
satisfactorily represent the original extemal network. However. there Xe two estremes
for this equitdent. the first is to describe the who1e external n e t ~ o r kin cletaii. while the
other is to approxïmate the whole network as st liunped-parameter eqiumient. Though the
latter is a neat approach for a reIative1~-weU-hehaved freqiiency response. the eqtùtalent
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Eq u i d e n ts

may not be an "elegant" one for a wkle band-nidth.

A compromise between the two extrema is computationdy more efficient thsn both
approaches. The hybricl equivalent is introciucecl to achieve ttiis compromise. The hybricl
eqiuvalent also provicles fiesibility to ~7ssiuestability and positive-redness if the liimpecl-
parmeter approach fails to meet these criteria. w described in this chapter.

The proposecl freqiiencyciomain. hybrid eqtiimlent rnodel is cornposed of (i) a set of

simplified (low order). distribiitecl-parameter transmission line eqiiations and (ii) a set of
low-order rational transfer functions. The simplifier1 Iine eqiiatiotis represent the network
at both low- and high-freqiiencies. The rational transfer Ctmctions coinpensate the discrep
ancy between the actiial (cietailecl) and the simplifieci litie eqtiations ac the loiv-Freqiiency
range. Thiis. it is a tnktiire or a -hybri# of liirnpecl-elements rincl clistribtitecl parameter

The main features of the proposed hybrid eqiiivdent. when cornparecl with a conveii-
tionaI eqiiident, are (i) simpIicity. Le.. Low-order mathematical modei. (ii) capability for
svicler freqiiency bancl-wicith representation and (iii) computational efficiency.

Section 2.2 provides the concept and the idea of the Hybrid Eqiiitdent. Section 2.3
demonstrates the methods 'ancl tools to implement the eqiiivalent. Section 2.4 clemon-
strates application of the proposecl concept basecl on a ntunber of simple esamples. Section
2.5 gives an insight into the possibility of expanding the approach to a miilti-port network.
Section 2.6 summarizes the conc1usions of tliis chapcer.

Concept of Hybrid Equivalents

,hie~9erna.ieIectric network consists of two regions: the first is the otiter part or the
surface region, the other is the iriner part or the tfeep region. The impact of the outer piut
ancl the inner part on the inpiit admittance of the extemai q-stem taries with Freqiienc.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of &bric1 E q u i d e n t s 1-1

At low freqiiencies, bot h inner and outer parts contribiite to the aclrriittance. Howevcr. at
higher Ereqitencies, the contribution of the inner part tlirninishes clrastically dile to bigh
atteniiation. This means that the inner part ccm be approsimated by a srnooth function.
This srnooth Function ccm be representecl by a rational fiinction that has mainly real poles
whose impact on the input admittance is tlomiriluitly at lower Freqiiency range.

This le& to the presurnption thst the esternai system cari be ucciirately ancl simply
approximateci by two regions that are topologicaily analogoiis CO the oiiter part ~uidthe
inner part. The first is a set of simplified transmission lines that represent the system in
the whale Frequency spectnim. The second is a set of fictitioiis IiirnpecI elements (R. L.
C and G). This Iiimped-element network has two roles: (i) it primurily compensates for
the tfiscrepancy between the system freqiiency response and the response of the srirhce-
Iayer simplifiecl moclels in the loiver freqiiency range. (ii) it also accounts for the freqiiency
response of the deep region part of the network.

To siun iip. the sirnplified rlistribiited-parmeter line models. represent the stirfiice re-
$on of the external network in the rvhole freqiiency range of intcrest. Since. the input

admittance is less sensitive CO inacciiracy of the deep region at the Iiigh freqiiency range.
this d o ~ the
s representation of the deep network by a Iow-order rational transfer function
that has a relatively srnooth freqtiency response in a Mcle freqiiency range.

To further esplore the iclea. consirler a test system. e-O.. Systern-L in Figure 2.1. The
extemai network consists of a single-phase transmission line terminatecl by iui RL loarl.
The Iine is 210 km Iong. 15 m high. and the gcoiutci resistivity is 100 R/m. The RL loecl
is (500 + ju0.002) R. The cornplex pluie method is used to accoiutt for the impeclance of
the g o m d retitrn path 1241- Figwe 2 - 2 4 shows Y&, of the external system of System-1
corresponding to two representations of the hie. One characteristic corresponds to the
exact clistribirted-parameter line motlel. The other corresponds to the case n-here ( i ) the
Iine characteristic impedance is approxhated as a constant value over the n-hole freqrrency
range mcl (ii) the Iine propagation function is representetl b - a 7""orcler rational hrnction
and a time clelay r . The RL load is kept the same for both plots of Figure 22-a.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equiwients

RL Load (2)

Figure 2.1: System-1 in which the esternal systern consists of a 210-kni transtnissioti line
terminated by an RL Load ( 2 )of (500 f j~;0.002)9.

Figure '2.2-b shows the clifference (in absolute values) between the corresponding values
of the input admittance plots of Figure 2-24. Figure '2.2-b iilttstrates that the clifference
between the two input admittances is more noticeable at lori* frequencies than at high
frequencies. Therefore. the cleep nettvork approximation miwt prirnarily compensate the
low Ereqiiency cliscrepancy The prima- impact of the deep network at lower Geqrrencies
could be preclictetl basecl on the nature of tvilve propagation in lines. Due to the high
atteniiation of a line at high frequencies, the range of propagation of high Freqiiency waves is
limitecl. Hence. representation of a line b - a simplifieci mode1 resiilts in higher errors at Ion-
Gequencies than at high frequencies. and the deep nemork approsimation is to competisate
for sudi errors. This &O leads to the ides that the cieep network approximation shoiild
be represented by a simple rational t r m f e r function corresponciing to the low-Freqiiency

In concliision, the general approach for obtaining the proposed hybrid eqriivaient can
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivdents

1o - ~ (a) Exact and Approximated lnput Admittance

Frequency (Hz)
(b) Absolute Oifference Beîween Exact and Approximated lnput Admittance
3; 1 . . ,

Figure 2.2: Input admittance of the external n e t ~ o r kof System-1.

be siimmarized in three steps as FoIlows:

1. The evternal nebvork is partitioned into two regions. li. surface region and a cteep

2, The surface region is approsimated by a set of Iow-orcier rlistributed parameter

transmission iine moclek corresponcfing to the transmission lines that actuaiiy esist
in the strrface region-
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of HwvbridEquivalents 1T

3. The next step is to find a limped-elernent rapprosimation for the cleep region. One
approach is to use the approximation of the surface region in conjimction with the
input 3dmittance to dediice the deep region input admittance. In this chapter we
investigate this method =cl describe the tl~cultiesassociated with it and its possible
merits. .Another approach is to obt~zina set of measurements for the cleep region input
admittance alone ancl directly firid a rational hnction approximation for the cleep
region. This approach is describecl in details in the next chapter. Xfter the freqiiency
response of the deep region is obtainecl. a stable rationd Fiuiccion approximation of
the tleep region is dediiced. One siich an algorithm is Vector Fitting (VF) 1201.

The developrnent of the above steps is described in clepth in the tollowing section.

Basic Steps for Obtaining a Hybrid-Equivalent

This section is cledicatecl to the clescription of the basic steps to develop the hybritl-
eqtuvdent discussed in the previous section. Each step is described in detail in a separate

2.3.1 Surface-Layer and Deep-Layer Convention

As statecl earlier. the first step is to rlivide the systetn into two parts or ]-ers. the first
one is approxirnated by a set of modified (simpiified model) tr,uismission lines. the other is
approximated by a liunpecl-parameter network. Figue 2.3- The sidace-layer can extend
ta more than a one-bus Iayer n-ithin the network. It may even contain some Iiinipetf-
parameter elements. like capacitors or inductors. if they exist in the onginai network.

The decision oE how to divide the systern can be left to es~erÏence.However. some basic
guidelines shoidd be obeyecl co xhieve the sÏmplest possible equident. Those guidelimes
c m be stated as:
Chapter 3: Basic Concept of /brid Equivdents

Surface-Region Deep-Region

(a) Original Extemal Network

-- -



(b) Equivalent

Figure 2.3: (a) Original network. (b) equivalent.

1. The topoIogl- of the sitrface-layer rniist be respecteci. This can be jiistified as this
is the most reliabIe way to reach an eqiudent that satisfies conclicions of stability.
positiw-reainess and minimum phase.

2, We clepenci on attenuation in the transmission iines to obt,aïn a simple approximation

for the deep region. Thm. it is the damping producecl b - the surface-lqer elernents
that deterniines how far shoidd the surface-layer proceecl into the extemai netivork.
The danping largely relies on the Iength of the transmission lines and the d u p i n g
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybricl Eqtritalents 19

provided by loads in the system. The longer a transmission line. the more tf,mping
it provides. Hence, if the surface region contains Iong transmission lines. it is most
Likety to contain a one-biis layer. If the lines are short ancl the surface-lqer cloes not
contain loads or other elements that produce damping. then it is most Likety that
there is a need to consider a two- or even three-bus layers as the surface-1-r.

3. If a dfici11ty arises in the rational fiinction approsimation 6tting of the cleep region.
it cm be trertted by incliicling more buses into the siuface region, therefore. makirig
it wicler (midti-lqer).

2.3.2 Surface-Layer Approximation

XRer the externid network is p:rrtitioned irito ttvo regioni;. the second step is to îincl an
appro.ximation for the surface-layer. To keep the equimient simple. it is prefetred to
keep the liirnpeci-parrimeters. if sny, intact anci to Bad a simple irpprosirrlirtion of the
tr~msmissionlines, within the strrface region. It is worthwhile CO shed some Light on the
transmission Line approximation proces.

Transmission line approximation

X transmission Line is characterizecl by a propagation funaion HP a m i a charncterktic

irnpedance 2,. Both HP and Z, are Ereqriency depenctent huictions- The propegation
function HP defines the reia.tionship between the reKectet1 w v e (I/;cfIL)at one end of the
line ancl the incident wave (l/;,,,a) at the other encl by [',Ti

~;nmd?= HpKfil- (2.1)

For a 1ossIes.s h e . HPbecornes Ho = e(-j"). which corresponrls to a tirne clelay r dong

the iine. In generd. HPcan be iaterpretecl as ~ h composition
e of i i cotnponents:
~ ~ adel-
Chapter 2: Bc&c Concept of Hybrid Equidents

component Ho md a shaping component HSh

In realization of the proposecl hybrid eqiuvalent. the del- r ,and the shsping effects are
taken into accoimt sepuately. This decomposition is ais0 computationaliy usefiil since
HSh is a much better behaved hinction with respect to curve fittulg. The ceason is thac
the niimber of poles needecl to identify s rationat fiuiction for H,h iç miich less than the
niimber of poles for HP.Frorn (2.1) and (2.2) ive ohtain

This shows that the shaping fiinction H,h is obtainecl From the propagation fiinction HP
basecl on '.backwincling using eJUT.Time d e I q r is not a fked value but an approsirnatecI
value that procliices the best backninding for the spiral propagation fiinction. The reason
is that nraves corresponding to clifferent Freqiiencies have different travel cimes dong a
transmission line. Conseqiiently. the travel time is not esactIy the line lengch ciivicleci
by the speerl of light. but a larger mliie. The more attenuation in the trans~nissionline.
the longer is the travel t h e . It is worth mentioning that the groiincl tnocle travel time is
significantly larger than my of the aeriül [nocles. This is rliie to the atteniiation proviciecl by
the groiuid retim. This arlditional delay resdts in sirriplifying the correspontling shaping
factor. Hence. it c m be approsimatetl by a simpler rationd function.

The shaping fiinction ccm be represented as the siun of partial fractions by the use of
Vector-Fitting (VF) approach. The rationd fiinction that represents the shaping part is
strictly proper. It c m be as simple as a dorible exponential function (in the tirne domain).
i.e.: only two partid fraction terms. The complexity of the rationd h c t i o n approximation
increases with the attenttation provicleci by the shaping part.

Simïiar to the shaping part of the propagation hmction, the characteristic impeclance
can be approsimated by the sum of partial fractions as in (2.4). The rationai fimction
C h pter 2: Basic Concept of Kybrid Eqirit-alents

that represents the chxacteristic irnpedcmce is a proper fimction of the form:

where Ro is a constant term, pi is the ith-pole. ri is the resitlue for the ith-rütional term.
and s is the comples keqtiency

There is no constraint on the poles m d resiclues for being red or cornplex qiiantities
eit her for the propagation fiinction or the characteristic impedance, though this is not
fiilly supportecl by the commercially amilable simiilators. Hoivever. by taking the liberty
of allowing comples qrtantities we rerliice the complexity of the tiansniissiori liiie tiiode1s.
Moreover. rve even gain more accwate rnotlels for the transmission Lines in getieral.

2.3.3 Deep-Layer Approximation

The objective is to obtain the Erequency response of the tleep region. Two options are
available to obtain this frequency response. The first is by .*estracting' it from the input
aclmittance. provicled that the noclal admittance rnatriu of the surface region approxima-
tion is known. The other is by tfirectly measiirinp the freciuency response of the cleep
region. In this chapter we tvill fociis oii the first method. whereits. the second approach is
treated in depth in the nest chapter.

The first approsch has the merit of reqtiiring a smaller m o u n t of meiuuretl data neetlecl
to proceed with the developrnent of the eqiumlent. To demonstrate the priticiples of
the proposed approach, let us consicler the systern of Figure 2.1. The objective is to
develop a hybrid equident of the e x t e n d network observed fiom the interface btis A.
The trcansmissionh e termina1 voltages and ciments are related by

mhere b:41 I/s. and IB are voItages ancl currents as shown in Figure 2.L. and k:., kb.
and YB-4are the elements of the transmission line nodal admit tance matrk. CVe dso
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Eqirivdents

define Ym,, and fieep (= Z-II see Figure 2-11 by

YhepVB= IB. Xnpiit = IO4.

Substitution for and IB Eiom (2.6) in (2.5) leads to

Tri the special case of a single-phase r i e terrninated by one loarl, Figure 2.1. al1 elenients
of (2.3) are scalarj. Solving (2.7) for Yk,, yields

(2.8) shows that if instead of the elements of the nodal aclmittance m a t i x of the line
their simplifieci approximations are usecl. then Yde, rnist rleviate from the original fiinction
(2-l) to maintain the original frequency response characteristic of the system with respect
to blls A.

The deep region is represented by a Iumped-parameter eqiutiilent with eniphasis on the

loiv frequency behavioitr. This lunipetl-parameter equivalent must be stable. Aithough. it
generaIly takes the form of an n x n rnatrk. where n is the riiirnber of the contact notles
between the surface region and the deep region: see Figure 2.1. it is a scalar for the special
case consiclered. The deep region is identifieci by Vector Fitting (VF). :in expression for
the lumpecl-parameter approximation of the deep region is

where Go?rti,and prr are the constcmt tem. the ith-resicliie. mcl the ith-poIe respective1-
The more attenuation we have at higher freqiiencies. the less sensitive is the input ailmit-
tance to the inaccitracy in the deep region appro-uiniation at higher Eieqiiencies. Hence.
the tleep region approximation emphasizes the low freqriency behavioitr of the deeplayer.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equidents

2.4 Exarnples

The objective of thii section is to clemonstrate feasibility and accuracy of the proposed
methocl by developing a hybrid eqiùvaient oE an external network within the freqiiency
bancl-width of O to 100 Mz. The system mder consideration is the test system in Figure

2.4.1 Example 2-1

For Example 2-1. the hybrici equimdent motlei of Systeni-1 incliitles a simplifiecl line rnodel
ancl a liunped-parmeter approsimation of the tfeep region. The simplifiecl line mode1
consists of:

- an averaged (mean) constant characteristic impedance of ($92 - j16.7) Q.

- a propagation fiinction approsimatetl by two partial fractions. Appendiu A.

Figure 2.4 compares exact EU and the mtrac ted dcep region admit tance characteristics
over the frequency rzuige of O to 10 kHz. The oscillatory naciire of the approsimatcri
cleep region admittance. Figue 2.4. iiirlicates that a high-orcler rational tr'uisfer fttnction
is reqtiired to fit the characteristic. Thus. the acfwntage of the simplifieci h i e niorlel is
offset by the high-order of the estrczcted deep regon response. Fiutliermore. one conclucles
that the pnce for an over-simplifiecl Iine mode1 is a hg& oscillatory and higfi-orcler cleep
region approximation.

2.4.2 Example 2-2

For Example 2-2. the line propagation a d the characteriscic impeclmce firnctions are r e p
resented by 12'h-ortler ancl 1-lth-orclerrationd cransfer humions respectiwly. .4ppenrIiu B.
The approshated cleep region admittance is estracted up to 20 kHz. Figure 2.5 compares
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents

x 103 Deep region Real Part


Extracted ,
- - - Exact

x IO" Deep region lrnaginary Part

- - - Exact

-5 1
1oZ 10' 1O'
Frequency (k)

Figttre 2.4: Lmct anci extractecl deep region for Esample - 2 .

the exact RL and the approxirnated deep regon acimittance freqiiency response character-
istics. As Figue 2.5 shows. accttrate line representation results in an approximateil cleep
region d ü c h hm a frequency characteristic response identical to that of RL load in the
entire Erequency range of interest. Tbe residts of Esample 2-1 and Esample 2-2 intlicate
that a cornpromise between the conesponding representations can protide an optimum
mode1 of the estemal network in terms of -order- and -accuracf. TlG optimum mode1
is eeqlord in Esample 2-3.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents

r IO" Deep region Real Part

x IO-' Oeep region trnaginary Part

5 1 l
Extracted /
- -. Exact i

Figure '7.5: Exact and estractecl deep region for Esample 2-2.

2.4.3 Example 2-3

The line mode1 for ElvampLe - 3 consists of a 4th-order propagation function and a -lth-
ortler ctiiuscterktic impedmce with a constant term of 5792.12'. Xppendix C. The rleep
region appro'amation is extracteci tip to 10 kHz. Figure 2.6 compares the exact RL and
the appro-simated deep region admittarice chr?sacteristics over the eentire freqt~encyrange
of interest. The deep region response is appro.ximated by a Td-order rational hmction.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrïd Equidents 26

Appendiv C! and extrapolatecl irp to 100 H z . Fiogre 2.7 compares the exact input
admittance of the external network and the one obtained £rom the hybricl equident of
Elvample 2-3. Close agreement between the corresponciing resiilts of Figure 2.7 indicares
that the hybrid equivalent represents the externd network of Figure 2.1, in the freqiiency
range of 0-100 kHz, with an acceptable accurac- If a liimped-parameter approach \vas
iised to find an equivalent, hiinclrais of poles would have been ernploj-ed to achieve this

IO-' Deep region Real Part

51 I

10-1 h e p region lmaginary Part

-- -
Extracted 1

Fi,we 2.6: Exact and extractecl deep region for Example 2-3.
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivdents

r Input Adrnktartœ ReaI Part

x ta* Input Admltanœ lrnaginary Part

- - Exact
Equivalent :

-1 ' l

IO' 10' t O' 10' 10'

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2.7: EKWLand equivalent input admittance for Example 2-3.

This section applies the concept of hybrid eqirimient to a. radial esterna1 netn;ork n-hich
is composed oE siu transmission Iines and s k Iumped-parameter loads. Figttre '2.8. This
system is referred to as System-2. The parameters of Sustem-2 are $en in Appendi- D.

The procediire to obtaîn a hybrid eqiiivaient of System- is:

Chpter 3: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equidents

Load 5

Load 6

Figt~re2.S: Raclial miilti-line externd network. System-2.

1. Exact input impedmce of the esternal network of System-2 wïth respect to

bus A. is caIculated.

2. Leacting l i e TL1 is repreçented by a siuiplifietl clistributecl-parzmeter liae model.

This simplifiecl model represents the propagation md characteristic impeclmce of
'lZl by sth-order ancl ~ ~ ~ - o r crational
ler traasfer functions respectivel-. Baseci on the
exact and the simplifiecl TL1 model. cm appro'cimated deep region is extracted.
which is referrecl to as the Ieft-over. Steps 1m d '2 provitle the eqruvaient circiùt which
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents 29

is schematicdy s h o w in Figure 2.9-a. Figure 2.10 shows the Freqiiency response

corresponding to the approximated deep region of Figure 2.9-a. If this cleep region
is not satisfactoy, due to the high niunber of peaks, extending the surface-layer
c m resiilt in a smoother cleeplayer. Figure 2.9-b. The complexity of the hybrid
eqiumlent of Fi,oure 2.0-a can be tiirther reclucecl if step 2 is followecl by steps 3 and

3. The admittance of Loacl-1 is siibtractecl from the left-over dediicecl from step 2.

-1. Lie TL2 (Figure 2.5) is representecl by a simplified clktributed-parameter line motlel.
This simplifiecl moclel represents the propagation and the chariicteristic impetlance
of TL2 by -Ph-order rind -ith-orclerrational transfer hinctions respectively. A new
left-owr is deducet1 by removi~igthe simplifiecl moclel of TL2 from the resiilts of step
3. Figure 2.4b shows an eqiiivalent circiiit of System-2 obtairied frorn steps 3 to

4. Figure 2.11 shows the left-over of step -1 as a fimction of freqiiency. The second
left-over of Figiire 2.11 is fitted by a '2""order rationd hinction. Conseqiiently the
orcler of the hybricl equivalent corresponcling to the circiiit of Figiire -1.9-b is loiver
than that of Figure 2.9-a. Figure 2.12 shows both the real and the imagina- parts of
the esact input admittance Y;,, and the hyhrid eqiiivalent obtairied t hroiigh steps
to 4 corresponding to the external network of System-2, Close agreement between
the corresponding resirlts verifies the acciirncy of the hybricl equivaient niodel.

In this example. the topology of the siirface region w s respectecl. If the original t o p o l o ~
is ignorecl in order to obtain a simpler topolos. Figiire 2.13. the deep region approsima-
tion can be an unstable characteristic. M e r estracting the first left-over. step 3 in the
previous section is skipped and the second transmission iine is diectly removed. The
resultant second Ieft-over is s h o m in Figue 2-14. The second IeFt-over is highIy osciUa-
t o p ancf vioIates the positive-re'zlness criterion. in acldition, it k non-minimiun phase.
Zn conclrision. The original topology of the network shoidd be respectecl. otherntise. the
eqiuvaient is not necesari1y stable-
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Eqliirdents

Figure 2.9: Equivaient circuit schematics correspontiing to the extemal network of S l t e m -


2.5 Mult i-Port Equivalent

The previous section tiealt only with a singleport series netrvork. (2.8) is not necessrufiy
valici for the general case of a rnidti-port network. For a rnidti-port case. the erements
of (3.7) are not scaiars. but vectors and matrices instead. (2.7) is a set of homogeneoils
equations with vector V = [y., V61T as a non-trivid solution. This merins tliat the admit-
tance rnatrk in (2.7')must be singular. Therefore. my for Id,, that satisfieç (2.7)
is a valid solution. As a residt of the singdarity of (2.7)

For the case mhere Irieep is a sraiar we have a miq que solution. ochenvise. we have one
eqtiation anci more thari one ~inknown. Thus. an W t e nimber of solutions for ,;k
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Eqrrirïdents

x la-] First Let-over Real Part

1 b

8 I

,- First Lefi-over
t . - - - Exact !


1d 1O= 1'O
Frequency (Hz)

First LeA-aver lrnaginary Part

0.M r i

Y o.mG
i 1

-0.01 1
fd id 10'
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2.10: Real and iniagina~vparts of the exact Load and approximateci deep region
(left-over) admittance of Figue 1.9-a.

satisfies (2.10). Therefore, the problem cm be formulateci as a minimization probIem

where we minimize

stbject to (2.10). This solution miist be stable. minimumphase. and positive-red. These
constraints c m be imposed through ari optimization Hoivever. it is ~tncleiu
hom- to assure simplicit- of the solution unless triai i l c i error or a long iterative aIgotïthm
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equitdents

Second LeR-mer Real Part


- second Let-over

14 r 0' IO'
Frequency (Hz)

10-1 (b) Secund Left-over lmaginary Part


IO' I O' ta4
Frequency (Hz)

Figue 2.11: R e d and imaginary parts of the exact Ioarl and approsimatecf cleep region
(left-over) admittance of Figure 2.9 b.

is imposed. A
. s a resrilt, the merit of r ~ i n go d y one set of meclsiuements is offset by
the clifficidty to extract a Fiequency response of the deep region. The esample
provides an ùisight into the probIem-
Chapcer 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equidents

x 10-' lnput Admittanœ Real Part

22 / I

lnput Admittanœ lmaginary Part

x 104
10: I

- - - Exact ;
v -
lol 10' 1O' 10' 10'
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2.12: Real and imagnasy parts of the esact imcl hybrid equivsllent admittances of

2.5.1 Example 2-5

Consider the simple resistive system-shown in Figure 2-15. The input conductance of this
circtut is 2.3966 R-'. Xow. consider the surface network as shown in Figire 2-15. The
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equitdenti

Study Zone

Figure 2.13: Eqtudent circuit schematics corresponding to the external network of

System-2 when the topology of the siirface-1-et is ignoreci.

nodal admittLmcematrk of the surface-Iayer is

Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrïd Equi~alents

Second Left-over Real Part

1oz ld 10'
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2.14: Real imd imaginasy parts of the exact load and approsimated rleep region
([eh-over) admittance of Figure 2.13-b.

Substituting into (2.5) d

lgive us

instead of
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents 36

This result shows tbat using the proposed approach is i n d i d as a method to find the
deep network representation. This c m be understood as the extemal network has three
degrees of Ereeclom and we have only one constraint. This shortcoming c m be overcome by
t&ng extra measiirements, Say at node B and node Ct anci incorporating neivly meaçuted
quantities as the extra constraints needed to ctevelop a new original cleep region acImit tance.

Figure 2.13: Resistive Xetwork for Esample 2-5.

2.6 Conclusions

This chapter introcliiced the concept of -Hybrid Eqiiident!' for cleveloping equivdents of
large, interconnectecl electric networks for the anaiysis of electromagnetic transients. This
approach is based on representing a netimrk by a combination of (i) simplifieci distcibuted-
parameter transmission line equations mci (ii) a rational tramfer huiction. The salient
featirre of a hybcid equivalent is that it cm represent a network in a wide frequency band-
width. e.g., up to 100 kHz with a simple mathematical mode1 and minimum compirtational
effort. The proposed method relies on some kno~-ledgeof the t o p o l o ~of the s i t e m . The
basic steps of the new approach were introducecl. The approach satisfis conciitions of
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Hybrid Equivalents 3'7

stabilicy and positive-realness. The equivalent is dways checked for being minimum-phase.
Chapter 3

Two-Layer Equivalent for the

Analysis of Electromagnetic

3.1 Introduction

The concept of a Hybrid Eqiudent tvas introduced in the pret-ious chapter. The Eeasibility
~ 1 efficiency
d of the eqtuvdent were &O stuclied. The question that reniains is how to
obtain this equiwient for a network. The chaiienge is to obtairi [Lie simpiest possible
equivaient that is stable. positive-red. and minimum-phase. The eqriivalent stiouIrl be
Chapter 3: Tn.o-Layer Equirdent for the -.ln&sk of Electromagne tic Transients 39

optimized to provide the reqliired acciiracy basetl on the simpIest structure.

In Chapter 2, Sections 2.3.3 ancl 3.3 we e..plored the possibility of cleduction of the
deep-region Erequency response bsisetl on the inpiit admit tance and the sirrfact'layer ap

proxïmation. Though this approach has some potentid and merits. no systematic process
c m be developed, To overcome this obstacle, the frequency scan for the clcepregion is
directly measirred. Thiis. there are ttvo sets of measiirements: (i) the input admittance
freqiiency-scm, (ii) the deep-region freqiiency-scari. Besidcç. enough information regartl-
ing the surface region is neecled iis will be describecl.

Hence. with dl this information in hand ive c m proceed with the process of obtairiing
the equimlent, After having an approsimation for the siuface-region. a rational fimction
approximation of the deep-region is obtained itiing \iF (Vector Fitting). Recombining both
the sidaceregion approsimat ion ancl the tleepregion approximation. an approximation
for the external-nehvork is deducecl. This eqiiident rnay not be sitfficiently accurate.
Thus, it needs to be modified to acciirately represent the original input udmittancc. The
correction is achieved via an optirnization process for the motlei parameters. in addition.
the constraint for positive-realness is irnposed to ifilire a stable tinie dornain sitntilirtion.
Most of this chapter is dedicated to the description of this met hodolog'. to obtain a hybrid

Section 3.2 describes the lineakzation of the inpiit admittnnce. Section 3.3 provicies
the detaiIs for the optimization process for the eqiùvdent. Section 3.4 proceetls with
the introduced ideas into mtdti-port networlis. Section 3.5 treats estemal s l t e m s with
generators. Section 3.6 gives compritationaI resiilts and discusses the issue of efficiency.
Section 3.7 proposes an algorithm for l t e m a t i c implementation of the whole approach.
Section 3.8 states the conc1tisions.
Cbapter 3: Tm-La;w Equirdent for the -4nalysis of Electromagnetic Transients 40

3.2 The Input Admittance and its Linearization

Consider Figure 2.3. The eqiuvalent shown in Figue 2.3-b is composed of a layer of
simplifieci traasrnission lines and a tational transfer function to riccount for the tleep part
of the network. The noclal eqiiations of the transmission lines are:

where iB = [iB1IR]= is the vector of the injected ciments from biises Bl and B? into the
deep-region. ancl VB= [VEl VB2ITis the vector of bus voltages. Thiis.

where kir,,, is the ratiorial fiiriction approsiriiation of the inpiit admittancc tiiiitris of the
rleep network. Substituting lBfrom (3.2) into (3.1). ive gct thc iripiit admittancc as seen
from terminal A
k;,,t = &.l - I;\B(%B+ Yd,ep)-Lk~:\ (3.3)

Linearizing the espression for aves

where Yi,, is the initial itpprorcimation of the inpiit atlrnittance. wtiich is obtainecl from
the initial approsimation for the siirface-region and the cleep-region: is the moclifieti
approximation: J. is the dacobian and Ar is the change in the moclel parameters.

3.3 Optimized Fitting

To enhance the accuracy of the fitting of the eqiutdent. a search for an optimal A r of
(3.4) is performed such that Y& of (3.4) appro-ximates as closeiy as possible its calciiratecl
value for the original network of F i g u e 2.3-a. First, ive consicier the IumpecI parameter
(rationd-fimction) component of the eqiù~alentas espressecl in (2.9). The parameters
Chapter 3: Tw-Layer Equivdent for the Analysis of Elec tromagne tic Transients :LI

that can be optirnized are (i) the residues rr, for the deep-region, tvith special care given
to complex residues to keep them in conjugate pairs ancl (ii) the poles pei for the d e e p
region. To avoicl instability only the imaginal parts of the complex poles are optimized.
However, constrainecl optirnization c m be i ~ e to
d impose stability

Optimizing the surfaceregion parameters cilri also be mecl to enhance the acciirzicy of
the eqriivalent. The first set of paranietels to optimize is the set of clel- times. T of
the trcuismission lines. The second set is the characteristic impedance pararrietcrs wtiere
both poles ~uldresidiies are avdczble for optimization. Following the sanie steps as. for
the deepregion of the network. tve optimize the residues ancl the irriaginary parts of the
poles. The only qii,antity that has been Ieft out of the optimization is the shaping part of
the propagation function because of the complexity of the reqiiiretl calculations. However.
optimization of the shaping part of the propagation hiiiction c m also be performecl as an
additional step to achieve higher degree of acciiracq. if neceçsary.

To siim iip, the initiai approximation provides a starting point. from which optimization
procedures are useri to Fine-tiine the modcl to üctiieve better accitracy. Ttieoreticwlly. d l
parameters of the mode1 can be adjustecl during optimization. Hotvever. iri rnost cases.
it is enough to modiEy only the resiclues O € the deep-region. If this clo~siiot provitle the
reqiured acciiracy. then the potes are aIso considered for optirnization. The optiniization of
si~rfaccregionparmeters is computationally more demancling. Therefore. it is advisable
to use them o n 1 a s the 1 s t resort to obtain the desired acciuacy. if the previoiis step huis.

3.3.1 Calculation of Jacobian

This siibsection describes the calculation of the Jacobian in some cletail for the tleepregion
pasameters md brieEly for the sidace-region parameters. For the sake of sirnpiicity we
iassiune that the deepregîon admittafice is a scaIar. However. ail the cdcidatioris are
valid for the general case where Ydeqis an n x n matrk.
Chspter 3: Tw*Layer Eqrriwlent for the .-lndysis of EIectroruagnetic Timsients -E

Jacobian for Deep-Network Parameters

The rational function that represents the deep-region is rewritten as

where n and m are the number of real and conip1e.u poles respectivel-

The derivative of (3.3) with respect to a real parameter p is

where p is the variable considered for optintkation. For instance. for a real resicliie the
optimized parameter is
p = r',. (3.7)

The sitiiation is slightly different for the case of coriiplex resirliies as they corne in
conjiigate pairs.
r, = a, +;Ji. r; = a, - jdt- (3.8)

Thiis. for the cornplex residues the optimized parameters iue a , aritl ,3, inrlepenclently
rather than the residues r , and r;. Therfore. for p = O,:

ancl for p = Ji:

Surface-Network Parameters

The siuface-region is a set of simplified (Iow-order) transmission lines. The 6rst element
that shoitld be optimized is the d e l - time r. Obtainïng the first denvative with respect
to r is a strillght-fonvard process. The other paramecers that cm be optirnizecl are those
Chapter 3: TnwLayer Eqmvde~tfor the =Indy&-of Electromagnetic Traosients 43

of the characteristic admittance. namel_v. the residites and the imriginary parts of the
conjugate poles.

in general the derimtive of (3.5) with respect to a siirface paraineter r is

(3.11) is a compliciitetl fitnction when compared with (3.6). The elements of the siuface
l q e r noilal arlmittmce rnatrix are non-linear functionç in the surface-regiori piiranieters.
If the surface-region is composecl of a. single transmission litie. the clements of the surface
admittance m a t r k are

where -,
is the propagation constant and C is the transmission line leiigttis and

Sitrface parmeters are given in (2.3) and (2.4).

3.3.2 Unconstrained Least Square Error Minimization

Given the cdcuiated Jacobian rnatrix ancl replacing k& in the left-hancl sirle of (3.4)
with the actud input atlmittruice. the only iinknotvn is vector Ar:
Chapter 3: Tm-Layer Equivalent for the -4nalysk of Electromagetic Trmsîents -14

(3.14) represents a set of over-determinecl linear equations. tts solution should be ob-
tained in a l e s t square sense. The M T L A B fimction for this task is 'j''
['ZSI. Thus. the
problem is eventuaily reclticed to a minimization problem of the form


As al1 the elements of (3.15) but Ar are complex qiiantities. it is necessary to break the
problem into its real and imagina- parts. Eqiiation (3.4) sliould be put in ~ h eform of
(3.16) to use a MATL-AB hnction or to apply any l e s t scpare solution rnethod.

3.3.3 Constrained Optimization

The previous subsection showerl ho,tv to minimize the error benveen the eq~ucdentand
the exact input admittance. However. there is no guarantee ehat either the cleepregion or
the approxîmated eqiiimlerit tvill not violate the positive-realness criterion For ~~clrruttarice
matrices. Hence. to ensure positive-realness. appropriate constraints shoirIcI be imposeci.
First, consicler the positiverealness of ctie input. It c m be seen. based on (3.4). that the
constraint of positive-realness for the input admittance of the system is

Thiis, the solution of (3.17) is a constrained optimization problem thnt c m be solved by

qiradracic pcogramming (QP).There are two 5LATLAJ3 fiuictions tIiat perform tkis m k
the first is qp". m d the second is "conIs" ['29].

The pret-ious discussion is solely concerned with the fiWhnent of positive-redness of the
driving-point admit tance. However. one part of the equivalent is the liunped parameter
Chnpter 3: Tno-Lapr Equirdent for the -4n;dysis of EIectromagnetic Trimients 15

part, which should ako. by itself, be positive-real. -4 n e c e s s q and a sificient condition

of positive-redness for the deepregion is

By imposing (3.18). positive-redness of the rleepregion is also giaranteed. This re-

qiurm. due to the non-linear coristraint in (3.18). a shift from QP to seqiiential qiiadratic
programming (SQP). SQP is a methocl for constraint optimization under non-linear con-
straints. SQP is an iterative rnethod where a non-linear optimization problem is approxi-
matecl as a qiiaclratic progmnming problem at each iteration, The SLATLJLB fiinction for
this optirriization technique is -constrï [291.

3.4 Mult i-Port Equivalents

Figure 3.1 shows a nehvork in which the stiicly zone is interfaced ic-itli the estemal system
throitgh two ports. In general. the interface cari be a niiilti-port. This section orily
concentrates on the two-port equimlent.

3.4.1 Unconstrained Least squares Minimization

Consicler a single-phase. tw-port network as the externd network. Figure 3.1. The inpiit
admittance Y& is a matris. The esternal netrt-ork is composed of a sirface-region.
that is represented by a set of low-order transmission Iineç? and a cleepregion n-hich has
lumped-parmeter representation. The designatecl and the caicirlated aclmittances of the
external sq'çtem are
Chapter 3: Tnw-Layer Equivalent for the -A ndysis of Electrornagnetic Trnnsients 46

Figtire 3.1: The study zone and the tw-port esternal network.
Chapter 3: T w d q e r Eq~iivalentfor the Anal~sisof Electromagnetic Trrrnsients

The objective hinction to be minimized is:

10 = 1lIKnwt - E,,,mLll;

w= Clr/,-y,/'. (i. j = 1.3)

In addition, (3.4) shottitl be re-written to represent four sets of eqtiations. one corre-
sponcling to each element in (3.21) corresponcüng CO matrices (3.19)

This formiilation rediices the problem coniplexity to that of (3.4) and thus the siLme
method of solution is applicable.

Generaiization of this approach to an n-port system is conceptiidiy straightfomard.

Moreover, this approach c'm be espandecl to an m-phase system without signibcant alter-
ation in the process. protided that the system is transformed into modal tlomain wliere
it can be treated as m-decoupled single-phase networks. Each of these network can be
treateti intlependently as tlisciisseti before.

3.4.2 Constrained Optimization

The precious subsection ciiiregartled the fact that the inpiit aclmittance m a t r k shouIcl not
riolate the positive-realness criterion. The coastraint is sirnilar to that of (3.19) ancl is
gïven as
Eigencalues(Xe(k;,,,)) 2 0. (3.23)

SQP is one methotl to impose (323) as the optunization c o m t ~ i n t .

Chapter 3: Tn-O-Lq-erEquirdent for the -4naIjsis of EIectromagnetic Transients -18

3.5 Systems with Generators

In this section we extend the disciission to cover extemal networks that contain generators
or other active sources. As the external system is assiunecl to be linear. an equivalent of the
active system in the Fomi of a (Norton) curent source and a passive network is possible.
The foilowing subsection shows the rleveloprnent of the equivalent.

3.5.1 Active Externai Equivalent

Consider the esternal systern of Figure 3.2. The system generaily has connection biises
(A), load biises (B). and generator biises (G). The noclal equations are

Frorn the third row of (3.24):

By substitiiting (3.25) into (3.26) ive get

Chapter 3: Trm-Layer Equivalent for the =laalj*sisof Electrornapetic Trmsients

Or, in a matrk fom,

From the 1 s t row in (3.28)

From (3.28) ancl (3.29)


where faviç the Xorton ciment. and k:v is the uirnittance of the passive systeni. l.:v
resembles a .iorton adtiiittarlce. Hoivever. it is uot esactb s Xorton arlniittaiice. since Yv
is a network that contains a combination of transmission lines and Iiunped elemcrits racher
than a single Iiunpecl admittance. Any inaccurxy in the Yorton equicalent is ctue to the
approsimations in the cornputation of k:v (eqi~aito Y;,, of (3.4). since the calciiIation OF
Lv cloes not reqiiire appro'rimritions).

In conclusion, the procedure is:

1. Obtain an eqiiident for the passive system. i.e.. for the sptern where al1 generütor
voltages have been set to zero as $vas describecl in Sections 3.2 and 3.3.

2, CaIcidate IAv from (3.32) at the poiver kquency o d y . In ehis wq- the effect of the
generators is taken into account.

3.5.2 Mult i-Port Networks and Harmonic Sources

Equation (3.30) is &O applicabIe to midti-port systems. The tinearity of the estemal s u s
tem makes it possibIe to obtain >*orton cirrrent sources at difFerent heqtrencies. if hxmonic
Chapter 3: Twcdayer Equident for the -4nédysisof Electrornagnetic Transierits 50

sources are to be consiclered.

3.6 Examples

This section provides three esamples to iil~istratethe feasibility of the rnethocl. In the
first example: modification of the cleep network's residues is enough to procluce adequate
correction to the result. The second example çhotts that for an interconnectetl network. the
situation will be sirnpler, as the error betxeen various trnnsrnission-line approsimations
acts such that the cliscrepimcy between the original surface-regiori and the ~pprosiniatiori
is less t h m in the case of a single trarmiissiori Iine. Thiis. the role of the cleep rietwork
hirther climiriishes. The third esample demonstrates the application of the net.\- technicltte
to an active system.

Figtre 3.34 shows a radial. single-pliase test system cornposed of trvo transmission Iines. of
-100 km and 100 km length. The two loads iue RL branches. The leacling line is represented
by an approximatecl shaping factor ;ml characteristic impetlance of Gfh-orcler. The deep
network is representecl by a rational h~nctionof 13th-order. The eqliivalent is schematicaIly
sho~vnin Figure 3.3-b. Figure 3.4 shoivs the input admittance and its approsimetions.
€rom the initial to the improved mode1 obtainecl by parameter optimization. The correction
From the first approximation to the Enal one is obvioirs. Ten iterations were enough to
achieve thk acciiracy Fiepure 3.5 shows the original admit t u c e of the deep network. the
first appro-simation. ancl the optimized one. The optimization process resrdted in a change
in the approximation of the deep network to reduce the error in the input admittance.
Data and parameters of both the ori,$nitl network and the final eqtumlent are given in
Xppendiv E
Chapter 3: TrtwLayer Eq uirden t for the -4nalysis of Electromag~eticTrcmsients -51

3.6.2 Example 3-2

Figure 3.6a shows a two-port singlephase test system composecl of ten interconnected
transmission lines. Data of the original network is given in Xppendk F. The eqriivalent
conçists of a srrrface Iqer of appro.ximated transmission lines and a cleepregion. The
deepregion is represented by a diagonal matrk. due to the absence of coupling between
conneccion nodes within the deepregion. The transmission Line approximations are sirnilar
to the previotrç esample. The deep regiori is approicimnted by a "d-order trintri'r ratiorial

The surface region is composeiI of four transmission line simpiified models. The eqiiiva-
lent is schematically show^ in Figue 3.6-b. Figures 3.7. 3.8, and 3.9 show the elements of
the input admittance rnatrix. CVe note that diie to the interconnectioris the first approx-
imation itself is dreacly close to the originitl characteristic. The merits of this approach
are better d u e d when cornparecl with the conventioria1 approach where hritidreds of poles
need to be iised to obtain the samc accuracy.

Fi-gure 3.10-ashows ii single-phase systern that contains foitr generators operating at 60 Hz

ancl 10 kV. The eqilivalent is schematicaily stiorru in Figue 3.10-b. The 'iorton ciirrent
source is a set of ciirrent sources as shom in Figure 3.10-b. Data ancl parmeters of both
original network and final eqriident are given in Xppendis G.

Terminal A1 is short-circuited at 0.16 s and terminai A2 is short-circiùtetl at 0.1 S. The

resuits of the simidation of these smitching events? using both the original neht-ork ancl
the nerv equident are shonm in Fiogre 3.11. The correspontling rvaveforms zue practicnlly
Chapter 3: Tm-Layer Equitzfent for the ilndysis of Electromapetic Tr'uisients 32

3.6.4 Efficiency

The efficiency of the Tw-Lqer Nehvork EqiuvaIent depends on both the system for which
it is used and its practical implementation. For the cases ex~amineclin Esamples 3-2 to
3-3, we have foiid that the compittationd effort in terms of M-8ops for the simulation
of transients using the new eqiiivaient is about eight tinies l e s than iising the origina1
external systern.

For a redistic size system. the resitlts are expected to be even more in iavoiu of the new
equident. -4s the complexity of the extemal system rincler study incremes. s5rnulation
time dso increases. Meanwhile. the hybrid eqiiivalcnt for the systern is limitetl in siire io a
lirnited nilmber of simplifiecl transmission lines in the siirface 1-er. and a simple rational
fiinction t hat represents the cleep-network.

Algorit hm

This section provicles a global-pictttre of the introduced ecpimlent. AI1 the steps mentioneri
and stuclied earlier can be systematically orgmizeti in the form of an algorichm. Figure
3.12 shows the stnicttire of t tiis algorithm. The first step iç to firicl the frequency scan of
the input admittance of the whole system. The second in line is to partition the esterna1
netwvork into two regions. a surîke-region and a cfeepregion. Then. the Gequericy response
for the cieepregion is obtainecl.

With both sets of freqtiencj- responses amilable. the process of finding an eqiuvalent can
be initiated. The sirfaceregion is appro-ximated with a nimber of simplifietI transmission
lines, anci the deepregion wvith a rational-huiction. The resrrltCanteqiuvalent mar; not be
satisfactory. Hence, an optimization approach is appIied to reach the optirniun eqiüdent
that satisfies the error criterion. Based on the resdts of the optimization proccriure. a
decision has to be mCderegardig the acceptability of the eqiütdent. If not. the order
Chapter 3: TwLajer Equiraient for the -4nalysis of Electromagnetic Trcznsients .53

of the lumped parameter approximation of the deep network is increasecl. tiii certain
cornplexity is reachecl and the lumped parameter approximation is considered too comp1ex
The next step is to consider enhancement of the surface-region approximation. If stiil the
accuracy criterion is not matcliedt the tlepth of the surface layer is increasecl to inclucle
more buses. The process is repeated till a satisfactory eqiuvalent is reached.

The residt of this algorithm d l lie between two special crises: (i) the liunpeci parmeter
approximation of the whole system, whicli is a special case of the hybrici eqiiivalent. where
the whole system is considered as a deepregion. (ii) the whole systeni is represented which
is the special case when the whole system is taken as a surface-region.

3.8 Conclusions

A new methodology for obtaining an eqiiivalent for an external network hiu been describeri.
It inc1udes leading simplifieci line models for more efficient motleling of the estemal systern.
Optirnization techniques have been used to achieve enhancecl accuracy mhle keeping the
neceçsary conditions for a stable eqiiivalent botti in frequency and time domain. A salient
feature of the proposecl approach is that iristability problem can be dtt-ays overcome by
inclucling more lines or by slightly increasing the corriplexity of the Iine motlels. The
new eqriivalent is stable. positive-reai. :md fiut to proclrrce. Significant rertriction iri the
cornpiitation time makes it m eEcient tool ,&O for on-line calct~Iations.The chapter also
provicles a methoclology for obtaining an equivalent for an active systeni. Examples are
presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed methocl.
Chapcer 3: Two-Lityer Equident for the Andjsis o f Eiectromagnetic Transients .j~l

(a) Original Externat System


Fieme 3.2: (a) O r i , ~ a i -tem nith generators. (b) Cenerator bris in cletaii. ( c ) Eqriita-
lent network.
Chapter 3: Trio-Layer Equîr,dent for the -halys&of Eiectromagnetic Transients

(a) Otigimd Extemal Nehuork

(b) Equivalent

Figue 3.3: (a) Radial test system of esample 3-1 and (b) Equivdent.
x 10-J Input Admittance Red Part
3 l
I !

x 10" Inpu Adrnttance lrreginaiy Part

1.5 1

-1 t-
lot laz iol 1 O' 1 os
Frequemy (Hz)

Figure 3.4: Input admitt,mce. emmple 3-1.

Cbapter 3: T K O - L n p Equident for the ..lna.iysis of Electromagnetic Transients 37

Deep Network Real Part

0.01 1 1

3o m ~
a ;
N p Original Extemal
First approximation
Modified approximation
-_ ,
1 i

iO" 10' td Id 10'

Frequency (Hz)

Deep Network lmaginary Part

0.01 , I

Original Extemal
- - - First approximation :

Mdified approximation 1

' t0 1d

rd IO'
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3.3: Decpregion. esample 3-1.

Chapter 3: TweLayer Equident for the -4nalysis of Electromagnetic Transients

ij ' I
Sludy 1 Loadl Load 2 : Load 3 Load 4


1 82 - -

Load 7 Load 8
I j Load 5 Load 6

(a) Original Extemal


/ Sludy : 'TL4
Rational Fumtkm
; Zone ' -TL3 ',


Figure 3.6: Test -stem of esample 3-2.

Chapter 3: Trvo-Lapr Equimient for the -4nalj-sisof Electromagnetic Transients S39

x IO-' Inplit Admttance Bernent Y11 Real Part

1 1 1

Frequeq (Hz)

x IO-' Inplit Admtbnce Bernent Y11 imagnary Part

2, I
1 ).
Original input admittance
/\ - - First approximation

", i I
11 _-- Modified approximation
q1 i '
ma ,I 'I
' a

Figure 3 . 7 Representation of element KLof input admittance rnatrix. esanipIe 3-2.

Chapter 3: Tm-Layer Equirdent for the -4miysis of Electromagnetic Transients 60

r IO' Input Admttance Bernent Y12 Real Rrt

, FÏrst approximation -
i - - - Modfied approximation
t 1
1O' d
1 1O' 10' 1o5
Frequemy (Hz)

10" lnpld Admttance Eernmt Y12 lmagnary Part

1.51 I

l 1- Original input admittance

IL First approximation
! ! ' Modified approximation
im? l
5 OL
a i
-E I

-0.5 r
-1 1
10: 18 1d 1O' 16
Frequemy (Hz)

Figure 3.8: Representstion of elcment Yi2 of input idmittance mat&. evrunple 3-2.
Chapter 3: TrmLayer Equivalent for the Anabis of Electromngnetic Trtmsieats 61

x 10-~ lnpld Adnittance Bernent Y Z Real Part

I ' -
1 , Original input admittance
i First approximation
h 1 Modified approximation
!, '

1 I
10' 102 1'O 10
' id
Frequency (Hz)

x IO-' Input Admttance Bernent Y22 Imagnary Part

l.Sr I

1 First approximation
l i ---
Z i Modified approximation
g a.5f! -
2 1
-E QI-i! -
-E 1
-0.5 - v -
! I 1
IO' 1Oz t o1 1'O os
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3.9: Representation of element Y& of input admittance matri.. . example 3-2.
Chapter 3: Tm-Layer Equitdent for the Analysis of Electrornagnetic Transients 63

1 I ' 1 ~ 4 1 ;i
/ shidy i Lmdl L a d2
I zone 1 TL3 ''\ - -Generator 1
/- --
-Generator 2
'-: ,

- Generator3 -- Generaîor4
O - ;

Figure 3.10: (a)Original system with generators. (b) The eqiiicxlent. esample 3-3.
Chapter 3: Tm-Layer Equivalent for the =Inaiysisof Electrornngnetic Transients 63

(a) Short-cicuit wrrent at termnal A l

O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (seconds)

(a) Short-cicuit wrrent at tennal A2

O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Tme (seconds)

Figure 3.11: (a) Short-circuit ciirrent at terminal A l . (b) and Short-circuit current at

terminal X.
Chapter 3: Trvc-Laver Eqttident for the ..lnçzl_vsisof Electromagnetic Transients

Figure 3-22: Basic idgorithm for irnplerneriting the hybrid eqi~it-alentapproach.

Chapter 4

Application of Hybrid Equivalent

Approach to a Large System

4.1 Introduction

The previous chapters introctuceci the concept ûnd the mathematical steps to obtain a
hybrid eqtuvalent for an externai -stem. the approach \vas cleveIopect based upon sin&-
phase networks. X nwnber of single-phase exaniples were provicled to vaIiclatc the proposecl

Hoivever. a redstic power qstern is Far Iarger and more cornples chan the esLmples
provicied, -4pomr systern iisiid1- contains a number of compensators to controI the
Chapter 4: -4pplication of the Hybrici Eqrrivdent Approach to a Large System fi6

power flow in the system and to mitigate oscillations. The introduction of these corn-
pensators gives rise to resonance peaks in the Frequency spectnlm of the system. Those
resouance peaks are scat terecl over the freqiiency s p e c t m . However. the e-uistence of se-
ries compensators iucreases the likelihood to have subsynchronous resonance peaks as ivell.
The equimlent of siich a system faces the chdlenge of accurately mstching the frequency
response of the system at the Iower frequency range as well as at the higher keqiiency

This chapter introdiices a reaiistic three-phase system. Section -1.2 provitles a clescription
of the system. Section -1.3 shows the procecliires for preparation of the ciati~to Fincl t h
equivaient of the system ivith respect to the obsermtiori point(s). Section -1.-L describes the
eqiüvaient of the system as a single-port network and obtains the corresponcling equivalent.
Section 4.5 treats the systern as a t~vo-portnetwork. Section -1.6 states the concliisions.

4.2 System Description

Figure -1.1 shows a schematic cIiagram of the system. The system is rated at 500 kV. 50
Hz and composecl of transposecl transmission l i e s forrning a ring that spans chousancis
of kilometers. The major generation iinits are represented as voltage sotuces with series
RI, impedances. The generation capacity is about -L GW. A niimber of series and shiint
compensators are used to control power flow and the voltage profile throughotrt the -tem.
The ori,$naI data of this system is intencled for short-circuit stiitlies of the systern. Hence.
connections between this transmission system and the lower voltage levels mcl Ioads ria
stepdown transformers are not provided. To consider the actrral loads. a nrmber of
lumpecl loads are connectecl to the system.

Each load is a shunt RL element in senes wïth a smaL1 resistance. Both resisrances ancl
indiictances of the loadç ;ire assiuned to be not Erequency dependent. This is a pessirnistic
view as a reaktic load connected tia transformers to the 500 kV transmission system is
Chapter 4: -4ppfication of the Hybrid Eqirivident Approach to a Large Systern 67

highly fieqiiency dependent. Thus. the actual Ioads provide higher damping at tiigher
Frequencies, which is not taken a d w t a g e OF in this thesis. Therefore. the actual fiequency
spectnun is smoother and bet ter behaved. The total Ioacling is about 3 GW at 0.95 p.f.
The results of the load Bow studies shoaed that the bus voltages are within 210% of
the nominal voltage. The system is assumed to be totdly transposed. This assiunption
facilitates the application OF oiir approach as the system can be easily decouplecl into three
single-phase systerns.

4.3 Data Preparation

To explore the potentid of the hybrirl eqirimlent in this case stiicly. the systern is treatetl
both as a singleport ancl a ttmport network and the correspontling eqiiivalents are ob-
tainecl. The system configtiration for which a. singleport is deciiicetl is s h o w in Figiire
-1.2-a. Bus -4 is selected as the observation point (inpiit terminal) with respect wliicli the
single-port eqiiident is ctevelopetl. .As stated in the previous chapters. the information to
ob tain a hybcitl eqiiident are: (i) Frequency scan of the input admit tance Y& as seen
from the inpiit terminal (bus A). (ü) freqitency scan of the inpiit aclmittnnce Kr,, of the
deepregion as seen korn btis C and bus D. (iii) an approsimation of the elements (trans-
mission lines) of the stirfclce-layer. This. these sets of rneastirements shoiilrl he obtairiecl
for the system shotvn in Figure -1.2-a.

A two-port eqiiident is obtained rvith respect to ttvo observation biises (inpiit termi-
nais) A and B. Figure -1.2-b. DeveIopment of the tnwport ecliut-alent reqiures (i) Freqiiency
sc,m of the inpttt terminal. (ii) Ereqtiency scm of the deepregion. (iii) an approximation of
the elernents ( t ransrnission Iines) of the sitrface-Iayer. Therefore. t hese sets of memurerrient
shoidd be obtained for the q-stem stiotvn in Figure 4.2-b.

As the stiidy systern is assrmieci to be transposed. it can be decotrpled into three single-
phase nettvorks by a constant transformation matrk. in the fo1lonkg subsections. ve will
Chapter 4: ,.lpplication of the H~bridEquimient -4pproach to a Large System

Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of the stuc- estem.

Cihapter 4: ..lpplication of the Kybrid Eqrüden t Appronch to iz LCqeSystem 69

describe procedures for prepuation of the data ancl for obtaining the hybrid eqiiivalents
for both configurations.

4.3.1 Data Preparation for SinglePort Configuration

Frequency scan for input admittance matrix

The first set of data needect to obtain the hybricl equivalent is the frequency scan of the
inpiit admittance Y&,rt of the whole system. Consitler the input port (BisA) of the
externai-network in Figue -1.2-a. The relationship between voltages ancl ciments at tliis
terminal is

where C',, I/h, and I/C are the phase voltages, 1,. Ih.and 1, are the phase ciirrents. m c l the
square matriv is the input impetlance matris.

To fincl the d u e of the ijth element of the input impeclance matrk. a ciment source is
applied with the given frequency at the ith terminal. ancl the voltage at the jth terminal is
determineci* If the applied ciment source has a iinity iunplitiide. the voltage is niunerically
eqiid to the impedance of the elenient of the inpiit impeclance rnatriv i
u in

The abaiiability of the q-stem data in the ESITP format is the motive to use the
EbiTP as the frequency scan tool. The Freqriency scan utility of the ESITP is able
only to provicie s w ~ n Freqriency
g current source. Thus. ive had to clevelop the Fre-
quency scan of the input impeclance mat* elements: then calcidate the input aclmit-
tance matri.. (i-;,,,(J) = Z i h s , ( ~ ) )Since
. the systeni is totdly transposecl. the input
impedance/acLmittance mtrices are balancecl.
Chapter 4: :Ippiication of the Hybrid Equivaient -4pproach to a Large System

Surface-region data

The second set of data needecl for the hybrid eqtiitdent is that of the siirface-region. Figure
-1.2-a shows the surface-region which is composed of two transmission Iines (TL1and TL'Z),
and a set of lumpetl elernents (C-P-1.
Z1. 22. ZS8. and Zloacl). in our hybricl eqthdent.
liimped-parameters are retained intact anci approximntecl models of the transmission Lines
are i~ecl. Grotind mode and aerial mode cornponent parimeters (propagation fiinction.
characteristic irnpeclance) are obtained iisinp & h i setup. an ausiliary propram of the
EMTP. The parametels and the data of the systern are &en in -4ppencIiu H.

Fkequency scan of deepregion

The last set of data neeclecl to obtain the hybricl eqiiivalent is the freqiiency s c m of che
input aclrnittance of the cleepregion of the -tem. The cleepregion network is a twvo-
port network with respect to buses C and D of Figure -1.2-a ancl the relationship berween
currents a d voltages at its terminais is

where l/al? Gl: and Iclare voltages and currents a t btis C. and V,?,Pa2?I/e2, Ia2,Ib..
and ie are voltages and ciments at biis D. It st:oiilcL be notecl that the coupling between
bus C and biis D is weak. This is clue to the impedances. topoIogy. and the Iength of the
tr,uismission iines of the system. Figure -1.1-
Chapter 4: Application of the Hybrid E q u i d e n t Approach to a Large S'tem 71

4.3.2 Modal Decomposition for Single-Port Configuration

The next step in the data preparation is to decoupIe the ttiree-phase network into three
single-phase networks, Clark transformation is used to decompose the three-phase systern
into three decouplecl single-phase systems [JO]. For Clark's transformation


For the input admittance mat* k;,,, ~*hirtiis a 3 x 3 balanceci matris, it cari be
proved that
= T-Lk;np,rT. (4.6)

where Yndois a cliagonal matrk of the form

Modal decomposition of deep-region

As the deep-region is a transposed Epvwport network its manipidation will be slightly

different From that of a singleport network. For a transposed two-port netn-ork. the input
Chapter 4: -4pplication of the Qbrici Eqrudent Approach to a Large System

admittance m a t r k has the form

Equation (4.8) cnn be rewritten as

where GIS


From (4.6) and (4.8) one concliitles thst the ad0 matrices are cliagonal matrices. T h u .
the thee-phase two-port network is decoupled into three singlephase ttm-porc networks.
In atlcIition. from the symmet- OF the s g t e n i we conclude that the a and 3 components
are identical.
Chapter 4: -4pplicarion of the fibrid EqrrivaIent Approach to a Large S~stern 7.7

Modal decomposition of transmission lines

For a trzmsmission line it can be proved that [30]

where 2,"". 7nJ0, ZrndO.ancl YtnJOare the characteristic impeclamce. the propagation fimc-
tion, the series irnpedance. and the shimt aclmittance of the transmission line in the a30
clornain respectivel. The ground ancl aerial parameters of transmission lines TL1 and TL-
are obtained clircctly from the Marti setiip of the EMTP. X p p e n c l ~H.~

Hybrid Equivalent for Single-Port Configuration

In this section. the tiewly tIevelopetl approach of hybrid equident is iitilized to cIeveIop
an equivalent for the three-phase. single-port configiration of Figiire 4.2-a. As the system

is decoupled into three singlephase networh. a gro~uidmode and two iclentical aerial
mocfes. no major modification in the described steps and calcrtiations is reqiiirecl to obtain
the eqiùvalent. Each mode is treated iiidependently as a separate single-phase tietwork.
Eiotvever. the gro~uicclcomponent behaves cliffereritly from the aerisl cornponerits. This
is due to the hiah attenrration provitleci by the grounci rettirn path. Hence. the groitnrt
component and the aerial components OF the input almittance are treated in clifferent
mannes in the search for a systern equivalent.

4.4.1 Ground Mode Admittance

The high nttenuation providecl bj* the gouncl retiirn path has a signifiant impact on the
Erequency response of the ground mode atlmittance- As a result of this high attenriation.
the freqiiency response of the input admittance for the gotrnd mode network is a smooth
fimction. This srnooth Erequency response can be fittecf by a rationd hmct ion wïth a small
Chaptcr -1: :\pplication of the H~bridEcluMent ilpproach to a Large System 7-1

nimber of poles and zeros. VF (Vector Fitting) provitles an acciirate appro'rimation of

this Erequency response with a 24th-orcler ratioual fiinction. Both the eqiiident and the
original frequency responses are shown in Fignre -1.3. Both plots are practicaily inchtin-
giishable. The appro'umation is also accitrate at the lolver frequency range. especidly at
the system siibsynchronoiti resonmce peak of about 10 Hz.

4.4.2 Aerial Mode Admittances

Lack of ground retiirn for the aeriai components. cleprives them frorn the high tlarnping
that can be provicled by the gound. Hence. the freqiiency response of an aerial niorle is
not as well beliavccl as that of the grountl mode. The inpiit atlnuttances of the aerial-
motte networks are more osciliatocy. Thiis. an acciirate appro-ximation by a simpie (Iow-
orcler) rational firnction is not possible. in tact VF was not able to provicle an accurate
approximation for the whole Ercquency range. The previoiis chapters showetl that the
hybritl eqtuvdent is siiccessfid for siich situations. Hence. a hybricl qiiimient is iisetl
for the aeriai components. The hybritl eqiiiValent is schematically shown in Figure L.4.
Xoting the wetikness of the coiipling between biis C and biis D of the deepregion. it is a
teasonable assimption to neglect the off-diagonal elements of the inpiit rdrriittance rnatrk
of the deepregion.

The eqiutdent is cornposetl of a rational fiinction approsimation for the deep-region.

This is a 2 x 2 diagonal matris of rational htnctions. Each firnction is an ~ ' ~ - u r r l era-
tional fiinction. The surface-Ia~eris composed of two approsimated transmission lines
and the Iurnped-parameters remaining intact in the eqiiitdent. Transmission Iine TL1
is represented by an approsimated propagation hnction and ctiarxtecbtic impedance of
the @-order each. Transmission Iine TL- is also approximated by 2""-orcler propagation
hnction and characteristic impedance. The parameters oE the eqiümlents are $en in
Appendiu H. Figttre 4.5 shows the equident mcl the original freqiiency responses of the
systern. Visrral inspection oE Figure 4.S reveels that the Erequency spectnirn of the eqirim-
Chapter -1: -4pplication of the Hybrid Eqiiiwient ilpproach to a Large System

Ient follotvs the pattern of mriation of the frequency spectriun of the original system. but
it does not exactly conform to it. A systernatic mcl brute force approach to enforce che
conforrnity is to increase the order of the hybrid equident. However. the order of the
hybrid eqirivalent still remslins significantly less than those of the conventiond eqiuvalents.
e.g., FDYE, when they provide the scmelevel of conformity FDNE provitlecl an equivdent
of more than s k t y branches for half the Erequency band d t h considerecl for this esample
for each mode of propagation. Fiirthermore. the acciiracy providecl by FD'iE clic1 not
match that of the hybricl eqiiivalent. An interesting and important observation is that the
discrepancy bet~veenthe frequency spectriims of the original and the eqiiivalent of Figure
-1.5 h a s tninor efFect on the acciiracy of the time-clomain sirniilation studies basecl ori the
use of the eqiiicdenc, This. there is no neecl to increase the orcler of the eqiuvalent ancl
obtain perfect visud conformity. The next section provitles ii. mathematical jirstification
for this observation.

4.4.3 Impact of Frequency-Domain Inaccuracy on Time-Domain


The results of the previoiis section sliowed that the exact fiequency response oscillates
arotuid that of the eqiuvalent. CVe woulcl iike to iclenti- the impact of this type of error
on the time-clomaïn simuiation. To iuiistrate this. consicIer F(;) as a "sintisoitIal" fiinction
of w with Low attenuation as .is - -x;and a -periocl" of Q. The inverse Fourier transform
f ( t )= k ls dutF[w)du.

Yow, add a noise FL(u).

This noise is of the same shape ancl magnitude as F(Lz)
but of
a beqirency LV times higher. Thus.
Chapter 1: -4pplication of the Hybrïd Equident Approach to a Large System 76

Its inverse Fourier transfonu is

Consider t hat

Siibstitiiting from (4.16) into ( - L E ) $ves

Thus, a noise of N-times higher keqtiency gives a cime-domain effect :V-cimes lower.
Thus, the effect of such an error does not have a great impact on the resiilts of the
time-dom,zin simulation. Time-domCainsimulation study of the next section verifies t his

4.5 Hybrid Equivalent for Two-Port Configuration

Figure 4.2-b shows a twc~portextemai -tem. corresponding to the sxstetn of Figure -LI.
with respect to observation buses (input terminals) A and B. This situation occurs if the
series compensator "CAP-1". Figure 4.1. is singied out as the study zone. The coiipling
between the two ports A and B is reIatively weak as described earlier. The groumi ancl the
aerial modes of the tri-o-port network are treated simiIarly to those of the single-port. The
foiioit-ing sirbsections tlescnbe the process of deve1oping a hybrid eqiuvdent wïth respect
to the tn-Oports A and B.
Chapter 4: Llpplication of the Hybrid Equivalent -4pproach to a Large S'stem

4.5.1 Data-Preparation for Two-Port Configuration

The following sections briefly cïescribe the process of obtaining the required data for the
hybrid equident of the two-port configuration. Figure 4.2.

Frequency scan for Cwo-port input admittance matrix

The input admittance matriu of the two-port network ris observed €rom bus :\ ancl
biis B is similx to that in (4.8). is a. symmetric rnatri. ancl is characterizect by a
weak coupling between bus A aricl bus B.

Surface-region data

Figure 4.2-b shows the sttrfaccregion which is corriposeci of two transmission lines TL1
ancl TL-. ancl lirrriped elements Z1, 22. ZSS. ancl ZIoacl. In our hybricl eqiuvü1ene. lumped-
pmmeters are retainecl intact and approximated tnotlels of the transmission lines are
useci. The groimcl mode and the aerial mode cornponent paranieters (propagation fmction.
characteristic imped,mce) of the transmission lines TL1 and TL2 are obtainecl iising Marti
setiip. an audicary progarn of the ESiTP. The parameters ancl the chta of the s-tem are
given in Xppendis H.

Frequency scan for deep-region input admittance matrix

The deep-region admittance is the two-port input admittance rnatriu observed from bus
C uid bis D. Tt is the same deep-region input admittance calcidatecl for the singleport

configrrat ion.
Chapter 4: Application of the Hj-brid Equident -4pproach to a Large System 75

Modal decomposition of the two-port configuration

The decoupling process of the tsvo-port configuration is a s follows:

1. For the tw-port input admittance. the clecompositioti into the ni30 tlomein is cie-
scribecl by (4.10) and (4.11).

2. For the surfaceregion elements, the clecomposition process is similar to that de-
scribed for the siirface-region of the single-port configuration.

3. The cleep-region input arlmit tance of the tivo-port configuration is exactly the same
as that of the single-port corifigiirntinn.

4.5.2 Ground Mode Admittance

As was explainecl for the single-port configuration. atteniiated grouncl mode frequency
rcsponse is easily approximated by a rationai fimction- The difference between the single-
port configuration and the tweport configuration is t hnt the input admit tance for the two-
port case is a 2 x 2 matriv instead of a scalar, Hence. a rational fiinction approsimation
is independently obtainecl for eacti element of the matn'r, The only constraint. other than
passivity and stability, is that the off-diagonal elements rnitit be idencical, Due to the
topologj- of the system (Figue 4.1) the couplimg betxeen buses X and B is weak and
consequently the off-diagonal e1ements are neglected.

4.5.3 Aerial Mode Admittances

The elements of the input admittance matris of the aerial modes are more osciliatory
ttian those of the groimcE mocie. Being a tr;uisposed system m i h the input admittances
(Y; ,and I;u) of the aerial modes identical. The surface-layer of ttie tg-bric1 eqrtiva-alent is
composed of h o transmission line appro.ximations. Figue -1.6. For both tr;111~missionIines
Chapter 4: ..lppiÏcation of the Hybrid Equiralent -4pproach to a Large System 79

TL1 and TL2 the shaping part of the propagation fiinction is a Sn"order ration4 fiinction.
and the characteristic irnpedance is also a 2"-order rationd function. The surface-layer
&O includes ail the lumped elements that e-uist in the original network. The deepregon is
a 2 x 2 diagonal matrk. The elements of the matrkv are rational fiinctions of the order. der.

Figures 4.7 ancl -1.8 show the original ancl the e q u i d e n t freqiiency response of the el-
ements of the input aclmittance matriv of the aerial components. The hybrid e q i ü d e n t
successfidIy approxbmates the freqiiency response of the system. It also managed to ac-
cwateiy capture the low frequency stibsynchronoiis resonance pezk Wowever. there is ;t

ciÏscrepiucy between the exact Frequency response of the systeni ancl that of the equim-
lent. The esact frequency resporise '-oscillates" arounci the equitalcnt. It was analytically
shown in Section -1.4.3 that this type of error does not tiave a niajor impact on the acciinrcy
of the tirne cloniain siniiilation.

4.5.4 Time-Domain Simulation

The objective of this section is to verib accwacy of a hybricl equimlent for tirnedomain
simulation stuclies. For this purpose. the tw-port hybricl eqiiimlent of the study system.
with respect to buses A and B of Figure -1.3-b. is consiciered. The tr'msient scenario for
the simulation is three-phase energization of bus A \\<th a bd,mcecI three-phase voltage
source of 1 kV.The series capacitor C.\P-1 is ciisconnectetl Ftom buses .\ and B. The same
transient scenario is also carriecl basecl on cletailcd representation of the q s t e m between
the observation bitses -4 imci B. tising the EMTP.

Figures -1.9 cancl 4.10 compare transient ciments at bus A due to its energization process.
ob tainet1 with the clet ailecl mociel (Original) ,mcl the hybricl eqiümlent mode1 ( Eqiüc-alent).
Close agreement betweeri the corresponding waveforms venft- m.Iiclity and accuracy of the
hybrid equident.

It shotdd be noted that the presentetl transient seenririo is the most pessimistic case in
Chapter 4: Application of tbe Hybrid Equimlen t -4pproach to a Lare System SO

terms of evaluating accurxy of the hybrid q u i d e n t . The reason is that the transient is
irnposed on the interface bus (A) between the study zone and the extemal system. As it
vas exp1,ained in the previous chapters. a transient phenomenon occurs within" the sttitiy
zone ancl not at the interface biis(es). Thus. intuitively one concliides that the accirracy of
the hybrid eqiùvalent is noticeabiy higher for real stucly ciues where the transient occurs
at a node within the stiidy zone.

4.6 Conclusions

This chepter extendecl the concept of hybricl e q ~ r i d e n cfor tbree-pliase -stems. Tl& c h a p
ter applied the concept to a large interconnecced 500 kV power transniission system and
Jetiiiced single-port and tm-port hybricl equivalents with respect to prespecifierl observa-
tion buses. This chapter a h dernonstrateci that presence of series and shunt cornpensators
that can drasticdly alter frequency response of the slcem. particularly at Iow Ireqtiencies.
could be readily accominod,zted by the b b r i d ecluivdent. F i d I y . tinte-(fornain simliIation
stirclies of an extemal -stem basecl an exact representation (using the EAITP) urid the hy-
brid equitaIent were carried out. C h e agreement between the corresponding time-domain
simidation residts verifietl vdidity and itccuracy of che proposed hybricl equivalent.
Chapter 4: Application of the Hybrid Equivalent Approach to a Large System 81

- *

a) Extemal-nelworkwith respect to
bus A (single-port configuration).


Input terminais

Surface Region

a) Externat-networkwith respect to
buses A and 5 (Two-port Configuration).

Fi,we 4.2: (a) Extemal-System as a single-port network, (b) External-System as a two-

port neîmork.
Chapter 4: ilpplication of the Hybrid Equimlent .ipproach to a Liirge Systern

- Original
1 -

5 0.041 -
P0.03 i.
B 0.021. -

O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Frequency (Hz)

O 500 1000 1500 20QO 2500 3WO 3500 4000
Frquency (Hz)

Figure 4.3: (a) Red part of the orignal and the equivdent gro~uiiimode admittance. (bj
Imagïnacy part of the origind and the equident grourd mode aclrnittance.
Chaptcr 4: -4pplication of the Hybrid Equirden t -4pproach to a Large Svstem

1 Singlepart equivalent -

Figure -1.4: Hybricl e q u i d e n t for the aerial mode networks.

Chapter 4: -4pplication of the e b r i r i Eqiiivalent Approczch tu a Large Sustem 8-1


!- -. -
Ecpimlent 11

O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)

-0.06 '
O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.5: (a) Red part of the original and the e q i h l e n t aerial mode admittance. ( b j
iinaginal part of the onginal and the eqiiivalerit aeriat mode ximittance.
Cbapter 4: -4pplication of the Hybrid Ecluident ilpproach to x Large S y t e m

Figure -1.6: Hybrïd equivalent for the aerid mode networks.

Chapter 4: -4pplication of the Hybrid Equiraient -4pproach to a Large System

7 Original

-0.021 1
O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)

-0.06' i
O 500 1O00 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure -1.7 (a)Red part of the original and the eqiiident aeriai mode atlmittance. (b)
imaginary part of the origind zlud the eqiudent aerid mode admit tance. kÏl.
Chapter 4: -4pplication of the Hyhrid Equimlent Approach to a Large System 87

0.12! ,
0.1 - Original

g0.08 -
m -
2 0.04 -

O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Frequency (Hz)

' 500 1O00 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Frequency (Hz)

Figure -1.8: (a) Red part of the original and the equivdent aeriai niode admittance. (b)
Imaginarç- p u t of the originai and the equivalent aerial mode arhittance. k3.
Chapter 4: -4pplication of the Hybrid Eqniwient ilpproach to a Large System

EnergizationCurent for beta component

0.01 5 r I

- - Equivalent

Tirne (seconds)

Figure 4-10: Energization ciment at bus A for the 3 component 4.

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Future Work

5.1 Conclusions

This thesis has proposecl and developed a, new methoclologv to obtain an eqiumlent of a
Iinear electrical network (externai network) for time-clomain anailis of electromagnetic
transients. The proposed eq~üvalentis a miutme of Iumpecl elernents and distribucecl
parameter elements. Hence, it is a hybrid equivalent. The srunma- of hclings and
contributions of the thesis is as follon-s:

2. The concept of hybrid eqiut-alent is nem and irtilizes (i) simplifieci Clon--der) dis-
tributed lioe models to capture Frequency response characteristic of the network rmtl
(ü) himped parameters to fine truie the results of (i). The salient contribution of
Chapter 5: Conclusions 91

this thesis is that the hybrid equident c m provide a simpler (low-order) eqiuvalent
as compared ivith the existing equivalent to achieve the clesüecl acciiracy. Thus,
it reduces computational resoruces. This feature makes the hybrid eqiùvalent the
prime candidate for

(a) real-time cligital simiilation of electromagnetic transierits. me1

(b) (off-iine) digital simulation of hight frequenc- electromagnetic transients.

2. Stability mcl positive-reahess of the equicdent are ensiirecl as optimization con-

straints. Therefore. tirne-dotnain instability of the sirnulcztecl result as a by-procluct
of the equident does not occur.

3. The order of a hybrid cquivdent can be systematicdiy increaseci to achieve the

clesirecl accuracy whik niziititaining its aclvantage in terms of compiitation resoiirces
over conventional techniques.

-4. The concept of hybricl eqiiident is applicable to tniilti-pliase and multi-port scenar-
ios as long as the system c;m be assumed balmced. This thesis examines the cdiclity
of the hybrid equivalent for single-phase, three-phase. singleport and two-port q-s-

5. This thesis also clevelopç a methodoIogy to accotint for the soiirces of the external
network witliiri the corresponciing hybrid eqilitdent.

6 . The thesis also outlines a q-stematic a l g o r i t h for the development of a Iybrid

equivalent .

7. The proof of concept. t-alidity and accuracy of the hybrid eqiùvalent is tlemonstrated
by time-domain simulations of a realiscic size system and comparison Mth the cor-
responding simulations restdts producecl -. the EMTP.
Chapter 5: Conclusions

5.2 Future Work

The following topics are proposed as h~tiirework:

1. lmplernentation of the new methocl into i~ commercial simulator. e.g.. the ESITP or

2. The tliesis assiirried a totally transposecl network. which is a fair assiiinption For a,

very large network. Hoivever. the treatment of an untransposeci system is still to be


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Appendix A

Parameters for Example 2-1

Poles Residues
-9.2979 x 10".67-~3 x 10"

-0.0360 x 10".003-1 x 10"

Table X.1: Propagation Fiinction parameters for Esample 2-1.

Appendix B

Parameters for Example 2-2

B.1 Propagation Function Parameters for Example

-4ppendiu B: Parameters for Example - 2 LOO

0.002 x 10"
0 . 0 0 ~x 104
0.0021 x io4
0.0052 x 10'
0,0322 x 10"
0.1908 x 10"
0 . 9 X x 10L
2.1501 x LD'
-Y. 1416 x 10''
0.2776 x 10"
2.3703 x 10' - jZ.-LJ7 x 10'
2.2703 x 10' - jL-137 x 10"

Table B.1: Propagation htnction parcuneters For Esample 2-3.

B.2 Characteristic Impedance Parameters for Exam-

ple 2-2

Constant term=570.013SZ.
Appendiu B: Parameters for E- ample - 2

-2.6088 x 10"
-0.6953 x 10"
-0.2961 x 10"
-0.1385 x 106
-0.0663 x 106
-0.0315 x 10"
-0.01-1s x 10"
-0.0066 x 10"
-0.0029 x 106
-0.0012 x 10"
-0.0012 x 106
-0.0050 x 106
-0.0010 x IO<'

Table B.?: Chüracteristic irnpeckmce parcuneters for Esruriple 2-2.

Appendix C

Parameters for Example 2-3

C .1 Propagation Function Parameters for Example


Table C.1: Propagation Eimction pitramecers €or Esample '2-3.

C.2 Characteristic ImpedanceParameters for Exam-

ple 2-3

Constant term=579.24212,
Poles Residues
-2.015s x LO-.S~O~ x 10"
-0.1397 x 10" 0.5538 x 10"
-0.0031 x 10' 0.1235 x 106
-0.0003 x 105 0.0968 x 10"

Table C.2: Characteristic impecltince parameters for Example '2-3.

C.3 DeepRegion Parameters for Example 2-3

Constant term=0.002R-L.

Poles Resicliies
-1.8563 x 10' 0.5337
- 0 . 3 - ~ 1x 10"o.lam

Table C.3: Deepregion parameters for Esample '1-3.

Appendix D

Parameters for Example 2-4

Ground resistimce= 100Q. Towers heigiit= 15m.

Transmission Line Length (hi)

TL3 60
TL4 200
TL5 300
TL6 150

Table D.1: Transmission lines in System-2 and ttieir iengths for Esample 2 4 .
ilppendi.. D: Parameters for E~ample2-1

Loacl Irnpedance Resistance (fl) Indiictance (mH)

Loatl 1 350 JO
Loacl 2 :350 50
Loarl 3 350

Load -1 250 10
Loacl 5 250 1O
Lod 6 250 10

Table D.2: Loacls parameters for Esample '2-1.

Appendix E

Parameters for Example 3-1

RI = 350 R. LI = 50 mH. R2 = 50 R. L2 = 50 mH.

E. 1 Propagation Function Parameters for Example

3- 1

Poles Residiies
-0.0114 x 10" 0.0029 x 10"
-0.2145 x 10" U.0365 x 10''
-1.2485 x 10' 1.25.33 x 10"
-3.9731 x 10" -2.2511 x 10"
-4.3515 x 10" +j4.8893 x 10'' + j02957 x 10'
0.-1766 x lQL
-4.3525 x 104 - j4.5893 x 104 0.4766 x LW' - ~0.2937x 10'
Table E. 1: Propagation function parameters for EsampIe 3-1.
-4ppendi~Er Parame ters for Esample 3-1 loi

E.2 Characteristic Impedance Parameters for Exam-

ple 3-1

Constant t e m = 572.073 R.

Poles Residues
-5.9328 x 10' 8.7048 x 1O6
-0.8979 x 10' 1.9319 x 10"
-0.1366 x IO' 0.3653 x 10"
- 0 1 x 10' 1.0662 x 10"
-0.0018 x 10' 0.0971 x 10"
-0.0002 x 10' 0.0737 x 10"

Table E.2: Characteristic impedLmcrparameters for EsarnpIe 3-1.

E.3 DeepRegion Parameters for Example 3-1

Constant term= O 5?.

-4ppendL;c E: Parameters for E ~ m p l e3-1

Table E.3: Propagation fiinction parameters for Esample 3-1.

Appendix F

Parameters for Example 3-2



Table F.1: Transmission iines in System-2 and their lengths for Esample 3-T
-4ppendiu F: Parameters for Example .3-2

Load Impedance Resistance (Cl) Incliictance (rtiH)

Load 1 350 50
Loatl 2 30 30
Load 3 .jo 50
Load 4 50 ûO
Load 3 330 30
Load 6 30 50
Loilcl 7 30 .?O
Load Y .?O 50

Table F.3: LoslcIs parameters for Esample 3-2.

Appendix G

Parameters for Example 3-3

Trmmissiori Line Lengtli (km)

TL1 210
TL- 300
TL3 4.50

Table G.1: Transmission Iines in System-2 and theü Iengths for Esample 3-3.
Appendk G: Pèwameters for Esample .3-3

Load impedânce Resistance (R) Inductance (mH)

Load 1 330 30
Load 3 30 .?O
Loacl3 3.50 30
Loacl -1 30 30

Table G.2: L o d s parameters for Ekample 3-3.

Generator Resistance (Q) Inductance (mH)

Generator 1 30 -5O
Generator 2 -50 .5O
Generator 3 5O .30
Cenerator -1 30 30

Table G.3: Generator parameters for Esample $3.

Current soiirce I (.knp's) L(P rad

Lv L 4.SSOL2.4SG
l xI 1.132712.-l0a

Table G.4: Xorton crurent sources for Esample 3-3.

Appendix H

Data and Parameters for the Case


H.1 Exact Parameters for Transmission Line TL1

The follouing are the exact parmeters for the aerial component of transmission line TL 1
as producecl by LIarti setup.

Delay t h e r = I.0613E-03 S.

Characteristic impedance 2, constant term = 2.5J.l-E+02 0.

TabIe H.1: Resiclues of the shaping part of the propagation fi~nctionFor TL1.
Appendiu H:Data and Prrrameters for the Case Stttcfy

2.0256E+01 4.0652ES03 2.456SE+03

9.0459€+03 3.6643E+0.1 1.220SE+O5

Table H 2 : Poles of the shaping part of the propagation huiction for TLL.

Table H.3: Resicliies of the characteristic impedance For TLL.

Table H.4: Poles of the characteristic impecf,uice for TLL.

-4ppendL. H: Data ,and Parameters for the Case Study

Poles Residues
-0.0006E+04 1.0269E+05
- ~ O S E + O Lo.o033~+0a

Table H.5: Poles : - c l residues of the shaping part oE the propagxion hinction for TLl.

Poles Residues
-4,64TiE+03 1.1177E+O4
-0.01 lOE+O3 0.2977E+O-L

Table H.6: Poles and residires of the shaping part of the characteristic impeclance for TLl.

H.2 Equivalent Parameters for Transmission Line TL1

DeIay time r = 1.0613E-03 S.

Characteristic impedance 2, constant term = 1.5572E+02 Q.

H.3 Exact Parmeters for Transmission Line TL2

The following are the esact parcuneters for the aeriai component of transmission hie TL2
as produced by Marti setup.

Delay time r = 1.42ïOE-03S.

Characteristic irnpedance 2, constant terni = 2.55-1-E+02 o.

Table H.7: Residues of the shaping part of the propagation h c t i o n for TL?.
Appendix H: Data m d Parameters for the Case Stridy

Table H.8: Poies of the shaping part O€ the propagation function for TL?.

8.9063E+03 9.8099E+02 -7.3099E+03

.SJ6SSE+O I 1.6300E+O2 L.Ï.3LY E+02
8.3974E+Ol 7.991-1E-I-01 1.222SEt02
t. L6O:LE+O3 1.8 lUE+O3 3.-I3UYE+03

Table W.9: Residues OF the cbaracteiistic impedance for TL-?.

Table HHO: Paies of the characteristic impedance for TL2-

Appendk H: Data and Parameters for the Crase Strtd-v

Poles Resitlites
-0.0006E+O4 1.0269Ef03
-2.3108E+O4 0.0033Ef03

Table H.11: Poles md residues of the shaping part of the propagation fiinction for TL?.

Poles Resitliies
--1.6-KE+03 1.127ÏE+04
-0.0 llOE+O3 0.29ïïE+O4

Table H.12: Poles and resicliies of the chilructeristic impedance for T E .

H.4 Equivalent Parameters for Transmission Line TL2

Delay tirne T = 1.42ÏOE-03 S.

Characteristic inipeclance 2, constant term = 2.5572E+02 0.

H. 5 Parameters for Deep-Region Approximation

Constant term for Kl element the cleepregion input atlrnittance matris 'i;,,, = 0.0053

Constant term for & element the tleepregion input idmittance m a t r k k& = 0.0062
O- '
Poles Residires
-0.0003E4 0.1813
-0.0305E4 -6.4863
-0.00 l9E.I + j0.0225 E-i 2-1376 - j0.4365
-0.0029E-1- j0.0225E-L 2.4376 + j0.4368
-0.OOïOE-1 + jO.5 l6.FiE-! 0.0827 + j0.6115
-0.007OE-I - jO.3165E-1 0.08-7 - j0.6113

-0.0000E-L + j1.262TE-1 -0.0064 - j0.018S

-0.0000E.L - jl.'262f E-1 -0.0064 ij0.0188
-0.OOOTE-I + jl.99OIE-l 0,5777 - j02008

-0.OOOïE-I - jl.9901E4 o.a'i~i-t- ;O.~OOS

Table H.13: Poles ,and residues of the k;l element of the ricepregion input admittance
matriv Ydeep.

Poles Resiciues
-0.0012E3 -0.03S9E3
-0.0613E3 0.0909E3
-0,025SE3 +j0.1806E3 -0.1667E3 - j0.0532E3
-0.O'ZSE;i - j0.1806E3 -0.1667E3 i- j0.0532E3
-0.0539E3 +jO.7339E3 0.4199E3 + j0.5960E3
-0.0339E3 - j0.1339E3 0.4199E3 - jO.5960E3
-0.1-WE3 +j1.027TE3 -02726E3 - j0.3399E3
-0.1-182E3 - jL0277E3 -02716E3 + j0.3399E3i
Table H.14: Poles ancl cesidries of the Y3.)element of the deepregion input atimittmce
matriv Y&.
Appendix 1

Time-Domain Simulation for the

Hybrid Equivalent

The Hybrid Eqiudent can be simillateci by several simitlators.

1.1 Time-Domain Simulation for the Hybrid Equiva-

lent using EMTP

The Hybrirl Equivalent can be iised with the E5ITP ou a per p h i ~ thasis.
' The proposed
steps for the aerïal coniponents are:

1. For the surface-layer:

(a) T~immissionIines sirnplified moclels shoidd be prit in a f o m i ~ reaclable

t to the

(b) Lrimpetl elements (R. L. C. ancl G elements) in the siuface-1-er are represented
in the conventional EMTP format.
Appendix H: Data and PCuametersfor the C'se Stu& 120

(c) For the deeplayer the effect of the rational tramfer matci. is considered by the ilse
of voltage controllecl ciment sources. Sirice, the ground component is most easily
fittecl by a Iumped parameters eqitivalent. it c m be mocIelec1 in the EMTP as a
nimber of liunped R. L, C.and G branches.

1.2 Time-Domain Simulation for the Hybrid Equiv-

dent using SIMULINK

SIhIULI'iK is 21 powerfui tool for vaIiclating the tirne tlomain simiil~itionof a math-
ematical model. A11 the equations that govern the Hybricl Equivalent cm be put
in the form of a block diagram that cari be simulateci by SIMULIXK. However care
must be @en to algebraic eqiiations. [t is preferable to solve t hem beforehantl in
order to avoid algebraic loops that ni- prohibit the sitri~ilationconvergence.

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