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Music on the Mountain

April 25, 2020

Prelude – Suite Gothique – Leon Boellman

“Introduction, Chorale, Priere a Notre Dame”

Welcome – Bob Cushman

Organ Invocation - “Blessed Jesus We Are Here” - J. S. Bach

Thoughts with Joan Hughson

Improvisation on “Hyfrydol” - Malcolm Anderson
“Love Divine All Loves Excelling” - #191 (please stand to sing)
Improvisation on “My Jesus I Love Thee” - Harold De Cou
“My Jesus I Love Thee” - #321 (please stand to sing)

Words about the Rieger organ – John Hughson

Offertory - “Cantilena” - Josef Rheinberger

Thoughts with Joan Hughson

Improvisation on “Miles Lane” – Maurice Whitney
“All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” - #229 (please stand to sing)
Improvisation on “St. Agnes” - Paul Manz
“Jesus The Very Thought of Thee” - #241 (please stand to sing)

A Time of Reflection - “Aria” - Charles Callahan

Thoughts with Joan Hughson

Improvisation on “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” - Dorothy Wells
“Have Thine Own Way, Lord” - #567 (please stand to sing)

Benediction – John Hughson

Postlude - “Carillon de Westminster” - Louis Vierne

Organist – Malcolm Anderson

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