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Rock Hyrax

Procavia capensis

Brooklyn Winnecke
Phalogenic tree of

The habitat of the Rock Hyrax
is dry savanna to dense
rainforest to rocky outcrops.

Habitat Preditors include leopards,

lions, hyenas, pythons, large
birds, servals, jackals,
P. capensis is found in
Sub-Saharana and NE Africa,
portion of the Levant, and the
Arabian peninsula, and the
isolated mountains in Algeria and
Libya. P. capensis is found in rocky
and scrub-covered areas
which afford the animals
places to dig burrows.
Organ Systems
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM- The stomach of Procavia capensis is divided into a non
glandular part and a glandular part. The large intestine has two
fermentation chambers.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM- Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are excreted in the

Rock Hyrax . The urinary excretion of the three elements is diet-dependant.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM- Births of Hyrax occur at different times of year.

Gestation is about 240-45 days and females have babies weighing 170-240
grams each. They are covered with fur and the eyes are open at birth.
Amazing Facts
This African mammal is related to the
elephant, the aquatic manatee, and the
Australia dugong .

Their top speed is 18 miles an hour.

They weigh 6.5 to 8.9 pounds .

The Rock Hyrax has a poor

self-regulation of temperature.
Björnhag, G., Becker, G., Buchholzt, C., & Engelhardt, W. von. (2003, March 21). The gastrointestinal tract of the rock
hyrax (Procavia habessinica). 1. Morphology and motility patterns of the tract. Retrieved from

Leon, B., & Belonje, P. C. (2003, March 21). Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium excretion in the rock hyrax, Procavia
capensis. Retrieved from

Believe it or not, the hyrax is the elephant's closest living relative. (2019, July 1). Retrieved from

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