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kinds of mementos of Roosevelt so becomes saturated with their in¬ 11 ion force and offices the Legislature
original letters and manuscripts; tellectual debauchery. Human freaks made him the allowance of $91,000.
Transylvania'# Choice. Salvation of World Seen in Golden Rule Daily Calendar
CORPORATION, 280 BROADWAY; books and pamphlets, especially firsts who preach everything subversive to almost ten cents to the acre. Romanian Delegates Explain Haw
TELEPHONE. WORTH 10.000. and limited editions; campaign lit¬ society lind their recruits among peo-1 But that was before Pennsylvania Annexation Came About. at Atlantic
Directors and officers: Frank A. Muneey, erature, buttons, posters and other pie of this class. If education is woke up to the situation. The legis¬ To Thh Nbw York Herald: Count
Y. M. C. A. Speakers City Emphasize Teach¬ For Eastern Now York.Fair and
/resident; Urvln Warumati, Vioe-1'realdent;
.-'in. T. Dewart, Treasurer; R. II. Tither- material; newspaper clippings, maga-j anything more than a preparation lature which ended Its session re- Paul Telckl, former Hungarian Premier, ing of Sermon on the Mount Cure
to Social Ills. cooler to-day; to-morrow lair; fresh
y^ton. Secretary. zine articles, cartoons, medals, paint-, for surinouuting examination tests oeutly appropriated $1,000,000 lor Mr. in a letter published In your paper of west winds.
that "the Rumanian For New Jersov.Fair and cooler to-day;
MAIL SUBSCRIPTION KATES. ings, portraits, personal souvenirs: it means the training of the human Phtcbot's department. Pennsylvania September 0 ofasserts 25..The solu¬ Mrs. O. d.
Transylvania has never' tion of all Citt, Sept. Industrial prob¬ is the guestCooper
Atlantic of Rldgewood, N. J., lo-niorrow cloudy; fresh westerly winds.
a stage where a slump into is now fully launched In the work of population of Mr. and Mrs. E. Crelgh- For Northern Now
cooler to-day; lo-inorrowEngland.Fair
Oiw Six One in short everything which will help mind to racial and and
By Mall, Postpaid. Year. Months. $1.00 Month. expressed its wish to be detached from ton.
erly winds.
fair; fresli west¬
.83 posterity
pAILY 4 SUNDAY...$12.00 $6.00 to see Colonel Roosevelt as stagnation is not likely to occur. saving and increasing the forests. Hungary and attached to Rumania. The lems ultimately will be found only in tor Southern New England.Fair and
PA1LY only Hurt 5.00
{UNLAY only 4.00 2.25 .40 his own generation know him. And when this is accomplished char¬ Incidentally she is in the lumber Assembly which expressed this wish In the application of principles of the DINNER FOR YOUNGER cooler to-day; to-morrow fair; frosh west¬
Ml erly winds.
IUNDAY only. Canada. 0.00
2.25 Thus the association offers contrib¬ latanry will have lost its sting. business, and that too on a paying the presence of the Rumanian army had Sermon on the Mount and the Golden[ SET AT HOT SPRINGS For Western New, to-day; to¬

morrow cloudy; no change

DAILY 4 SUNDAY...$26.00 $13.50 $2.40, utors a double benefit: a chance to Meanwhile Mayor Hylan will con¬ basis. no authorization by the Rumanian pop¬ Rule, ft was expressed and reiterated at 111 temperature;
18.00 0.00 Iresu westerly winds.
5AILY only
5.12 -86 insure the proper care and perma¬ tinue to issue proclamations. On a total Investment of approxi- ulation of Transylvania; its members the closing of the annual session of the
were not elected by the people. No wish International committee of the Y. M. C. M. D.
A11 checks, money ardent, 4c... to be made nent preservation of prized memcn- Peterson and H. H. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23..A'.r
payable to The Sun-Merald.
Branch Offices for receipt of advertisements tos and, what is more important.;
j inately $5,000,000 the State is earn¬ was
ing a fair return. With a slight In¬
expressed before the arrival of the A. at Haddon Hall to-day. ¦
Simms Entertain. was high to-night oter the Canadian mari¬
time provinces, the great central valleys and

tnti sale of papers:

Bank Rate Technique. Rumanian armed force, though since Dr. O. A. Johnston Ross, of Union on the north I'acifle coast, und It was low
the privilege of helping to create crease in the capital It Is estimated months the Hungarian army had been over the St. Lawrence Valley and the West
PttiNictrai, Uptown Orr!<B.IlaOAPWAT
Theo'ogical Seminary, who conducted Nptclal
and Despatch to Thb Nrw Tout Hbiald.
Writ St. Kntranre 1358 Broadway (one through a great collection of human Since the original reduction in dis¬ that in sixty years the revenue will dissolved." Hot Springs, Va., Sept. 23..Messrs. Canadian provinces. A storm of marked in¬
tensity la approaching the north Pacific
pUtfct 'up). Tel. Chelsea 4000. count rates last the Sunday morning service, laid stress Maurice
Haet.rm Office.205> West 125th St., nbah documents a portrait as reraarkab.e, April from 7 to 6 bo upward of $50,000,000 annually. The undersigned, former members of upon the application of the Golden Rule
D. Peterson and H. H. of
L°Thc're have been generally ahowors within
Ivtgntk Arr. Tel. 701 Mornlnr lde. Open as striking and as many sided as the per cent, by the Federal Reserve! This is more than enough to take the above mentioned Assembly, beg the in everyday affairs. Unless this rule the British Embassy, trave a dinner last th" laot 2t hours east of the
intll 10 P. M.
Washington liniottra Office.585 Wnsr great American it will present. Con-, Bank of Boston the court of gover¬ care of the schools and highways, favor of being permitted to protest is adopted as the standard of humane cluded Airs. William J. Gray, Jr., of De¬
night In the Homestead. The guests In¬ (liver ei.cept In the south Atlantic Mississippi
Suites and
and national conduct. Dr. Ross said, troit; Misses Jane Gourd of New In northwest Arkansas and Oklahoma. 1'air
BIst St. Tel. 9008 Wadsworth. Open until of the against these unfounded assertions and.
p. M. sequently tho right place to send ob¬ been nors Bank of England has The denuded lands, which represent
to reestablish the historical truth. civilization as now known will perish Allsa Mellon Margaret and Mercer York, Dun-
weather was the rule In other parts of tho
douutry. The temperature has rist«i on the
St. 18th St. anp punctilious in altering tho dis¬ State investment of $5,000,000, from the earth within the next fifty or lop of Washington and Craigie McKay
Seventh Avb. Tel. Chelsea 4000. jects relating to Theodore Roosevelt a arc
First.On October 12, 1918, tho Ru¬ middle Atlantic coast and over the north
Downtown Orricn.20tl Khoadwat. Open! la 1 Madison avenue, Now York city, count level of that Institution to con¬ now estimated to be worth at least manian National party of Transylvania hundred years. He explained as long (Of Pittsburgh ; Messrs. A. Bradley Camp¬ plains States, and it has fallen generally in
the 'egion of the groat lakes, the Ohio and
I A.P. M. to 10 P. 51.; Sundays, 2 P. M. to whero the Roosevelt Memorial Asso- form with the downward movement $20,000,000. as material Ideas continue to dominate bell of
10 M. in a meeting at Orade voted the text of: the world, mankind wou'd continue to Mew York, Washington, John Hemphill of Central Mississippi valleys and tho Gulf
I>::00KI.VN Orri' BS.24 Coosr St. Tel. Muln elation has its of interest rates in this country. But of each
Henry O. Rea of Pittsburgh. States.
1458. Open until 10 P. M. I'iAt.t.B RtilUXXU. headquarters. Fires, the worst of all forest dan¬ a declaration to be notified to the Hun¬ construct engines war, more Harry H. ANard of Boston and Buford In the New England States tho weather
will be fair and cooler to-morrow and fair
(05Btosx AYashixoton Sr. Tel. 1100 Main. the governors did not see lit to re¬ gers, have been much restricted. garian Parliament. This declaration two deadly than that which preceded It until Scott of Richmond. with moderate temperature on Tuesday. In
Omcie.518 Wiu.ia Avr., at 143th the greater part of the population of the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kip Rhlnelander
1r. Tel. Oililti Meiroae. Open until 10 P. M.
Principal American and Foreign Bureaus.
JVA8H1NOTON.The Munsey Building.
j More Power to the Governor. duce the English bank rate last Railroads have joined hands with days later was read In the Hungarian world would be killed off.
week from 5'a to 5 per cent., al¬ the Forestry Department and have House of Representatives by Dr. A. Dr. Ross decTured that the forthcom¬ arrived from
Governor Miller sidesteps no re-1 though the Reserve banks of Boston Valda, former Premier of Rumania, then ing conference on limitation of arma¬ and golf tournaments. Mrs. Rhinelander
and Mr. Henry Coleman Drayton have
Tuxedo Park for the tennis
the middle Atlantic States the weather will
be fair ard cooter to-morrow and unsettled
Tuesday, with ahowers iti Virginia.
In tho south Atlantic and cast Gulf states
211ICAGO.20>> Smith La Sallo St. Fleet st. sponslbility that belongs to him and and New York adopted the lower undertaken to keep bare a 100 foot Representative In that house, and stated ment was In reality a conference on was the winner In last year's golf tour¬ there will bo showers and local thunder¬
storms to-morrow and Tuesday, with some¬
strip along both sides of their tracks., that "tho Rumanian nation of Tran¬ racial and expressed the hope nament for women on the Homestead
figure. For the first time In many A coal mining company In Cambria sylvania denies the right of the Hunga- that Itsproblem^
PARIS.49 Avenue do l'Opero, 38 Rue du is willing to shoulder others with what lower temperature In tho Interior, in
Louvre. result would Justify the substi¬ course. Other arrivals include Mr. and Tennessee and the Ohio Valley the weather
Tits Nctr Tosk ItaniD was founded bv
which the Chief Executive at Albany months the English bank rate was county has planted more than 10,- rian Parliament to decide upon the fate tution of a conference tablo for the bat¬ Mrs. Bedell who H. Harned and Mr. Balsley will be unsettled with local rains to-morrow
anil cloudy on Tuesday, without material
fames Gordon Kennett in 1833. It remained is not yet charged. He tells the peo¬ above our discount level. tlefield. P. Elebash, were In Bretton Woods
3ie sole property of its founderalsountil
Rath. In 1872, when his to
James ple of New York they should not tol¬ In the
000 trees. Millions of these seedling of the
right of
the] The Golden Rule Idea and the impor¬ for the
summer; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mingle, Wilber A. Blood-
change In temperature^ In the region of tho
great lakes the weather will be fair to¬
Gordon Bennett,which succeeded
the ownership foreign exchange market trees are being grown on State land a
as tance of greater spiritual endeavor also Mrs.
good and Miss Rosalia Bloodstood, Mrs.
morrow and probably Tuesday, with some¬
ffIII.tiltheh'spaper, remained in hie handx erate any more so-called constitu¬ this disparity in discount rates be¬ for free distribution. There logical consequence of the principle were emphasized at the "call ot the William
Louise Hark-
what higher temperature. Stortn warnings
are displayed on the Atlantic coast at and
death, in 1518. The Hetacd he- tional offices and departments In the tween England and tho United: are of self-determination." nations and peoples" In the afternoon. L. Harkness, Miss
north of Delaware Breakwater.
tame the property of Frank A. Munsey, It*
State Government but should rhl now 2,000 State fire fighters and Second On October 81 revolution Y. M. C. A. men from all over the world ness, Mrs.W William H. Drayton and Mrs.
present owner. In 1920. get .

States would have been an impor¬ soon there will bo a chain of steel broke out in Budapest. The Hapsburg told of the Increased Interest In the Stewart ilier.
of some, and ho is right. Mrs. Henry Eugene Gourd has re¬ Observations at United States Weather
tant factor before the war, because fire lookout stations
covering the en- dynasty was overthrown and Hungary spiritual things which have developed turned from a visit with her daughter, Bureau stations, taken at 8 P. 31. yeaterday.
A constitutional department or of¬ funds would immediately have been since the war. Ur. Karl Fries of Mrs. Louis 3. de G. de Mllhau, In Locust seventy-fifth meridian time:
tire State. proclaimed a republic. Three days later Genc%a told of the progress which the Temperature. Rainfall
fice Is one which even in the mo3t party of Tran¬ "Y" is making In Europe., Dr. S. A. Valley, and ha3 rejoined her daughters, last 21 lira. Raro- last 21
rhe Unemployment Conference. crucial public situations is above the concentrated In London to take ad¬ In a word, Pennsylvania has the Rumanian National
sylvania proclaimed the autonomy of. Datta of Calcutta spoke on a similar the Misses Ivonne, Gabrielle and Jane Stations. lllgh. Low. meter, lirs. 'Weather.
President Harding, It la announced, authority o? the Chief Executive A consequent rise would have come taken j
vantage of the higher Interest level. up forest conservation In ear- this part of Hungary. On November 21 vein and Molses Sanz reported great Gourd, at the White cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard War¬
Albany 70 3fi £9.92 .20 Pt .CI dy
Atlantic City.. 80 68 29.92 Cloudy
sill open the conference on unem¬ whom the voters have elected to get in English exchange. But the Eng¬ nest. She is not only looking out M. Bartha, Minister of War of the Hun¬ progress
for her own timber needs but she garian Republic, Issued a manifesto in¬
in Mexico.-
Major It. M. Moton, head of the Tus- returned rington have closed their cottage and
to Cincinnati.
80 08 29.94 ... 01°udy
.... 29.72

74 r.8 29.84 .02 Lai"



ployment to-day with a "call to in- things done for them. It is for the lish bank rate has lost its efficacy is kegee institute, emphasized the Impor¬ Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Heming and Ruffalo TO (JO 2JM*8 Gloar
Justry to formulate some definite part similarly above the author¬ as an exchange regulator or as a lesson for becoming an impressive object viting all soldiers of Transylvania to tance of the Golden Rule In all efforts Mrs. William R. Chappell of Cincinnati 70 SO.IS .12 Cloudy

obey the orders of the Rumanian Na¬ toward the solution of the raco problem Mr.
most and Charleston 88

plan to reduce Idleness." ity of the Legislature. the entire country. New York drove yesterday to Valley Chicago

.. ...
magnet to draw foreign cash. This, tional Council. r In America. He said :
. ...
View for luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Homing Cleveland 68 t»2 39-99
Such a call, of course, must in-
.... . . .
How could a business manager, it may bo added, is true not only of Third.December 1 the Rumanian Na¬ "You cannot establish and maintain started for New York to-day. Denver 82 29.7ii ... Clear
rludo the employee as well as the however high his purpose and great the long dominant English bank rate Japan and the World. tional Assembly met at Alba-Julia and harmony between races by passing laws. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic!:; S. Fish and
It Is only by exemplification of the Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wiederselm 2d
... 68 CO .'10.08

C ear
O oudy


imployer of industry or it will be liis ability, make a success of manag- but of all bank rates. TnK New York Herald begins In decreed the union of Transylvania with spirit of the Golden Rule, by the exer¬ i.r.... n-r:<-ed *rnm f".Mrid-ilnlita
Jacksonville... 81

oO.O-t C! inr
'ootless. The conference may urge ing a railroad for its stockholders, or Until the enormous Government this issue a scries of articles by Louis the kingdom of Rumania. All the mem¬ cise of a mutual effort toward tolerance and Mrs. B. Preston Schroyer from Rc- Kansas City.. 70

30-1- Ciear

reemployment till the cows comeI a steel plant, or a textile industry, or borrowings from central banks in the Seibold, staff correspondent, on the by tho people,Assembly
bers of said were duly elected and helpfulness, that this problem can w tCi.i.v*. Pa., ami Air. and Mrs. 1. S. Los Angeles... 90
Milwaukee 08


CI a

j five from each county, and be solved." Morris from Berwln, Pa.- New Orleans.. 90

-9-90 1-os

boms but the mills and factories a coal mine if he could not put efll- various countries are cut down bank Far Ea3t Power which to-day is prob¬ had to present their writs before being
trill not bo able to respond with; clent workers in the place of ineffi-, rates will remain chiefly useful in ably the most Important and surely permitted to attend the Assembly. GEDXEY FARM ARRIVALS.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. McCorkle
havo returned to New York. Miss Ger¬
Gilbert started for Philadelphia

Philadelphia... 82 G2 29.9- .0- Cloudy

30 06 .1- Clear

lengthened payrolls unless they can clent workers, could not change poor the regulation of domestic credits. the most fascinating problem to the! Fourth.General Field Marshal von Special trude ... ..

they cannot- policies j Old World Mackensen, who still had well disci¬ White
Despatch to Tina Nrw York Herald. and Mrs.
Plains, N. Y., Sept. 25..Mr.
Edmund Rhee for Washing¬ Portland, Me..
Portland, Cro. JM «o
52 .9.88 .1. Rain
..0.08 Pt-CI <V
And good policies, jj
There are as many theories and farsoeing the ..

fell their product. for could not statesmen of a

and Mrs. W. H. Young and daughter
ton. Salt Lake City 82 29-98
... Clear


pell their product when

much to get it out.
it costs too lop expenses
off where they needed to shades of opinion on how to use the and
be lopped ofT. could not wipe out a bank rate for this purpose as there despatched to The Herald after Julia.
the New.Japan. These

There is more unemp! .ment In whole department if its work could ore central banks. In England, as months of painstaking Investigation, things and by an official despatch ap¬ lin Wise and family, returning
articles, plined army of about 60,000
Siblu, at two hours distance from Alba- have
met, at
returned from Hake Placid and will
spend the autumn at Gedney Farm,
the new state of Other arrivals are Mr. and Mrs. Frank¬
Art objects and furnishings that for¬
St. I9>uls 68
:: PJ §K

from merly belonged to Princess Rajah, who

Washington::: 80
i.[ T
... '

this country due to the refusal of be done better by another depart-1 here, the remedy for trade depres¬ judicious gathering of information plied to the Assembly for permission to Deal, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. John¬ came to this country from Egypt and
labor to work at readjusted wage ment? What competent business| sion has been to stimulate activity and thorough checking up of details, go through Alba-Julia in withdrawing from son and family, and Mrs. F. E. Perkins, was well known in vaudeville, are on
:: 29.0$ ::: Pt.Cl-dy
scales and conditions than is due to manager, in fact, would take a job, by providing plenty of money. Con¬ arc extraordinarily searching in his army from Transylvania.
like that from the board of directors versely, overborrowing was checked analysis, comprehensive in scope and Fifth.The first so'dler of the Ruma¬ Mr.Harrlman,
Greenwich. Conn., and Mr. and Mrs. view at the Broadway Art Galleries,
from New York. 13C2 Broadway, preparatory to their
pll other causes put together. nian army entered Transylvania Decem¬
and Mrs. George F. Dana of Cin¬ sale at auction, beginning next Wednes¬ Tlumldlty 2 vv "'i.J0
Thousands of idle coal workers, to or from the stockholders of a private by raising interest rates. In recent brilliant In presentation. Best all, ber 4, following the appeal of the As¬ cinnati, motoring
of homeward from New day. Tho sale will also Include the Wind.direction
lake one specific example, could have corporation without the power or the months the Bank of England has In historical narration and critical! sembly for protection against England, are breaking the Journey with collection of the late Supreme Court K^Uy..:::::::::::::: c»U
^The^ temperature in this "city yesterday,*£»
tho threat¬ a stop at Oedney, as arc also Mr. and Judge Dillon of New Jersey. There are
fobs to-day and could have had jobs chance to do anything worth while taken some part in this regulation, TnE review.for this impressive worlc by ening Hungarian army of General Slgl, Mrs.
ill last summer and last spring if for those who engaged him? j
but the banks have made the cheap Herald's staff correspondent is gathered at CluJ. delphia.
Boyd M. Spah and family of Phila¬ paintings, sculptures, textiles and art
furnishings In thp combined collections,
and Mrs. William N. Field of also engravings and mezzotints, glass,
recorded by the official thermometer. i*

tliey would have worked at a rate The Governor of New York is the money policy still further effective both history andarecriticism of the Sixth.If there was any pressure
as calm as they brought upon the Assembly It was that Brooklyn have arrived for a short stay.' laces, linens and old velvets.
of pay and production which would manager of the business affairs of by lowering their deposit and lend first order.they
enable tly Industry to sell the out¬ this State, picked by its millions of ing rates. are clear and as fair as they are; of the presence of these two armies an.l
not In favor of the union of Traneyl-]
put. But they would not. voting stockholders to administer the In some other countries the oppo¬ explicit. vanla with Rumania but against It. The Marine Graveyard, the abstract theory of stresses, and they
Hundreds of thousands of Idle men great institution for them. He ought site course has been pursued. In The rise of Japan.the Japan These are controllable historical facts Deep In the backwash of the roaring of had no such formulas as are at the call
whoso military prowess matches the and not mere assertions. any college student to-day.
In the building trades, to cite an¬ to have full control over every ad¬ none, however, has a greater meas¬ three world leaders of to-day, whose
port, . The bishop of tljose days was more "Highest'temperature, 74. at 6 P. M.
other glaring case, need uever have ministrative department in the State ure of success been attained than in Dr. Jo km Coi.tor, Along the river flats that stretch often Lowest temperature. Co. at -.30 A.
been ofT the payrolls, for months past Government. He ought to have the England, as tho following table expansion abashes the land grabbers Member of the Rumanian Parliament. away. thofcrchiteet
than not
tlio water craft of every sort, cathedral, and there Is much evidence
of hla own Average temperature. t>8.

of record and whose Dr. G. Crisan, Wo mark

If they would havo gone to work on right to pick his own assistant man¬ shows: supreme am-
Former Member of the Rumanian Par-| Rustling across their leisured sunset
In the cathedrals as they stand to-day EVENTS TO-DAY.
a basis that would permit houses to agers anywhere and everywhere. Ho Gold value Mtlon, martial. Industrial, financial, Uament day. that his work, at least In the earlier
Second International Congress ®'Eufentc..
be ercsted at tho right cost. But ought to be aide to turn administra- Bank Gold of cur- social, challenges the first and the stages of the development of the Gothic
I. I. Scnioput, A harbor tug whose name Is quite
tii^7 would not. tlve offices upside down or inside out rato, reserve, rcncy, the romance of the Chris¬ Editor. effaced
art. was experimental. Ho built a mas¬ l'ark
tian era. The IIehalo's staff corre¬ sive vaulted roof uar>n relatively slender
And when there are large numbers if that is what they need to have p. c. P. c. x\ c.
with'd, Ohio, September 23. Lies on her side above the tidal line; piers and made a guess at the neces¬
of unemployed in this, that and the done to them to get quick, cheap and spondent states it all simply but Time was she swung from Brooklyn sary diameter of piers, thickness of
other industry because their cost of right results for the public.
United States
7(J a grimncss of plain fact:
World Series Prices. piers and raced walls and so forth to hold Ills vault In ^Ne^^c^k'Km^o Jin^PHn^era' Association!
production is prohibitive of sales to ownGovernor Miller, by force of his Switzerland 4 7q 90 "Iri the eighteen years which Across the sunset flows that gleamed place. If there were Just enough ma¬
like wine.
d! SUM
Hotel Commodore, beginning at no<on.
Commltiee. convention.
consumers they cause still other un capacity, the confidence of his Holland 60. 75. elapsed between the Japanese-Rus¬ An Old Follower of Baseball Sees terial used and It were of fairly good Fostermothers Association of America.

employment far and wide. Coal and officialof associates In him and the sup¬ Spain $ 73. 57 sian war and the present date Ja¬ Hurm to the Game In High Bates. Hore rests a river queen that erstwhile quality the work stood.
the public back of him. has Sweden If tlicro were two or three times as
other supplies that are too dear for port 60. H. pan has furnished an exhibition of swept
use in manufacturing plants stop the been able to achieve huge savings in Japan 121. sc' political, diplomatic, military, terri¬
To The New York Herald : J eee
that the prices for grand stand seats
The lordly Hudson In her drifted day; much material as was necessary.and
her gilded paddle box have crept this, we have evidence, not Infrequently
Easier"'Automotive Equipment. Aasocla-
wheels and cut ofT the payrolls In the cost of State government and to Franc« '0V2 15.5 36. torial and economlo advancement are $3.30 and $5.50 for the world scries. Now onstains and rubbings spelling slow happened.the work stood and all was
those Industries as well .as at the improve strikingly the service given Germany 5 14 4 unparalleled In the history of nations. As a follower of baseball ever since the decay. well; but If the piers were too small side avenues. Woodslde. L. I., Dcginums
mines. Building trades wage earn the public. But he could have clone Ita'y s.S 21. She has become a world Power in days when Charlie Byrne owned the lr diameter, their walls too thin or the day.
Brookiyns and John B. Day owned the From far canals the barges lie at rest. rubble work constituting the core of tho
ers who will not work for $6 or .$7 a great deal more if It had not been PoIilnd 6 .9 .08 every sense of the word and at the tiiants I take this means of filing a With ever widening seams, no more to
a day. although it is impossible to for the constitutional Chinese walla Austria 4 >02 present time Is the most turbulent protest against the greed that threatens ply
masonry was too poor In quality, down
caine tho whole structure and the good
give them 58 and $10 a day, throw around various State bureaus and Caecho- Slovak la ..6 33, 68 and disturbing: among them." to ruin the game. It seems to me that Their peaceful voyages on Eric's bishop set about
commissions. Nobody, whether breast rebuilding, profiting by One Time Governor nnal Mr». W, L.
other men out of employment in the a
Reserve against currency in the It Is only just to Japan to ac¬ everybody who loves baseball should fllo the costly lesson he had learned. DwhrIus Are nt Brettou Woods.
Limber camps and sawmills and the Governor of lesser dimensions like above a similar protest, as the game Is in Or lift on flooding locks to levels high. A
includes silver arul foreign knowledge the relentless forces of positive danger from the overpaid play¬
most frequent cause of trouble was
Specie! Despatch to Tub New Yo*k Hcbaia.
some we have had or a big timbered higher tide creeps round the great tower which was to much fa¬
steel mills. bills in the case of Continental banks, nature which have driven her re-1 ers and more especially from the greed And when asterns Bretton Woods, N. H., Sept 25..One
Excessive railroad labor costs that Governor like Miller, ever can make markabla leaders and passionately; of certain of the owners and of the Na¬ The their vored at tho Inters, ctlon of nave and time Governor of Massachusetts and
make excessive freight charges that of the Executive Office of the State total foreign bills compriso almost the devoted lapping water seems to lisp a transept. If there to be an unin¬ Mrs. William L. Douglas of Brooklina
followers to hammer wedge tional Commission. tals
in turn stop traffic from flowing of New York a first ctass job, such
reserve of Poland. The con¬ terrupted view throughout the full length are at the Mount Washington. Mr. and
FJnsland, Spain and after wedge Into the outside world of '
My memory goes back to the days Of harbor Joy» out where the channel of nave and choir or from transept wntl Mrs. De Forest Hulburd and Mr. Charlen
knock off workers not only on the as is required of its executive head trast among is marked. The latter two bounty and wealth when Japan wa3 when the greatest batting team In the turns to transept wall It became necessary to It. Hulburd are there from Chicago. Mr.
carriers where the traffic falls away by Standard Oil or United States Japan have, with their largo gold reserves, impoverished as to her meagre land, history of the game for the past thirty-
five years.the Detrolts of 1887.went
And splendid river craft that onward place great arches as tall as the roofs and Mrs. George H. Webster and Mra.
William J. Coleman arrived by auto*
but at the source of supply where Steel ownership, until it Is possible adhered high bank naked as to industries and destitute around to different cities playing
.all. of the cathedral themselves at the Inter¬
bile, and also there from New York ara
the shipments would hnve begun un¬ to handle It like a Standard Oil or with 121 per cent, of gold Japan, of opportunities at nome, with a pop¬ world series of fifteen games with the
to a rate. Thomas J. Mcrbat. section of nave and transept Now this Messrs Thomas P. Kennedy and John S.
der rates that were not prohibitive United States Steel Job. against that time of forty million St. Louis American Association team, meant of course the cutting of huge Thompson.
ulation, ut
and at the destination points where
currency, lias not been able to keep
the yeu at par. Spain's gold posi¬ human beings, scratching for exist¬ pricethey
and were glad to get the regular /oteAgainst Yerba Mate. gaps In the wal's of the tower, concen¬
trating tho weight of the upper stages
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Charlton started by
automobile for Manchester en route to
of admission. This makes me
the shipments would have been con¬ They That Like Their Earth Flat. tion is more satisfactory than the ence on n petty fringe of soil washod wonder why the present commission and ie Great Majority Prefer Tea or of tho tower, which would run up to Boston. They expect to go to Europe
this winter to Join their daughter. Miss
sumed. The dictum of the Overseer of value of the peseta, which lags 9 per around by the sea. club owners charge five Rnd six times Coffeo as a Beverage. 4.000 or 5,000 tons, upon tha four piers.
Virginia Charlton, who Is making a tour
The economic penalty of these Zion, Mr. Voliva, that the earth is cent, behind the English pound with It Is only truth about Japan to con¬ those prices to see, perhaps. Inferior That was a serious problem In Itself; of the world In company with Miss
To Thb New York Herald: It Is not but worse than that, the effect of Kathleen Phillips, u schoolmate, and Miss
wage conditions and of other costs flat Is but the recurrent echo of a onl> about half as much reserve cede the amazing feats she has per¬ teams play a world's championship. cause I happen to be In the coffee huge tower load
Sherwood of Bcnnet's Schpol at Mill** S. upon these
due to the labor charges that cannot .belief that has more followers than back of it. formed on the field of civilization d tea trade that I am opposed to this to produce a heavy lateral arches was brook. Miss Ruth Scnoellkopf of Buffalo
Larciimont, September 21. thrust, which
be borne is millions of unemployed, it is pleasant to think of. From tlie wealtJi of banking tech¬ through her own Industry, energy rba mat#. I have tried the stuff, had to be absorbed
by the adjoining has gone to meet them for a three months?
some of them tho men who deliber¬ In Ills first lesson in geography the nique hidden in tl>se figures the un¬ and merit. Irly and squarely, twice, half a cup- walls of navo and transept. trip In the Orient.
Mrs. John F. Wllklns of Washington
ately refuse to take readjustment Hut
schoolboy learns that the earth is initiated can discern at least the one sary to ourselves and to tho rest of
that would enable industry to start round "like a ball or an orange." So moral
it Is alike just and it is neces¬
Daylight Saving. I each time, and made Just
mine told me It should bo made. It
as a friend
And what trouble they had! Piers
begin to buckle and would be
will spend to-morrow In New York ca
that^ possession of vast re¬ that modern civilization with which Benefits of the System to Some Com- Insipid stuff. When Russia and Eng- would hastily reenforced by adding to their
route homo from the Mount Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Livingston, who
up, somo of them the innocent vic¬ far as his school course is concerned sources is less important than knowl¬ nd and China arc satisfied with Orien- thickness; arches would have been at their place Rooklyn fit Bar
tims of the economic folly of the his conception of a round world be¬ edge of how to use them. Pos¬ Japan now competes In so fixed a mnters Rnd City Dwellers. 1 tea I think the preference of those great ronts at the crown spread, causing Harbor, are expected at the Mount Wash¬
and fiery spirit that we do To The New York Herald: In re¬ >0.000,000 people ought to count a* or thrusting
others. gins and ends with that statement. sibly Thread needle Street has some purpose the adjoining pier arcades out of the
ington to spend eevorn 1 days, and from
It is of no use for the unemploy¬ The world which he sees about him new wrinkle up its sleeve In retain¬ not Ignore but look squarely In the gard to daylight saving I cannot refrain
from registering my approval of a law
rncwhat conclusive. And when the vertical. To remedy this and prevent there will go to the Berkshlres before
returning to New York.
ment conference in Washington to face the Import to tho world of the ntted States and the throe Kcandlna- disaster the builders, as at Gloucester
is flat and the maps which he sees ing the 5 Vi per cent, bank rate. which has given sunshine and happiness an countries and Turkey nnd Mexico, Cathedral, would carry buttresses
blink these bitter truths and hard throughout the rest of his life are Jupan as she stands In the present to thousands while It brought slight In¬ right ARRIVALS AT NEW LONDON.
and the Japan that unllagglngly Jays grand total of about 140,000,000 p<*o- down the side walls, cut! ;ng diagonally
facts. The only terms and condi-1 flat. Even the land laws which de¬ Pennsylvania's Forestry Work. convenience to a few.
prefer coffee I assume that Is in- across the aisle and Special Despatch to Tub Nrw Yonx llntAi.n.
tions on which unemployment cun clare that a township of public land lier course for the near and the dis¬ Let these objectors visualize the spec¬ e, transept windows NreW London, Conn., Sept. 25..Miss
tacle of thousands of commuters enabled irsement enough
Had every State in the Union a tant future. for any sane person. until they coulil transfer the load to
cease. under the inexorable economic I shall be six miles square and bounded Consider the numerical backing of some outlying buttress or suitable Elizabeth Larzon of this city, who Ik a
lews, are the restoration of costs' east and west by meridians of longi¬ Clifford Pinchot, as Pennsylvania has- This Is the message of Tite Hft.- to attend gardens throtigh which they »rba mat#. It is grown chiefly In Para- mass graduate of Vassar, left yesterday %r
the an ai.o's correspondent from the Orient, are able to fight old H- C. L. and of city
of masonry. To the engineer and archi¬ Paris, Franco, where she will attend tho
that will create business instead of tude Imply a flat earth. Perhaps if had every Stale in Union little Inland republic in the mld-
ned public sentiment and a told in these columns to-day and to dwellers enjoying an extra hour of sun¬ jay, a tect by no means tho least attrnctlor Sorbonne, having been awarded a fel¬
e of South America, 1,000 miles from of the wonderful cathedrals of Francr
killing business. Capital cannot do a globe or miniature earth were used aw; public intelligence educated In forest be told In the days following, in all
light for recreation and enjoyment.
ocean and in area only twice ns big nnd England are
lowship at college.
Arrivals Ht tho Mohican Hotel from
this alone. Labor cannot do It alone, in the first lessons in Brooklyn, September 24. A, C. io
th^ failures with which
Employer and employee must alike pupils might be trained togeography| conservation, as Pennsylvania has, friendliness to Japan, with sympa¬ » New York State, and with only 800,- th~y were threatened nnd the clever ex- New York Include Mr. and Mrs. Nestor
think in then by 1950 or thereabout the na¬ thy for her legitimate aspirations 00 people. Round about this yerba tk tents by which the emergencies wort KaulTman, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rurden,
put both their heads and their shoul¬ terms of a spherical earth Instead tion's increased wealth in timber and Arizona Answers Itarrison. lat# republic are Brazil with 24,603,- met. William II. Lowdharn. Mr. and Mrs. W.
ders together to work out the labor of the span which to the vision is Imperative needs, with admira¬ To Ttt* New York Herald: The re- 00 Washburn, Wilbur Wnshburn. Jr.. Mr.
alone would probably bo almost tion of the genius and the fortitude aults in New people, Uruguay with 1,500,000. Ar- Steel for construction was unknowr and Mra. F. Bleknell, Mr. and Mrs. G. Iv.
charges and the production costs mat always flat. Mexico, wherp they have entina with 8,000,000 and Chile with In those days and Iron was very, verj Button. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burns. Mr.
will enable the goods to sell. enough to pay off the national debt. which thus marvellously achieve, hut Just elected a Republican United States ,000,000. All told the yerba mat# dls- scarce. Had and Mrs. G. M. Edgott, 1>. 3. Dense, Del-
Belief in n flat earth, however, is
As long as unemployed wage earn¬ not confined to pre-Columbian times. note Surely it is worth whilo to take with the exactness of hard facts and Senator by an overwhelming majority, rlbutlon covers an area only about rials and our they possessed these mate¬
twentieth century knowl¬ phlne M. Douse, Mr. and Mrs. D. K.
of this fact; worth while to take cold truth. For It Is a message not should go a long way toward silencing a*Ice that of the United States and all edge of engineering, what Oppenzellar, Mr. andC. Mrs. J. R.C. Mal¬Sec-
ers stand stubbornly on the ground It exists widely to-day. Several note of Pennsylvania's methods and merely of Japan but of Japan and the criticisms of such nien as Senator f It down south of tho equator and bnlldlngs those priestly architects stupendous colm, Mr. and Mrs. Socman,
that they would rather continue to years ago a professional man whose their and would man. Jr., Mrs. A. M. Galium!,. Miss
results. From one of the great¬ the world. Pat Harrison <»f Mississippi. I feel very opulnted by only 40,000,000 people, have produced, Bertha Galland, Mr. and Mrs. II. C.
live on nothing than try to live on a business placed him in contact with est lumber strongly that the Harding Administra¬ nlr 15.000,000 of those people actually Prance, where atparticularly In northerr
Amiens the crown ot Evans and W. A. MolJjlo.
exporting States, Penn¬
wage that is less than Sam Go.Mrr.Rs people <»f every sort made the ques¬ sylvania in 1907 became a lumber im¬ Another British expedition Is trying tion Is making good, and I believe that Irink yerba mat#. . the vault Is over 140 feet above tin From other cltlss: II. J. Rfgsn, Far
nays they must get or.refuse to work tion of the earth's shape a part of a the great questions up for consideration Macrae .Tames Caulk. floor of the Rocltavvny; Howard II. MeDonald, Yon-
porter. Her lumber freight bills ShackletohMount to climb Everest, Sir Ernest cathedral, and at Beauvals leers; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Beok, Port¬
there can be no hope of putting the psychological test. In the land where even is off to resume the ex¬ now will bo solved intelligently nnd to Batbtpe, September 24. where in the effort to outdo St. Peter's C. West. Jr., Philadel¬
now are $30,000,000 a year. In the best interest of all parties involved. land, Me.: EdgarMrs. A. P. Brook, Mr,
of the Antarctic and tho Home, the French carried their roof t< phia; Mr * and
hands in the country back to everywhere is cast the shadow of a 1899 the
work. If tho unemployment confer public si hool ho found a surprisingly Keystone State's lumber ploration New York pollco have begun a now W. Reoinald Baker. iefore Steel Construction. an Inter'.*, height of 100 feet.and a! and Mr-. T. Bowycr, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,

output was 2,300,000,000 board feet. attempt to regulate traffic In the tlie- Newark, N. J., September 2*. of this, mark you. In etono. C. Mills. 11. P. J- Hnrnshaw, Boston; J.
ence in Washington does not hon¬ largo number of persons who pro- In 1919 it was
500,000,000 board feet. !Ur« district no as to satisfy every¬ lificultlos of tho Cnthodrnl Builders N. du Pont, Watch Hill: Mr. and Mr*.
estly, clearly and convincingly bring fesned belief in a flat earth. In com- In twenty years fires and waste had body's ideas. Middle Aicom. Edward V. Lnhey, New Bedford; Mr.
Spplllnp Foreign Name*. of the Scoring High In Gelf. and Mrs. A. Haelndutn. Miss Josephine
tills truth hotne to the wage earner paratively few rases the opinion was reduced the output of one of tho From the Scientific American. From the Field. Van Clove, Peterson; Mr. and Mr*. A.
as well as to the wage payer of the positive; in the minds of an over- States most valuable resources The foothill season is open. Med-1 To Tub New York Herald: Why To raise a Woolworth Tower some 800 A member of the Kettering Oolf Club, Mr. W. Jollle. Mr and Mrs. H. A. Arm¬
oy leal students will now learn all about are the names of German cities such and do It with such strong. I'awtucket; Mr. and Mrn. R. W.
country it is wasting its time and whelming majority It was merely a 1,800,000,000 units. At that rate les# fractured eo'lnr l*ones. as ICliln and Mainz spelled In the et Into the air Been Otsren, recently playing on the club
Flugel. ft. Louis; Wilfred C. Ilowe,
2r.fht better never have met. French way? When Russia wanted St. Aterlals and In such fashion that It llnke, struck a kestrel hawk with a tee Worcester; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Andre-
vague notion for which neither rca- than a decade would have wiped it 111 stay there forever Is a simple task '¦hot and kilted It. This Is not the first
could be given. out altogether. Petersburg called Petrograd It was done. sen, II. E. Towie, John Andreson, Larch-
For Roosevelt's Birthday. json w>.' argument Tho Sign. When Servla felt it should be Serbia all nnpared with that which confronted During a match at Burr Hill some
-nse of tho kind fhnt has been reported.
time mort: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Watrea, Mrs.
In other wordj, these were cases of Rut in 1919 Om-onn PrxruoT was In solitudes woodland agreed. Why continue to write Cologne in medieval architect when lie dared ago a lady member of the club most unex¬ Henry .1. Carr. Hcranton: A. M. Hen-
Admirers of TnconoRC Ronsrvni.T stagnant mind.all in the same class plated nt the head of the State For¬ A sign comes to cheer: and Mayenee in French? What 1b the > erect on four tall and relatively elon- pectedly brought down a swift. IVhon picked nhaw, .J. N. May. Jr., Harry O. May,
havo good reason to be gruteful to with those who had learned to read! estry Department. More than a rule In such canes? Bewildered. .r piers the towers and spires of a up It was quits dead and may bo seen Hunimlt, N. J. ; Mr. and Mrs, L. M.
Blue chimney pmoke curling Perry, Mr. and .Mrs. J. F. TliforJ, Mount
the ltoosevelt Memorial Association and, for want oi exercise, had for¬ million acres of what a few years Shows fellowship near. New York, September 24. ithedral such ns that of Salisbury, with Stuffed In the tVeybrt.lge Museum. A swal¬ Vernon ; C. D. Mellor, Syracuse.
for asking them "to remember T. R. gotten how. .
before had been heavily forested n total height of over 400 feet, or even low killed by a gelf hull v. as noticed In the
So forests In autumn square tower such as the famous and struck Field of September 12, 1801, and another Tho Associated Press is exclusively
on his birthday," on October 27 next, The stagnant mind usually Is more lands and were then a devastated, The Grind Begins in Kansas. by a cricket ball was mentioned In to the use for republication of all news Cm-
Llo golden and fair, From ih« Council drove Ovnrd. eautiful angel tower at Canterbury, the Issuo for August 25, 1801. A skylark patches credited to It or not otherwise
bjr giving the association some object or less receptive. Unfortunately, fire scorched waste were placed un¬ A blue hnxe proclaiming Leonard Axe returned to Baldwin ytster-
rhlch reached only a modest 230 feet met with a similar fate on golf links In credited In Ibis paper, and also tho local
news piibll-h-rt herein.
Intimately connected with him. however, it Is an easy prey to the der his lurledirtlon. To replant thie A 1'reacnce ts there dav to take up his studies at Llaker Uni¬ bove the ground level. .For the build- June, 1908. Bo that such Incidents are not All rights of republication of epeclai des¬
The association is collecting all \vlio« of professional agitators and area and to maintain his admlnistra- McUvndbckoii XYilsoh. versity. ra of those days knew but llttlo about so raro as might he supposed. patches herein are also reserved. '

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