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Juan David Castañeda Mendoza

Learning styles do not exist


Although the professor Daniel T. Willingham states that learning styles do not exist,

and gives us some argumentations about his point of view, I consider learning

styles really take place in the learning process because I have seen many amazing

people doing things or activities that other people could not achieve because of

their learning style. In the first place, as an example of kinesthetic learning style, I

can mention to all sportsmen/women, and especially to Lionel Messy, who is

considered the best soccer player of the world, he has a kinesthetic learning style

just because he has learned what he knows about how to play soccer by

practicing, so I mean, by movements; on the other hand, some examples about

visual learning style can be all those artists, writers, mathematicians, chemists and

so on since they need to look at or at least to visualize what they want to design in

order to make an artistic or logical work as Leonardo Da Vince, Albert Einstein, and

Gabriel Garcia Marquez; and finally, an illustration of someone who has an

excellent auditory learning style is Juan Pablo Culasso from Uruguay. He was who

won the competition about “Supper brain” the program presented in National

Geographic Channel, so he is a blind man, who can recognize two thousand

sounds produced by different birds.

Therefore, even though what the professor mentioned previously arguments is

respectable, I do not agree with him due to the fact that I said in above lines.

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