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By Peter J. Tarkay,PhD

lthough various government bodies 1. Failure of blastingcap multing in the "EminentUdangeris defined as a danger
provlde fundamental regulatlons, detonation ofa charge when a labourer "towering or standing out above other&"
Jaws, and punltlveconsequences drilled into it, detonating the "prominenkHand"outstanding: In other
associated with safety violations, there are unexploded bIming cap and charge, words, an%minentUdangeris significant of
a great number of Issues that remain causing serbus head and emotional consequence, grand,and likely to have a
unaddressed, unregulated, and unresolved, injuries.
major effecLfherefore,annemlnent"
especially In the underground construction 2. Rockslabfalling from an unsupportd
danger would be one that would cause
industry. Over the years, involvement with tunnel crown during tunnel excavatlon
serious Injury andlor death. For example, a
safety Issues in underground construction resultingin the loss of a tunnel labourer's
relatedto personal injuries and wrongful heavywelght suspendedabove a work area
deaths has required an identiflcatlon of 3. Wrongful death resultlng from a pre-cast or publicthoroughfare, must be considered
basic philosophies to address the concrete segment falling on a tunnel an "emlnentHdanger.Consequently, an
shortcomings in the regulatlons which labourer. "eminent" danger would tequlre a
have not addressed a variety of situations. 4. Wrongful death resultingfrom a false significant design &rt to prevent the
Project design during constructionand ceillng panel falling on a vehicle In a "eminent"danger from manifesting and
throughout the structure's operating life roadway tunnel, causing the death of an placing llfe inJeopardy.Tfieellminatlon of
must specifically address the moral issues automobile passenger. an "ernlnent' danger would requlre a
of p r o t d n g workers engaged in Nearly all of the rases were settled redundancy in deslgn.
constructton in the short term and the without trial, In all probability, because the AnImrnlnenfdangerls inherently
public in the long temThecontext fundamental principlesof"eminentHand Impending, in other words, with Ilttle or no
necessary to address Issues where no 1mmmlnenX"dangerclearly identifled the
obstacle between the existing stabjlky and
speclflc regulatlons exlst must be based on responslbk partlesand the partles reallred
failure. Far example, an'imminent'danger
twoessenttal concepts that will be their tenuous poslUonr
discussed in thls paper. would be a heavyweightover a work area
Slnce safety regulations and laws are
generally designed for the protection in the or heavily travelled route with only a slngla
Introduction workplace and the publlc In general, the eIement preventing a movement from
The cases consideredhereln have been starting perspective is necessarily stability to failure. An qrnminentWdanger
associated with boredtunnel excavatlan, philosophl~~l, We have found that the must be ellmlnated by dedgn,fhlr*can only
shaft construction, blasting, and highway considerationof safety must be based on be done by providing a redundancy which
tunnel safety-When investigatingand the following fundamental principles: would prevent completefailure when one
deallng with safety Issues where no 1. "Erninentwdanger. element falls.
regulationsare found to apply, one has to 2. "Imminent"danger.
resortto fundamental pHlosophies and
simple laglc tacome up wlth the
The American Heritage Dictionary (third -
Case Hlstory BlastlngCap Failures
edltlon) deflned the foregoing terms as Manufacturing problems produced
assignment of the underlyingcause of fabws:
blastingcaps that failed to detonate during
failures and the distributionof . .
- emmbnent (pm". .-n.. n t adj. I.Towering
the normal blastingprocess.fhe problems
responslbllltiesto the respective partlei, or standing out above others; prominent
In effect, regardless of regulations, laws, wlth the blasting caps were demonstrated
2. Of high rank, statlon, or quallty;
and institutions, the responsibility Is noteworthy. 3. Outstanding, as in In the field by the contractor'stests and
ultimately distributed to the project character or performance;distinguished. reparted by swemI contractorsand mines
constructionmanagers, project designers, -ernl*nent-ly adv. (Exhibit1).The manufacturerignoredand
residentengineers, construction - im*ml-nent(tm"...-n.. .nt) adj. About to publicly denied having any problems,
contractoa, and sub-contractors.Care occur: impending.-imuml~nent*ly -
adv. despite internal memoranda
hlstoriesto be considered herein inctude: Imuml*nent~ness n. acknowledging the manufacturing flaw.

Exhlbit 1: Evidence for Blasting Cap Fdures
" - 1 . I - I -
crown slabs resuklng from sub-horizontal roof shleld orwmpomry support installed
- a beddlng planes, Had local geotechnlcal hehlnd the cutterhead. Neither of these
conditions been adequately identifled, the methods to eliminate"lmmInentwdanger
mlr&lsm designer could have required Immediate was utllizedbecause the "emlnent" danger
z----51 temporaly support behind the cutterhead had not been identifiedand the means and
in the specifications and prwented the methods had not been designed for this
-.---a- injurious fallout. unknown condition.The expert on the case
---. A geotechnical conditlon of high insisted that theTBM manufacturerbe
: - --
s a Ilkellhoodrock slab failure is inherently an removed from the list of defendants and
" C
"eminent"danger. The elimination oft he the case was subsequently settled out of
1mmlnent"dangerwould hwe required a court on behalf ofthe plaintiff.

The undetonated blastin

remained in the ground, despite extensive
deantng of debris. Subsequently, the cap
and charge were detonated when drllling
For the next round in the shaft excavation,
~riously injuring, both physically and
ernationally, the labourer drilling the holes.
The use and nature of explosives is
inherently an "eminent'danget. The
7mrninent"dangeroccurred despite a
contro!ld manufaauring process, failure of
quality control, and complaints about the
p m d u a simply becausethe manufacturer
Ignored known problems.The care settled
on the fim day of trlal when the defendant
saw the exhiblts prepared by the plaintiff's

Case History -
Falling Rock Slab from Tunnel Crown
A tunnel in sub-horimnta! sedlmentaty
rack was being excavatedwith a usedTBM
not designed for thespecific geolaglcal
conditions on the projectTheusedTBM
Sika giobally supports tunnels with...
r Shotcrete admixtures and sprayed concrete equlpmenl
was designedfor the conditions on a A Precast wncrele admixtures
previous project and had no requirementor A Anchoring and injection reslns
r Mortars, grouts and joint sealants
fadllty for temporav support betweenthe
r Waterproofing membranes and protective coattngs
cutterheadand the end of the primary
conveyor. Rock bolts were being Installed,a
distancehexcess of 10 metres behlnd the ...and a century of experience.
exposure of the rock crown. A slmlar open
TBM design Is illuarated in Exhlblt 2. Need-
less tasay, the tunnel crown slabs were able
ta loosen over a dlstanceof 10 metres. In
this rase,a slab fell on the laburer
instalIing roek bolts behlnd the end of the
primary conveyor. A falllng rock slab
Innovatlon &
resuited in the loss of theindividual's leg. Consistency

The project geotechnical englneer failed

to alertthe tunnel destgner and tunnel
contractor of wry llkely fallouts of tunnel
Case History-
Falling Pre-Cast Segment
An"eminentWdanger conslsting of a 3-
ton pre-cast segment fell on and caused
the death of a tunnel labourer.lhe
segment erector was directed by a
control b x at the end of a hanging cable.
The segment erector was the only means
of holding segment in place untll
Installedand secured in place as a
complete ring.This constitutedan
mimminent'danger.After the accident,
the "imminent" danger was eliminated by
adding a mechanicalarm that would
prevent the segment from falling even if
the segment erector failed or was 0
released.TheTBMmanufacturer URA PCM Contractor Total Safely
recognizedthelr responsibility in faillng Exhibit 3: Daily Cost of Construction Safely
to provide initial redundancy and sealed
with the plaintiff's family. and implement a safe working danger) Into the concrete structural
The project construction manager environment.ThePCM failed to provide a ceillng as illustratedin Exhibit 4. The bolts
(PCMI,with ultimateresponsibility for safe work environment by overlooking and the epoxy glue falled, four ceiling
safety was being paid $8,0l5/day (Exhlblt panels fell, and caused the death of an
31 for: throughout all stages of review, automoblle passenger.
1. Review of the contractor'smeans, inspertlon, and dally safety audlt.The It Is clear that a slngle structural
methods, and equipment. case was settled to the benefit of the element I'lrnminent" danger) supported
2. Providing a resident engineer and plalntlff. the 3-ton panels (*emlnentHdanger)over
Inspectors. an actlve roadway. Furthermore,the
3. Providing a separate resident safety -
Case Hlstory Falllng Celllng Panel epoxy rock bolts were never intended for
engineer and safety inspectors. A false ceiling consistingof %ton thls type of application. Unfortunately,
4. Daily safety audit by all PCM panels ("erninent"danger)to the authorltles held the bolt suppller
employees entering the tunnel. accommodate a space for tunnel responsible rather than the designer of
Payment for the services imposes wnfi latlon was supported by single steel the inappropriate system of suppon This
compulsory responsibilities to provide tieback bolts with epoxy glue t'9mmtnentU was a gross miscarriage of justice.
30 CanadianTunneling M N n e
It has become obvious that both
the design for safety and the
evaluation of safety failures can be
effectively addressed by the simple

consideration of"eminentJ'and
"imminent"dangers in the design, I
construction, and adjudication of
personal injury and wrongful death
cases in underground construction.
The 5amc principles may apply to Exhibit 4: Support E/en?enrsotld
FfllseCeilillg Collapse
designs dnd construction above ground.

Tieback bolts pulted free from t h e

tunnel's concrete cetllng ...
Trenchless Engineab.1.g

#: :- $1


' - Steel liebacks are
artached to Ihe turlwl
~:ICX,; ~

A ard
wllhI bolls

:L. I:>..,..
2 .:'::,,i
.-. ! ,.,.; l..i.

Y ! ? .I:.',/:-*

...releasing four
sections of concrete panels,
each welqhlng three tons, onto
a car, kHHlng one passenger.

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CanadjanTunnelling Magazine 31

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