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I want to give you a pleasant invitation to the place to wich i belong and i live.

My beautiful municipality of CORDOBA, which is located in the southwest of

Colombia, south east of the department of Nariño. Its limits are: North with the

municipality of Puerres; South with the municipality of Potosí; East; with the

Department of Putumayo; West with the Municipality of Ipiales, its municipal

seat is 80km from the capital of Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, It takes

approximately two hours, if you want to travel, you can use the public

transportby public transport, that comes directly to this city to return, which is

called Cootranscord or by car or motorcycle. In this municipality there is a

great variety of tourist sites, such as its variety of rivers, streams and other

water sources, as well as its market square, which is one of the most visited

places .

The market square is one of the best works carried out in the municipality of

Cordoba, by Dr. Sergio Orlando Paz, former mayor of this municipality, this

market square is very well distributed, it is very nice, and with a beautiful

view, this It is made up of three levels, with more than 200 positions, on the

third level and a part of the second one is the sale of all kinds of clothes, on

the other part of the second floor is the food sector, and on the first floor the

sale of meats, fruits and vegetables.

The invitation is for everyone, when they come visit this marketplace and at

the same time make their purchases, in this way they make the expense to all

our farmers who sell in this place, they will not regret having come here.

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