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YES FACTOR – The Mystery of the Backstage Shennanigans

Chris (Presenter): Welcome to Yes Factor – the behind the scenes look at your favourite Saturday
night talent show! I’m Chris and I’m here to share all the juicy gossip and we’ll have a look at what
our contestants are like off-stage.

Alex (Presenter): But first, let’s have a chat with some of our contestants. They’re all very excited to
perform tonight and hoping that they’ll do enough to get through to next week.

Chris (Presenter): First off we have Stella, who told me just moments ago that she’s dedicating her
performance tonight to her goldfish Bernard. Why don’t you tell us about that Stella?

Stella: Oh yeah, well Bernard is just the best pet in the entire world. He’s a fabulous swimmer, has a
healthy appetite and his favourite toy in his aquarium is his castle.

Alex (Presenter): Oh lovely Stella! And why are you dedicating your song to Bernard tonight?

Stella: Well because whenever I sing this song, he just swims around his tank and he’s so happy!

Chris (Presenter): And what song are you singing?

Stella: Well, let’s just say that [insert song relevant joke here].

Girl runs into frame in a huff.

Alex (Presenter): And look who’s here! It’s Carina Croft, the scientist and singer from [town name].

Carina: Get those silly cameras away from me! We are in the middle of a crisis right now!

Chris (Presenter): What crisis?

Carina: Rhianna’s costume for her performance tonight is missing and she is TOTALLY. FREAKING.

Alex (Presenter):  Right folks, while we get things sorted out over here, let’s go to Gloria who’s
having a chat with some of our crazy fans.

Camera moves to Gloria (Presenter) who is standing with a group holding signs and jumping up and
down excitedly.

Gloria (Presenter): Thanks Alex! I’m here with some mega fans. What time did you all get up this
morning to come see the show tonight?

Fans 1&2: We got up at half four in the morning!

Fans 3: We’ve been travelling since 2am!                             

Gloria (Presenter): Two in the morning! Why were you travelling for so long?
Fan 4: Well, we only live about 2 hours away, but the car broke down so we needed to take the

Fan 5: So it was you that we got stuck behind this morning! We were honking and everything – ye
were going so slow!

Gloria (Presenter): (loudly) ANYWAY, lots of excited fans here looking forward to an amazing show
tonight– back to you [Chris (Presenter)].

Chris (Presenter): Thanks [Alex (Presenter)]. It’s pandemonium here [Gloria (Presenter) (Presenter)].
Rihanna’s costume is missing, Tommy has lost his tap shoes, the piano fell over and it looks like
we’re in for an interesting night.

Alex (Presenter): Interesting? Well, I suppose that’s one word for it…

Carina: It’s going to be a disaster!!

Fran: Relax man, everything is going to be juuuust fiiiine! There’s no need to get so stressed out!

Georgie: This is LIVE TELEVISION! Of course there’s a reason to get stressed out! We’ll be the
laughing stock of the whole country.

Stella: Oh no! What will poor Bernard think?!

Tommy: Forget about your fish! What about my tap shoes??

Tommy (runs in to shot) MY TAP SHOES! WHERE ARE MY TAP SHOES?

Georgie: Forget about your tap shoes, my swords for my talent are gone missing!

Stella: OH NO!

Everyone: What?

Stella: We’ve been cursed! Think about it… Everyone has had something bad happen to them this
evening! It has to be a curse!

Enter Detective 1 and Detective 2.

Detective Dan: Hear that buddy, they think it’s a curse!

Detective Pam: A curse – how silly… Believing in curses, and witches and boogeymen when there are
far worse things out there…

Detective Dan: Ah now, don’t go scaring the poor celebrities. Right folks, I’m Detective Dan and this
is Detective Pam and we’ve got a little news for you.

All the celebrities gather around the detectives.

Detective Pam: So last week a boy who got eliminated from the American Yes Factor came over here
and he’s determined to ruin things for all the contestants.
Chris (Presenter): (to camera) You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. We have a disgruntled
ex-contestant who’s taking his revenge on our lovely talented performers.

Detective Dan: Excuse me, is that really necessary?

Alex (Presenter): He’s just telling the people what they want to know detective. Please continue.

Detective Pam: Right, so Jack the Trickster is what this young man is calling himself. He’s a magician
and we think he’s using his magic skills to cause all this trouble. So if you see a boy with (describe the
trickster’s clothes), then please let either myself or Detective Dan know.

Tommy: Will you help find my tap shoes?

Carina: And fix the piano?

Rihanna: And find my dress?

Georgie: And my swords?

Detective Dan: Right well… um… These are all very important investigations and will have to be…
um… handled… um…

Detective Pam: Look everyone, we’ll do our best, alright? But we’re going to need everyone to be
patient and we need to work as a team. Can we do that do you think?

All: Yes!

Fran: (looking through a bag) Oh no!

Alex (Presenter): What is it Fran?

Fran: My lucky jumper, the one my grandma made me, has gone missing.

Detective Dan: Okay folks so we need to find tap shoes, a dress, swords and a jumper as well as
fixing a piano and catching the bad guy, right?

Alex (Presenter): All in the next ten minutes, because that’s when the show will start!

Detective Pam: Okay, contestants, you all pair up and look for one item each, Detective Dan and I
will keep our eyes out for Jack. Presenters, you need to keep everyone calm and we’ll meet back
here in five minutes with an update.

Alex (Presenter): And we’ll go over to Gloria (Presenter) for an update with our fans.

Detective Dan: sighs loudly Fine – you celebrities are crazy people.


Gloria (Presenter): I don’t quite know how to tell you this Chris (Presenter), but all of our fans have

Chris (Presenter): And we’re going straight to a commercial break.

[option to insert some funny ads if it is a big group or you could even cut to a news and weather

Alex (Presenter): Okay and we’re back! While we were gone, we had a few interesting
developments. I’m here with Toni who’s going to give us an update on what’s been going on

Toni: Well crazy things have been happening backstage guys – It’s absolute bedlam!

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