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Name: ___________________________________ Score:__________

Date: ____________________________________

Social Studies 8

I. Identification

______________1. This branch is in the article ! of the US constitution.

______________2. It is made up of two parts; senate and House of Representatives
______________3. Senate has ____ members
______________4. This branch makes sure the law is obeyed.
______________5. This is the country’s court system.
______________6. Highest court in US
______________7. Set to maintain balance of powers
______________8. This type of government has the power only on the president.
______________9. They created the constitution.
______________10. There are ___ delegates in the constitutional convention.
______________11. The constitution was ratified on ______.
______________12. Independence Hall was once called the _____.
______________13. Social Contract
______________14. The US Constitution was created on _____.
______________15. Amendments 1 to 10 are also known as….

II. Enumeration

1. Give the 3 branches of government.

2. Give atleast 5 types of monopoly.

3. Give the 4 factors of production (also called resources.)

III. Essay (5pts each)

1. What could possibly happen if there is no check and balance in the government?


2. What are the negative effects of Pure Market Economy?


3. Explain the Law of Supply and Demand.


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