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Organizational Behavior Mehreen Gardezi

Scenario: 1

Q: To start your report, you are to investigate, identify and explain similarities and difference between
two organizational structure and cultures. You can also use diagram to explain our views?

Ans: An authoritative structure characterizes how exercises, for example, errand distribution,
coordination and supervision are coordinated toward the accomplishment of hierarchical points.
Association culture is a course of action of shared doubts, qualities, and feelings, which directs how
people bear on in association. These mutual qualities affect the general population in the association
and direct how they dress, act, and play out their occupations. (Robbins and Judge, 2007). The Coca-Cola
Company has a Separate Division Structure because its staffs operate separately and in isolation from
head office. It has different divisions in all mainland’s around the globe with presidents that control each
mainland division. Coca-Cola has 5 mainland divisions. Each Continental division has VPs that control
sub-divisions in light of districts or nations. This structure is proficient for Coca-Cola since it is an
extensive organization. The cola-cola company has general mangers, directors, senior managers and
executive. The board of directors of the Coca-Cola organization is liable just to the shareholders. The
board's obligation incorporates the determination and oversight of senior administration, including the
CEO and the vice CEO. Our comprehensive culture is characterized by our seven center qualities:
administration, energy, uprightness, joint effort, differing qualities, quality, and responsibilities. Two
assets give us the opportunity to keep this promise – our people and our brand. We endeavor to
guarantee a comprehensive and reasonable workplace for our partners, every one of whom experience
differing qualities preparing all the time. We find progressing exchange prompts to better
comprehension of our associates, our providers, our clients, our partners, and eventually, to more
prominent achievement in the commercial center. Zong also have board of directors in which they have
general manager, directors, senior managers and executives. Zong also provide services for the people.
They also keep their consumers happy just like coke and entertain them by adding value services and
strong network. Both the organizations are private limited. The differences in structure and culture of
both organizations are that coke deals with beverages where as zong deals with cellular. Reward system
policies are strictly followed in zong whereas they are practiced in coke too but not strictly. Zong targets
various groups for their sales and marketing whereas coke does mass marketing and target everyone.
Coke motivates their employees by offering bonuses and rewards whereas zong motivate their
employees by providing them basic facilities like health insurance. (Graubner, 2006)

Q: Explain how the relationship between an organization’s structure and culture can impact on the
performance of the business you have visited?

Ans: Organizational structures and culture are basically co - related and have generous impact on
execution of the business. The rules and regulations are made by the both organizations for the various
work and responsibilities. Organizational structures also determine how information flows from top to
low level of the company. Both organizations have centralized structure where decisions are made at
top Level but for some segments they also take decisions at different levels of the organization. The

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organizations can improve their business performances by creating a positive culture where they
provide facilities to their employees like health and transport. An organization's way of life will be
reflected in its clothing standard, business hours, office setup, worker benefits, turnover, enlisting
choices, and treatment of customers, customer fulfillment and each other part of operation. Having
friendly working environment can increase their performances. And also keeping them happy with
monthly bonuses and rewards on their better performances. ZONG uses the computerized performance
appraisal method, and conducts its performance appraisal in December. Whereas coke employees are
given monthly tasks to achieve and different goals are set by the organization that are achieved by
different level of departments and later rewarded according to their performance level. Coke offer
training sessions for their employees so they can perform better and better. Zong also give chances to
their employees to attract with the higher department to share their creative ideas. So these
organizational structure and culture relation is important and have a positive impact on both
organizations and increases the overall performances of both the businesses. (Dalton and Lawrence,

Q: List and describe the major factors, which influence the behavior of individual within the context of
an organization. How is motivational theory useful to managers to motivate individual at workplace in
coca-cola and Zong?

Ans: Individual originating from altogether different break may have alternate point of view towards the
association. There are different factors which influence the behavior of individual at workplace some of
them are explained below.
Leadership: Mangers and Leaders pioneers assume an imperative part in affecting the conduct of people
at work environment. It is the obligation of Leaders to set a course for colleagues. In majority of the
cases, it has been watched that representatives don't have a craving for going to work when they have
strict managers. Leaders need to remain by their group dependably to Guide them and help them in
their everyday operations and help them secure new aptitudes and redesign their insight. Make them
feel important. As a leader, he needs to be a strong source of inspiration for your subordinates.
Skill: Because of the difference in the status level or ability level, a worker can act different in various
circumstances. The practices from the Leaders and the practices the general population works under
him may not be the same.
Work cultures: Representatives need to feel good at work environment for them to remain positive and
cheerful. Guidelines and controls ought to be same for everybody. Employees should be encouraged to
respect their bosses and vice versa. Job security is a standout amongst the most urgent elements
influencing employees conduct. Remain by your Team in their bad times.
Attitude:   Attitude can effect on individual decisions and responses to a particular situations or a
problem. (Heinrichs, Oser and Lovat, 2013)

A motivational theory could be utilized to increase better performance .Managers from both of the
associations could have a go at utilizing Herzberg's two factor theory to guarantee that his
representative's needs are being met enough. This would build the efficiency of both companies

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because of expanding worker fulfillment. Employees who work hard and come up with better ideas
should be rewarded with special reorganization. A motivational theory would be exceptionally
significant in changing the mentalities and attitudes of the staff, and acquire far and away superior
execution from them to expand benefits and customer loyalty. (Blanchard, Zigarmi and Zigarmi, 1985)

Q: Discuss the impact that different leadership styles have on motivation in organization in periods of
change. Also state which leadership style is used in Zong and Coca-Cola?

Ans: Leadership style assumes an extraordinary part in the Motivation of the workers of an organization.
The success of individual vocations and organization depends on how adequately the leaders behave.
The style of the administrator driving them would make a positive or a negative effect on the workers
according to the situation. Different leadership styles in these two organizations impacts the behavior of
the employee in different ways. As both are multinational organizations and have huge network around
the world so both organizations follow democratic style. Democratic style is in which members of the
group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. Everyone is given the opportunity
to participate, ideas are exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged. Democratic style makes an
extremely positive attitude to the brain of the representatives, they begins to feel at home since they
were incorporated into the choices making stages. In addition it at last rouses them to do that work with
a tad bit more energy since they know toward the day's end it is their families work not others. By this
leadership style a positive work environment is created. Communication gap is reduced. Pressure
between the Leader and colleagues is diminished as a consequence of which dread of dismissal and
dissent likewise lessens – this makes a wide range of issues addressable. So these are the reasons why
zong and coca cola are the successful organization. (Burns, 1978)

Q: Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace?

Ans: To make a superior and aggressive working environment, supervisors attempt to take after various
motivational speculations. There are diverse motivational speculations in accomplishing this end

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: It depends on the humanistic approach that individuals have a tendency to
satisfy distinctive necessities at various levels. By applying this to the Coca-Cola circumstance, the
administration could first attempt to fulfill all representative needs on great working environment
conditions and wellbeing and after that climb on chain of importance by meeting the social needs of
cooperation and group building, together with applying a solid culture. At long last, the self-realization
needs of development and improvement of workers could be investigated, to increase their motivation
further. (Teater, 2010)

Equity theory: John Stacey Adams' theory clarifies why pay and conditions alone don't decide
motivation. It additionally clarifies why giving one individual an advancement or pay rise can have a
demotivating impact on others. At the point when individuals feel reasonably or favorably treated they
will probably be persuaded; when they feel unjustifiably treated they are profoundly inclined to
sentiments of disaffection and demotivate.Expectancy theory of motivation: theory explains the mental

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procedures with respect to decision, or picking. It takes a gander at self - enthusiasm for the
arrangement of prizes with individuals' needs and the associations among expected practices, rewards
and authoritative objectives. For Zong and Coke, For organizations, it helps them to relate rewards
directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are those rewards deserved and
wanted by the recipients.

Herzberg’s motivational theory: Herzberg's factors verses motivators work environment motivational
theory is a standout amongst the most observational and convincing speculations about motivation. It's
the main motivational theory that parts out demotivating variables from genuine inspirations; it
presents the idea of development versus inspiration. What's more, it's delivered a larger number of
replications than some other research in the historical backdrop of mechanical and authoritative brain
science. Many big organization apply this theory to motivate their employees same like that Zong and
Coke also apply this theory to motivate their employees and get better performances from them that
leads to a successful business. (Grint, 2005)

Scenario: 3

Q: What is the purpose of making teams?

Ans: A group is a gathering of individuals composed to cooperate so as to achieve a particular target.

The reason for making groups is to give a structure that will build the capacity of representatives to take
part in arranging, critical thinking and basic leadership to better serve clients. There are different
purposes of making teams in organizations. One of the major factors is to increase productivity
organizations are consistently searching for effectiveness or profitability picks up as a wellspring of
upper hand. Groups, particularly those that are near the purpose of conveyance can recognize what
requirements to change to help profitability superior to anything any gathering of senior administrators
would ever want to. And also to improve communications skills for groups to succeed they should have
the capacity to communicate as the need should arise, listen adequately to different perspectives and
expand on thoughts. (Graubner, 2006). Some people in teams have diversity of skills and few people in
associations flourish in managing the master plan stuff. Others get their kick from getting drenched in
the detail. There will be other people who blossom with thought era and other people who love to take
something from idea to completed article. Teams also improve problem solving, when an organization
face problems teams have wider range of skills and knowledge to solve those problems in a better way.
Teams makes smarter use of resources at the point when a group has concentrate on getting a particular
outcome, odds are they will discover imaginative methods for utilizing the assets available to them
instead of concentrating on the limitations. (Heinrichs, Oser and Lovat, 2013)

Q: Identify and list, both formal and informal groups?

Ans: In an organization, there might be two sorts of groups on the premise of organizing. These are
formal and informal groups. Formal groups are made and kept up to satisfy needs or errands which
bend identified with the aggregate association mission. Informal groups, on the other hand are made in

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the organization because of operation of social and mental powers working at the work-put. Some of
the informal groups are mentioned below:
Friendship groups: are relationships of individuals who like each other and who get a kick out of the
chance to be as one. Such gatherings are shaped in light of the fact that individuals have at least one
normal quality, for example, age or ethnic legacy, political convictions, religious qualities and different
obligations of fascination.
Interest Groups: are made out of people who may not be individuals from a similar association, but
rather they are joined by their enthusiasm for a typical issue.
Reference groups: A reference gathering is an uncommon sort of casual gathering that individuals use to
assess themselves. A reference group may not be a real one that gets together; it can be an imaginary
Cliques: it consists of different colleagues working in the same organization at different levels for
example vertical and horizontal cliques.
Isolates: they are not part of any group because they are very sensitive or maybe not sincere to any
demand. (Robbins and Judge, 2007)

There are different types of formal groups and they are made for different purposes in different
Command groups: The group that comprise of administrators and their subordinates.
Committees: The groups of individuals who are designated by an association, to determine the matters,
Referred to them are known as Committee.
Task forces: These are the groups that are made to perform a specific job.
Process Groups: The process group acts together to institute a procedure, experiencing a generally
settled arrangement of direction. The exemplary environment is an assembling generation line, where
each development is recommended.
Learning group: The learning bunch meets up to expand their net information. They may act
cooperatively with talk and investigation, or they might be a shown class, with an educator and a
syllabus. (Jordan and Jordan, 1994)

Q: List down and briefly explain the factors that increase and decrease group cohesiveness?

Ans: There are different factors that increase and decrease group cohesiveness. Factors that increase
group cohesiveness is explained below:
Similarities of attitudes and values: One of the most grounded wellsprings of gathering cohesiveness is
the likeness in states of mind and values among gathering individuals. We appreciate the organization of
individuals who hold comparative suppositions, ethics, convictions and implicit rules, on the grounds
that the individual who has indistinguishable feelings from we do furnish us with a sort of social
approval for our convictions. He furnishes us with an inclination that we are correct.
Size of the group: Groups that have less are more effective and successful. The bigger the extent of the
gathering, the less strong the group is.
Threat and competition: When the group of people working together for a goal is threaten by their

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senior management the group cohesiveness increases. And also when it’s about competition with other
groups or organization people work more hard to get success s group cohesiveness increases.
Previous success: At the point when a gathering accomplishes a significant objective, the cohesiveness
of the gathering increments in light of the fact that the achievement is shared by every one of the
individuals and everyone feels in charge of the accomplishment.
Time together: It is very characteristic that the additional time individuals spend together, the more they
will become acquainted with each other and more inclination there will be to get nearer to each other,
subsequently fortifying the level of cohesiveness. (Jordan and Jordan, 1994)
Factors that affect group cohesiveness are:
Competition and Conflict: Profitable clash is additionally critical to viable basic leadership in gatherings
or groups. Without debating and addressing key issues through profitable clash, gatherings or groups
may settle on choices that have not been completely tried or assessed.
Lack of communication: If the group members do not have clear communication when working under a
common goal and they lose their group strength this decreases the group cohesiveness.
Physical distance: It is vital when individuals cooperating at a nearby separation are probably going to
have more noteworthy open door for association in an association. (Dalton and Lawrence, 1970)It
improves the free trade of thoughts, sharing the issues and prospects in an association. So if there is
more physical gap that can affect group cohesiveness.

Q: What are the qualities of successful work teams?

Ans: There are many qualities that make successful work teams, some of them are mentioned below.
Organizational skill: Strong organizational abilities must be utilized to characterize work undertakings
and get them under way. Furthermore, the capacity to sort out the group's creation, structure,
progression and working is a basic quality to build up an effective group.
Conversation: The eagerness of all colleagues to impart thoughts and issues is essential to the general
achievement of any venture. Discussions must occur in which everybody listens to the speaker and
doesn't hesitate to react thus.
Accurate perception: A quality group of experts must be able to precisely see what is occurring. The
gathering should have the capacity to recognize issues, evaluate what is working and what is not and be
sufficiently honest to state when errors are made. (Strengths in teams, 1999)
Conflict resolution abilities: Inside any association, there are cases of conflicts. A fruitful work group
must have struggle determination aptitudes to bargain fittingly when question happen.
Diverse group: Differences in a work group makes it particularly solid. A gathering with people who vary
from each other conveys more innovativeness and recommendations to the table than one made out of
comparative individuals.
Innovative thinking: Another attribute of a proficient work group is imaginative considering. Individuals
ought to be adroit at conceptualizing thoughts and willing to change old convictions and routine
Sense of responsibility: A decent group is made out of individuals with an awareness of other's
expectations to the group and your business.

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Strong work Ethic: A solid hard working attitude exhibited by every individual guarantees activities are
done well and on time.
Spirit of appreciation: showing efforts for the endeavors of associates is a quality important to the
working of an effective group. Encourage your workers to express their appreciation to their kindred
colleagues on a steady premise.
Rules & regulation: There must be some rules in every team of an organization and that should be follow
by each member of the team. (Leading teams, 2008)

Q: How Energy & Co. May be able to use technology to generate a positive impact on team working?

Ans: Technology plays a critical part in helping us convey reasonable, dependable vitality that energizes
human advance and monetary development around the globe. The innovations we convey not just help
us cost adequately find and market new oil and gas fields, additionally help us recuperate more assets
from existing fields. They empower us to incorporate information and data with the goal that we can
oversee and build up our worldwide resources effectively. Also, they help us progress rising vitality with
the objective of creating adaptable and conservative new assets while lessening our natural impression.
(Graubner, 2006)Uses of the innovation likewise have sheer effect over the working of the group. With
the developing of the innovation, numerous logical apparatuses have been imagined to encourage the
voyage of the collaboration. Technologies like video conferencing encourage the transfer of the time
and the place hindrance for taking down the collaboration with more adequately and proficiently. The
most dynamic effect of technology over collaboration have been seen after the development of the
product like workstation which helps the individuals from the group trading the thoughts for taking
another choices. Presently colleagues additionally could place include in choices making systems. So
these are the reason technology can have a positive impact on team working and the young workers of
Energy & Co can perform better and old workers who are not happy with the latest technology can learn
the use of new machinery through their young colleagues. (Clark, 2003)

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