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Judul Proposal Penelitian Tesis :

Analisis Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Interprofessional Collaboration Practice Terhadap

Kualitas Pelayanan ANC Terpadu di Puskesmas Kota Surabaya

Variabel Independent
The Determinants of Successful Successful collaboration in health care teams
Collaboration: A Review of Theoretical can be attributed to numerous elements,
and Empirical Studies including processes at work in interpersonal
Leticia San Martin Rodriguez, Marie relationships within the team (the
Dominique Beaulieu, Danielle D’Amour and interactional determinants), conditions within
Marcela Ferrada Videla (2005) the organization (the organizational
determinants), and the organization’s
environment (the systemic determinants).
Collaboration in Health Care This article introduces key concepts relating
Lyndon Morley, and Angela Cashell (2017) to interprofessional collaborative
teamwork. Approaches to measuring and
studying collaboration
and evidence demonstrating the benefits of
collaboration are presented.
The structural, psychological, and
educational factors which
may determine collaborative behaviour are
Development and Pilot Testing of The Collaborative practice is receiving increased
Collaborative Practice Assessment Tool attention as a model of healthcare delivery
Corinne Schroder, Jennifer Medves, Margo that positively influences the effectiveness
Paterson, Vaughan Byrnes, Christine and efficiency of patient care while
Chapman, Anne O’Riordan, Deborah Pichora improving the work environment of
and Carly Kelly (2011) healthcare providers.
Crossing The Quality Chasm: A New Health care delivery system does not provide
Health System For The 21st Century consistent, high-quality medical care to all
Instituted of Medicine (IOM) (2001) people. Americans should be able to count on
receiving care that meets their needs and is
based on the best scientific knowledge--yet
there is strong evidence that this frequently is
not the case. Health care harms patients too
frequently and routinely fails to deliver its
potential benefits. Indeed, between the health
care that we now have and the health care
that we could have lies not just a gap, but a
Core Communication Competencies in The focus of this article is to provide
Patient-centered Care ( information on core nursing competencies for
effective communication and to discuss
communication tools used in patient-centered
care, interprofessional collaboration, and
Framework for Action on This article summarizes the key features of
Interprofessional Education and the World Health Organization's framework
Collaborative Practice For action on interprofessional education and
World Health Organization (WHO) (2010) collaborative practice. The framework is a
call for action to policy-makers, decision-
makers, educators, health workers,
community leaders, and global health
advocates to move toward embedding
interprofessional education and collaborative
practice in all of the services they deliver
Gambaran Pengetahuan Sikap dan Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh lebih dari
Dukungan Keluarga oleh Ibu Hamil (59,2%) yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan
Terhadap Pelayanan Kebidanan di kurang terhadap pelayanan kebidanan.
Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sedangkan sikap diperoleh lebih dari (55,1%)
Andi Syarkawi, dan Muhammad Anwar yang memiliki sikap kurang terhadap
(2017) pelayanan kebidanan dan dukungan keluarga
diperoleh kurang dari (24,5%) yang memiliki
dukungan keluarga kurang terhadap
pelayanan kebidanan. Melihat dari hasil
tersebut maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan
bahwa pelayanan kebidanan di Kecamatan
Mehalaan belum sesuai yang diharapkan ibu
hamil yang di tentukan maka disarankan
sebaiknya ibu hamil untuk lebih
memanfaatkan pelayanan kebidanan untuk
menghindari tejadinya gejala pada janin yang
dikandung oleh ibu hamil.
Variabel Intervening
Implementation Strategies: “Collaboration The research projects intervention was used
in Primary Care-Family Doctors & Nurse to develop this paper that provides a
Practitioners Delivering Shared Care” description of
Daniel Way, Linda Jones, and Nick Busing collaborative practices that build
(2000) appropriately upon the strengths that each
professional partner brings to
the practice.
Development and Testing of a Conceptual Validated conceptual frameworks are needed
Framework for Interprofessional to guide interprofessional research in order to
Collaborative Practice build a systematic body of knowledge of
Brenda J. Stutsky and Heather K. Spence interprofessional collaborative practice (ICP).
Laschinger (2014) A conceptual framework derived from an
extensive review of the interprofessional
literature was developed. In the framework,
constructs that include personal factors (i.e.,
beliefs in interprofessional collaboration,
flexibility, trust, cooperation, and
communication skills) and situational factors
(i.e., leadership, empowerment, and support
structures) are posited to influence effective
ICP. ICP is conceptualized as understanding
of roles, interdependence, knowledge
exchange, and collective ownership of goals.
Consequences of ICP include improved
patient, organizational, and team and
personal work behaviours and attitudes.
Interprofessional Collaboration: Three Interprofessional education is a collaborative
Best Practice Models of Interprofessional approach to develop healthcare students as
Education future interprofessional team members and a
Diane R. Bridges, Richard A. Davidson, recommendation suggested by the Institute of
Peggy Soule Odegard, Ian V. Maki and John Medicine. Complex medical issues can be
Tomkowiak ( best addressed by interprofessional teams.
Training future healthcare providers to work
in such teams will help facilitate this model
resulting in improved healthcare outcomes
for patients.
Variabel Dependen
Implementation of Standardized To describe a customized electronic medical
Nomenclature in The Electronic Medical record documentation system which provides
Record an electronic health record, Epic, which was
Joan Klehr, Jennifer Hafner, Leah Mylrea implemented in December 2006 using
Spelz, Sara Steen, and Kathy Weaver (2009) standardized taxonomies for nursing
Komunikasi Efektif Dalam Praktek Tujuan penelitian literature review ini adalah
Kolaborasi Interprofesi Sebagai Upaya untuk mengetahui komunikasi efektif dalam
Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan praktik kolaborasi interprofesi akan
Noor Ariyani Rokhmah dan Anggorowati meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan.


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