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Mini Case

Rude and aggressive behavior

Consider the following scenario and what you might do if you were the manager.  Read each
section; think about the possible way forward.

Stage 1

You are appointed to the Head of School.  You have within your school a very high performing
research group.  One of the senior research fellows, by the name of Dr Spark performs very well
and is well respected in his field of expertise within the University as well as nationally and
internationally.  He is however causing you a number of concerns with regard to his behaviour
within the group.   He is consistently rude and aggressive (his voice can often be heard down the
corridor he shouts so loudly) to all other group members and the group feel they have to walk on
egg shells within the office and the lab for fear of upsetting him.  The staff turnover in the group
is very high and you hear that other staff within that group are not performing as well as they

Stage 2

Dr Spark on this occasion listens to what you are saying and admits that he struggles to control
his temper due to the enormous amount of work he has and the stress he feels he is under – he
does however say he will try to calm his temper.  After a number of weeks you find there is still
no improvement.

Stage 3

Dr Spark still refuses to attend the training and there is no improvement in his conduct – a further
incident has occurred where he was extremely rude to another member of staff from the school.

What you will do? Justify your point of view by giving resaons.

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