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Hello, I’m candidate 2 and today I’d like to concentrate myself on the topic: “positive impact of


First of all let me comment and critically evaluate given statistical data. In the survey of adults
“What is the positive impact of television on children?” 85% answered learn about nature on the
planet, 80% get entertainment, 55% increase knowledge in many subjects and 50% learn to be
creative. If I had been given the same question, my answer could belong to those 80% who chose
to get entertainment.

To continue, let me go on to the 2nd point. I’d like to highlight 2 popular programs among
teenagers: comedy and cartoon. Not only teenagers watch comedy – everyone else does too.
Argument for this is that everyone needs a little bit of laughter at some point in their life. They
have to smile because things in this life just wear us out and break us down.  Comedies are
suitable for people from all age groups. There are cartoons for kids and more matured content
for adults and teenagers. Comedy is a way to keep people from all walks of life entertained.
Some comedies are based on family values, therefore making it suitable for parents and children
to watch and enjoy together. Talking about cartoons, it can be a support treatment because they
incorporate themes like community order, friendship, family, teamwork that good always wins
over evil. Also cartoons can model higher frustration tolerance and activate a person's problem
solving abilities

Talking about another point, a few words on why it is more important to watch programs that
teach new things instead of experience positive emotions. First reason is that it can teach kids
important values and life lessons. Educational programming can develop young children’s
socialization and learning skills. News, current events and historical programming can help
make young people more aware of other cultures and people. Documentaries can help develop
critical thinking about society and the world.

Last but not least, I’d like to express my personal opinion on why tv programmes and films
which contain violence should be banned. Violent movies should be banned because violence
scene in the movie you can compare very well to real life. The more you see violence scene, the
more you get aggressive. There are a lot of good movies that have nothing to do with violence. So
violence movie doesn't make people productive or smarter.

To summarise everything up, some tv programmes can have positive impact on children. The
most essential programmes are those that can increase knowledge in many subjects or about the
nature on the planet. News, current events documentaries can help develop critical thinking
about society and the world. And now I’d like to share a wise quote about positivity of television:
“For so many people, television and movies may be the only way they understand people who
aren't like them”.

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