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First of all, everyone would be welcome, regardless of differences: gender, race,

origin, ideology, sexuality. In an ideal city there is no room for discrimination
because it is as it wishes to be (as long as it does not break the laws), would be
people from many different indioles, extroverted people, in short would be a very
polycultural and diverse city, people who like good cuisine, dansas, sport, strategic
games (chess, Chinese checkers, etc...), a very active community that uses fewer
motor vehicles, and moves more by the use of cyclone and a good public transport
system in favor of ecology and environmental awareness, people who enjoy a
good and healthy coexistence, that avoids discussions to the point of being almost


as in every city although the ideal is to reach absolute equality there will always be
poverty, hunger, discussions, etc. but we must seek to eradicate these
disadvantages from rural cultures, because as I have already mentioned, the ideal
would be equality, but in one way or another there would be one problem or
another that would solve it serenely and clearly, to avoid making mountains of a
hole, in this situation mortgage discussions or even fights that reach higher terms,
these will be treated in the best way possible listening to both sides without giving
favouritism, since before the law we are all equal, in my opinion the biggest
problem of this type of society is the poverty that highlights all the other
disadvantages, because from it derive various problems each one escalating in
gravity, where there is poverty there is crime, if there is crime there is insecurity
and that is something that nobody wants in their ideal communities, the second
related and equally important problem is the taste acquired after this type of
criminal conduct for 'easy' money, obtained in a fast way that is equally worrying,
and that would lead to recidivism in a crime, when the latter is again in need, giving
us a clear idea of what the root is, knowing this we know how to eradicate it-with
studies, an educated people is able to live together in a correct way, apart from
knowing how to lay the foundations of culture in general, growing in the first
households to generate change initiatives from their homes to the new generations
with a tender but firm hand, leaving aside these problems that I think would be the
most important, and if eradicated can generate a city capable of going towards a
suitable future, given the reasoning can also generate internal problems
(corruption, disagreements of ideals, insurgency, etc), these are problems, they
can be eliminated mostly by executing a true democracy, and not a normalized
idea of the modern monarchy sold to us under a stylized name of representative
government , where in the mockery of cases those who are already above put their
close relatives in place of their convenience, Besides that this tour in great part to
the monopoly and imperfect competition of market, giving as a result a greater
inequality in the society, in short these would be in my opinion the problems that in
a hypothetical case would face my virtual city.


first of all before anything else is basic and higher education, totally or partially
free, strong anti-corruption protocols, incorporation of of a true democracy, being
this and place 'when they are the same citizens, without intermediation of
representatives, directly participate in political decision-making'., complete and absolute application of
human rights, complete freedom of the press and opinion (an exception being
news of false origin with the intention of perjuring someone, which would be
penalised), creation of a Magna Carta, which will and must be strictly enforced,
implementation of different forces charged with the enforcement of the Magna
Carta in its different ramifications in each field, I feel it is mandatory that these
meet very high standards in order to start serving public order, it is also understood
that these could also be judged by the people they defend when they exceed the
permitted limits of their power to generate a public order or are accused of
corruption, this always accompanied by a thorough investigation before being tried,
with regard to the penitentiary order, efforts are made in this case to prioritize the
gravity of an offence committed by a citizen in order to give a sentence
corresponding to it, with greater importance being given to those who violate
inalienable rights, next those who are accused of rapists, who would be sentenced
with chemical castration if they tend to repeat the offence, then they would be
accused of corruption, this conviction coming with the freezing of their funds and
without possibility of bail, and being forced to do community service, after serving
or during their prison sentence, would also completely and absolutely prohibit the
carrying of firearms for citizens who are not part of the public order entities in their
various ramifications, being heavily penalised for such offences, it is also
understood that for such standards to be met there must be adequate and well-
equipped prison accommodation to accommodate citizens serving their sentences,
something important will be the recidivism in a crime, this type of behavior will lead
to more severe penalties regardless of the crime, being to the degree that if the
crime did not lead to prison, the citizen who has committed this crime several times
is placed in the penitentiary institution for progressively longer periods, depending
on his tendency towards recidivism, something fundamental will always be that we
are all equal before the law, and their previous offences shall not be taken into
account when they are tried, they will only be taken into account when sentencing,
as I have already mentioned, environmental culture will be one of the most
important things, and that it will be severely penalized if an attack is made on the
integrity of an ecosystem, if water sources are contaminated, over-exploiting land
for crops or for mining, the infrastructure of buildings and houses must be
formulated in such a way as to be as self-sustaining as possible, and to minimise
as far as possible the carbon coal they leave behind in terms of health, the aim is
to keep inflation in the value of medicines to a minimum for the convenience of
citizens who have public or private health; in public health, higher priority will be
given to citizens with lower incomes; having these state support for the treatment
of degenerative diseases, auto-immune, genetic, etc, as they usually have
treatments with quite high costs, let alone their extended treatment time, and that
some of these would not have a cure at present. these would be the main rules,
said roughly from my virtual city.







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