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Simon D.

George LeGree: How We Assist

Others At Their Time Of Transition From
This World To The Next

The gentleman in this article, Simon, has given us his permission to share his story
with you which concluded his transition to the next realm or ‘Deva Chan.’ Here is
how we work in assisting souls who need to move on. – Rania Sentana-Ries-Cortez

 Introduction
 Simon Introduces Himself With An Explanation And A Big "Hello!"
 Jamie Gets Back To Work
 Our Policy Unexplained...
 16th Century 'Coming Out' Ball Gown Made With Swarovski Crystals
 Simon Resists The Light
 Simon LeGree's Nephew Simon LeGree Brings A Map Into The Room
 Simon Looks At The Map 16the Centure
 To Simon, Chivalry Is Not Dead!
 Fast Forward Simon Into September 22, 2014 - The New Calendar!
 The Two Friends Simon LeGree And Simon Junket
 The Story! By Simon Junket!
 Jamie Asks Simon That Lingering Question...!
 Sabbatical
 Simon LeGree When He Was Young - Teachable By His Grandmere - The
Wee Toddy!
 Keeper Of The Gate Allows Simon A Directional Peak Into A Specific Akashic
Book By "Will" Of Young Simon LeGree
 Simon Enters The Galleon 16th Century Which He Understands
 The Crossover


16th century Tudor Tailering

I have worked in the past with many souls who needed some kind of assistance in
finding their way onward to the next realm which is a world similar to this one
and just as solid. Now I work in conjunction with my husband Jamie Sentana-
Ries-Cortez in assisting souls over the cross line to the next world. Here is one
recent story. But first, an explanation.

We all at this level of our existence at one time or another face what many of you
call “death.” There is no death to speak of, but the transition of the soul body
from the physical to another physical body is evident. The soul body upon the
transition of so-called “death” is only different in molecular structure and that is
why people can pass through walls and other structures. They can also walk
through you, the ones still inhabitiing this dimension or earth plane.

Unfortunately, too many souls came to me and through my efforts to assist

them they drained me of my energy. For years I refused to help any more. Now
I take them one at a time and do not allow more than one into my sphere at any
given time.

I take scribings from the starship commanders and others of high acclaim
and that is my first priority.

One young gentleman I assisted to cross over had of himself a vocabulary which
would have made a sailor blush, but we are not here to judge nor condemn, only
to help.

We each have our own path to walk and lessons to learn and some people
have a harder time than others.

The gentleman in this article, Simon Dirkson George LeGree, has given us his

permission to share his story with you which concluded his transition to the next
realm or ‘Deva Chan.’ Here is how we work in assisting souls who need to
move on. – Rania Sentana-Ries-Cortez

Simon Introduces Himself With An Explanation

And A Big "Hello!"

A Queen's Dress

September 20, 2014

7:47 am

Simon: Ready Captains?

Rania: Hello, Simon. Yes, we are ready, but you may drop the formalities for now
as we delve into your situation. Are you ready for our questions, Simon?

Simon: Aye, lass, Sir, I am indeed of the most capricious nature in all
complimentary tonage as I was to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in her all too well
known, ‘”present” incarnation. We whipped her wardrobe into shape, he and I
with my exquisite knowledge of the tailoring world far before, and so Simon
LeGree, my name in short, is ready for the big crossover just as soon as my friend,
Simon Junket Tailor, “the main tailor,” gets across to join us at the wits end of his
last incarnational life. Something we all had at the time in the sixteenth –
seventeenth century to keep under our caps for fear that one or more of us would
find ourselves out of a job and out of our skins, literally.

Good evening, Jamie! We found out your name as well, Captain, Sir, and wish you
and your lady Uthrania, well. (Large smiles) (Jamie reciprocates with a large
grin of his own. – Rania)

Jamie Gets Back To Work

Catchup work

Jamie: Pleased to meet you, Sir. Are you ready to cross over now? We are here to
assist you, Sirs.

Simon: Just as soon as tailor Junket gets over here, son. Just let me have this drop

of brandy, just a little drop this lady has brought me.

Jamie: Enjoy yourself. We will wait. I have a bit more work to do on a file and writ
soon, so I will leave you to my wife, Rania.

Simon: Not so fast son, Cap’in, Sir. We will jollygarg with you a little later
then. (Simon smiles while he keeps his eyes on Jamie, and takes a slow swig
of his brandy. – Rania)

Jamie: See you later. (Jamie nods his head courteously and gives Simon a
tentative smile as he leaves. – Rania)

Our Policy Explained...

Our Crossover Policy

Rania: Alright Simon, we would like to get down some information from you. But
first we would like to tell you about our policy.

Simon: Oh, yes, yes, we know all about it, and you do, do most certainly have of
our permission. I may speak for Rocket Jam who is a man/woman with many rare

Rania: Thank you, Sir. What do you mean a man/woman? Transvestite?

Simon: Whoa, there! Whatever are you speaking of, lass that would not be fitting
for my old precocious mother-in-law! (Simon chuckles!)

Rania: My apologies, Simon. I just thought…

Simon: Very brief misunderstanding. Well, lass, I stand somewhere in the range
of 5’4” with a head grasp on my Tudor hat of another 12 inches because I wear the
broadband underneath and unlike most men, I love to really pad my hat, striped
as it is. I sport very blond hair and the bluest eyes one has ever seen and so my
two year old son and twin daughter sport the same relaxing countenance as well
as my fair complexion. Um, anything else you wish to know?

Rania: Your surroundings?

16th Century 'Coming Out' Ball Gown Made With

Swarovski Crystals

'Coming out' ball gown

Simon: We live the Queen’s palaces and we work hard day and night for many
ballrooms and their “gals” - even we used that word not uncommonly from many
a time to time - deemed Empresses on the nights of the balls came not
uncommonly dressed in the finest clothes and attire in order for their coming out
ball to the distress of many a merchant’s son who wished instead they had just
remained at home.

Elusive were they all, those fine young ladies in britches and girdles and fairthee
hair all tied up in a brine. Oh, well that is where I met my Jolene, that fine English

Queen of shares of wine, brind, and a pollop of good seed here and there. And me
and my sweet little Jolene took the oath in front of the pulpit in the Christian
Catholic church which went directly against many “favours” as yet to be given unto
the English Queen, Jolette, who feigned herself as been next in line for the Tudor
throne. My, your history has revamped itself since those days I just came out of,
m’lass. Anything else you require to know?

Rania: You must be quite young then, tailor Simon.

Simon: Aye all of fourty-four by now I would imagine. I do not rightly ken just how
long I have been stooped up in here, lass. Would you know?

Rania: Yes, it has been a while. So, you have not gone into the light because you….
(Wait, Jamie just walked back into the room and took his seat. – Rania)

Simon Resists The Light

Simon prefers to wait

Jamie: Hello, love. I’m back.

Rania: Hello sweetheart. I am just inquiring as to why Simon had not gone into the

Jamie: I believe he is waiting for someone to arrive first.

Rania: Right. May we continue. (Jamie sits back and smiles and folds his arms.
– Rania) Alright Simon, what happens when your friend arrives? Do you then wish
to both cross over? We have only you on file.

Simon: Well, then there is Simon LeGree, the purolator. He is my nephew’s boy.
My namesake. Well, why I am here, I made a pact that I would give to my family all
the necessary information concerning my acclamation or ascension into the ether
heights, where soul meets body of another type or if indeed it exists at all? Do you

read me, little one?

Rania: Indeed we do.

Jamie: Just a minute, love, I would like to ask Simon LeGree a question of my own.

Rania: Go ahead.

Simon LeGree's Nephew Simon LeGree Brings A

Map Into The Room

Nephew Simon LeGree

Jamie: Sir, You believe in reincarnation, right? And if so, then do you also
understand that as the soul leaves the body it only changes back to its original
molecular structure but still remains a body after all?

Simon: Wow, boy! That is a mouthful for us to assimilate on the spot! Wait, here
comes Simon LeGree now with a perpendicular atlas with a full regimen of world
maps and where….um, let me see…we are approximately, here! now! (Jamie and
I lean over and look at the map. It is a seventeenth to eighteenth century
drawing and one we believe Simon hardly even recognizes. But he thinks
that map depicts where he is exactly now. – Rania)

Simon Looks At The Map 16the Centure

Old Map 16th Century

Jamie: Sir. Are you saying that you will not leave for us to cross you over until you
fulfill your word in passing that you will somehow get word back to your family
who lived in the 16th century of what they must expect when they die?

Simon: (With a pleased look on his face. –Rania) That is right. That is correct,
also, young lad, because a man is not a man without his word being his seal. Always
remember that, Simon, my nephew, if you can hear me. I can see the map. (Simon’s
nephew Simon LeGree positions himself over the map as he leans over the
table for a better look, obviously unaware of his uncle’s diatribe to him. –

Jamie: Better yet, Simon, Sir, why don’t you just relax and try mind control over
your own presence and try to move that pencil on the table or the pen?

Simon: (Looking slightly interested. – Rania) Automatic writing?

Jamie: Sir? You have heard of it?

Simon: Not intentionally but, in a way. It would not work. I just do not know how
to recreate life in an object enough to move it after I am dead.

Jamie: Just forget it then and we will focus upon your getting your message out
and at the same time we would really like you to watch for the light, O.K. Simon?
It is for your own good.

To Simon, Chivalry Is Not Dead!

The age of chivalry

Simon: (Simon becomes suddenly a little belligerent. – Rania) Listen up, Sir!
A man has his word and his ways to achieve his word so there is no funny stuff
going on which wouldn’t be believed. Do you understand me, here, too, lass?!

Rania: Jamie meant nothing but good so please calm down if you wish us to
continue in assisting you, alright, Simon?

Simon: Sorry lad. Look lass and lad, I am not a wealthy man regardless of the
position I did once hold, but I made a promise and if I renege on my promise, then
indeed am I certainly as good as dead. (Simon yawns. – Rania)

Rania: Are you tired Simon?

Jamie: Then let us break, O.K. Simon? You get some rest while Rania and I gather
our thoughts together and see what we can do to help you, alright? (Jamie gets up
to leave. – Rania)

(Note: Simon had been walking around Jamie and I for several days before
he spoke to us insisting we help him to cross over. Simon was always very
pleasant. – Rania)

Simon: (Another big yawn! – Rania) Well, life over here wherever am I, is
uncanny: not much different to the life I just left on earth. At least all the people
are still the same and time just never passes on too quickly as I have already learnt.

(Note: We noticed that well-spoken Simon still used the word ‘learnt’ instead
of ‘learned.’ We keep our ears open for little insignificant clues. - Rania)

Jamie: Alright, love, Simon, I am going to sign off. It is 8:46 pm Mountain Standard
Time, Ryley, Alberta. Let’s go.

Simon: Will we see you back here tomorrow?

Jamie: We will try to be on standby, Simon.

Rania: We will resume when we are free, Simon. So have a good rest, and get
plenty of food and exercise.
Simon: Can I do that here?
Jamie: Of course. Goodbye now.

(8:48 pm we left Simon Dirkson George LeGree to himself. - Rania)

Fast Forward Simon Into September 22, 2014 - The
New Calendar!

It is almost time!

1:50 pm

Simon: Ma’am? I can proceed now if you wish.

Rania: Simon? Oh, have you found your friend then?

Simon: Ma’am, I, we must put it in the writ as we have agreed upon. I am a man
of my word.

Rania: Alright, Simon. Well, we cannot come yet to work with you but we will call
you when we are ready. Will that suit you, then?

Simon: When you are both ready then. Thank you. This should be it. Oh…(Simon
takes a large gulp of milk. – Rania) Umm, I will take my leave of you both until I
see you later. (Simon walks away. – Rania) 1:52 pm

The Two Friends Simon LeGree And Simon Junket

Simon Junket arrives at last

(Note: Two friends move into the future. - Rania)

2:06 pm

Simon: This is my friend, Simon Junket. He has been told by a Guide that he is to
cross over at twenty after two, so we need to give to you both the information
which he has. There is to be no delayal bespeken the Guide. Ma’am and Sir, will
you come?

Rania: We are here, Simon. What is it that your friend would have to tell us for the
records, please Sir?

Simon: Let Simon speak for himself. Please, Sir proceed on.

The Story! By Simon Junket!

Animals woven into the story

Simon Junket: Well, in m’lady’s day, Sir, Madame, there were a littl’ cricket called
Sam. Now this cricket were a person of the highest degree and out of the swamp
land of Minnesota Montego were a healthy littl’ lady bee, and this lady bee and
them cricket never had much training in the vices of procreation so the lizard, Sam
Monkey stepped in, and Sam Monkey was only his name for he be the largest black
beetle one ever did see.

Stamina was the force behind the Wichita grape vine which grew beautiful
crocuses, and the story behind the line was simply this, m’layi and gent!

Sir, it is only fitting that the rabbit tend to the hare in the pack of wolves because
they once only, seeded together.

So the bitter moral of the story is simply: once one or two of the different species
have elevated themselves, whether they be of the human caricature or not, the
elephant will need to scope to their wishes because in the end the brain will
forever distinct itself from the brawn in ol’ washed out man.

(Simon Junket smiles, hugs his friend, Simon Dirkson George LeGree, and
waves a congenial wave back to us as he descends the stairs to the grass level

and he is out of our sight. – Rania)

Simon: Well, what did ye think, fair ones, Jamie and Rania, dears?

Jamie: Wow! I think Rania and I will need to study this a bit further, Simon. It sure
sounds interesting, though!

Jamie Asks Simon That Lingering Question...!

Jamie and Simon LeGree

Simon: Aye. Master LeGree, boy! What do you think?

Jamie: I don’t think he can hear you, Sir.

Rania: Well, Simon. Thank you, but we must get back to our chores right now. Get
something more to eat and we will talk to you later, alright, Sir?

Jamie: Are you ready to cross over now, Simon? We can help you if you are ready?

Simon: Just a little chipotle, boy, and no, not so much of the map!

Jamie: I still do not think that he can hear you, Simon. (Jamie glances over to me
with a slight grimace. He tried. – Rania)


(Smiles!) a nice break

Jamie: Well, love, I guess we may as well go. Will Simon be back in today, do you
think, love?

Rania: Sweetheart, I do believe the first opportunity we find ourselves with we

should call upon Simon for his latest crossover experience. So if you are ready,

Jamie: I am..

Rania: Then let us go! (Smiles) (Hand in hand we walk together …) Signing off
at 2:31 pm

Simon LeGree When He Was Young - Teachable By

His Grandmere - The Wee Toddy!

Simon Dirkson George LeGree

(Note: Simon Dirkson George LeGree was endowed with the light blondest
hair and quite light blue blue eyes. Here is but a depiction of his similarity as
a young man. - Rania)

Simon: Oh, anyway, a walk I will go to see my diamond princess. Alright, I will see
you later, ye both and three – he. (We think the third to whom Simon is
referring is his nephew, Simon, with the map. – Rania)

Rania: Who is your diamond princess, Simon? Just curious before you go.

Simon: Ach, just a wee toddy I learned to make from my grand mere. O.K. here we

(With that Simon takes another big swig from his calestine bottle of lavender
smelling salts and his lungs comfortably fill up with the fragrance of the
‘gods’ so to speak. Jamie and I smile at Simon and one another as Simon
gingerly steps off the plate to find first base with ‘another ghost.’ Grins! –

Keeper Of The Gate Allows Simon A Directional

Peak Into A Specific Akashic Book By "Will" Of
Young Simon LeGree

Simon is allowed a peak into one of the Books!

September 25, 2014

5:22 pm

Jamie: We are back now, Simon. We hear you are ready to proceed. Is that right,

Simon: No more and no less the gentleman, always, are ye not, young lad? Well,
yes. Sir, Ma’am all is faretheewell up here, wherever I am, in the tempest heavens,
I suppose. (Simon smiles lethargically. – Rania)

Jamie: Simon, Sir, I have a question if you would not mind answering it for us.

Simon: “Shoot away,” as the newest phrase I have yet to fully comprehend the
meaning of, allows. What is your question, young laddie?

Jamie: Well, we noticed that you spoke of the perolator..uh, in what context were
you referring to?

Simon: (Takes a long drag on his pipe. – Rania)

Well, laddie, I suppose the chivalrous cavalier would just as well serve his King
and country, so to put it mildly, whether it be a man or woman Sire on the Throne
of England as for any other country, as a messenger.

You see, Jamie, Rania, in this century as in any other, we suppose, there is
somewhat of danger in riding one’s pony to the other side of the grate or loc and
the service of man long wishing to become as a knight of Arthur’s Round Table
which I long heard up here, he belongs, would find such chivalrous duty much to
the taking of his personal liking.

Simon, my nephew, loved maps..

Rania: Loved? Past tense, Simon LeGree?

Simon: Aye, lass. Past tense. He long ere passed away for I have been given credit
to peek into the books and there was his name written at long last in the crypt of
blood favour. (Simon passes a wrist and hand over his brow. – Rania)

Simon Enters The Galleon 16th Century Which He


The Ship! A 16th Century Galleon

Jamie: Are you almost ready to cross over now, Simon, or did you not get your
‘word’ completed?

Simon:The message been sent, young duck. Ducks. We ne’re did reply to the likes
of the wee ‘uns whoms parsonages had long ago decided that to ‘equate’ the duck
royals of Great England with the swarthy ‘flying things’ was the royal condom of
them all. Just a stripe around the neck and we have a new flying ‘King’ of
England. (Simon looks weary. –Rania)

Simon: So, may we go? (Simon Dirkson George LeGree sighs at last. He is
ready. Smiles. – Rania)

(Jamie walks over to Simon and takes his hand and shakes it mildly so as to
not shake the poor man off his haunches, so to speak. I stand aside and watch
and continue to record the events leading up to the crossover of another fine
gentleman. Jamie speaks. – Rania)

Jamie: We can take you to the light, Simon LeGree, if you want, Sir? Are you ready

Simon: (Gently smiling at Jamie and I. – Rania) Lead on, son. I am as ready to
go as I guess I’ll ever be. Colloquial English, no doubt?

Jamie: “Aye, Sir.”

(Jamie gives Simon one of his winning grins! – Rania)

(Simon walks alone with Jamie in tow just a few feet perpendicular behind

As let the records state:

“And they be met with a red-headed girl of large stature and Simon LeGree,
Dirkson George, walked hand in hand up the plank to a ship of great and
enormous height and they were gone. Thank you Uthrania and Jamie. Records
on this file Closed by the Keeper of the Gate 12th Lunar Division. Out.” ) 5:40

The Crossover

It is time...

Permission given for publication by Mr. Simon Dirkson George LeGree, and
Rania and Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez on September 20, 2014, September 22rd,
2014, and September 25th, 2014 Ryley, Alberta, Canada, Pacific Mountain
Standard Time

(Note: At 5:40 pm Pacific Mountain Time, Ryley Alberta, Canada, Mr. Simon
Dirkson George LeGree met with the Guide. Together they walked hand in hand
up the plank to a ship of great and enormous height and they were gone.
(Smiles) Another file closed Jamie. Good work! – Rania)

Written down by Rania Seila and Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez


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