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2, 191-198 (1991)

The Applications of Hydrophobic Interaction
Chromatography to the Purification of Plant

E. J. M. Pennings*, A. H. Meijer, L. H. Stevens and R. Verpoorte

Center for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Pharmacognosy, Leiden University, P.O. BOX9502, 2300 RA
Leiden, The Netherlands

Protein separation by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) depends on the differences in surface
hydrophobicity of the constituent proteins and is hence complementary to chromatographic techniques based on
the charge or the size of the macromolecule. This review summarises some of the recent developments in HIC
supports and discusses the parameters that must be considered in designing an efficient chromatographicsystem.
The application of HIC to the purification of enzymes of secondary compound biosynthesis that cannot be
obtained in pure form by size-exclusion and ion-exchange techniques alone is exemplified by reference to recent
studies on tryptophan decarboxylase, strictosidine synthase and geraniol-10-hydroxylase.

Keywords: Hydrophobic interaction chromatography; salt-promoted adsorption chromatography; stationary

phases; plant enzymes; protein purification.


Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is a In the early seventies, several reports showed that
purification technique based on the hydrophobic inter- proteins could bind to alkylamine derivatized supports.
action between a macromolecule, usually of biological Weiss and Biicher (1970) purified mitochondria1 mem-
origin, and a stationary phase. It is a powerful tech- brane proteins on a polyacrylic acid resin to which they
nique for the purification of proteins and usually results had attached aliphatic amines. Yon (1972) described
in a high recovery of the biological activity of the the preparation of aminodecylagarose and also a nega-
protein. The stationary phase consists of a weakly tively charged support produced by succinylating the
hydrophobic ligand attached to a matrix. Proteins are free amino groups. These derivatized agaroses were
retained on the column in the presence of high salt used to purify aspartate transcarbamoylase and the
concentrations in an aqueous buffer and are then selec- author also discussed alternative modes of operation
tively eluted by a decreasing salt gradient. For this for supports containing both hydrophobic and ionic
reason, the technique is also called salt-promoted groups. Hofstee (1973) studied the binding of various
adsorption chromatography. proteins to agarose substituted with n-alkylamines of
Hydrophobic interactions occur between non-polar varying carbon chain length. It was concluded that
patches on the protein surface and the hydrophobic binding to these stationary phases depended on the
groups on the column matrix. Non-polar patches on the cooperation of hydrophobic and electrostatic forces. At
protein are formed by hyrophobic amino acid residues the same time, attempts to purify enzymes involved in
such as isoleucine, valine and phenylalanine. The glycogen metabolism led to the preparation of a series
retention of proteins is greatly affected by the type and of glycogen-coated aminoalkyl agaroses (Er-El et a l . ,
length of the hydrocarbon chains attached to the 1972; Shaltiel and Er-El, 1973). Two glycogen-coated
matrix. In addition, the number, size, shape and hydro- agaroses, differing only in their hydrocarbon chain
phobicity of the non-polar patches on the protein’s length (Sepharose-C,-glycogen and Sepharose-C,-
surface determine the relative affinity of a protein for a glycogen), behaved differently towards glycogen phos-
specific stationary phase. In other words, elution con- phorylase b. The stationary phase with the C8-alkyl
ditions for a given protein are determined by the bridge completely retained the enzyme, whereas the
hydrophobic character both of the protein and of the corresponding phase with the C,-alkyl bridge did not
stationary phase. even retard it. Surprisingly, the corresponding station-
ary phases without glycogen behaved similarly and it
was concluded that the w-aminoalkyl chain was respon-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. sible for binding the enzyme and that the length of the
O958-O344/9 1/050191-08 $05.00 Receiued 26 February 1991
01991 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Accepted 21 May 1991
192 E. J . M. PENNINGS E T A L

Table 1. Characteristics of some commercially available columns for high performance HIC: agarose-based and polymer-based
Particle size Pore size
Column Support matrix (yml (A) Functional group Manufacture
HEMA-HIC 1000 hydrophilic polymer 1oa 300-400 underivatized Alltech
MacrospherelR HIC hydrophilic polymer 1oa 300-400 underjvatized Alltech
HRLC MP7 HIC hydrophilic polymer 7 900 methyl Bio-Rad
Polypore Phenyl HIC hydrophilic polymer 10 < 100 phenyl Brownlee
Hydrophase HP-Butyl hydrophilic polymer 10” 500 butyl Interaction
Alkyl Superose cross-linked agarose 10” 2 x l o 6 (MWIb neopentyl Pharmacia-LKB
Phenyl Superose cross-linked agarose 1oa 2 x lo6 (MWIb phenyl Pharmacia-LKB
Shodex PH-814 hydrophilic polymer 10 1000 phenyl Showa Denko
Ether-5PW hydrophilic polymer 10” 1000 oligoethylene glycol TosoHaas
Phenyl-5PW hydrophilic polymer 10” 1000 phenyl TosoHaas
Bakerbond WP HI-Propyl polyamide-coated spherical silica 5, 15a 300 ProPYl J. T. Baker
HIC Spherogel CAA spherical silica 5 300 polyether Beckman
Aquapore HIC spherical silica 7 300 ProPYl Brownlee
Euramid HIC polyamide-coated spherical silica 7 a 300, 1000,4000 proprionyl Knauer
PolyMethyl A, PolyEthyl A,
PolyPropyl A PAA-coated spherical silica“ 5, 12“ 300, 1000, 4000 short alkyl chain PolyLC
Hydropore-HIC spherical silica 12 300 polyethylene glycol Rainin
Butyl = 5300, Butyl = Si500 irregular silica 5, 10” 300, 500 butyl Serva
Shim-Pack HPC-C2, HPC-C3 spherical silica 5 300 ethyl, n-propyl Shimadzu
Supelcosil LC-HINT spherical silica 5 100 diol Supelco
SynChropak Methyl,
Hydroxypropyl, Propyl, Pentyl polyamide-coated spherical silica 6.5a 300 short alkyl chain SynChrom
a Manufacturer has additional materials available with larger particle size for preparative HIC.
The base material for these columns is Superose 12. Figures represent exclusion limits for globular proteins (MW: molecular
weight). The useful MW range is from 1000 to 300000.
PAA= poly(alky1 aspartamide).

alkyl chain was a determinant of the strength of the range. They may be used over the pH range 2-12 for
binding. The phenomenon was further studied follow- continuous operation and over the pH range 1-14 for
ing the synthesis of a homologous series of alkyl- cleaning procedures. For this reason these latter sup-
agaroses. Whereas Sepharose-C, and Sepharose-C, did ports have gained high popularity, particularly in the
not bind phosphorylase b, Sepharose-C, slightly pharmaceutical industry.
retarded the enzyme and higher alkylagaroses retained
the enzyme. Interestingly, different proteins displayed
different adsorption characteristics and it was con-
cluded that purification of proteins was possible on the
basis of a new criterion, i.e. the hydrophobic nature of SEPARATION PARAMETERS
the protein.
Since this initial work, HIC has developed into an Hydrophobicity of the ligand
important separation mode with hydrophobic ligands
attached to cross-linked agaroses (Porath et al., 1973; In true HIC, retention results from the partitioning of
HjertCn et al., 1974; Jennissen and Heilmeyer, 1975; the protein from the polar mobile phase into the hydro-
Hofstee, 1979; Halperin et al., 1981; Maisano et al., phobic stationary phase. The stationary phase should
198.5). Initially, this yielded soft gels with relatively be free of any charged groups as the latter can give
large bead size and low efficiency. More recently, Kato unwanted electrostatic interactions especially at low
et al. (1983) synthesized rigid HIC supports based on salt concentrations. In fact, the supports used in the
silica and high performance HIC became available as a early seventies did not meet this condition and proba-
purification tool. Since then, a number of packing bly all showed electrostatic effects superimposed on
materials for high performance HIC have been deve- hydrophobic interactions. In some cases such a mixed-
loped (Fausnaugh et al., 1984; Gooding et al., 1984; type stationary phase can afford an efficient ligand for a
Miller et al., 198.5; Chang et al., 1985; Alpert, 1986; protein. An example is the affinity of P-450 proteins for
HjertCn et al., 1986) bonded with weakly hydrophobic the w-aminooctyl-type stationary phase (Janig and
ligands. A wide variety of high performance columns is Pfeil, 1984). In this case, affinity chromatography is a
now commercially available (Table 1). Some of them more appropriate term to describe the mechanism of
are silica-based sorbents, some are prepared from a the purification. Usually, however, the presence of
synthetic polymer and others are made from highly electrostatic effects render it difficult to elute the pro-
cross-linked agarose. Uniform materials with small teins quantitatively and uncharged ligands are there-
particle size and large pore size are provided by all fore preferred. Nowadays, the strategy is first to pre-
these materials. The pH range for working with silica- pare highly hydrophilic, yet uncharged, supports and
based matrices is limited to pH 2-8. This is the major then to couple weakly hydrophobic ligands to the
drawback in the use of silica-based packings. The matrix.
polymer-based packings and the highly cross-linked The hydrophobic character of the sorbent can be
agarose packings have a high stability over a wide pH controlled by the type of the ligand during the synthesis

of the stationary phase (Gooding et al., 1984; Miller et tropic salts either lessen such associations or may not
al., 1985; Chang et al., 1985; Alpert,. 1986; Hjerten et promote them at all. In these terms, HIC is described
at., 1986). With the octyl chain as the ligand a station- as an entropically driven adsorption/desorption process
ary phase is obtained with a relatively high hydrophobic and the entropy gain for adsorption originates from the
character for many proteins. The hydrophobicity of the dehydration of the hydrophobic patches on the pro-
phenyl ligand is less, between that of pentyl and tert tein’s surface (see also Norde et d . ,1986).
butyl, but proteins usually show more retention on the In order of their ability to promote hydrophobic
phenyl packings than on the pentyl packings probably interactions, the series of anions is:
because of stacking with aromatic amino acid residues.
Next in decreasing order of hydrophobicity come the PO:- >SO,”- > CH3COO- > C1- > Br- > NO3-
short alkyl chains: pentyl > butyl > propyl> methyl > > C104-> I - > SCN-
hydroxypropyl. The polyether bonded phases and the
polyethyleneglycol bonded phases have a low hydro- The lyotropic series for cations is:
phobic character, comparable to that of the shorter
alkyl chains. NH4+> Rb’ > K+ > Na’ > Cs’ > Li+ > Mg2+
Hydrophobicity of the protein > Ca” > Ba2+
The strength of the hydrophobic interaction depends If under low salt conditions a protein is still bound, an
on the number and size of the protein’s hydrophobic alcohol may be added to the eluent to achieve elution.
contact areas. Membrane proteins may contain relati- Alcohols change the polarity of the solvent and favour
vely large spans of exposed hydrophobic amino acids the solvation of hydrophobic molecules. Alternatively,
which easily interact with a hydrophobic stationary the process can be considered as a competition between
phase. Cytoplasmic proteins carry ionic and polar resi- the alcohol and the protein for the hydrophobic binding
dues o n their surface, whereas hydrophobic residues sites of the stationary phase. Ethylene glycol is often
are usually buried inside the protein. Each protein thus used as it is mild and non-denaturing to many proteins.
carries a number of hydrophobic patches on its surface If retention of biological activity is not of any concern,
and it is the difference in surface hydrophibicity of stronger alcoholic eluents (e.g. ethanol or (iso)propa-
proteins on which separation is based. nol) may be used. In fact, efficient cleaning of HIC
Clearly the interactions on which HIC retention is phases can be performed by washing successively with
based are similar to the interactions which maintain the water, ethanol and butanol. Polyethylene glycol 4000
protein’s tertiary structure and those involved in the added at low concentrations to the eluent (0.2%, w/w)
hydrophilic associations of the protein with its environ- has been used to reduce the retentivity of the stationary
ment. Therefore, the risk of partial or complete unfold- phase (El Rassi and Horvath, 1986). Similarly, chaotro-
ing of the protein with concomitant loss of biological pic agents such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride
activity increases with the number of attachment points (Kato et al., 1984) and surfactants (Buckley and
of the protein to the stationary phase, that is with Wetlaufer, 1990) promote desorption, but they also
tightness of the binding. For this reason, only weakly promote unfolding of proteins and should therefore be
hydrophibic stationary phases are used in most HIC used with caution.
applications. Depending on the surface hydrophobicity Elution can sometimes be accomplished by changing
of the protein, a stronger or a weaker phase should be the protein’s conformation, whether this is done by
used. For example, the less hydrophobic cytoplasmic changing the pH or by using a “deforming” buffer (Er-
proteins are usually successfully chromatographed on El et al., 1972). Obviously, when retention of biological
an octyl or phenyl bonded stationary phase. On the activity is a prerequisite, care should be taken not to
other hand, for a very hydrophobic membrane protein, induce irreversible changes in the protein. The effect of
a short alkyl chain phase should preferably be chosen. pH on the retention is different for different proteins.
Again, excessive binding may lead to mass loss or to Apart from inducing conformational changes, the
loss of biological activity. eluent pH can have an effect on local charge distribu-
tions and can therefore be an important separation
Mobile phase composition parameter. One might argue that hydrophobic interac-
Hydrophobic interactions are promoted by high salt tions are the strongest at the PI value of a protein,
concentrations. Elution of the bound proteins is usually where the net charge of the protein is zero and where
achieved by reducing the salt concentration, upon protein solubility in water is minimal, but this has not
which the proteins will elute in order of increasing generally been observed (Kato et al., 1984; Miller et al.,
hydrophobic character. Salts can be arranged according 1985; Engelhardt and Schon, 1986; Hjerten et al.,
to the lyotropic series-the Hofmeister series (Hof- 1986). Apparently, it is not the net charge of the
meister, 1888; Von Hippel and Schleich, 1969)-that is protein, but the local charge distributions that are
according to their abilities to precipitate proteins from important, and these affect the hydrophobic interac-
aqueous solutions. This series is very similar to the tions. Moreover, the pH determines the charge of the
arrangement of salts according to their abilities to ionizable groups, if present, of the matrix and it may
promote binding of a protein to a hydrophobic station- introduce electrostatic attraction or repulsion. The
ary phase. Salts at the beginning of this series are effect of p H on the strength of the hydrophobic interac-
water-structuring or antichaotropic; salts at the end o f tion must therefore be called secondary and this effect
the series are considered chaotropic or randomizing the may be unpredictable. Nevertheless, the pH certainly
structure of water. Whilst antichaotropic salts promote has an effect and this may be used to adjust the
hydrophobic interaction and protein adsorption, chao- retention and selectivity (Engelhardt and Schon, 1986;
194 E. J. M. PENNINGS E T A L .

Gooding et al., 1986; HjertCn et al., 1986; Buckley and bonding as the main structure-stabilizing force. As
Wetlaufer, 1990). intramolecular hydrophobic bonds stabilize secondary
Elution order is not necessarily correlated with the stuctures, such as a-helices, a reduction of the a-helix
hydrophobicity of a protein as determined by the content may be expected upon adsorption (Norde et
number and hydrophobicity of each contributing amino al., 1986). This reduction may partially remain after
acid. As mentioned before, hydrophobic groups may desorption as has indeed been found for human plasma
be buried inside a protein and so may not contribute to albumin after desorption from several stationary phases
the protein’s surface hydrophobicity. On the other differing in hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity (Norde
hand, proteins with a higher degree of accessible non- et al., 1986). In addition to the dehydration of hydro-
polar surface area are retained to a greater extent phobic patches, the structural rearrangements provide
(Katti et al., 1987) and the elution order appears to be the entropy gain for the human plasma albumin mole-
correlated with the surface hydrophobicity of a protein. cule during the adsorption process. This indicates that
HIC has therefore been used to map the surface hydro- protein adsorption can be accompanied by structural
phobicity of proteins (Melander and Horvath, 1977; changes in the protein molecule and that these changes
Kato et al., 1984; Katti et a f . , 1987). need not be fully reversible. This applies to adsorption
both onto hydrophobic surfaces and onto hydrophilic
Temperature surfaces.
Lowering the temperature is another way of reducing
hydrophobic interactions. Thus, it has been found that
after binding phycoerythrin to Pentyl Sepharose 4B, SELECTED APPLICATIONS
25-30% of the bound phycoerythrin can be desorbed
by transferring the suspension to 0°C (Hjerten et al., Some recent examples of the use of HIC for the
1974). Clearly, the degree of desorption is dependent purification of plant enzymes involved in the formation
on the strength of the hydrophobic interaction, of secondary metabolites are listed in Table 2. This list
although often the effect is too small to be suitable for is not exhaustive and is provided to indicate the import-
practical purposes. On the other hand, one must always ance of HIC for the purification of enzymes that usually
bear in mind that retention times may slightly change occur in very low amounts in the plant tissue. It is often
when a method developed in the cold room is a formidable task to purify such enzymes from crude
attempted at ambient temperature and that the sepa- protein extracts, and in such cases it is profitable to use
ration may be affected (Miller et a f . , 1985). as many different techniques as possible. It is in this
context that high performance HIC is becoming
increasingly popular.
CONFORMATIONAL ASPECTS Since 1985 we have used HIC successfully in our
research programme concerned with the production of
In the adsorbed state, hydrophobic patches on the pharmaceutically interesting secondary products by
protein interact with the hydrophobic sorbent surface plant cell cultures. The main areas that we have studied
under exclusion of water, and intramolecular hydro- are the production of quinoline alkaloids (quinine and
phobic bonding is less important as a factor stabilizing quinidine) by Cinchona species, the production of
the protein structure. Therefore, upon adsorption, con- indole alkaloids (ajmalicine, serpentine and bisindole
formational changes may be expected especially for alkaloids) by Catharanthus roseus, and the production
those proteins that have intramolecular hydrophobic of related indole alkaloids and their dimerization to

Table 2. Selected recent applications of HIC in the purification of enzymes involved in plant secondary metabolism
Enzyme Plant source Type of HIC columnlmateriala Reference
Monoterpene cyclase Rauwolfia serpentina Phenyl Superose Uesato et a/. (1987)
L-Tyrosine decarboxylase Eschscholtzia californica Phenyl Superose Marques and Brodelius (1988)
6P-Hydroxyhyoscyamine epoxidase Hyoscyarnus niger Butyl Toyopearl 650M Hashimoto etal. (1989)
Cytochrome P450, 3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan
6a-hydroxylase Glycine rnax hexylagarose Kochs and Grisebach (1989)
6a-Hydroxymaackiain 3-0-methyltransferase Pisurn sativurn Phenyl-5PW Preisig e t a l . (1989)
17-0-Deacetylvindoline 17-0-acetyltransferase Catharanthus roseus hydroxyphenoxypropyl- Fahn and Stockigt (1990)
TSK HW-65 (Sib
0-methyltransferase Berberis koetineana Phenyl Sepharose Frenzel and Zenk (1990a)
( R , S)-Tetrahydrobenzylisoquinoline-
N-methyltransferase Berberis koetineana Phenyl Superose Frenzel and Zenk (1990b)
Diamine oxidase Hyoscyarnus niger Phenyl Superose Hashimoto e t a / . (1990)
N-methyltransferase Eschscholtzia californica Phenyl Sepharose Rueffer et a/. (1990)
Hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylase Hyoscyarnus niger Butyl-Toyopearl,
Phenyl Superose Yamada et a/. (1990)
a The high performance columns Phenyl Superose and Phenyl-5PW (with 10 p particle sizes) are primarily used at the end of
purification procedures. The other column materials have particle sizes greater than 20 p and are mainly used in initial purification
Prepared by authors from epoxide-activated Fractogel TSK HW-65 (S).

bisindole alkaloids by Tabernaemontana species. The

early steps of the biosynthetic pathways to these alka-
loids are identical in these plants. In order to increase
alkaloid production using the techniques of molecular
biology we have been interested to identify the limiting
steps in their biosynthesis. Our strategy has involved
the characterization of the metabolic intermediates and
the enzymes involved in their synthesis, and this will be
followed by a study of the regulation of the expression
of the corresponding genes. In order to identify these
genes, cDNA libraries producing fusion proteins have
been screened. An essential step in this process is the
raising of antibodies against the different purified
As mentioned above, the first steps in the biosynthe-
sis of the indole and the quinoline alkaloids are identi-
cal. The pathway starts with the decarboxylation of L-
tryptophan to tryptamine by the enzyme tryptophan
decarboxylase (TDC; EC, followed by the
elution volume i m l 1
stereospecific condensation of the monoterpenoid seco-
loganin and tryptamine to form strictosidine. This reac- Figure 1. Purification of tryptophan decarboxylase (TDCJfrom
tion is catalysed by the enzyme strictosidine synthase Catharanthus roseus by HIC on a Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B
(SSS; EC which is a cytoplasmic glycoprotein. column (45 x 2.6 cm i.d.1. Elution was carried out using a linear
gradient of ammonium sulphate (0.2-0 M) (NH4)2S04in 0.1 M
The biosynthesis of secologanin is only partially Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.5) containing 1 mM dithiothreitol and
resolved, but commences with the hydroxylation of 0.02 mM pyridoxaC5’-phosphate.
geraniol to 10-hydroxygeraniol by the enzyme geraniol-
10-hydroxylase (G10H) which is a membrane-bound
P-450 monooxygenase. We have isolated, purified and (1 M ammonium sulphate) although neither fraction
characterized these three enzymes using HIC as part of contained protein. The fraction corresponding with the
the purification protocol. first peak contained pyridoxal-5’-phosphate. After elu-
In our hands HIC appears to be an indispensable tion of these early peaks, the gradient was commenced
technique since other methods of protein purification and TDC was eluted as a sharp peak. From the elution
(e.g. size exclusion, ion exchange and chromatofocuss- pattern, and also from the SDS-PAGE pattern (not
ing) did not yield a sufficiently pure protein. Outlines of shown), we estimated that the purity of TDC before
the methods that we have employed are given below injection was already higher than 95%. Unbound
and these serve to demonstrate the usefulness and
versatility of high performance HIC in cases where a
highly purified protein sample is required for further
experimentation. 0.2

Tryptophan decarboxylase from Catharanthus roseus

TDC from 2 kg (fresh weight) of C. roseus cells was I

concentrated by ammonium sulphate precipitation (42- I

55% saturation). The enzyme was resuspended in 0
buffer with 0.2 M ammonium sulphate and further puri- 6 I
fied on a Phenyl Sepharose C L 4 B column
0.1 I
(45 x 2.6 cm) (Pennings et al., 1989a). TDC activity was
well separated from the main protein peak (Fig. 1).
After this step, the increase in specific activity was 14-
fold. The recovery of enzyme activity was high, i.e.
9470, which is particularly important as TDC is a labile
enzyme. In comparison with a previous procedure
(Pennings et al., 1988), the advantage of the present
method is that the final enzyme preparation has a
higher purity and that the desalting step following L J0
ammonium sulphate precipitation can be omitted. I I - 1 I

After the last purification step, the preparation still OO 10 20 30 LO

appeared to contain some minor impurities. High per-
formance HIC was therefore chosen as an additional Figure 2. HIC of tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) from
step and carried out on a TSK Phenyl-5PW column Catharanthus roseus on a TSK Phenyl-5PW column
(75 X 7.5 mm i.d.) (Pennings et al., 1989b); the result is (75 x 7.5 mm i.d.1. The sample was applied by eight-repetitive
injections of 1 mL each. The flow rate was 0.5 mllmin: the
shown in Fig. 2. TDC was concentrated on the column linear gradient was from 1 M ammonium sulphate in 50 mM
by eight consecutive 1 mL injections. Each injection sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) to water (without any salt)
results in two peaks eluting under high salt conditions during 15 min.
196 E. J. M. PENNINGS E T A L .

.too Q I
2 8 0
\ 0
5 6
0.4 x
-x . 4
a 01
0 02 Lz
6 2 s

2 4 0 00 I
0 20 GO 60
- Elution volume (ml)
Figure 4. Purification of geraniol-10-hydroxylase (GlOH) from
25 I Catharanthus roseus by HIC on a TSK Phenyl-5PW column
I (75 x 7.5 m m i.d.). The column was pre-equilibrated with 20 mM
I potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.7) containing 15% glycerol
and 0.1 % Renex 690. The enzyme was eluted by a linear gradient
of 0.1-0.6% Renex 690 in the same buffer. The shaded area
0 represents the pooled fractions.

volume I m l l
Geraniol-10-hydroxylase from Cutharunthus roseus
Figure 3. Purification of strictosidine synthase (SSS) from
Cinchona robusta on a Phenyl Sepharose C L 4 B column Cytochrome P-450-dependent G 10H from C. roseus
(13x 1.6 cm). The ammonium sulphate gradient was 1.0-0 M in
20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8): the ethylene glycol was isolated from membranes sedimenting in the range
gradient was 0-50% (v/v) in the same buffer. 20 min 1000 x g and 60 min 20,000 X g. The solubilized
monooxygenase was purified in a four-step procedure
comprising chromatography on DEAE Sephacel,
pyridoxal-5’-phosphate was separated from TDC in this Hydroxyapatite-Ultrogel, o-aminooctylagarose and
step, but bound cofactor was not removed (Pennings et TSK Phenyl-5PW (Meijer et al., 1990), the latter two
ul., 1989b). purification steps involving hydrophobic interactions.
o-Aminooctylagarose is often used for the purification
of cytochrome P-450 proteins since the aminooctyl
Strictosidine synthase from Cinchona robusta chain is an efficient ligand for the ferric form of this
type of heme-protein. The binding of proteins to this
stationary phase is based on both ionic and non-ionic
SSS from C. robusta consists of at least two isoforms interactions. The binding of GlOH is probably mainly
and these have a relatively small M , of about 35,000 of a hydrophobic nature since the enzyme can be eluted
(Pennings et al., 1990). Since most of the proteins in the with non-ionic detergent. The final step of the purifica-
crude extract have higher M , vlaues, size-exclusion tion procedure involved HIC on a uncharged high
chromatography appeared to be an efficient step and performance TSK Phenyl-SPW column (75 x 7.5 mm
was carried out first with HIC as the second chromato- i.d.), and this step can be performed without applying a
graphic step. After ammonium sulphate precipitation high salt concentration to bind the GlOH. This enzyme
(30-55% saturation) of the enzyme from the crude cell- appeared to have such a high hydrophobicity that it was
free extract (prepared from 750 g cells) and following even bound when the column was presaturated with a
size-exclusion chromatography, SSS was applied to a buffer containing 15% glycerol and 0.1% of the non-
Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B column (13 X 1.6 cm). ionic polyoxyethylene-type detergent Renex 690.
Decreasing the ammonium sulphate concentration by a Presaturation of the matrix with glycerol and detergent
linear gradient of 1.0-OM eluted most of the applied created a condition that prevented the binding of most
protein but gave only a small amount of SSS activity. of the contaminating proteins in the sample, thus mak-
An ethylene glycol gradient from 0 to 50% ( v h ) was ing HIC on TSK Phenyl-5PW an efficient method of
needed to recover the remainder of SSS from the separation. The GlOH was eluted by increasing the
column (Fig. 3 ) . The purification factor was 14, but the detergent concentration with a linear gradient of 0.1-
recovery was rather low (55%). When size-exclusion 0.6% Renex 690 (Fig. 4). The peak fractions of GlOH
chromatography was omitted and HIC was carried out activity consisted of a near-homogeneous protein that
as the first column step, SSS eluted at low salt concen- migrated with an M , of 56,000 on SDS-PAGE (Meijer
trations (50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8) with et al., 1990).
a recovery of about 60% and ethylene glycol was not
required to elute the protein. This behaviour is an
example of how elution conditions may depend on the
degree of purity of the sample. It appears that contami- CONCLUSIONS
nating proteins deactivate the most hydrophobic sites
of the stationary phase thereby making the column
apparently less hydrophobic. The low recovery for SSS HIC has become a powerful technique for the purifica-
may indicate that this protein is relatively hydrophobic, tion of proteins. As separation is based on the differ-
and it would therefore be interesting to study the ences in surface hydrophobicity of proteins, HIC is
elution behaviour and recovery of SSS on a more complementary to chromatographic techniques based
weakly hydrophobic stationary phase, for instance on on the charge or the size of the protein and it may be
Butyl Sepharose. used advantageously for the purification of those pro-

teins that cannot be obtained in pure form by size- column containing a more hydrophobic ligand. This
exclusion and ion-exchange techniques alone. tandem chromatography is most suitable for a prelimi-
Purifications by HIC are frequently carried out early nary clean-up of the sample.
in a procedure usually after salt-mediated precipitation The type and concentration of the salt and of the
of the crude protein: in such cases the desalting step can (po1y)alcoholic additive are important parameters in
be omitted. For these initial steps in a purification controlling protein retention and selectivity. Gradient
procedure, many packing materials are available with design, pH and temperature can additionally be used to
particle sizes up to approximately 165 p. The high optimize a separation. It can therefore be anticipated
performance columns are preferentially used in the that the popularity of the technique will become com-
final steps of a purification procedure. Many high parable to that of ion-exchange techniques. Also, new
performance HIC columns are now available with high ligands may be expected to be used for the synthesis of
efficiency and high stability. As the adsorption of pro- new stationary phases. One such example is the
teins is based on weak interactions and the elution Immobilized Artifical Membrane support (Regis
conditions are mild, recoveries of protein mass and Chemical Company, 1990) containing phosphatidylcho-
biological activity are usually high. However, excep- line covalently bound to propylamine-derivatized silica
tions exist, for example, the low recovery of SSS from and which can be used for the purification of membrane
Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B. It is a good idea to use a proteins.
stationary phase with the least hydrophobic ligand
attached to the matrix, which is still able to bind the
protein of interest under high-salt conditions. Acknowledgements
Alternatively, a stationary phase can be chosen to The authors thank Mr. A.G.M. Goosen for his technical assitance.
which most contaminating proteins bind, but not the The ownership of all registered tradenames used in this review i s
protein of interest which is then bound on a second acknowledged.


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