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*Intercultural Project: My E-Friends

This project aims to talk about international E- Friends in an online community.

The intercultural project for the level 1 consists of three stages, one per term.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

My E-f riends: Second stage

Meeting and sharing with my new friends.

General description:
After having written your personal information in stage one, registration form and
paragraph, you are going to participate in a real forum with your classmates and
interact each other.
To open a virtual space to meet and interact with new online friends.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

My E-friends: Stage 2
1 Students will be divided into 8 groups. Check the group you belong to: 1, 2, 3 …8 inside of
each forum.
Each Student will write 3 posts. (5 units in total)

POST 1 You are going create a post using the information you posted in stage 1 and add some
extra information talking about your routine. At least 4 activities you do everyday. Take into account
the information you have to include: (1 unit)
 A greeting
 Your name
Your nationality
The place where you live in (city)
Your age
Your favorite artist
Your hobby
Your daily activities ( 4 activities you do every day)
Your email contact
Say good bye
ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th
After you can read two of your classmates posts and you will comment about them
or make questions to your partner´s presentation. (2 units)

Answer the comments or the questions to your two partners (2 units)

How to participate in the forum:
A. ONLY the students in the list can participate and interact in the group.
B. Click on the option WELCOME TO COMMUNITY ON LINE and then click on RESPONDER,
in TEMA, write your full name, then upload your REGISTRATION FORM , below of it
type the paragraph with all your correct information and send.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

That information is the feedback you received from the part 1 of the project.
To complement your information please talk about any personal or family
tradition, custom, belief or superstition you have.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

3. During these weeks you are going to read your partners´ profiles and then you are
going to write two comments to two different partners, about the topics you find
in common, in a relative agreement or in disagreement.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

4. You should give two comments and wait for two comments from two of your
partners about the things you mention in your introduction.

ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

You received two comments from two different partners and at the same time you comment
the profiles of two of your partners . At the end you should have: Your registration form, your
introduction and the two participations of your partners to obtain the five units of the
evaluation. .
ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th
Take into account the following checklist to do your task:

Make an initial participation in the forum talking about yourself, and your routine.
Read other’s participations, choose two and ask them a question or full comments.
Answer the questions that others asked you or the comments, too.

Use of language

Use the verb “to be” correctly in first person.

Use the verb “to be” correctly in third person
Use the subjects correctly.
Use adequate vocabulary.
Use correct spelling.
Ask questions correctly.
Use correct punctuation.
ATTENTION: This activity is due to April 4th

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