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Determination of the hydrodynamic parameters of an underwater vehicle

during small scale, nonuniform, 1-dimensional translation

Conference Paper · November 1993

DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.1993.326105 · Source: IEEE Xplore


33 150

2 authors:

Archie Todd Morrison III Dana Yoerger

Woods Hole Group Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


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Determination of the Hydrodynamic Parameters of an Underwater
Vehicle During Small Scale, Nonuniform, 1-Dimensional Translation
Archie T. Morrison IIP Dana R. Yoerger'
'Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543

Abstract - The hover and tight maneuvering regime more difficult to characterize and control. This is pri-
of an underwater vehicle is difficult to character- marily due to the poor low speed dynamic response of
ize hydrodynamically. Characterization in a reliable the thrusters. When the vehicle is commanded to hover
model is necessary for successful control of the vehi- under closed loop control the thruster dynamics produce
cle during task performance. A 1-dimensional system a limit cycle [ l , 21. As will be shown, the resulting peri-
identification procedure for this regime is described. odic motion has a strong effect on the values of Ch and
The experimental set up is simple and noncritical. CA.
The analysis is performed by minimizing the error
between the trajectories of the vehicle and several
If the hydrodynamic forces are modelled by (1) during
numerical models during a free decay. Minimiza- oscillatory motion, then Ci;, and CA can be shown to
tion is controlled by the Nelder-Meade simplex algo- have a nonlinear dependence on the Keulegan-Carpenter
rithm. Agreement with the work of other researchers number, ZiC = U,T/D, where U , is the maximum ve-
is strong. The procedure is flexible and may be ex- locity and T is the period of the oscillation. The co-
tended to couplcd models with 4 degrees of freedom. efficients also depend on the frequency parameter, p =
Re/KC = D 2 / v T , and the Reynolds number remains
important [5]. The Keulegan-Carpenter number may be
I. GENERAL DISCUSSION thought of as proportional to the ratio of the amplitude
The forces exerted by a viscous fluid on a bluff body of the excursion to the characteristic length. This de-
moving relative to the fluid depend in a complicated way scription becomes exact in the case of harmonic oscilla-
on the history of the relative motion. In many simple tions. The frequency parameter is convenient because it
cases, however, the forces are well described by Mori- depends only on the frequency of oscillation for a given
son's Equation [3] (below) once the added mass and drag body, while the Reynolds number depends on both the
coefficients have been determined experimentally. The frequency and the amplitude.
equation is commonly given in the form T h e Keulegan-Carpenter number for the limit cycle ob-
served with ROVs Jason and Hylas is 0.3. This value is
on or below the margin of the ZiC range investigated for
cylinders in [6]. Additionally, the frequency parameter
for the limit cycle is in the range IO4 < p < lo5 while
where m is the dry mass, U is the velocity of the body values between lo3 and lo4 were used in [6]. It cannot
relative to the fluid, A is the projected area along the be assumed that the form of (1) correctly describes the
direction of motion, and p is the density of the fluid. C& forces on an ROV in an oscillatory regime. If it does,
and C; are the dimensionless coefficients of added mass coefficients for the vehicle could only be predicted by ex-
and drag which are to be determined. trapolating outside the range of the published data and
The trajectory of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) formulae for cylinders. Experimental determination of
can reasonably be characterized as either uniform trans- the form and magnitude of the hydrodynamic forces act-
ing on ROV Hylas during closed loop hover is required.
lation or hover. During uniform translation U = 0 and
only the coefficient of drag is of concern. There is, in During system identification the responses of the vehi-
general, some dependence of this value on the Reynolds cle and a mathematical model to the same input forcing
number, Re = C I D / v , where U is the velocity, D is the are compared. The coefficients of the model are adjusted
characteristic length, and v is the kinematic viscosity of to achieve the closest match. The form of the model may
the fluid. However, a 0.2 - 0.5 m/s translation speed for be modified if necessary and the comparison may be car-
a vehicle wit ti a 1 or 2 in characteristic length in water ried out by a variety of means. It is essential, however,
yields a Reynolds number on the order of IO6. In this that the input be known. The analysis of the thrusters
range C; is largely independent of changes in the value in [l, 21 showed that output was a function of propeller
of Re. In contrast. the ho\-er regime has proven much angular ve1ocit.y. That measurement cannot be easily
or accurately niade, particularly a t slow speeds, in the
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation oil filled (pressure compensated) motors used by DSL.
on Grant No. O C 6 8 8 2 0 2 2 7 and the Office of Naval Research under Thercfore, an oscillation in depth similar to the limit cy-
Contract No. NO001 1-90-5-1912 \.VHOI Contribution No. 8446. cle must br generated by soin(! othrr means.

11-277 0-7803-I38S-2/9Y$3.OO Cl 1993 IEEE

Figure 1. ROV HYLAS This is a view of the starboardside of the Figure 2. SPRINGCALIBRATION FOR SYSTEMIDENTIFICATION -
vehicle. The dimensionsare approximately0.9 m x 1.63 m. Prea- Data points for two spring. in parallel, a single spring, and two
sure housings and thrusters are mounted on an aluminum frame springs in neriea are denoted by 0 . The three d i d linen are least
which is mmpcnded from the flotation block. The fore and aft p m squares fits to the data with the calculated spring constants shown
trusions from the top of the flotation material are the SHARPS on the plot.
rim arrangements of the springs. The springs were found
A solution was suggested in [4] where a free decay test
t o be linear to the quantization limit of the load cell
was used for the system identification of the Norwegian
throughout the range of extension. The results of the
Experimental Remotely Operated Vehicle. As with the
spring calibration are shown in Fig. 2.
previously cited work on cylinders, the K C of the limit
cycle is on or below the margin of the reported range. ROV Hylas was then suspended in the tank from
For our teat, the vehicle was suspended in water from an overhead crane using each of the three spring con-
a spring. An oscillation was started and recorded while figurations in turn. For each configuration the ve-
it decayed. The spring provided a well defined input hicle was given sufficient negative buoyancy to bias
' whose magnitude could be determined from the accurate
the spring(s) into the middle of the measured force-
position measurements possible with the Sonic High Ac- displacement range. Three runs were made with each of
curacy Ranging and Positioning System (SHARPS). The the spring configurations. The initial perturbation was
spring constant and initial perturbation produced motion generated by briefly firing the vertical thrusters. The de-
with an amplitude and period similar to the limit cycle. caying oscillations that resulted were recorded and logged
The vehicle hydrodynamics were then determined from by the system. Although the apparatus did not restrict
the data record. horizontal or rotational motions, no horizontal transla-
tions, nor rotations about the vertical or horizontal axes,
11. EXPERIMENTAL SET UP A N D PROCEDURE were observed during the free decay. Same tension was
maintained on the springs throughout each run and the
ROV Hylas was designed and built to serve as a test springs were inspected and found free of overstretching
tank and dockside vehicle for the evaluation of control at the conclusion of the experiment. The combination of
algorithms. The overall dimensions are approximately varying initial conditions and three different spring con-
0.9 m x 0.9 m x 1.63 m. The dry mass is m = 500 kg stants yielded a range of Keulegan-Carpenter numbers
with some variation depending on the current instrument that included the value calculated for the limit cycle.
suite. A drawing of the vehicle is shown in Fig. 1. The
usual operating environment of ROV Hylas is a cylindri- 111. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION BY NUMERICAL
cal tank with a depth of 3.5 m and a diameter of 4.5 m. MINIMIZATION
Three SHARPS transceivers near the surface form the
acoustic position net. Fore and aft transceivers on the System identification by numerical minimization is con-
vehicle are ranged by each net transceiver on alternate ceptually straightforward. A model of the vehicle is given
cycles allowing the measurement of position and heading initial conditions matching a data set. The model is
within the net coordinate system. Over the short ranges then numerically integrated and the scalar error norm
in the tank the variance of the range measurement is ap- between the vehicle and model trajectories is calculated.
proximately 4 x cm'. The model coefficients are then iteratively modified to
Two common door springs were purchased at a lo- minimize that error.
cal hardware store for the experiment. The force- Four models of the vehicle are considered. The first de-
displacement response of the springs was measured using scribes the vehicle as a simple mass. A good match with
a meter stick and a load cell for parallel, single, and s e a decaying oscillation is not expected, but the known re-

T i m Is] T i m [s]

0.1 0.1

- 0.05

0 .E 0

W -0.05
-6 f -0.05
-0.1 -0.1
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 50 60
TIM [s] T i m Is]


MODEL- The vehicle trajectory is marked by the solid tine. The DRAGMODEL- The vehicle trajectory is marked
model trajectory with minimum error is shown by the dashed trace. by the sotid line. The model trajectory with minimum error is
shown by the dashed trace.
me- m d dd offset . I

T i m [c] -0.2'
10 20 30 40 50 60
T i m [s]

0 -

f -0.05 Bf O
10 20 30 40 50 60
T i m Is] -0.1
10 20 30 40 50 60
T i m [s]
WITH LINEARDRAGMODEL- The vehicle trajectory is marked by
the solid line. The model trajectory with minimum error is shown W I T H QUADRATIC AND LINEARDRAG MODEL - The vehicle tra-
by the dashed trace.
jectory is marked by the solid line. The model trajectory with
minimum error is shown by the dashed trace.
sult for such a model provides a baseline for evaluation
of the other models and a check on the stability of the
integration. The more realistic models are inertia with To determine the raw depth data for the fore and
linear drag, inertia with quadratic drag, and inertia with aft transponders was averaged and then bidirectionally
both quadratic and linear drag. passed through a 5'h order Butterworth lowpass filter.
The second pass with the data set reversed eliminates
mejjZ + k~ - b = o phase distortion and makes the filter effectively 10"' or-
m e j jZ + ~ 1 d . i+ k~ - b = o der. Points a t the start and termination of the data set
m,jj Z + c , d i l i l + k~ - b = o (2) were pared off to remove edge effects due to the finite
m e j j 2 + c , d i l i l + C l d i + k.2 - b = 0 length of the filter and data set. The smoothed data
have high accuracy and a very low noise content. A first
z is the vehicle position and IC is the known spring con-
order central difference approximation t o the derivative
stant. b is a bias term intended t o eliminate position drift applied to the filtered position data yields a smooth and
during the integration due to the small measurement er- accurate vehicle velocity curve.
rors in the values of the initial and rest positions of the
vehicle. m , f j , C q d , and Cqd are the dimensional model Application of this technique t o one of the data sets is
parameters to be determined by the numerical minimiza- shown for the four models in Figures 3 t o 6. Each figure
tion. Because its value cannot be known in advance, b contains separate position and velocity plots. The solid
is also one of the parameters for the minimization. The curves mark the vehicle trajectory. The model path with
scalar error norm is calculated as minimum error is shown by the dashed trace. Textual
entries on the plots show the values of the minimizing
r model parameters, m,ff, C q d , and Cld, in SI units. Also
(3) included is the position measurement offset error which
is calculated from the minimizing bias parameter for the
model as offset = b / k . An offset significantly larger than
The error norm minimization process was controlled us- a millimeter for a model including drag would be indica-
ing the Nelder-Meade simplex algorithm. tive of an input error or a numerical breakdown in the

calculation. The offset for the inertia model is a function
of the initial conditions and the first extrema. It can
easily exceed several centimeters and should not cause
concern as long as the oscillation of the model is steady.
The scalar error norms for both the position and velocity
are shown with the scalar norm of the vehicle position
and velocity about zero for comparison. The run code
indicates that this was the third of three runs with two
springs arranged in parallel. This information is summa-
rized in Table 1.
Choosing the most accurate model requires the consid-
eration of several factors. I t would be incorrect to base 1Mxx)
the judgement on a comparison of the minimized error
norms. While the error norm is a good measure of accu-
racy within one model, its ability to discriminate between
models is sharply limited by their structural differences.
Instead, judgement is based on a visual comparison of the
amplitude and frequency of each model with the vehicle Figure 7. ERROR NORM SURFACEFOR THE INERTIAWITH
trajectory and on a consideration of the relative strength QUADRATIC DRAGMODEL
of each term in the model force balances. Of the three,
amplitude considerations are the most important. The match with the early portion of the record, Cpd would
frequency and force balance comparisons fill a corrobo- need to increase. As previously observed, both coeffi-
rative role in the argument. cients are smaller in the quadratic and linear drag model
The force balance for each model is summarized in the than in the quadratic or linear drag models. Therefore,
the last four columns of Table I. Obviously the domi- the trend of the quadratic and linear drag model as the
nant forcing is provided by the mass and spring, neither duration of the decay lengthens is towards the simpler
of which is being considered for exclusion from the mod- quadratic drag model.
els. Focusing on the drag coefficients, it may be observed Finally, consider the frequency of oscillation. The in-
that while both coefficients are reduced in the quadratic ertia model makes a better showing here and once again
and linear drag model compared to their values in the provides a validity check on the integration. The value
quadratic drag and the linear drag models, the reduction of m,jf for the undamped system must be exceeded by
of Cid is much larger. The factor is 5.5 which is com- the value of m,jf for a damped system with the same
‘pared t o 2.1 for Cqd. When both types of drag are used observed frequency of oscillation. The effective mass val-
t o account for the decay, quadratic drag retains more of ues of the drag models are consistent with this observa-
its solo influence than does linear drag. In the quadratic tion. Mass values increase monotonically with increas-
and linear drag model, the decay is largely explained by ing model periods. Both of the models that include lin-
quadratic drag with linear drag providing only a correc- ear drag have periods of oscillation that are observably
tion. longer than the period of the vehicle. As with amplitude,
Consider now the amplitude of oscillation. Pre- the divergence is less pronounced for the quadratic and
dictably, the simple inertia model (Fig. 3) is apoor match linear drag model. The explanation is the same and con-
t o the vehicle behavior. However, it does indicate that vergence t o the inertia and quadratic drag model, which
the integration is stable. The addition of linear drag makes a good fit t o the vehicle frequency, is once again
(Fig. 4) is a significant improvement. Note, however, indicated.
that linear drag damps out the motion too fast. After Having chosen the model, it is important t o verify that
45 t o 50 seconds the model has essentially stopped while the simplex algorithm has located a global rather than
the vehicle continues t o oscillate. The quadratic drag a local minimum of the error norm surface. This can be
model (Fig. 5 ) provides a much better match t o the ve- done graphically by choosing ranges of m,jf and cqd, cal-
hicle amplitude. While there is a small difference, it is culating the error norm at each grid point, and plotting
constant and does not diverge over time. Based on con- the resulting surface in a 3 dimensional mesh plot. The
sideration of the amplitude this model provides the best result is shown in Fig. 7. The surface shows only the sin-
fit. That conclusion is further supported by the linear gle, necessarily global, minimum. The steeper gradient
and quadratic drag model (Fig. 6). The figure shows ex- along the effective mass axis near the minimum reflects
cessive damping similar to the linear drag model, though the relatively greater importance of effective mass com-
the damping is less severe. The explanation is fairly sim- pared t o quadratic drag in determining vehicle behavior
ple. Observe that as the amplitude of the velocity swings in this regime. A small change in the effective mass al-
becomes smaller, linear drag must dominate quadratic ters the behavior much more than a small change in the
drag. If a longer data record had been made of the oscil- quadratic drag.
lations, which were observed t o continue after recording The hydrodynamic description of ROV Hylas by the
stopped, the value of Cld would have t o decrease so that inertia and quadratic drag model is summarized for each
the model did not stop prematurely. To maintain the of the nine runs in Table 11. The dimensionless quan-

inertia 1.80 .99 -38.18 1434 22.66 20.08

inertia with
linear drag .13 .08 .97 1533 639 22.66 21.46 16.11

inertia with
quadratic drag .15 .08 1.70 1506 5431 22.66 21.08 3.45

inertia with
quadratic and .ll .06 1.45 1521 2613 117 22.66 21.29 1.66 2.95
linear drag

Table I
tities and the characteristic forcing were determined us- . . . . .
ing the standard deviations of the acceleration, velocity, i : : : : :
and position of each trajectory, a dry mass of 500 k g , a .... L...%..I .. ..;... . .;.. .. . ......:.. ........ ...; ........... ;..
characteristic length of 0.9 m, and a projected area of . . . ..
* . U : : .. . .. ..

0.9 m x 1.63 m.
-2 &O'.. ..... ..:.....;. . . . . :.........................................
. . . . . .
' ! \ ! . 1.. ..
To determine if the results obtained by numerical min- J . . . .
4.0- ..................................
.. .. i ............ :........... i..
imization are accurate, a comparison is made here to . . ... .
measurements of the in-line forces on a rough cylinder 5
. .
3.0- ............................................
. . . :........... ;..
fixed in the harmonically oscillating flow of a U tube a t
low Keulegan-Carpenter numbers [6]. In [6] it was shown
that for 0.4 < KC < 2, Ch = 2 for smooth cylinders a t
ps of 1035, 1380, and 11240 and for a rough cylinder at
a b of 1800. The dependence of C;. on roughness and
p in the same range of ZrC values is much more pro-
nounced. For a smooth cylinder at low p , Cg decreases
as KC is increased from 0.4. Below a critical value of
KC which depends on 0,the flow is attached, laminar,
and stable. Above the critical value, C; first rises in
a hysteresis region and then continues to decrease with
increasing K C . The flow in this range is separated and
becomes increasingly turbulent with rising K C . Above
IiC x 2, separation and vortex formation become more
important and C& increases with KC.
Increasing /3 in the lower KC range, 0.4 < KC < 2,
reduces the critical value of K C above which flow is sep-
arated and turbulence increases with KC. Roughness
also promotes detatched, turbulent flow at lower values
of KC. Roughness has the additional effect of increasing
C& compared to a smooth cylinder a t the same K C and
p. The increase is larger for smaller values of KC.
The irregular shape and high /-I values of the vehicle
place it above the critical value of K C during the limit
cycle. Flow is separated but, with KC < 2, not necessar-
ily fully turbulent. The nonlaminar flow regime supports
the contention of the numerical minimization procedure
that the drag on the vehicle during limit cycle oscillations
does not have a linear component.
Based on this admittedly heuristic analysis, the vehicle
characterization should show reasonable agreement with
the results for the rough cylinder. Fig. 8 shows the Hylas
data with the d a t a in [6]. The strength of the agreement

11-28 1
Table I1

freedom systems with coupling is straightforward. The REFERENCES

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F = m,jji Cqdzlil. (5) way.
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vertical direction in fresh water are Forces On Offshore Structures, Van Nostrand Rein-
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m,jj = 1500 kg
Cqd = 5870 kg/m. (6) [6] Sarpkaya, T . , “Force on a circular cylinder in viscous
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Finally, it is apparent that, in the absence of em- bers,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics (1986), Vol. 165,
pirical measurements, the appropriately scaled hydrody- pp. 61-71.
namic characterization of a rough cylinder, which can be
found in the literature, is a reasonable first approxima-
tion for the hydrodynamic characterization of an ROV
with structural similarity to ROV Hylas hovering under
closed loop control.


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