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Objectives Topics Assessment Vocabulary Materials Activity

learn to likes and reams, handouts discussion
talk about dislikes Discussion desire, wish, partner activity
personal means of Homework to achieve, group activity
goals expressing the to reading
learn new future accomplish, grammar lessons
vocabulary: economic scared,
feelings terms jealous, to
and show, to
emotions hide,
to express moody,
preference bright red,
use means will, shall,
of price
expressing stability,
the future security,

Talking about personal goals

1. Please describe yourself and what interests and skills you have?
I am a 16 years old boy, 1.84m height, with black eyes, black hair. I am optimistic, happy and
confident in me and in my actions. I like to meet with my friends, to communicate with the
people around me, I am ambitious and I wish a reach in life the purpose I proposed.
I like to move in the open, sports (field tennis, swimming, football), I like a lot to listen o the
2. Why would you like to attend the camp at Roros?
The camp in Roros represents for me an opportunity to know more about the world heritage,
about the Norwegian people culture and traditions. I like to take part in practical activities of
restoration, which will help me to develop the skill in such activities.
3. Do you think heritage is important? Why?
The cultural and historical identity of a people is maintained by being aware and preserving the
heritage. The sites with value of cultural symbols or that represent the national identity must be
maintained and preserved against the exterior factors.
4. Do you have any thoughts about how people can contribute to heritage preservation?
The heritage preservation should be, in my opinion, a duty of all the persons. We, the young
persons have to contribute to the change of attitude of people regarding the heritage values,
which, nowadays can be affected both by objective factors – natural phenomena, war, economic
interests, wear during the time, and by the negligence of people.
5. Is there a World Heritage related project at your school?
A project named “ The Danube – factor of culture and civilisation” was finalised at the College I
learn, and one of the objectives was to know the human rights and the objectives of the Cultural
heritage in Romania, included in UNESCO World Heritage.
6. Have you ever done any practical work with the use of tools? Please explain what kind of
Yes, I have practical experience. Besides activities organised together with my colleagues for
planting saplings in the park near my high school, I being a farmer’s son, I help my father with
the works in his vegetable farm, I like gardening very much.
7. Are you prepared for wind, rain, cold, mosquitoes and sleeping bags?
Yes, I am, because I spend a part of my holiday together with my family in the mountains where
this kind of situations can be found frequently.
8. What is your favourite food? And do you have any dietary needs your host families should
know about?
Steak, fried potatoes, pizza, fruit. I am not on a diet.
9. Can you dance, sing, cook or contribute with something typical from your country? Do you
play an instrument?
I like and I can dance, sing in Romanian traditional way and cook specific food. I do not play an


1. Which are my values?

Please select 10 values, which you consider more important to you. These 10 values determine
the actions you make or represent an important part of the way of living you appreciate.

- To help other people - Order (silence, stability, conformity)

- To help the society - Friendship
- To have a family - Physical provocations
- To lead - Involvement
- To influence the others - Power and authority
- Achievement - Integrity
- Truth - Respect from the others
- Affection (care and love) - Quality relationships
- Interior harmony - Self respect
- Wisdom - Independence
- Responsibility - Loyalty
- Change and variation - Independence
- Wealth - Private life
- Quality of what I do - Trust
- Honour, honesty - Live on the edge (adventure)
- Competence - Risk
- Competition - Nature
- Ethic behaviour - Working under stress conditions
- Communication - Working with others (in a team)
- Ecological conscience - Working alone
- Cooperation
- Creativity
- Open and honest to the others
- Personal development
- Efficiency
- Specialised knowledge
- Determination, strong character

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