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Why Should We Recycle?

By Nicholas Thompson

Why should we recycle? Why is it important? What happens if

we don’t? These are a few questions I will be answering in this
writing. I will be talking about why recycling is very important as

We should recycle because it helps our planet improve and

stop pollution around the world. If we don’t recycle we can be
destroying nature and it’s life around it! Sometimes when we don’t
recycle, and we put it in the trash can instead, when the garbage
men pick it up and dump it out at the dumpster sight, some plastic
can get there, plastic can take hundred or even thousands of years
to dissolve! That is something that is killing our planet. We should
be careful when we are throwing out simple things like water
bottles and plastic or paper plates. Some places are so polluted
that some people have to live in trash and buy oxygen! We don’t
want that worldwide, do we? So we can stop it from turning into
that by recycling and help pick up trash.


Recycling’s Importance
● If we don’t recycle, sometimes an animal might find it and think
it’s a fruit or food. It will try to eat it and might get stuck in it
and die! We don’t want this as well.
● Recycling can help by reducing waste and helping the earth’s
atmosphere be more clean. This can cause new places for
animals to live in instead of living in trash.

● Recycling is a way for us people to help the planet. We can

also pick up trash around stores or streets to help reduce
pollution, we can help animals and other human beings too!

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