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UNIVERSITARIA Study English for passion


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Adverbs or Adjectives: Exercise 1 Choose the correct form (ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB).

1) John held the plate _carefully_

2) Julia is a _careful_ person.

3) I ran _quickly_ to the station.

4) The journey was _quick_.

5) You look _tired_. Didn’t you sleep well?

6) The baby rubbed her eyes _tiredly_.

7) She sang _happily_.

8) You sound _happy_.

9) I speak English _well_.

10) Her English is _good_.

11) She cooks _terribly_.

12) He is a _terrible_ cook.

13) The music was _beautiful_.

14) She plays the piano _beautifully_.

15) That was a _clever_ answer.

16) She answered _cleverly_.

17) Your flat seems _tidy_ today.

18) He put the dishes away _tidily_.

19) He spoke _warmly .

20) She is a very _warm_ person.

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