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EDUHSDFA Operating Statement Through 3/31/20

Adopted Actual Income/ Remaining

For the year 9/1/2019 - 8/31/2020 Budget Expenses YTD Budget
Membership Dues ( 62,000) 44,715.00 17,285.00
Membership Promotion Grant ( -  ) 0.00 0.00
Dividend 20 91.92 (71.92)
Total Revenue 62,020.00 44,806.92 17,213.08

Office Expenses/Equipment 400 147.76 252.24
Conferences & Travel 2,500 789.74 1,710.26
Membership Promotion 2,500 1,873.62 626.38
Meeting Expenses 1,000 365.17 634.83
Taxes & Fees 40 10.00 30.00
Substitutes 0 0.00 0.00
President Release (20% Step 12, Col III) 18,116 0.00 18,116.00
Gifts 200 0.00 200.00
Total Expenses 24,756 3,186 21,570

Bargaining Team
Lead Stipend 4,000 2,000 2,000.00
Bargaining Team 5,000 2,500 2,500.00
Misc. Expenses 200 0 200.00
Bargaining Team Total 9,200 4,500 4,700

Executive Board/Rep Council Stipends

President 7,000 3,500 3,500.00
Vice President 4,000 2,000 2,000.00
Secretary 2,500 1,250 1,250.00
Treasurer 2,500 1,250 1,250.00
Site Reps 10,500 4,550 5,950.00
Chair Stipends 1,500.00 500 1,000.00
Executive Board/Rep Council Stipends Total 28,000 13,050 14,950.00

Total Stipends 37,200.00 17,550.00 19,650.00

Total Expenses and Stipends 61,956.00 20,736.29 41,219.71

Net Operations Results 64.00 24,070.63 (24,006.63)

The unaudited financial report reflected above is accurate to the best of the knowledge of the Treasurer.

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