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Good afternoon, sighted seer. My name is Jorge and I would like to know some things about
my future. How much would your services cost?

Hello welcome. It costs 100 soles. What would you like to know about your future?

Well, one of my big dreams as a child is to travel the world, I would like to know Madrid, Paris,
Rome, London, Brussels, Istanbul, Cairo, South Korea, so I ask you. Will I be able to know those
places in the future?

I can see that you will certainly travel to Madrid and Rome but you probably won´t come back
because you will probably meet a girl in Rome and you will definitely marry her.

Excellent news, a year ago I looked for the tourist places of each city online and I will definitely
visit those places and next year I am meeting with one of my best friends to plan our trip
his news, thank you Mr. Seer. ok, well ... one of my biggest fears is to die, i would like
to know when will i die? and if so, will I die young or old?

I can see that you will definitely die young in a plane crash in 5 years when you were traveling
to Paris.

Falta tu respuesta

I am currently a big fan of Katy Perry and Harry Styles. All the songs of these wonderful artists
are great. In 2017 I couldn't go to the Katy Perry concert that took place in Lima. In the same
way this year I will not be able to go to the Harry Styles concert that will be in Lima because my
mother did not give me permission. So I would like to know if one day in the future I can
attend a concert of any of them?

You will probably attend a Harry Styles concert in 2 years when you are in Madrid with your

Great news, I tell you when I am 25 or 26 years old, I will have enough money to go to a
concert of them. Last year I already created a special account in the bank to save. In the
fortnight of March, I am going to deposit the following fee. My goal is to save around 5
thousand dollars. These days I am visiting the president of the fan club to tell him my idea. I
will recommend you with my friends, you are a crack


Good afternoon. My name is Julio and I would like to know about my future.

Hello welcome. What would you like to know about your future?

Well, one of my greatest wishes is one day to have my children but I don't know how many I
will have. I would like to know, how many children I will have in the future?

Respondes q tendre 5 hijos

Amazing, I didn't expect to have so many children. I guess I probably won't have time for
anything. I am very worried about the new coronavirus disease as it is getting closer to our
country. I would like to know if will the find the cure for this disease soon? Will many people
Respondes q morira mucha gente y encontraran la cura

That sounds very sad. I hope nobody close to me will die, but I am very happy to hear that
they will find the cure. Every time we talk about the end of the world, we believe it will be due
to catastrophes caused by global warming. So, I would like to know, why and when will the end
of the world be?

Respondes q sera en 100 años por el calentamiento global habran catástrofes en todo el
mundo algo asi

That’s so terrible. I think that could be avoided if we stop polluting so much now. One of my
big dreams is that one day the human being can find a planet with life since I would like to
travel through the universe and meet new ones, so When does the human being discover
another planet with life, I Will I be alive to witness this event?

Respondes q no estare vivo

That will be amazing, but it makes me sad to know that I probably won't be when it will
happen. How much is your service?

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