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Identify the exact meaning of something they read and what’s implied by
the word choice, tone, and use of language. Decide whether a writer’s
argument has enough good evidence and reasoning to back it up. Connect
ideas and information in writing in a natural and effective way. Analyze why
information is presented in one media format over another. Develop a
9th-12 Grade vocabulary of academic words and phrases to use in writing and discussion.
Make sense of figures of speech (like puns or idioms) based on the context
in which they’re used.

Analyze how a writer added and how the plot, characters, and setting work
th th together to tell the story. Look at how a writer uses different characters to
7 -8 Grade
show many points of view. Begins practicing short research projects

Organization and independence are important sixth-grade skills. read and

th th
5 -6 Grade understand a wide range of high-quality texts, including stories, plays, and
poems from across cultures and time periods.

Aware of sound/symbol relationships, develops fluency in

nd rd
3 -4 Grade reading, knows several sight words, recognizes letters in own

Birth-2st Grade Gains control of oral language, loves pictures, pretends to ready,
memorizes words

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