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Important phrasal verbs:

1. Come by: it means to find something

a. Do you come by my keys?
b. Obtain: He came by his fortune suddenly
c. Pass by: I came by the library and borrowed some books
d. Visit: Thank you for coming by today
2. Get by: it means do something with the minimum amount of work
a. I’m just getting by in my English class
b. Pass by: I get by the check point with difficulty every time
c. Succeed with difficulty: She got by the TOEFL and entered her college last year
3. Make for: it means go or run in a specific direction
a. Seeing a light , I made for it
4. Go for: it means pursue something
a. I think I’m going go for Degree Program
b. Go for it! Get your degree of Master of Arts
5. Put up with: it means endure or stand
a. I can’t put up with you anymore
6. Take up: it means start or begin something / a hobby
a. I really like sports so maybe I take up a new sport
b. I want to take up photography this summer
7. Break into: it means when a robber enters your house without permission
a. Some burglars broke into the shop yesterday
8. Look into: it means to research something
a. I’ll look into it
b. The police looked into the criminal case last week
9. Pull up: it means to find some information, research
a. Do you know the information or the phone number for the restaurant that I’m
gonna go to? I’ll pull up the information
b. Let's pull up some information online
10. Pick up: it means to start something
a. I’m gonna pick up a new hobby
b. He picked up smoking at 18

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