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Anna Gassett

Jim Price


24 November 2019

Little Women Reflection

This production was STUNNING in every way. The actors truly gave me all the feels and

blew me away by the amount of talent they all have. Seeing them pour their hearts out on stage

reminded me of how fortunate I am to go here. It truly baffles me every day. I look up so much

to the upper-class men and the show exceeded my expectations of what they are capable of. All

of the sisters worked so beautifully together and reminded me of how lucky I am to have a sister.

It made me want to give her a big hug. The girls had such an undeniable bond and love for one

another that could not be challenged even with all of the obstacles they had to go through in their


I absolutely love the message that the show conveys. It teaches women that although it is

a struggle to find their own voices, it is possible. A woman is always worthy regardless if she has

a man by her side or not. I resonate with this so much. While Beth and Meg are tempted more to

conforming to society’s expectations of the role that women should play, Jo breaks free from

these constraints and nurtures her individuality. Listening to Bella sing astonishing had me in

tears. She sang that song with such honor and strength and she showed that women can be

incredible and astonishing all on their own. They are enough.

I really loved the choreography in the show. It can be easy to make this show seem

unrealistic if done with specific choreography and blocking in the musical numbers, but I felt the

movement to be crafted so flawlessly and be completely realistic with the objectives of each
character in each song. I also love how the ensemble was utilized throughout the show. The

transitions became so seamless and entertaining because of the vignettes and pictures that were

being created in the low light. The ensemble had fun relationships with one another. They would

move a piece of scenery and then play a joke on their partner before running offstage. I would

love to know how Alex Rodriguez came up with the concept of such a present, imperative

ensemble. It was quite beautiful.

Bella Coppola. Bella Coppola. Bella Coppola. That girl impresses me more and more

every day. Her work in this show was spectacular. Her voice just soars through the audience. I

long to have her vocal freedom and control over the instrument at some point in my life.

Whenever she sang in the show, I was never worried if she was going to hit the next note in a

song because I was confident that she would deliver. That is how good she is. All of the sisters

were very strong and specific with their characters. They each have their own points of views.

Jo’s personality is especially exuberant because she is the protagonist and the main character of

the show. She is so passionate about changing the limitations that are placed on women, and she

always puts her family before romance. Meg is a kind, responsible romantic who acts as a

motherly figure for her sisters. Beth is the quietest and most reserved of the sisters, but finds

herself through music and playing the piano. Amy stands out for her weakness in adoring

material things and beauty above more important things. She definitely acts as the stereotypical

“youngest child” in the way that she busts out in fits of pouting and temper tantrums. The girls

all did a phenomenal job of staying true to the specificity and reality of their characters. This

show was a 10/10 for me.

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