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Daniel Gutierrez


Dear students, following the previous topic that was inventions, technology, etc. There is a
movie I wanted to see with you but when I wanted to make reservation of the multimedia
rooms, it was not possible. I know we have already started with another topic on Friday.
However, we can keep that in stand by for a week and then continue. In this order of
ideas, I am going to share with you the activities to be carried out until Friday 27 th. You are
going to complete a couple of exercises in relation to this movie. Here I am sharing a link
watch it English with subtitles in English 😉

Name: Daniel Alejandro Gutierrez Acosta

Ilex course 5
Daniel Gutierrez

Part 1 - Watch the film and answer the following questions. (Reflective and well-
supported answers, please at least 40 words per question)
A - Turing was forced to conceal his homosexuality because it was illegal. How might
holding such a big secret have influenced his role in breaking the Enigma code?

In view of the information in the movie, I believe that Turing have a clear objective,
this object was created to decipher the code enigma. If the secret had been
discovered many time ago is possible that the government or the cultural decision
affect physical or psychological to Turing.

B - Do you find the barbaric treatment inflicted on Turing by the government shocking?
How does it make you feel that this is a relatively recent event? Can you think of any
countries around the world where similar practices still exist?

I consider that is a medical treatment isn’t ethical because the
decisions and sexual preferences of all people must be respected .
I also consider that in the actuality with the globalization and
changes in peoples rights. There are no cultures that perform this
kind of practice or medical treatment for this type of people

C - Some people have criticised for the film because in their opinion, the film avoids
talking about Turing’s sexuality in any detail. Why might they think that? Do you agree?

In this movie, the objective was not talks about homosexuality or
show aspects about sexuality, The movie objective is to teach
about the history of the war and strategies used to win the war.
Therefore I think that last century was an age of conflicts and
showed rebuff of these kinds of people.

D - Turing was granted an historical pardon by the Queen in 2013, long after his death.
Do you think this was an important thing for the country to do? Why?
I think if its something important by the country because its always important to
know the story or real events. I also think that for the homosexual community is
important accept this recognition for the achievement of turing, something that
had to have been recognized at the time and to allow the humanity will achieve
grear achievement
Daniel Gutierrez

Part 2 - You are going to watch this video, it

is an interview of the main actors at the London Film Festival. Again use from 30 to 40 words
minimum to explain each question.

- In this short interview they mentioned things like “Turing´s story is an underrated” why do
you think he says so? Explain

I think the story and its way of developing gender that other important approaches will be set
aside, as are the oppression they made to Turing, So this can generate controversy over the
actions that it should take Turing to live at that moment, I think he had to act like another
person, for this reason I think they didn’t give it as much important in their time

- They also talked about the role of women in society and how it has changed (taking into
consideration that this happened NOT many years ago) Explain what you think she referred to

I think that just as the actress said Keira Knightley, the woman has tried to change things, the
actual woman was fighting for a place at the table, equal pay and that is still what feminists
are fighting for today. Thanks to these things women’s rights are changing

- And they even talked about the importance for people in general to know this kind of stories.
Why do you think this emphasis on suggesting stories like this to people?

I think that this kind of stories help remember to current human the beginning of many
technologies or tools and allow to understand many things that work today, these things help
to global development
Daniel Gutierrez

Part 3 – Write a film review of the movie. The structure of a film review is the following :
Introduction (General aspects of the movie, kind of movie, main actors, locations, setting,
release date, etc) Body (the plot, the story itself, avoid telling how the movie finishes)
conclusion (opinion in general, en relation to the acting, music, photography, etc and if
you recommend it or not and why) Word count: 200-250 words
Review of the movie
In this movie with a context of war, with message and denunciation, this movie was
directed by Morten Tyldum. Alan Turing is the main character; he was in charge of
creating the machine that would solve the code enigma. In the film characters are
portrayed as Joan Clarke, Hugh Alexander, Robert Nock and others important figures fot
the history of world war II.
The film show about a group of people who were selected to work on the enigma code,
this was a language used by the germans which had important strategies about the war,
for them was one of the most important and complicated riddles, they knew that
developing and solving the code they had the chance to win the war.
It was a very difficult job for them but after multiple attempts and problems they can
solving the code, when they got this achievement realized the power they had and that
they had to learn how to handle it so that this could complicate the goal of winning the
war, Turing and your team were very intelligent and allowed your country to win the war.
Finally, they erased all the evidence and went on with their lives, by Turing, the genius
who made possible this invention because of his sexual condition and since the interfering
government he decided to end his life.
I think that is a cool history, in this film we can see the importance of human reasoning
and that thanks to period of conflict great ideas can emerge, I think that in this moment
the world is going through a big challenge with the COVID-19, this film could motivate
people to get ahead, it could show the importance of science and that through reasoning
great problems can be solved.

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