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Josiah Assefa

Mrs. Krumbiegel

Class - 5

9 April 2020

Pushing Back School Start Times

The article “California Becomes First State in the Country to Push Back School

Start Times” by Taryn Luna, Los Angeles Times, published on October 13, 2019, talks

about California being the first state in the United States of America “to mandate later

start times at most public schools”(California Becomes First State in the Country to

Push Back School Start Times). But it shows the conflict and arguments among people

who believe that school should start later or stay the same. As a marching band

student, mandating school start times later wouldn’t change anything for me because

the marching band practice times would probably still start at 7 am or earlier school time

activities would probably stay the same. Then for me in second semester my brother

and I like to arrive at school early anyway so mandating school times would just

elongate school and cut into my after school time activities.

The advantages give us students more sleep time which can be helpful, but the

disadvantages can outweigh the advantages. A drawback of late start times is that there

are some “laborers and service industry employees who don’t have the option of

starting their workday later”(California Becomes First State in the Country to Push Back

School Start Times). Also, some students might have to move or even quit some of

there after school activities due to later start times cutting into there after school
activities. Therefore, California moving school start times later is more detrimental than

beneficial to the students.

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