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Room 2022, Morris University Center

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Edwardsville, Ill., 62025

Jimmy DelVecchio, Marketing and Communications

SIUE Art and Design
March 22, 2020
Let Creativity Flourish
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. - “I knew from the moment I began my university education that
I wanted to continue pursuing what I love, and what I love is art,” recalls Mallory Bugg, a
fourth-year student within Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Art and Design
Like many other students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Mallory Bugg has
always had a passion for creativity. Mallory took any chance she could get to take an art class
before coming to SIUE and choosing to pursue a degree in the arts was an easy decision for her.
The desire to pursue an education in the arts is not a common trend, but yet, SIUE’s Art and
Design Department is dedicated to providing an environment where students like Mallory not
only feel at home, but also know that their dreams are achievable.
The Department of Art and Design has truly become a second home for students here at
SIUE. At first glance of the SIUE campus, one might not notice the small yet fascinating Art and
Design building. The building is not as large or heavily populated as the other SIUE buildings,
but it contains a community of students that are like no other. Each student in the department has
their own story and goals, but they all share a similar love for expressing their passions into art.
Students in the Art and Design department are taught the value and power of individual
creative expression by learning hands on techniques taught by experienced professors, while also
examining diverse cultures and time periods. Students learn to have a greater appreciation of our
world and gain a new outlook of the human experience overall.
The halls of the Art and Design building are filled with the drawings, paintings,
sculptures and many more forms of art created by the students, and it is mesmerizing to see.
Students exhibit their artwork in annual exhibitions, and the department even displays massive
sculptures across the SIUE campus. The student life within SIUE Art and Design is also filled
with a variety of student organizations that promote the importance of the arts.
Teachers within this department encourage students to experiment, and they challenge
students daily to visualize new concepts and thoughts. This department is filled with student and
faculty bonds, and the atmosphere surrounding the students is one filled with enthusiasm, and
motivation to succeed.
“I love working for this department,” says Leah Power, an office support specialist in
SIUE Art and Design “I get to see and experience beautiful work daily, and I know the faculty
here all want to see the students thrive.”
The support SIUE Art and Design receives is a critical component of its success. Because
of the immense admiration students, faculty, and alumni have for SIUE Art and Design, the
department continues to flourish. Friends of Art is an important organization at SIUE because
without their support, SIUE Art and Design could not function. By fundraising for the
department and flooding in a community of members, Friends of Art provides essential programs
and resources for SIUE Art and Design.
SIUE Art and Design aims to continue providing their students with the best learning
environment possible. The love the students and faculty have for the department is unmatched
and can be seen by the incredible artwork and accomplishments the students achieve. By
donating or becoming a member of Friends of Art, you can support current and future students in
their educational experience. SIUE Art and Design will always promote the education of the arts,
and by supporting this department we can see how important creativity really is.

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