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Commercial 1: The Subaru Poodle Commercial

1. The claim of the dog based commercials is that if a dog can approve of it, then so can
you. The main emphasis of the commercial is to get you to buy a Subaru.
2. At the end of each commercial the words “Dog tested. Dog Approved.” come up which
clearly states that if a dog can approve it then you can too.
3. I don’t think that the commercial provides any evidence to show that it’s dog approved,
but it rather has a funnier feel to the commercial since dogs are driving the car.
4. The commercial really only appeals to pathos by using dogs and putting them in
humanly elements, so that the commercial can affect people in a humorous way.
5. The main audience for this commercial would be: people 16 years and older, both males
and females, middle to high class, people who love dogs, and people who have been in
the commercial’s situations before.

Commercial 2: The Ford Ranger - Science of Truck

1. The main claim of the Ford commercial is that if you need a tough truck, then the Ford
Ranger is the truck to have.
2. Ford’s reasoning for the commercial was to prove that their truck is the strongest.
3. This commercial provides plenty of evidence about the truck to show that it’s tough. The
torque force from their test was provided, and it was at 465. They also go into detail
about their towbar, and how its uniquely placed bolts help distribute the load evenly
throughout the truck.
4. This commercial mostly appeals to logos since the commercial was strictly based on
informing its views about how strong the truck is.
5. The main audience for this commercial would be: young adults and older, people who
live in an area with a lot of hills, middle to high class, and people who constantly haul a

Commercial 3: Audi Welcomes Women to the Driver’s Seat

1. The claim of the Audi commercial is that men aren’t the only ones who can drive an
2. Audi’s commercial wanted to show that women can drive too, so the made a woman
drive while her husband sat in the passenger seat.
3. The commercial didn’t provide any facts behind why women can drive. They just showed
a woman driving.
4. I think that the commercial appealed to both pathos, and ethos. Pathos was used to
show how happy the woman was to drive the Audi. Ethos was used because the
commercial goes against the average stereotype that only men can drive.
5. The main audience for the commercial would be: people 16 and older, women, people
who live in the middle east, middle to high class, people who live in areas where it’s
thought that only men should be able to drive.

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